Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night: activist

Roudy was born and raised in that part of the world, lived the life and knows firsthand about religious persecution. Capisce?

And can't tell the fundamental difference between hadith and the Quran. Something any Muslim child could do. He may have been born there, but he doesn't know much about it.
It is also worth noting that none of you guys answered in the affirmative either when I asked if any of you have ever worked within the field. I have. Both in fields regarding Islam (counter terrorism, and economic development) and in fields regarding women's rights (which includes social issues such as child brides). Also as far as I know I am the only one with formal training in both Islamic jurisprudence, Islamic history, and international gender issues in this thread.
Amazing how Miss Osimir carries on about this. Many of the posters can say they are world class scholars on a number of topics and who would know the difference. By the way, I am a famous heart transplant surgeon and a Texas Hold 'Em champion, but I don't want to brag about it on a forum. Now enough about child brides, Miss Osimir, since you probably also studied the problem of honor killings as it mainly affects females. Can you give us the rundown of honor killings because of the perceived stain on the family's reputation?

Hoss...calm down....take a deep breath - it's ok... It's just ONE post :eusa_shifty:
Amazing how Miss Osimir carries on about this. Many of the posters can say they are world class scholars on a number of topics and who would know the difference. By the way, I am a famous heart transplant surgeon and a Texas Hold 'Em champion, but I don't want to brag about it on a forum. Now enough about child brides, Miss Osimir, since you probably also studied the problem of honor killings as it mainly affects females. Can you give us the rundown of honor killings because of the perceived stain on the family's reputation?

So does that mean that you don't believe that Roudy is from Iran?

On the other note, I have studied and worked with populations where honor killings are a problem as well yes. Make a thread about it and I'll happily talk on the subject.
Roudy was born and raised in that part of the world, lived the life and knows firsthand about religious persecution. Capisce?

And can't tell the fundamental difference between hadith and the Quran. Something any Muslim child could do. He may have been born there, but he doesn't know much about it.
Hmmm, must be something to do with him being a Jew, huh?
And to top it off, Saigon's equal!! Amazing!

I'd be perfectly willing to furnish evidence for my claims. Whether it be details or what not. what kind of evidence would you like? I stated my qualifications when I first came to this forum long ago. None of the stuff that I have posted about myself in this thread is new.
It is also worth noting that none of you guys answered in the affirmative either when I asked if any of you have ever worked within the field. I have. Both in fields regarding Islam (counter terrorism, and economic development) and in fields regarding women's rights (which includes social issues such as child brides). Also as far as I know I am the only one with formal training in both Islamic jurisprudence, Islamic history, and international gender issues in this thread.
Amazing how Miss Osimir carries on about this. Many of the posters can say they are world class scholars on a number of topics and who would know the difference. By the way, I am a famous heart transplant surgeon and a Texas Hold 'Em champion, but I don't want to brag about it on a forum. Now enough about child brides, Miss Osimir, since you probably also studied the problem of honor killings as it mainly affects females. Can you give us the rundown of honor killings because of the perceived stain on the family's reputation?

Hoss...calm down....take a deep breath - it's ok... It's just ONE post :eusa_shifty:
Im O.K. now. Just took my Prozac.
Hmmm, must be something to do with him being a Jew, huh?

Doesn't matter if he is Jewish, he said that he was an expert on Iranian culture but didn't even know that the two most popular hadith collections in the world aren't Shia? That's something pretty basic that Iranians should know and that anyone with even the smallest education in the area of Islamic jurisprudence would know.

Plus you continuously ignore the fact that he already admitted to never having read a single book on Islamic history. He didn't even know that Muhammad's first wife died before the Hijra, or what was in the Quran.

I'm not sure why you would support his "expertise" when he has practically admitted that he has none.
And to top it off, Saigon's equal!! Amazing!

I'd be perfectly willing to furnish evidence for my claims. Whether it be details or what not. what kind of evidence would you like? I stated my qualifications when I first came to this forum long ago. None of the stuff that I have posted about myself in this thread is new.
Well, gag me with a spoon! We had enough of that biography shit when Saigoon came aboard. No need to chew your cabbage twice.
And to top it off, Saigon's equal!! Amazing!

I'd be perfectly willing to furnish evidence for my claims. Whether it be details or what not. what kind of evidence would you like? I stated my qualifications when I first came to this forum long ago. None of the stuff that I have posted about myself in this thread is new.
Well, gag me with a spoon! We had enough of that biography shit when Saigoon came aboard. No need to chew your cabbage twice.

What's wrong? afraid you'll be proven wrong? You rant and rave about anyone being able to pretend anything and when I offer to supply evidence you run away from it?
Hmmm, must be something to do with him being a Jew, huh?

Doesn't matter if he is Jewish, he said that he was an expert on Iranian culture but didn't even know that the two most popular hadith collections in the world aren't Shia? That's something pretty basic that Iranians should know and that anyone with even the smallest education in the area of Islamic jurisprudence would know.

Plus you continuously ignore the fact that he already admitted to never having read a single book on Islamic history. He didn't even know that Muhammad's first wife died before the Hijra, or what was in the Quran.

I'm not sure why you would support his "expertise" when he has practically admitted that he has none.
Hell, I didn't know all that stuff either, so sue me. Us redneck crackers don't put too much emphasis on that higher lernin' jabberwocky.
Hell, I didn't know all that stuff either, so sue me. Us redneck crackers don't put too much emphasis on that higher lernin' jabberwocky.

I never said that there was anything wrong with not knowing this stuff. If it isn't relevant to your field or personal interests why would you? There is plenty that all of us don't know, and I'm not suggesting that you're stupid or a "redneck" for not knowing. The point is though that you honestly DON'T know much about this particular subject. Once again, nothing wrong with that, but you should also be honest enough with yourselves when discussing such issues to realize that you don't know much about it and thus might not have the best foundation on which to stand.

I don't make a habit of taking hard stances on subjects about which I know little myself. Those are just my standards for myself though.
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I'd be perfectly willing to furnish evidence for my claims. Whether it be details or what not. what kind of evidence would you like? I stated my qualifications when I first came to this forum long ago. None of the stuff that I have posted about myself in this thread is new.
Well, gag me with a spoon! We had enough of that biography shit when Saigoon came aboard. No need to chew your cabbage twice.

What's wrong? afraid you'll be proven wrong? You rant and rave about anyone being able to pretend anything and when I offer to supply evidence you run away from it?
O.K. Doc. I give. Hit me with your credentials. I'm all ears. You got the floor. (This is gonna be verrrrry interesting".
O.K. Doc. I give. Hit me with your credentials. I'm all ears. You got the floor. (This is gonna be verrrrry interesting".

Well, what sort of evidence would you like? / what would you consider to be sufficient?
Hell, I didn't know all that stuff either, so sue me. Us redneck crackers don't put too much emphasis on that higher lernin' jabberwocky.

I never said that there was anything wrong with not knowing this stuff. If it isn't relevant to your field or personal interests why would you? There is plenty that all of us don't know, and I'm not suggesting that you're stupid or a "redneck" for not knowing. The point is though that you honestly DON'T know much about this particular subject. Once again, nothing wrong with that, but you should also be honest enough with yourselves when discussing such issues to realize that you don't know much about it and thus might not have the best foundation on which to stand.

I don't make a habit of taking hard stances on subjecst about which I know little myself. Those are just my standards for myself though.
Actually, I'm a lot like Tinmore. I pin everything on a fairytale. Just throw a blivet against the wall and hope it sticks.
Why don't you just admit that most Muslim societies are very religious and conservative

I've already shown you that most Islamic societies have a legal age for marriage set well above 9.

and follow what Islam says, therefore it is Islam that has the greatest influence on why child marriage is sanctioned and acceptable.

It doesn't have the greatest influence though, and completely fails in accounting for most incidents of child marriage and especially for child marriage prevalence throughout the world. Over focusing on one weak variable simply because you have a need to justify your hatred of Islam to yourself is not only selfish but it does nothing to help those who suffer from such marriages. In fact, your stance serves to only hurt them further by reinforcing the idea that Islam HAS to accept such things, when that isn't true at all.
How so? Muslims live are highly religious, conservative societies and follow their religion as a way of life and above all laws. That includes the ability to marry a 9 year old because their prophet did so. I understand that in some countries there are laws agains this, but I have shown you that in many cases, those laws are ignored in favor of the religious laws, which again, allows men to marry 9 year olds.

As I said you can put as much lipstick and spin on this pig as you want, it's going to be a pig. Islam is the main cause of child brides in Muslim societies.
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