Child Abusing mother reported to CPS

That happened in South Carolina. No wonder the judgment of God is falling on both SC and NC (same for California). There are a lot of wicked people in South Carolina (and NC), Odium. What this mother did to her son was sick. No question about it.

Here is a clip from your article:

Rockhill, SC (WBTV)

A Rock Hill-area mom has been reported to the Department of Social Services after investigators say she paraded her young son, dressed as a woman, around Walmart as part of his punishment.

According to a Rock Hill Police report, officers were called to the Walmart along 2300-block of Dave Lyle Boulevard Sunday night around 8:30 p.m.

Officers ran into the woman, and her young son, as they were leaving the store.

According to the report, the young boy was dressed in a tutu, women's boots and a woman's teddy with a T-shirt "with various permanent marker writing underneath."

Officers say the boy's head was shaved "in an unusual manner," saying that he was bald on top with a patch of wig on the front of his head and the word "BAD" written in marker on the back of his head.

The woman told police she was punishing her son for getting into a fight and making homophobic remarks at school.

She said her son had been having "behavioral issues" and corporal punishment has not been effective, so she was "attempting to embarrass [him] as punishment."

Officers told the woman that her actions were not an acceptable form of punishment and the Department of Social Services was contacted.
She should have just dressed him in a Caitlyn Jenner Halloween costume, and all would have been well.


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