Chick-Fil-A Infuriates the Left

Oh baloney, stop lying when EVERYONE knows you are lying
Does Chick Fil A donate to homophobe groups anymore? Nope. = Success

LMAO@ your made up word "homophobe". Nobody fears a snowflake
Nonetheless, Chick Fil A ceased ALL donations to anti-gay groups as a result of the boycott.

That all depends on what you consider anti gay groups. Chik Fil La donates to many organizations that do not approve of the lifestyle.
They stopped donating to groups, that were identified from their financial disclosures, that existed to oppose gay marriage. After the boycott, they released that information again, and it showed they did not donate to those groups, and haven't since. So the boycott ended.

This. Is. Not. Hard.
Well, you know, Sassy's "hard" into denial.
I'd never even heard of Chick-fil-A until they started their "teh gayz is Evul" campaign. Googled them and realized their largest (in more ways than one) presence was in the South, a.k.a. Stroke Alley.

If obese bigots want to stuff themselves with greasy chicken, they're free to do so.
We learned that the last thing you want to do is get between a RWr and junk food. They get feral.
The left is still stinging from their failed boycott of Chik Fil La. That was hilarious, BOYCOTT THEM!!!! Then they set records for sales. Dopes LOL
Actually it was successful. But nvm that.

Oh baloney, stop lying when EVERYONE knows you are lying
Does Chick Fil A donate to homophobe groups anymore? Nope. = Success

LMAO@ your made up word "homophobe". Nobody fears a snowflake
Nonetheless, Chick Fil A ceased ALL donations to anti-gay groups as a result of the boycott.
Still waiting for you to find one group.
Just one.

I've never eaten there. However, they are just opening in the Vegas Valley and, after seeing this, I guarantee I will make it a point to patronize and support them.

Story @ Chick-Fil-A Customer Stunned By What He Finds On Unattended Table... He Was Speechless
I hope they are happy this liberal will never spend a dime there and when they go out of business one day don't blame minimum wage or Obama. Chic ful a crap did it to themselves.
If conservatives supported our soldiers so much they'd stop sending them into unnecessary wars where they get killed, get limbs blown off, or come home fucked in the head.
FDR was a conservative? LBJ? JFK? Carter? Clinton? Obama?
Get a grip.
None of those guys got us into wars.
You're dumber than a brick. FDR, LBJ, JFK, Carter, Clinton, Obama all sent troops into action that got killed. Obama's the first President since FDR to invade 4 nations simultaneously though. think that FDR in particular should have surrendered to the Japanese and to the Germans rather than send troops to WWII? That's not surprising since RW Congressmen had nothing but praise for the way Hitler and Mussolini were running their countries and RW corporations were selling junk metal to Japan which they were so nice to return to our Hawaiian bases on December 7th, 1941.
Confucius say Smart people don't condemn what they have no first hand knowledge of.
Link? Oh right, you don't have one...
Pull your head out of your ass, I'm starting to pity you for your display of stupidity.
And I'm starting to wonder if you can ever post anything that isn't utter BS? So far, nada...
What kind of moron asks for a link to a Confucious statement?
You Leftards are pathetic. Totally incapable of independent thought.
Longknife and many other conser
Nonetheless, Chick Fil A ceased ALL donations to anti-gay groups as a result of the boycott.
Who did they stop contributing to?
Name the groups.
No. Look it up yourself. It's not hard.
As I knew, another leftard lie.
I do enjoy donated CFA meals at our Privacy for All Proposition meetings. Yum.
Whatever. Gay marriage is the law of the land so what do I care.

If you want to pretend Chick Fil A didn't buckle like a little bitch then fine. Maybe I'll go there for dinner tonight.
CFA has and continues to support the same old groups.
You freaks got your panties wedged up your ass because the owner made a comment about traditional families.
Chick-Fil-A Makes Major Announcement

New Chick-fil-A filings show decrease in anti-LGBT funding

Chick-fil-A tax forms show no donations to anti-gay groups

Chick-fil-A’s Foundations Dramatically Reduce Anti-LGBT Giving (Updated)

Confucius say Smart people don't condemn what they have no first hand knowledge of.
Link? Oh right, you don't have one...
Pull your head out of your ass, I'm starting to pity you for your display of stupidity.
And I'm starting to wonder if you can ever post anything that isn't utter BS? So far, nada...
What kind of moron asks for a link to a Confucious statement?
You Leftards are pathetic. Totally incapable of independent thought.
He was an actual human being, asshole. not a Chinese restaurant joke.

"Confucius (/kənˈfjuːʃəs/; September 28, 551 – 479 BC)[1][2] was a Chinese teacher, editor, politician, and philosopher of the Spring and Autumn period of Chinese history."

The philosophy of Confucius emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity. His followers competed successfully with many other schools during the Hundred Schools of Thought era only to be suppressed in favor of the Legalists during the Qin Dynasty. Following the victory of Han over Chu after the collapse of Qin, Confucius's thoughts received official sanction and were further developed into a system known as Confucianism."
Confucius - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Learn his teachings.
I'd never even heard of Chick-fil-A until they started their "teh gayz is Evul" campaign. Googled them and realized their largest (in more ways than one) presence was in the South, a.k.a. Stroke Alley.

If obese bigots want to stuff themselves with greasy chicken, they're free to do so.
Too funny. Leftard hatemonger says their chicken is greasy.

When you're finished talking to your Imaginary Friend, I'll ask you to name one fast-food franchise chicken that isn't greasy.
Have a nice day, hater.
Having me some great Starbucks Cafe Mocha Latte. :D
If conservatives supported our soldiers so much they'd stop sending them into unnecessary wars where they get killed, get limbs blown off, or come home fucked in the head.
FDR was a conservative? LBJ? JFK? Carter? Clinton? Obama?
Get a grip.
None of those guys got us into wars.
You're dumber than a brick. FDR, LBJ, JFK, Carter, Clinton, Obama all sent troops into action that got killed. Obama's the first President since FDR to invade 4 nations simultaneously though. think that FDR in particular should have surrendered to the Japanese and to the Germans rather than send troops to WWII? That's not surprising since RW Congressmen had nothing but praise for the way Hitler and Mussolini were running their countries and RW corporations were selling junk metal to Japan which they were so nice to return to our Hawaiian bases on December 7th, 1941.
It's your Leftard comrade claiming FDR was never involved in a war.
Learn to read.

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