Chicago Mayor - Brandon Johnson pulls an upset?

Nope, just pointing out that a guy who spent a decade living outside the city had no idea of what ails her.

America isn't going to fix the problems... because we love our guns more than we love our children.
Because too many people are making money off the prison-industrial complex.
And because the rich have convinced you that they deserve to have most of the wealth. You guys don't even pretend tax cuts for the rich help the economy anymore.
Well, there is that pesky thing call the US Constitution that gets in the way of your Eurotrash Socialist utopia.
Who is still laughing....


Something is seriously wrong with people from Chicago....
Out of the frying pan....into the fire....

April 5, 2023

Chicago elects a new mayor who defended looting​

By Thomas Lifson

Not quite one-third of registered voters (33.2%) bothered to vote in Tuesday’s election for the next mayor of Chicago, and the non-voting two thirds may soon regret their electoral passivity. Brandon Johnson, a far-left radical, has won the race with a 2.8% margin at the latest count, and thanks to his anti-police stance, the crime wave driving businesses and residents out of the city will only get worse.

Mayor-elect Brandon Johnson (Twitter icon)​

Andy Ngo highlights Mayor-elect Johnson’s anti-police rhetoric:

So typical of Chicago voters.
No, they just realized that elected old white machine politicians like Vallas, Rahm and Richie Daley doesn't make things better for most of them.

Vallas threatened to "Unleash the police" to fight crime, and a lot of Chicagoans remember that resulted in "Driving while Black" and kids being shot 16 times and said "Um, no thanks."
Chicago democrats: Hmmm, Chicago is a terrible place to live. What do we need to do?

Rest of the world: Chicago is a terrible place to live and democrats have been running it for decades. They should probably try something different, maybe elect some Republicans to get some new ideas.

Chicago democrats: I know, let's elect more democrats!!!

Rest of the world: SMH and walk away.
I'm sure Mr. Johnson will do his best to make Chicago a "Chocolate City" like someone of similar stature did in New Orleans. And other similar mayors are doing in New York, Baltimore, Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Youngstown.
It's not how they wanted it, They voted for Vallas. This creep Johnson, won a RIGGED ELECTION. Have the posters in this thread not learned anything over the last few years about how Demcrats conduct "elections". Not learned anything from 2020. Or 2022 in Arizona ?

Chicago has been having questionable elections at least since 2016.

Chicago is loaded with millionaires who are hard working , honest but all vote D

This wasn't even about R vs D, it was about less crazy D vs. SJW woke idiot D.

and they chose SJW woke idiot D.

Gooder and harder, Chicago.
No, we need to invest the resources to address the underlying causes of crime - poverty, racism, drug addiction, mental illness and gun proliferation.

Not surprising, that’s the same bs every politician in Chicago has said for decades….
Well, in the Chicago race, it looks like Brandon Johnson has beaten Paul Vallas.

View attachment 773264

Paul Vallas was supported by the Democratic Establishment, and particularly the Fraternal Order of Police.
Brandon Johnson was supported by Bernie Sanders, Liz Warren, and the Chicago Teacher's Union.

I have mixed feelings. While I don't personally reside in Chicago proper, what happens in Chicago effects me in a number of ways.

If I could have voted, I'd have voted for Vallas. Neither choice was a good one, from my viewpoint. Vallas had more executive experience.

So, the demofascist elites chose the more destructive of the two progressive loons.

Okay. It will be fun to watch shitcago fall apart as those who can, leave.
Well, in the Chicago race, it looks like Brandon Johnson has beaten Paul Vallas.

View attachment 773264

Paul Vallas was supported by the Democratic Establishment, and particularly the Fraternal Order of Police.
Brandon Johnson was supported by Bernie Sanders, Liz Warren, and the Chicago Teacher's Union.

I have mixed feelings. While I don't personally reside in Chicago proper, what happens in Chicago effects me in a number of ways.

If I could have voted, I'd have voted for Vallas. Neither choice was a good one, from my viewpoint. Vallas had more executive experience.
Out with the old progressive and her failed policies and in with the new progressive to carry on those very same policies. What a bunch of dumb fucks. No wonder Chicago is a shithole city.
They seem to just be different sides of the same coin I didn’t see anything changing in Chicago no matter who won.
Democrats obviously believe that the best way to fix the problems caused by democrats running the city for decades is to keep electing the same democrats to run it longer.

The white hating , anti police and cop hating POS is the new mayor
Yup. Out with the old progressive mayor and her failed policies that turned Chicago into a shithole city and in with the new progressive mayor who will carry on the same policies. But, I don't understand the point of voting her out, only to elect the very same to replace her.
Yup. Out with the old progressive mayor and her failed policies that turned Chicago into a shithole city and in with the new progressive mayor who will carry on the same policies. But, I don't understand the point of voting her out, only to elect the very same to replace her.

Actually, it won't be the same will be worse...........he is not even hiding his marxism....
They reap what they sow. Shove it in deep, they are begging for it, unless of course the election was stolen.

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