Chick-fil-A feeds stranded drivers

Do you think human decency is a game of points? Do you really think that if some guy is a homophobic asshole that somehow he can earn a pass on that if he hands out some food?

is it possible that one is a homophobic asshole because he has a strong religious conviction....and therefore not really an asshole...perhaps simply misguided?

Oh yes. It's EXTREMELY possible. :D

hey. Even when I disagree, I still look at all possibilities.

I debate on the side of pro gay marriage frequently....some I debate with are typical bigots....others are very misguided but in no way saying that gay life is evil life..
Chick-fil-A president deletes anti-gay marriage tweet - Jun. 27, 2013

In his defense, he backtracked afterward.

I support not being an ass hole to every person who has differing political views out there and are respectable people - but I will always have a pretty big reservation towards baseless bigotry though. I find it evil and cynical, the extent to which people try to justify it with pseudo arguments as well.

there are many that are anti gay due to their religious convictions. I do not necessarily agree with them, but it is not fair to consider those arguments as being pseudo arguments.

Think about this....

Is it appropriate for someone...say a say to a catholic...."you believe in Jesus Christ? You actually believe a man rose up after he died and is the messiah? You believe in ghosts? What are you, insane?"
People do say that. All the time

Today one must agree with the liberals way of thinking or you will be trashed. They have zero tolerance for anything that makes them question their own feelings

yes, people do say that all the time.

But my question was "is it appropriate?"
there are many that are anti gay due to their religious convictions. I do not necessarily agree with them, but it is not fair to consider those arguments as being pseudo arguments.

Think about this....

Is it appropriate for someone...say a say to a catholic...."you believe in Jesus Christ? You actually believe a man rose up after he died and is the messiah? You believe in ghosts? What are you, insane?"
People do say that. All the time

Today one must agree with the liberals way of thinking or you will be trashed. They have zero tolerance for anything that makes them question their own feelings

yes, people do say that all the time.

But my question was "is it appropriate?"
Oh, ok.

No it's not. But the left isn't concerned with whats appropriate. Almost everything they say is inflammatory and dishonest. That's their idea of being superior...common decency is not required when addressing or discussing the right
I've never done anything against a gay person. I don't approve of their lifestyle, but in this country they are free to do as they please. Plus i have my own life to live to give it anymore thought, but people like carriberer will call me a homophobe. Just like his kind call me a racist for disagreeing with a black man. Which in the real world, he has no creditbility.
People do say that. All the time

Today one must agree with the liberals way of thinking or you will be trashed. They have zero tolerance for anything that makes them question their own feelings

yes, people do say that all the time.

But my question was "is it appropriate?"
Oh, ok.

No it's not. But the left isn't concerned with whats appropriate. Almost everything they say is inflammatory and dishonest. That's their idea of being superior...common decency is not required when addressing or discussing the right

which goes back to my statement that the left has little tolerance for those that think differently than they do.
I've never done anything against a gay person. I don't approve of their lifestyle, but in this country they are free to do as they please. Plus i have my own life to live to give it anymore thought, but people like carriberer will call me a homophobe. Just like his kind call me a racist for disagreeing with a black man. Which in the real world, he has no creditbility.

I am a conservative. It is not my place to approve or disapprove of anyone's lifestyle. I debate on the side of gay marriage BECUASE I am a conservative...and it bothers me that other conservatives tell me how "personal responsibility" is the key to life and in the same breath, talk about how gays are living the life of evil.
Ok, correct me if I have this wrong. But we're talking about two different people here. There is the owner of that particular Chic-Fil-A who was kind enough to give out free food to stranded drivers and should be commended and then there is the CEO of Chic-fil-a who is a bigot and had nothing to do with this good deed.
Ok, correct me if I have this wrong. But we're talking about two different people here. There is the owner of that particular Chic-Fil-A who was kind enough to give out free food to stranded drivers and should be commended and then there is the CEO of Chic-fil-a who is a bigot and had nothing to do with this good deed.

Fighting bigotry by being a bigot?

How entirely dimocraptic of you.

eat a neg, bitch
Ok, correct me if I have this wrong. But we're talking about two different people here. There is the owner of that particular Chic-Fil-A who was kind enough to give out free food to stranded drivers and should be commended and then there is the CEO of Chic-fil-a who is a bigot and had nothing to do with this good deed.

Fighting bigotry by being a bigot?

How entirely dimocraptic of you.

eat a neg, bitch

Can someone translate this in to English please.
I've never done anything against a gay person. I don't approve of their lifestyle, but in this country they are free to do as they please. Plus i have my own life to live to give it anymore thought, but people like carriberer will call me a homophobe. Just like his kind call me a racist for disagreeing with a black man. Which in the real world, he has no creditbility.

I am a conservative. It is not my place to approve or disapprove of anyone's lifestyle. I debate on the side of gay marriage BECUASE I am a conservative...and it bothers me that other conservatives tell me how "personal responsibility" is the key to life and in the same breath, talk about how gays are living the life of evil.
I'm a conservative and debate on the side against gay marriage for the same reason. Not due to religion. Why would it bother you if someone thinks its evil?
It should bother anyone that people hold an irrational and unjustifiable belief system in judgment of others, especially if said irrational belief effects social policy. It's a poison on society.
It should bother anyone that people hold an irrational and unjustifiable belief system in judgment of others, especially if said irrational belief effects social policy. It's a poison on society.

That's why conservatives don't respect most liberals
Ok, correct me if I have this wrong. But we're talking about two different people here. There is the owner of that particular Chic-Fil-A who was kind enough to give out free food to stranded drivers and should be commended and then there is the CEO of Chic-fil-a who is a bigot and had nothing to do with this good deed.

Fighting bigotry by being a bigot?

How entirely dimocraptic of you.

eat a neg, bitch

Can someone translate this in to English please.

Have a greenie, hon.
I've never done anything against a gay person. I don't approve of their lifestyle, but in this country they are free to do as they please. Plus i have my own life to live to give it anymore thought, but people like carriberer will call me a homophobe. Just like his kind call me a racist for disagreeing with a black man. Which in the real world, he has no creditbility.

I am a conservative. It is not my place to approve or disapprove of anyone's lifestyle. I debate on the side of gay marriage BECUASE I am a conservative...and it bothers me that other conservatives tell me how "personal responsibility" is the key to life and in the same breath, talk about how gays are living the life of evil.
I'm a conservative and debate on the side against gay marriage for the same reason. Not due to religion. Why would it bother you if someone thinks its evil?

I think you're using the term "think" rather loosely here.
So, I'm curious. Will the same people who slammed the CEO of Chick-Fil-A for giving his honest, personal opinion of gay marriage when asked, now praise him for the charity his company is engaging in? I'm guessing we won't hear much about it.

Chick-fil-A feeds stranded drivers - New York News

yeah no, look those people are morons who can't handle a cm of snow and ice. saw pictures, it was sad. 4 miles in 5 hours because you cant handle a little ice.
I rest my case.

Do you think human decency is a game of points? Do you really think that if some guy is a homophobic asshole that somehow he can earn a pass on that if he hands out some food?

Did someone say "human decency"


great you posted something stupid...
People do say that. All the time

Today one must agree with the liberals way of thinking or you will be trashed. They have zero tolerance for anything that makes them question their own feelings

yes, people do say that all the time.

But my question was "is it appropriate?"
Oh, ok.

No it's not. But the left isn't concerned with whats appropriate. Almost everything they say is inflammatory and dishonest. That's their idea of being superior...common decency is not required when addressing or discussing the right

mmm tastes like partisan hack
It should bother anyone that people hold an irrational and unjustifiable belief system in judgment of others, especially if said irrational belief effects social policy. It's a poison on society.

That's why conservatives don't respect most liberals

and you wonder why liberals are mean bullies to you. Not all opinions are created equal and thus not all opinion deserve to be heard.

Welcome to the internet by the way, where every asshole has a voice now, and trying to claim one side is meaner than the other is a laughable opinion. Perhaps you need to go over to the fluffy bunny forum because we dont want you to have to go broke buying tissues for your constant butthurt of victimness.
Pro and anti gay are BOTH religious beliefs until it is scientifically proven if homosexuality is a choice or not, natural or unnatural, and if it can be changed or not.

So BOTH views should be treated equally under law, not imposing one over the other.

Are you retarded? If homosexuality is a choice, then heterosexuality is a choice.

Religion is a choice. One is not 'naturally' a Southern Baptist, or a Jew, or a Hindu.

What is wrong with you?

I'm talking about the VIEWS being a religion.

people are not born "progay" or "antigay"
"prochoice" or "prolife"

Those are political views that are believed in and held RELIGIOUSLY.

so laws that favor one view over another -- without or against the consent of all the taxpayers or citizens affected or governed --
are religiously biased and unconstitutional

As with "established or organized religions"
members of ANY belief or CREED should have equal freedom to exercise either prochoice or prolife
views, either for or against gays or gay marriage, without imposition by government.

Thus any such laws that invoke a religiously held bias
should be written and adopted by consensus of the parties
so that no bias is imposed by govt that FAVORS one view over another.
that would be discriminating on the basis of religion or creed.
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