Chick-Fil-A Infuriates the Left


I've never eaten there. However, they are just opening in the Vegas Valley and, after seeing this, I guarantee I will make it a point to patronize and support them.

Story @ Chick-Fil-A Customer Stunned By What He Finds On Unattended Table... He Was Speechless

Save your imagination, whom is infuriated by this again?
The OP couldn't tell us. He admits to trolling.

This thread is beyond silly. lol
Longknife and many other conser
Who did they stop contributing to?
Name the groups.
No. Look it up yourself. It's not hard.
As I knew, another leftard lie.
I do enjoy donated CFA meals at our Privacy for All Proposition meetings. Yum.
Whatever. Gay marriage is the law of the land so what do I care.

If you want to pretend Chick Fil A didn't buckle like a little bitch then fine. Maybe I'll go there for dinner tonight.
CFA has and continues to support the same old groups.
You freaks got your panties wedged up your ass because the owner made a comment about traditional families.
Chick-Fil-A Makes Major Announcement

New Chick-fil-A filings show decrease in anti-LGBT funding

Chick-fil-A tax forms show no donations to anti-gay groups

Chick-fil-A’s Foundations Dramatically Reduce Anti-LGBT Giving (Updated)

"Chicago LGBT Group Claims"

Enough said.
Longknife and many other conser
No. Look it up yourself. It's not hard.
As I knew, another leftard lie.
I do enjoy donated CFA meals at our Privacy for All Proposition meetings. Yum.
Whatever. Gay marriage is the law of the land so what do I care.

If you want to pretend Chick Fil A didn't buckle like a little bitch then fine. Maybe I'll go there for dinner tonight.
CFA has and continues to support the same old groups.
You freaks got your panties wedged up your ass because the owner made a comment about traditional families.
Chick-Fil-A Makes Major Announcement

New Chick-fil-A filings show decrease in anti-LGBT funding

Chick-fil-A tax forms show no donations to anti-gay groups

Chick-fil-A’s Foundations Dramatically Reduce Anti-LGBT Giving (Updated)

"Chicago LGBT Group Claims"

Enough said.
You do know there are several links.....AND....why would an LGBT group lie about something like that. You'd think they'd be the first to report if CFA DIDN'T cut back, eh?
If conservatives supported our soldiers so much they'd stop sending them into unnecessary wars where they get killed, get limbs blown off, or come home fucked in the head.
FDR was a conservative? LBJ? JFK? Carter? Clinton? Obama?
Get a grip.
None of those guys got us into wars.
You're dumber than a brick. FDR, LBJ, JFK, Carter, Clinton, Obama all sent troops into action that got killed. Obama's the first President since FDR to invade 4 nations simultaneously though. think that FDR in particular should have surrendered to the Japanese and to the Germans rather than send troops to WWII? That's not surprising since RW Congressmen had nothing but praise for the way Hitler and Mussolini were running their countries and RW corporations were selling junk metal to Japan which they were so nice to return to our Hawaiian bases on December 7th, 1941.
It's your Leftard comrade claiming FDR was never involved in a war.
Learn to read.
I believe the correct statement was "got us into wars". It's in your own quote. Reading is fundamental. :lol:

So, tell us how you blame FDR for "getting us" into WWII....Mr. Surrender Monkey.
FDR was a conservative? LBJ? JFK? Carter? Clinton? Obama?
Get a grip.
None of those guys got us into wars.
You're dumber than a brick. FDR, LBJ, JFK, Carter, Clinton, Obama all sent troops into action that got killed. Obama's the first President since FDR to invade 4 nations simultaneously though. think that FDR in particular should have surrendered to the Japanese and to the Germans rather than send troops to WWII? That's not surprising since RW Congressmen had nothing but praise for the way Hitler and Mussolini were running their countries and RW corporations were selling junk metal to Japan which they were so nice to return to our Hawaiian bases on December 7th, 1941.
It's your Leftard comrade claiming FDR was never involved in a war.
Learn to read.
I believe the correct statement was "got us into wars". It's in your own quote. Reading is fundamental. :lol:

So, tell us how you blame FDR for "getting us" into WWII....Mr. Surrender Monkey.
Dumbass doesn't know that FDR was important to two world wars, which I'm sure he blames on Muslims, or Aliens, or Liberals I guess.
FDR was a conservative? LBJ? JFK? Carter? Clinton? Obama?
Get a grip.
None of those guys got us into wars.
You're dumber than a brick. FDR, LBJ, JFK, Carter, Clinton, Obama all sent troops into action that got killed. Obama's the first President since FDR to invade 4 nations simultaneously though. think that FDR in particular should have surrendered to the Japanese and to the Germans rather than send troops to WWII? That's not surprising since RW Congressmen had nothing but praise for the way Hitler and Mussolini were running their countries and RW corporations were selling junk metal to Japan which they were so nice to return to our Hawaiian bases on December 7th, 1941.
It's your Leftard comrade claiming FDR was never involved in a war.
Learn to read.
I believe the correct statement was "got us into wars". It's in your own quote. Reading is fundamental. :lol:

So, tell us how you blame FDR for "getting us" into WWII....Mr. Surrender Monkey.
So JFK did what in Vietnam?
Clinton started wars with 2 nations.
Obama started wars with 2 nations because Iraq and Afghanistan wasn't enough for him.

Longknife and many other conser
As I knew, another leftard lie.
I do enjoy donated CFA meals at our Privacy for All Proposition meetings. Yum.
Whatever. Gay marriage is the law of the land so what do I care.

If you want to pretend Chick Fil A didn't buckle like a little bitch then fine. Maybe I'll go there for dinner tonight.
CFA has and continues to support the same old groups.
You freaks got your panties wedged up your ass because the owner made a comment about traditional families.
Chick-Fil-A Makes Major Announcement

New Chick-fil-A filings show decrease in anti-LGBT funding

Chick-fil-A tax forms show no donations to anti-gay groups

Chick-fil-A’s Foundations Dramatically Reduce Anti-LGBT Giving (Updated)

"Chicago LGBT Group Claims"

Enough said.
You do know there are several links.....AND....why would an LGBT group lie about something like that. You'd think they'd be the first to report if CFA DIDN'T cut back, eh?
Why would a homosexual group lie about trying to look good after America whooped their asses and made CFA a household staple?
Longknife and many other conser
Whatever. Gay marriage is the law of the land so what do I care.

If you want to pretend Chick Fil A didn't buckle like a little bitch then fine. Maybe I'll go there for dinner tonight.
CFA has and continues to support the same old groups.
You freaks got your panties wedged up your ass because the owner made a comment about traditional families.
Chick-Fil-A Makes Major Announcement

New Chick-fil-A filings show decrease in anti-LGBT funding

Chick-fil-A tax forms show no donations to anti-gay groups

Chick-fil-A’s Foundations Dramatically Reduce Anti-LGBT Giving (Updated)

"Chicago LGBT Group Claims"

Enough said.
You do know there are several links.....AND....why would an LGBT group lie about something like that. You'd think they'd be the first to report if CFA DIDN'T cut back, eh?
Why would a homosexual group lie about trying to look good after America whooped their asses and made CFA a household staple?
Meet reality:

Why Christians Accuse Chick-fil-A of 'Going Gay'

Christian Petition Targets Chick-fil-A For 'Going Gay,' Sponsoring LGBT Film Fest |
Still haven't figured out why I'm supposed to be infuriated. I bought there a couple times and they say its healthy food, but it has no flavor. Give me Popeyes anytime over Chic a Fil. But infuriated?
I eat there quite often. I'm outraged at the price of their brownies but little else about CFA infuriates me.

Actually, I take that back.

I wish they would be even more socially conscious and stop it with the illiterate cow ads:


I understand the cows are trying to get you to spare them and eat more chicken at CFA but do they have to mis-spell every other word?

And if you think that Madison Avenue ad firms and their bastardization of the English language have no effect on the population, here is Exhibit A:


Here's a guy who doesn't know that you capitalize proper names, place a space between words and apparenty is clueless as to when a century starts in the Western Hemisphere.
None of those guys got us into wars.
You're dumber than a brick. FDR, LBJ, JFK, Carter, Clinton, Obama all sent troops into action that got killed. Obama's the first President since FDR to invade 4 nations simultaneously though. think that FDR in particular should have surrendered to the Japanese and to the Germans rather than send troops to WWII? That's not surprising since RW Congressmen had nothing but praise for the way Hitler and Mussolini were running their countries and RW corporations were selling junk metal to Japan which they were so nice to return to our Hawaiian bases on December 7th, 1941.
It's your Leftard comrade claiming FDR was never involved in a war.
Learn to read.
I believe the correct statement was "got us into wars". It's in your own quote. Reading is fundamental. :lol:

So, tell us how you blame FDR for "getting us" into WWII....Mr. Surrender Monkey.
So JFK did what in Vietnam?
Clinton started wars with 2 nations.
Obama started wars with 2 nations because Iraq and Afghanistan wasn't enough for him.

Checkmate your ass. You are stuck in this lie of a talking point you heard about Democrats starting wars and no matter how much it is explained to you, you are not going to change your claim. That just makes you a liar. You just repeat the same nonsense over and over. No one is denying Democrat Presidents participate in wars and campaigns, but the key is "got us into".
War got started in Vietnam by Eisenhower. If you want to challenge that fact, do it. You can not deny it. Americans died in Vietnam during the Eisenhower years.
The wars you try to attribute to Clinton were not wars.
FDR was a conservative? LBJ? JFK? Carter? Clinton? Obama?
Get a grip.
None of those guys got us into wars.
You're dumber than a brick. FDR, LBJ, JFK, Carter, Clinton, Obama all sent troops into action that got killed. Obama's the first President since FDR to invade 4 nations simultaneously though. think that FDR in particular should have surrendered to the Japanese and to the Germans rather than send troops to WWII? That's not surprising since RW Congressmen had nothing but praise for the way Hitler and Mussolini were running their countries and RW corporations were selling junk metal to Japan which they were so nice to return to our Hawaiian bases on December 7th, 1941.
It's your Leftard comrade claiming FDR was never involved in a war.
Learn to read.
I believe the correct statement was "got us into wars". It's in your own quote. Reading is fundamental. :lol:

So, tell us how you blame FDR for "getting us" into WWII....Mr. Surrender Monkey.
It doesn't matter what the facts are. The poster is stuck on a talking point and no matter how much you point out the talking point is wrong or even a lie, like a good right wing brainwashed robot he or she will stick to the fraudulent claim. In this case, he or she will play stupid about the original claim and instead of "got us into" becomes the claim changes to "participated". Air campaigns become "wars of invasion", Those things that happened under Reagan and Bush 41 when troops actually put boots on the ground, suffered casualties and in some cases actually did invade don't get the same status.
Oh baloney, stop lying when EVERYONE knows you are lying
Does Chick Fil A donate to homophobe groups anymore? Nope. = Success

LMAO@ your made up word "homophobe". Nobody fears a snowflake
Nonetheless, Chick Fil A ceased ALL donations to anti-gay groups as a result of the boycott.

That all depends on what you consider anti gay groups. Chik Fil La donates to many organizations that do not approve of the lifestyle.
They stopped donating to groups, that were identified from their financial disclosures, that existed to oppose gay marriage. After the boycott, they released that information again, and it showed they did not donate to those groups, and haven't since. So the boycott ended.

This. Is. Not. Hard.
The SCOTUS decision on gay marriage ended Chik Fil A's decision to donate to an organization who has no purpose anymore.
You see Taz, you have bought into the bogus argument, hook-line-and sinker it appears. Our American military suffers, because we fight with liberal rules.

If we go to war in country A. when we invade, if someone has to die, who should it be? People who refuse to get out of the way after being warned for weeks, or your sons and daughters?

War sucks, and politically correct war sucks worse. If we as a nation are pissed enough to go to war, then losing any of our soldiers because we are trying to protect anyone but our people is stupid, and it has been consistently exploited by our enemies. We fire bombed Dresden Germany, and Cities in Japan. (or didn't some of you know that) When at war, you warn civilians to move, and if they don't, oh well. You don't sacrifice your people to save them. That is NOT a war, that is SOCIAL ENGINEERING!

Point is, no war we have been in since Korea should have lasted longer than 3 months, and every one of them would have been us as victorious. It is when war is NOT war we lose. Our children die needlessly. And when we win, we don't really win, so why fight in the 1st place?

Other countries, our congress, and our President need know, that if we go to war, we roll, no PC, because that is what war is. If the problem does NOT fit that criteria to allow our military to act in such a way, then we do not have good enough justification, to go to war, period!
Spot on post! Funny that you never hear of Desert Storm warriors with PTSD or Purple Heart recipients, unless they got it from an accident while cutting their toenails.
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If conservatives supported our soldiers so much they'd stop sending them into unnecessary wars where they get killed, get limbs blown off, or come home fucked in the head.
FDR was a conservative? LBJ? JFK? Carter? Clinton? Obama?
Get a grip.
None of those guys got us into wars.

Oh no?

LBJ - kept America in VietNam, until a Republican president, Nixon, ended it.
Carter - Let Iran keep American hostages for 444 days until a Republican president scared Iran enough to let the hostages go.
Clinton - bombed the shit out of Serbia and Bosnia.
Obama - thank him for all the FUTURE wars America will be forced to enter. And, of course, for ISIS.

Typical RW revisionist history and VERY funny that you're blaming Obama for "all the future wars" and Bush's ISIL.

You guys really are delusional.
What year was ISIS formed?

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