Chicago Mayor - Brandon Johnson pulls an upset?


Somehow Democrats can't figure out their decay is progressive.

No, they just realized that elected old white machine politicians like Vallas, Rahm and Richie Daley doesn't make things better for most of them.

Vallas threatened to "Unleash the police" to fight crime, and a lot of Chicagoans remember that resulted in "Driving while Black" and kids being shot 16 times and said "Um, no thanks."
No, they just realized that elected old white machine politicians like Vallas, Rahm and Richie Daley doesn't make things better for most of them.

Vallas threatened to "Unleash the police" to fight crime, and a lot of Chicagoans remember that resulted in "Driving while Black" and kids being shot 16 times and said "Um, no thanks."
The feds need to come in that shithole and assert control.
No, they just realized that elected old white machine politicians like Vallas, Rahm and Richie Daley doesn't make things better for most of them.

Vallas threatened to "Unleash the police" to fight crime, and a lot of Chicagoans remember that resulted in "Driving while Black" and kids being shot 16 times and said "Um, no thanks."
More private businesses will leave the city if the new mayor is the same as the old.
Well, in the Chicago race, it looks like Brandon Johnson has beaten Paul Vallas.

Paul Vallas was supported by the Democratic Establishment, and particularly the Fraternal Order of Police.
Brandon Johnson was supported by Bernie Sanders, Liz Warren, and the Chicago Teacher's Union.

The voters were stupid.

Now they have a male Lightfoot!!!
While I don't personally reside in Chicago proper, what happens in Chicago effects me in a number of ways.
Vallas threatened to "Unleash the police" to fight crime, and a lot of Chicagoans remember that resulted in "Driving while Black" and kids being shot 16 times and said "Um, no thanks."
Well, I no longer live there either, but spent 30 years during and after my career there. I am a great great fan of Chicago. With all its warts. And, like JoeB, I too would have voted for Vallas. He had a very productive career in various top-level education assignments in various cities with 'challenged' school systems.....most notably, Chicago. He most definitely has 'leadership' experience. I'm mildly surprised by his loss.

But too, poster Joe, makes a traction-full point: 'Unleashing the police'..... is more than problematic in Chicago. The police have long carried the reputation for brutality....the referenced McDonald shooting is only one of the more notorious incidences., and that incident paved the way for Rahm Emanuel leaving the mayoral office. People remember. The shocking video of the 16-shot murder makes it hard for them to forget.

So, yeah, I can see how the south side, the near west side, neighborhoods of black and brown citizens would be pretty leery of having the police unleashed upon them again.
Sure, Chicago has a violence problem....concentrated poverty, the drug trade, and easy access to guns from relaxed gun law jurisdictions in the suburbs and Indiana.....make for a lethal brew.


The feds need to come in that shithole and assert control.
I would respectfully submit that you know little about Chicago. But, am willing to hear your bona fides on your experience with the city. Do you live there? Have you ever lived there? Is your experience based only upon what you have read in the popular media?
The feds need to come in that shithole and assert control.
No, we need to invest the resources to address the underlying causes of crime - poverty, racism, drug addiction, mental illness and gun proliferation.

More private businesses will leave the city if the new mayor is the same as the old.
Wow.. that was almost coherent.


The voters were stupid.

Now they have a male Lightfoot!!!
Or they realize that more Machine politicians aren't going to fix the problem.
Well, I no longer live there either, but spent 30 years during and after my career there. I am a great great fan of Chicago. With all its warts. And, like JoeB, I too would have voted for Vallas. He had a very productive career in various top-level education assignments in various cities with 'challenged' school systems.....most notably, Chicago. He most definitely has 'leadership' experience. I'm mildly surprised by his loss.

I can't say I am. Johnson pulled off a surprise second place showing in the first round when most of the polls had him running fourth. So the polls were clearly underestimating his strength. So when polls had Vallas with a razor thin lead, I suspected he had a very good chance.

The CTU, remembering his actions as school superintendent a decade ago, were dead set against him.

But too, poster Joe, makes a traction-full point: 'Unleashing the police'..... is more than problematic in Chicago. The police have long carried the reputation for brutality....the referenced McDonald shooting is only one of the more notorious incidences., and that incident paved the way for Rahm Emanuel leaving the mayoral office. People remember. The shocking video of the 16-shot murder makes it hard for them to forget.

My brother is friends with the officer who shot McDonald. We haven't been on speaking terms for about seven years. The real problem isn't just that officer made a terrible mistake, it was how the system went to the mattresses to protect him. From an attempt to pay off the family with an NDA, to the FOP paying millions for his defense, to a Machine Judge bending the sentencing guidelines to give him a minimum sentence.

So, yeah, I can see how the south side, the near west side, neighborhoods of black and brown citizens would be pretty leery of having the police unleashed upon them again.
Sure, Chicago has a violence problem....concentrated poverty, the drug trade, and easy access to guns from relaxed gun law jurisdictions in the suburbs and Indiana.....make for a lethal brew.
Well said. But the usual suspects will just be hating on Chicago because Obama came from there.
No, they just realized that elected old white machine politicians like Vallas, Rahm and Richie Daley doesn't make things better for most of them.

Vallas threatened to "Unleash the police" to fight crime, and a lot of Chicagoans remember that resulted in "Driving while Black" and kids being shot 16 times and said "Um, no thanks."
So now you a racist POS. Figures.
No, we need to invest the resources to address the underlying causes of crime - poverty, racism, drug addiction, mental illness and gun proliferation.

Wow.. that was almost coherent.

Or they realize that more Machine politicians aren't going to fix the problem.
Democrats in general aren't going to fix the problem.
So now you a racist POS. Figures.

Nope, just pointing out that a guy who spent a decade living outside the city had no idea of what ails her.

Democrats in general aren't going to fix the problem.
America isn't going to fix the problems... because we love our guns more than we love our children.
Because too many people are making money off the prison-industrial complex.
And because the rich have convinced you that they deserve to have most of the wealth. You guys don't even pretend tax cuts for the rich help the economy anymore.
Just so everyone is clear, I'm not a fan of Johnson. He's too in with the Bernie Bros who are damaging the party.

But I get why he won. I get why people in the city voted for him over the guy who couldn't wait to let the Charter Scammers loot the school system again.
Just so everyone is clear, I'm not a fan of Johnson. He's too in with the Bernie Bros who are damaging the party.

But I get why he won. I get why people in the city voted for him over the guy who couldn't wait to let the Charter Scammers loot the school system again.

So you understand why the Establishment guy lost but the guy from outside the Establishment is the problem?
Just so everyone is clear, I'm not a fan of Johnson. He's too in with the Bernie Bros who are damaging the party.

But I get why he won. I get why people in the city voted for him over the guy who couldn't wait to let the Charter Scammers loot the school system again.
Damaging the party? Is the purpose of the Democratic party to protect the Democratic party or is the purpose of the Democratic party to represent its voters?
Gawd, it's hard to even fathom.....Small wonder there were poll taxes and such applied to negros given the results of their voting habits.....Those that imposed them should be viewed as Prophets instead of the "racists" we were led to believe they were.

Oh well.

No, we need to invest the resources to address the underlying causes of crime - poverty, racism, drug addiction, mental illness and gun proliferation.

Wow.. that was almost coherent.

Or they realize that more Machine politicians aren't going to fix the problem.
Wise ass responses does not change the direction we are headed. We have invested endless resources. We have not demanded personal responsibilities in living. No perfection needed.
Wise ass responses does not change the direction we are headed. We have invested endless resources. We have not demanded personal responsibilities in living. No perfection needed.

Which is why we need to quit bailing out failed businesses. It's not the taxpayers problem when people do not responsibly run their business.

The white hating , anti police and cop hating POS is the new mayor
They keep electing black radicals yet never figure out why their lives in the city continue to get worse.

Defies logic
Out of the frying pan....into the fire....

April 5, 2023

Chicago elects a new mayor who defended looting​

By Thomas Lifson

Not quite one-third of registered voters (33.2%) bothered to vote in Tuesday’s election for the next mayor of Chicago, and the non-voting two thirds may soon regret their electoral passivity. Brandon Johnson, a far-left radical, has won the race with a 2.8% margin at the latest count, and thanks to his anti-police stance, the crime wave driving businesses and residents out of the city will only get worse.

Mayor-elect Brandon Johnson (Twitter icon)​

Andy Ngo highlights Mayor-elect Johnson’s anti-police rhetoric:

Johnson has faced notable criticism in both the general and runoff election campaigns for signaling past support of "defunding the police", after comments surfaced of the Commissioner calling the slogan "a political goal."

Johnson retorted by saying it was not "his political goal" any longer, and has since clarified that he would not reduce the Chicago Police Department's budget after notably being the only candidate in the first round to not commit to maintaining the department's current budget.

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