Chicago Protesters VS Black Friday.Seriously?,Would You Go Shopping In Chicago This Week?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:afro::eek-52: With all of the illegal guns and criminals on the loose throughout Chicago, why would anyone want to go shopping, especially this weekend? Then again, aren't most residents of Chicago suburbs poor? What are they going to do?, Have a field day with their 1000.00 EBT Limit at Wally World and Target?
If any of us were living in Chicago, we would just tell those who are threatening to block all of the wal-marts, something like,,,Hey, go ahead and block {name{s} of shopping centers, then tell them your going shopping at a town 30 minutes away {well, in a much more safer neighborhood}, and also go shopping on line where at least you will not get hit by any "Hillary Sniper Fire" :disbelief:
well at least some of us will wear body armor before entering a chicago wal-mart.
Would You Go Shopping In Chicago This Week?

Not if I were black.

These days, a 17 year old kid with a LEGAL 3" knife is likely to be gunned down in the street for no reason at all.

Looks like the murderer got lucky though.

Let's hope he gets stuck in general population.
With blacks who have kids they love.
With the only protection being very horny white supremacists.

lets see how long the thugs last in 30 degree weather,,,kind of hard to protest when your arms/fingers are 35 degrees.
well at least some of us will wear body armor before entering a chicago wal-mart.

Shipping in body armor????????/

Honest to fucking god, I would just hate to live in fear the way you nutters do.

Pretty sure all the protection you need (if you're white) is your tinfoil beanie.

lets see how long the thugs last in 30 degree weather,,,kind of hard to protest when your arms/fingers are 35 degrees.
I am in favor of using water cannons in cold weather. It's rough, protesting while soaked to the skin in 30 degree weather.
god, i wish it snowed all weekend in chicago/mixed with freezing rain. then lets see if they protest.
Oddly, one of the teens threatening a black friday close down says it will bring the community together.

Like Laquan, this teen must be high on PCP.
Would You Go Shopping In Chicago This Week?

Not if I were black.

These days, a 17 year old kid with a LEGAL 3" knife is likely to be gunned down in the street for no reason at all.

Looks like the murderer got lucky though.

Let's hope he gets stuck in general population.
With blacks who have kids they love.
With the only protection being very horny white supremacists.


is it legal to carry a knife. I really do not know. There are places into which one cannot bring nail clippers. I would not go to Macy's------or any other store on BLACK FRIDAY----
Are blacks planning to burn down their own neighborhoods again?

I think they may eventually get around to burning down yours if you're a stupid white person who supports a cop who's been charged with first-degree murder, you dumb fuck

No need to get your panties in a wad, I'm simply pointing out more often than not when blacks go on the warpath they lash out at whites by burning down a black neighborhood which seems, well kind of stupid.
lets see how long the thugs last in 30 degree weather,,,kind of hard to protest when your arms/fingers are 35 degrees.
I am in favor of using water cannons in cold weather. It's rough, protesting while soaked to the skin in 30 degree weather.
Only if they get out of hand, but, once (not if) they do, then, sure, what the hell, and the colder the water, the better...
I wouldn't go shopping in Chicago any week. Frankly, I wouldn't go there to take a dump.
That's certainly true for most of the "old" Black sections of the City, dating back to either the post-WWI or post-WWII migrations, and long-since turned to shit...
Are blacks planning to burn down their own neighborhoods again?
It's all they're allowed to do...

If they move in an organized assault against White neighborhoods or adjoining suburbs, the Illinois National Guard throws a ring of steel around the ghettos, and patrols the streets in APCs, etc. - nobody goes in or out for a few days, until they regain a measure of sanity...
:afro::eek-52: With all of the illegal guns and criminals on the loose throughout Chicago, why would anyone want to go shopping, especially this weekend? Then again, aren't most residents of Chicago suburbs poor? What are they going to do?, Have a field day with their 1000.00 EBT Limit at Wally World and Target?
If any of us were living in Chicago, we would just tell those who are threatening to block all of the wal-marts, something like,,,Hey, go ahead and block {name{s} of shopping centers, then tell them your going shopping at a town 30 minutes away {well, in a much more safer neighborhood}, and also go shopping on line where at least you will not get hit by any "Hillary Sniper Fire" :disbelief:

I wouldn't live, work, play, or shop anywhere near that left wing shithole.
No way. I don't see how anyone can enjoy that. Yuck. :cheeky-smiley-018: It's more like a nightmare to me.

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