Chick-Fil-A Infuriates the Left

I'd never even heard of Chick-fil-A until they started their "teh gayz is Evul" campaign. Googled them and realized their largest (in more ways than one) presence was in the South, a.k.a. Stroke Alley.

If obese bigots want to stuff themselves with greasy chicken, they're free to do so.
Too funny. Leftard hatemonger says their chicken is greasy.

When you're finished talking to your Imaginary Friend, I'll ask you to name one fast-food franchise chicken that isn't greasy.
If conservatives supported our soldiers so much they'd stop sending them into unnecessary wars where they get killed, get limbs blown off, or come home fucked in the head.
FDR was a conservative? LBJ? JFK? Carter? Clinton? Obama?
Get a grip.
None of those guys got us into wars.

Oh no?

LBJ - kept America in VietNam, until a Republican president, Nixon, ended it.
Carter - Let Iran keep American hostages for 444 days until a Republican president scared Iran enough to let the hostages go.
Clinton - bombed the shit out of Serbia and Bosnia.
Obama - thank him for all the FUTURE wars America will be forced to enter. And, of course, for ISIS.
If conservatives supported our soldiers so much they'd stop sending them into unnecessary wars where they get killed, get limbs blown off, or come home fucked in the head.
FDR was a conservative? LBJ? JFK? Carter? Clinton? Obama?
Get a grip.
None of those guys got us into wars.

Oh no?

LBJ - kept America in VietNam, until a Republican president, Nixon, ended it.
Carter - Let Iran keep American hostages for 444 days until a Republican president scared Iran enough to let the hostages go.
Clinton - bombed the shit out of Serbia and Bosnia.
Obama - thank him for all the FUTURE wars America will be forced to enter. And, of course, for ISIS.

Typical RW revisionist history and VERY funny that you're blaming Obama for "all the future wars" and Bush's ISIL.

You guys really are delusional.
If conservatives supported our soldiers so much they'd stop sending them into unnecessary wars where they get killed, get limbs blown off, or come home fucked in the head.
FDR was a conservative? LBJ? JFK? Carter? Clinton? Obama?
Get a grip.
None of those guys got us into wars.

Oh no?

LBJ - kept America in VietNam, until a Republican president, Nixon, ended it.
Carter - Let Iran keep American hostages for 444 days until a Republican president scared Iran enough to let the hostages go.
Clinton - bombed the shit out of Serbia and Bosnia.
Obama - thank him for all the FUTURE wars America will be forced to enter. And, of course, for ISIS.

Typical RW revisionist history and VERY funny that you're blaming Obama for "all the future wars" and Bush's ISIL.

You guys really are delusional.

"Bush's ISIL"??

ISIL or ISIS arose when Obama - totally insanely and without a sober forethought - pulled American forces out of Iraq.
It was not Bush who cavalierly and quite stupidly called them the JV squad and let them grow and flourish.
ISIS or ISIL is a cake your boy, Obama baked. EAT IT.
If conservatives supported our soldiers so much they'd stop sending them into unnecessary wars where they get killed, get limbs blown off, or come home fucked in the head.
FDR was a conservative? LBJ? JFK? Carter? Clinton? Obama?
Get a grip.
None of those guys got us into wars.

Oh no?

LBJ - kept America in VietNam, until a Republican president, Nixon, ended it.
Carter - Let Iran keep American hostages for 444 days until a Republican president scared Iran enough to let the hostages go.
Clinton - bombed the shit out of Serbia and Bosnia.
Obama - thank him for all the FUTURE wars America will be forced to enter. And, of course, for ISIS.
The Germans attacking American Navel ships on the open seas and declaring war when the Japanese attacked us at Pearl Harbor is what got us into WWII.
LBJ did not get us into Vietnam. Eisenhower did that when he allowed the promised elections to be canceled and sent support, including air assets to support the French and later advisors to the South Vietnamese puppet government.
Hostages in Iran did not constitute a war.
Clinton's bombing of Serbia was not a war.
Obama inherited ongoing wars started and not finished by a Republican
Words and definitions have meanings.

I've never eaten there. However, they are just opening in the Vegas Valley and, after seeing this, I guarantee I will make it a point to patronize and support them.

Story @ Chick-Fil-A Customer Stunned By What He Finds On Unattended Table... He Was Speechless
You were right - the leftards are fainting from the vapors about it. Too funny.

christers trying to christerize veterans and military service. Screw the filthy rightwing goyim dreck

I've never eaten there. However, they are just opening in the Vegas Valley and, after seeing this, I guarantee I will make it a point to patronize and support them.

Story @ Chick-Fil-A Customer Stunned By What He Finds On Unattended Table... He Was Speechless
You were right - the leftards are fainting from the vapors about it. Too funny.

christers trying to christerize veterans and military service. Screw the filthy rightwing goyim dreck

Typical Leftard hater bigot.
I'd never even heard of Chick-fil-A until they started their "teh gayz is Evul" campaign. Googled them and realized their largest (in more ways than one) presence was in the South, a.k.a. Stroke Alley.

If obese bigots want to stuff themselves with greasy chicken, they're free to do so.
Too funny. Leftard hatemonger says their chicken is greasy.

When you're finished talking to your Imaginary Friend, I'll ask you to name one fast-food franchise chicken that isn't greasy.
Have a nice day, hater.
I'd never even heard of Chick-fil-A until they started their "teh gayz is Evul" campaign. Googled them and realized their largest (in more ways than one) presence was in the South, a.k.a. Stroke Alley.

If obese bigots want to stuff themselves with greasy chicken, they're free to do so.
Too funny. Leftard hatemonger says their chicken is greasy.

When you're finished talking to your Imaginary Friend, I'll ask you to name one fast-food franchise chicken that isn't greasy.

So what's the secret?
Longknife and many other conser
Nonetheless, Chick Fil A ceased ALL donations to anti-gay groups as a result of the boycott.
Who did they stop contributing to?
Name the groups.
No. Look it up yourself. It's not hard.
As I knew, another leftard lie.
I do enjoy donated CFA meals at our Privacy for All Proposition meetings. Yum.
Whatever. Gay marriage is the law of the land so what do I care.

If you want to pretend Chick Fil A didn't buckle like a little bitch then fine. Maybe I'll go there for dinner tonight.
CFA has and continues to support the same old groups.
You freaks got your panties wedged up your ass because the owner made a comment about traditional families.
Yep. Biggest thing they support is sending foster kids to college.
If conservatives supported our soldiers so much they'd stop sending them into unnecessary wars where they get killed, get limbs blown off, or come home fucked in the head.
FDR was a conservative? LBJ? JFK? Carter? Clinton? Obama?
Get a grip.
None of those guys got us into wars.

Oh no?

LBJ - kept America in VietNam, until a Republican president, Nixon, ended it.
Carter - Let Iran keep American hostages for 444 days until a Republican president scared Iran enough to let the hostages go.
Clinton - bombed the shit out of Serbia and Bosnia.
Obama - thank him for all the FUTURE wars America will be forced to enter. And, of course, for ISIS.
The Germans attacking American Navel ships on the open seas and declaring war when the Japanese attacked us at Pearl Harbor is what got us into WWII.
LBJ did not get us into Vietnam. Eisenhower did that when he allowed the promised elections to be canceled and sent support, including air assets to support the French and later advisors to the South Vietnamese puppet government.
Hostages in Iran did not constitute a war.
Clinton's bombing of Serbia was not a war.
Obama inherited ongoing wars started and not finished by a Republican
Words and definitions have meanings.
Sending troops into a nation to kill and bombing the shit out of a country to kill is not war in leftardism!

You have to go to a university to learn to be that stupid.
I'd never even heard of Chick-fil-A until they started their "teh gayz is Evul" campaign. Googled them and realized their largest (in more ways than one) presence was in the South, a.k.a. Stroke Alley.

If obese bigots want to stuff themselves with greasy chicken, they're free to do so.
Too funny. Leftard hatemonger says their chicken is greasy.

When you're finished talking to your Imaginary Friend, I'll ask you to name one fast-food franchise chicken that isn't greasy.

So what's the secret?
It's this little known secret called BAKING.
I'd never even heard of Chick-fil-A until they started their "teh gayz is Evul" campaign. Googled them and realized their largest (in more ways than one) presence was in the South, a.k.a. Stroke Alley.

If obese bigots want to stuff themselves with greasy chicken, they're free to do so.
Too funny. Leftard hatemonger says their chicken is greasy.

When you're finished talking to your Imaginary Friend, I'll ask you to name one fast-food franchise chicken that isn't greasy.

So what's the secret?
It's this little known secret called BAKING.


Chicken Sandwich
I'd never even heard of Chick-fil-A until they started their "teh gayz is Evul" campaign. Googled them and realized their largest (in more ways than one) presence was in the South, a.k.a. Stroke Alley.

If obese bigots want to stuff themselves with greasy chicken, they're free to do so.
Too funny. Leftard hatemonger says their chicken is greasy.

Best chicken out there. Chik Fil La sends their employees and 200 lunches to our church once a month to feed the less fortunate. I've yet to see any leftist organization show up
Best fruit trays too by far.
Too funny. Leftard hatemonger says their chicken is greasy.

When you're finished talking to your Imaginary Friend, I'll ask you to name one fast-food franchise chicken that isn't greasy.

So what's the secret?
It's this little known secret called BAKING.


Chicken Sandwich
Grilled Chicken Sandwich
I'd never even heard of Chick-fil-A until they started their "teh gayz is Evul" campaign. Googled them and realized their largest (in more ways than one) presence was in the South, a.k.a. Stroke Alley.

If obese bigots want to stuff themselves with greasy chicken, they're free to do so.
Too funny. Leftard hatemonger says their chicken is greasy.

Best chicken out there. Chik Fil La sends their employees and 200 lunches to our church once a month to feed the less fortunate. I've yet to see any leftist organization show up
Best fruit trays too by far.
Wraps are great too.
I'd never even heard of Chick-fil-A until they started their "teh gayz is Evul" campaign. Googled them and realized their largest (in more ways than one) presence was in the South, a.k.a. Stroke Alley.

If obese bigots want to stuff themselves with greasy chicken, they're free to do so.
Too funny. Leftard hatemonger says their chicken is greasy.

Best chicken out there. Chik Fil La sends their employees and 200 lunches to our church once a month to feed the less fortunate. I've yet to see any leftist organization show up
Best fruit trays too by far.
Wraps are great too.
I like the catered trays with wraps,sliders and chicken strips. So good. Their salads and breakfasts are good too though.
When you're finished talking to your Imaginary Friend, I'll ask you to name one fast-food franchise chicken that isn't greasy.

So what's the secret?
It's this little known secret called BAKING.


Chicken Sandwich
Grilled Chicken Sandwich

So there's more than one.

Peanut oil for the fried one, though. That'll clog a lot of arteries.

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