Chick Fil A - still racist after all these years

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind
It's's SO far beyond inept and stupid, there just isn't a word for it..........

Chick Fil A still racist and bigoted after all these decades!! WHY is anyone surprised??? I'm not. They are ran and managed by a religious, evil corporation. DUH!

They had lawsuits in the 80's for being prejudiced and bigoted against their black employees.
They showed themselves to be haters of anyone not "their kind" of religion in the 90's.
They showed their TRUE COLORS in the early 2000's when demeaning, slandering, profiling, and being psychopathically bigoted against all gays.

And now they are starting over again?
Seems that way to a lot of people.

And yet........they continue to eat there. Just like the Nazicrats just "don't get it", these brain dead morons "don't get it" either!!!
Keep on pumping your money into a corrupt, evil, vile, sanctimonious, and hypocritical company....and they in turn will keep doing what they want to you and everybody else!!!

If I had seen that tweet, I would have assumed they meant "community" to mean your town, where you live, etc.
I second this. Apparently, too many people are not aware of the fact that plenty of words have more than one meaning.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. To me, the food that they give you is good, but the food will never be worth the money that you have to pay because in my opinion, they do not give you enough of it to begin with.

I thought Chick-Fil-A was just "homophobic" because they didn't support the absurdity of faggots getting "married"?

Since when are they "racist"? Someone better tell the "victims" of racism that I regularly see stacked up in their drive thru.

If I had seen that tweet, I would have assumed they meant "community" to mean your town, where you live, etc.
I think that would be the common understanding to anyone over 40. The youth and activists today are primed and vigilant for any chance to attack language they can twist to be "offensive". They are ridiculous but when government does it it's dangerous.

I found their food particularly bad.
You might want to try the grilled club with hot cheese. It's good. I really don't care for their fries. I do like their special sauce though.
I think that would be the common understanding to anyone over 40. The youth and activists today are primed and vigilant for any chance to attack language they can twist to be "offensive". They are ridiculous but when government does it it's dangerous.
Yes, and remember those youth will be in government some day. Scary.
They are terrible because they pay good wages and give Sunday off to be with family. Truly the worst company ever.

Two good reasons why I'd patronize them. I don't care if their chicken sammiches had the same crappy texture as a Kwik-Trip spicy chicken sammich on chicken sammich day. I'd still want to go there, just for the fact that the left hates them.
It's's SO far beyond inept and stupid, there just isn't a word for it..........

Chick Fil A still racist and bigoted after all these decades!! WHY is anyone surprised??? I'm not. They are ran and managed by a religious, evil corporation. DUH!

They had lawsuits in the 80's for being prejudiced and bigoted against their black employees.
They showed themselves to be haters of anyone not "their kind" of religion in the 90's.
They showed their TRUE COLORS in the early 2000's when demeaning, slandering, profiling, and being psychopathically bigoted against all gays.

And now they are starting over again?
Seems that way to a lot of people.

And yet........they continue to eat there. Just like the Nazicrats just "don't get it", these brain dead morons "don't get it" either!!!
Keep on pumping your money into a corrupt, evil, vile, sanctimonious, and hypocritical company....and they in turn will keep doing what they want to you and everybody else!!!

I like chick fil a. I have 3 within my area.

Their sandwiches are of consistent quality, their restraunts are clearn, their staff are polite and intelligent and helpful and friendly always more so than most any other fast food joint, they are closed on Sunday because they are of religious background that shows they have some moral fiber, eating in their restraunts even during rush hour is a fine experience because everything is handled orderly, other diners generally have consideration for other customers, and so on.

Know what? No blacks.

I can't say most is any of those things, let alone all, can be said about any restaurant I've been in staffed or patraoned by blacks.

It's not racist, it's a simple and basic observation Ive made multiple times and at multiple locations. I consistently have a better experience where there aren't blacks, or where there are blacks over the age of 50, so that's where I go.

I prefer to be around others like myself. Doesn't make me a racist. It's the same reason you don't see many animals in the wild just hanging out with other animals unlike them too much. So I support white backed companies.

Besides you want to yell about racism so much. Why aren't you yelling about this?

Biden only wanted a black woman.

Lori lightfoot only wanted to talk to black reporters.

Eric Adams wants to hire based on skin color.

Jordan Peele won't cast white people as stars in his movies.

Or any of the hundreds of times people were racist against whites in the past few years. Where is your outrage for that?

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