Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night: activist

Being a clairvoyant, how many times have you won the lottery? You have no knowledge of what Roudy knows but I'll wager his knowledge dwarfs yours.

I don't have to be clairvoyant, and perhaps you should read my post again. He's already admitted those things, and demonstrated a lack of knowledge in the basics of Islamic jurisprudence in this very thread when he:

1.) Didn't know that the Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari were only Sunni hadiths, and not Shia (despite the fact that he claims to be an expert on Iranian culture).

2.) Thought that Muhammad had written the Muslim and Bukhari collections even though they weren't collected until over 200 years after Muhammad's death.

3.) Thought the Muslim and Bukhari collections were part of the Quran (indicating not only a lack of understanding of what Hadith collections are, but a lack of understanding as to the basic contents of the Quran itself).
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Watching muslims struggle to excuse pedophilia in Islamic culture reaffirms my belief that it is truly an evil religion with evil followers.

No one in this thread is excusing or defending pedophilia. I'm not sure why you guys feel the need to be so dishonest when it comes to the stances of others. Once again, it rather reeks of insecurity on your part.
Yeah, but you're making it look like Islam and Mohammed marrying a nine year old has nothing to do with the issue, and that's just not the case.

[ame=]Child brides in Islam - Wafa Sultan ???? ????? - YouTube[/ame]
It is also worth noting that none of you guys answered in the affirmative either when I asked if any of you have ever worked within the field. I have. Both in fields regarding Islam (counter terrorism, and economic development) and in fields regarding women's rights (which includes social issues such as child brides). Also as far as I know I am the only one with formal training in both Islamic jurisprudence, Islamic history, and international gender issues in this thread.
Yeah, but you're making it look like Islam and Mohammed marrying a nine year old has nothing to do with the issue, and that's just not the case.

I never said that it had nothing to do with it, that was your own assumption as to my stance based on your illogical desire to dislike me and characterize me as some sort of secret Muslim or "Muslim apologist".

I said that religion wasn't a very good statistical causal variable for child marriage across regions and it isn't.
It is also worth noting that none of you guys answered in the affirmative either when I asked if any of you have ever worked within the field. I have. Both in fields regarding Islam (counter terrorism, and economic development) and in fields regarding women's rights (which includes social issues such as child brides). Also as far as I know I am the only one with formal training in both Islamic jurisprudence, Islamic history, and international gender issues in this thread.
Well, pin a rose on you! The only formal training and expertise I possess is in the Shock and Awe department. I bow to your valuable and superior knowledge.
Yeah, but you're making it look like Islam and Mohammed marrying a nine year old has nothing to do with the issue, and that's just not the case.

I never said that it had nothing to do with it, that was your own assumption as to my stance based on your illogical desire to dislike me and characterize me as some sort of secret Muslim or "Muslim apologist".

I said that religion wasn't a very good statistical causal variable for child marriage across regions and it isn't.
Why don't you just admit that most Muslim societies are very religious and conservative, and follow what Islam says, therefore it is Islam that has the greatest influence on why child marriage is sanctioned and acceptable.

Like I said, I'll go with Muslims themselves say about child marriage. Grand mufti at 2:50.

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Why don't you just admit that most Muslim societies are very religious and conservative

I've already shown you that most Islamic societies have a legal age for marriage set well above 9.

and follow what Islam says, therefore it is Islam that has the greatest influence on why child marriage is sanctioned and acceptable.

It doesn't have the greatest influence though, and completely fails in accounting for most incidents of child marriage and especially for child marriage prevalence throughout the world. Over focusing on one weak variable simply because you have a need to justify your hatred of Islam to yourself is not only selfish but it does nothing to help those who suffer from such marriages. In fact, your stance serves to only hurt them further by reinforcing the idea that Islam HAS to accept such things, when that isn't true at all.
Watching muslims struggle to excuse pedophilia in Islamic culture reaffirms my belief that it is truly an evil religion with evil followers.

No one in this thread is excusing or defending pedophilia. I'm not sure why you guys feel the need to be so dishonest when it comes to the stances of others. Once again, it rather reeks of insecurity on your part.
Yeah, but you're making it look like Islam and Mohammed marrying a nine year old has nothing to do with the issue, and that's just not the case.

[ame=]Child brides in Islam - Wafa Sultan ???? ????? - YouTube[/ame]

Ah. Now we're getting to a basic, ideological element that allows the practice of child marriages to continue in Moslem nations.

In Islamic theology, muhammud (swish), is the model for humanity, the perfect example for all pious moslems to follow. If the most perfect example for moslems married a child, there certainty can't be anything wrong with following in the way of the "prophet".
It is also worth noting that none of you guys answered in the affirmative either when I asked if any of you have ever worked within the field. I have. Both in fields regarding Islam (counter terrorism, and economic development) and in fields regarding women's rights (which includes social issues such as child brides). Also as far as I know I am the only one with formal training in both Islamic jurisprudence, Islamic history, and international gender issues in this thread.
Well, pin a rose on you! The only formal training and expertise I possess is in the Shock and Awe department. I bow to your valuable and superior knowledge.

You bow to Roudy's claim of superior knowledge. Why?
Well, pin a rose on you! The only formal training and expertise I possess is in the Shock and Awe department. I bow to your valuable and superior knowledge.

Well, do you have any experience or formal training in the field?
Well, if three years of experience in the field as a Combat Infantryman counts, I had about eight years of working in tobacco and cotton fields to add to my training. I'm not over proud of my education like some people I know.
Well, if three years of experience in the field as a Combat Infantryman counts, I had about eight years of working in tobacco and cotton fields to add to my training. I'm not over proud of my education like some people I know.

So in other words, no.
It is also worth noting that none of you guys answered in the affirmative either when I asked if any of you have ever worked within the field. I have. Both in fields regarding Islam (counter terrorism, and economic development) and in fields regarding women's rights (which includes social issues such as child brides). Also as far as I know I am the only one with formal training in both Islamic jurisprudence, Islamic history, and international gender issues in this thread.
Well, pin a rose on you! The only formal training and expertise I possess is in the Shock and Awe department. I bow to your valuable and superior knowledge.

You bow to Roudy's claim of superior knowledge. Why?
Roudy was born and raised in that part of the world, lived the life and knows firsthand about religious persecution. Capisce?
Well, pin a rose on you! The only formal training and expertise I possess is in the Shock and Awe department. I bow to your valuable and superior knowledge.

You bow to Roudy's claim of superior knowledge. Why?
Roudy was born and raised in that part of the world, lived the life and knows firsthand about religious persecution. Capisce?

And has ample time to absorb and develop his own prejudices and hates and generalize them, and they are evident.

We had another poster here who was Palestinian and knew first hand what life was like under Israeli occupation. I'm sure you will agree his knowledge must trump that of all others who have not lived that? Capisce? ;)
It is also worth noting that none of you guys answered in the affirmative either when I asked if any of you have ever worked within the field. I have. Both in fields regarding Islam (counter terrorism, and economic development) and in fields regarding women's rights (which includes social issues such as child brides). Also as far as I know I am the only one with formal training in both Islamic jurisprudence, Islamic history, and international gender issues in this thread.
Amazing how Miss Osimir carries on about this. Many of the posters can say they are world class scholars on a number of topics and who would know the difference. By the way, I am a famous heart transplant surgeon and a Texas Hold 'Em champion, but I don't want to brag about it on a forum. Now enough about child brides, Miss Osimir, since you probably also studied the problem of honor killings as it mainly affects females. Can you give us the rundown of honor killings because of the perceived stain on the family's reputation?

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