Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night: activist

you know what they say when people make ASSumptions.

I do. And for the record you are making an ass of yourself.
I would say that goes more for those who are falsely promoting the idea that Mohammad's marriage to an 8 year old has nothing to do with the prevalence of child marriages in Muslim countries.

Good luck with that one. No, really. :cuckoo:

Like I said Roudy, that's disputable: Dr. David Liepert: Rejecting the Myth of Sanctioned Child Marriage in Islam
Anybody who doesn't agree with your "everybody is doing what Muslims are doing" appeasement ideology of justification is a "bigot". Right.

I'll refer to your own words Roudy, when someone disagrees with you: It's these kinds of moments that show a persons true agenda

What's your true agenda?

Note: I have never claimed to be objective - those are your words, not mine.
We're way past not being objective and into spreading false propogdanda territory.

I agree, but you've been in at so long now I expect little else. You're agenda is very clear.
But Catholic priests aren't saying that committing pedophilia is acceptable and citing religion or the Bible to justify their behavior?

Interesting how you fail to put these two together. Or you don't want to.

It's the same with Islamic terrorism. People like you will go around telling everybody it's not because Islamists are just following the "pure" teachings of Islam.

But it is.

It's already been well established that you don't know much about Islam.

I don't pretend to be an expert.
Really, is that so? And YOU do?

Stop making up stuff about Muslim culture 6000 miles away.

My experience comes from life experience. Yours is what you find on the Internet to support your twisted biased outlook, even Muslims would disagree with in this one.


Your experience from life has been shown to have gaping educational holes.

Anti-semites claim to have experiences and certainly believe what they are saying. That doesn't mean they are right.
Gotta be a muslim.

In Yemen? Most likely. Child marriage happens in many non-Islamic majority countries as well though (it is a big problem in parts of Southern Africa, and the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa for that matter). It is also a large problem in India.

Child marriage is one of those nasty side effects of weak governmental institutions coupled with extreme poverty. It's horrible stuff.

Right. It is not just a Muslim thing. It is something that still takes place around the world in what are still primitive cultures. The Muslim haters want to say and think it's just about being Muslim, but that isn't true. This type of thing does not happen among modern Muslims, it doesn't happen in the more progressive, modernized countries. It is not at all a pervasive thing in Islam or in the Middle East. Yemen is a backward, and as you say, tribalized country.
I'll refer to your own words Roudy, when someone disagrees with you: It's these kinds of moments that show a persons true agenda

What's your true agenda?

Note: I have never claimed to be objective - those are your words, not mine.
We're way past not being objective and into spreading false propogdanda territory.

I agree, but you've been in at so long now I expect little else. You're agenda is very clear.
I have no agenda other than the truth.
Gotta be a muslim.

In Yemen? Most likely. Child marriage happens in many non-Islamic majority countries as well though (it is a big problem in parts of Southern Africa, and the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa for that matter). It is also a large problem in India.

Child marriage is one of those nasty side effects of weak governmental institutions coupled with extreme poverty. It's horrible stuff.

Right. It is not just a Muslim thing. It is something that still takes place around the world in what are still primitive cultures. The Muslim haters want to say and think it's just about being Muslim, but that isn't true. This type of thing does not happen among modern Muslims, it doesn't happen in the more progressive, modernized countries. It is not at all a pervasive thing in Islam or in the Middle East. Yemen is a backward, and as you say, tribalized country.
Islam has a lot to do with why its prevalent among Muslims. They are trying to emulate Mohammad.
Mohammed was not a "child rapist pedophile". He married 3 adult wives and Aisha's age is controversial. Child marriages, forced marriages and plural marriages were the common were common in that era but of course some choose to ignore that because it suits their agendas to make out that Islam is a pedophilic relgion.

And the fact that both you and Bloodrock seem to support that while being "OK" with a 12 year old girl being forced into pregnancy (sarcasm alert) is typical of the religious hypocrisy that abounds when it comes to Islam.

A few things. Generally, the myth of Mary puts her at 14, not 12 - not sure where you cooked that one up at. Mary was Jewish and not able to marry prior to her Bat Mitzvah at 13.

Muhammad was a warlord. People were given him as tribute. Slaves, concubines, etc. Aisha was a political marriage, a means of linking Abu Bakr to the warlord and legitimize his rule as Caliph. Aisha was given to Muhammad at the age of 6, but the consummation was postponed until the 9th birthday of Aisha. The Shi'ites deny much of this because it adds legitimacy to Sunni claims of authority. It was vital that Aisha be taken before she had her first menses, as a sign of virginal purity. She absolutely was a child - that was the whole point.
Mohammed was not a "child rapist pedophile". He married 3 adult wives and Aisha's age is controversial. Child marriages, forced marriages and plural marriages were the common were common in that era but of course some choose to ignore that because it suits their agendas to make out that Islam is a pedophilic relgion.

And the fact that both you and Bloodrock seem to support that while being "OK" with a 12 year old girl being forced into pregnancy (sarcasm alert) is typical of the religious hypocrisy that abounds when it comes to Islam.

A few things. Generally, the myth of Mary puts her at 14, not 12 - not sure where you cooked that one up at. Mary was Jewish and not able to marry prior to her Bat Mitzvah at 13.

From: Truth Or Tradition - Does the Bible say how old / at what age Mary became pregnant with Jesus?
One very remarkable thing about Mary is that she would almost certainly have been 12-14 years old when the angel Gabriel appeared to her. We know this because the common custom at that time was for girls to marry early, at that age. The Bible never gives Mary’s age when she got pregnant or gave birth to Jesus, and that is because when something happened that was common in the culture, nothing was said about it.

She could easily have been 12, that was the custom of the time (marriage between 12-14) and of course, they all had to be virgins then.

Muhammad was a warlord. People were given him as tribute. Slaves, concubines, etc. Aisha was a political marriage, a means of linking Abu Bakr to the warlord and legitimize his rule as Caliph. Aisha was given to Muhammad at the age of 6, but the consummation was postponed until the 9th birthday of Aisha. The Shi'ites deny much of this because it adds legitimacy to Sunni claims of authority. It was vital that Aisha be taken before she had her first menses, as a sign of virginal purity. She absolutely was a child - that was the whole point.

Not according to this: Dr. David Liepert: Rejecting the Myth of Sanctioned Child Marriage in Islam

It's a very disputable point that she was that young, though almost certainly she could have been 12-14, as that was the custom and possibly 16.
Gotta be a muslim.

In Yemen? Most likely. Child marriage happens in many non-Islamic majority countries as well though (it is a big problem in parts of Southern Africa, and the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa for that matter). It is also a large problem in India.

Child marriage is one of those nasty side effects of weak governmental institutions coupled with extreme poverty. It's horrible stuff.

Right. It is not just a Muslim thing. It is something that still takes place around the world in what are still primitive cultures. The Muslim haters want to say and think it's just about being Muslim, but that isn't true. This type of thing does not happen among modern Muslims, it doesn't happen in the more progressive, modernized countries. It is not at all a pervasive thing in Islam or in the Middle East. Yemen is a backward, and as you say, tribalized country.

"Modern Muslims"? Would that also include the modern Muslims in the KSA who behead people convicted of witchcraft and sorcery?

BBC News - Saudi man executed for 'witchcraft and sorcery'

Btw, I don't believe there is yet a minimum age for marriage in connection with young girls in the KSA.

Will Saudi Arabia end child marriage? ? Global Public Square - Blogs
In Yemen? Most likely. Child marriage happens in many non-Islamic majority countries as well though (it is a big problem in parts of Southern Africa, and the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa for that matter). It is also a large problem in India.

Child marriage is one of those nasty side effects of weak governmental institutions coupled with extreme poverty. It's horrible stuff.

Right. It is not just a Muslim thing. It is something that still takes place around the world in what are still primitive cultures. The Muslim haters want to say and think it's just about being Muslim, but that isn't true. This type of thing does not happen among modern Muslims, it doesn't happen in the more progressive, modernized countries. It is not at all a pervasive thing in Islam or in the Middle East. Yemen is a backward, and as you say, tribalized country.

"Modern Muslims"? Would that also include the modern Muslims in the KSA who behead people convicted of witchcraft and sorcery?

BBC News - Saudi man executed for 'witchcraft and sorcery'

Btw, I don't believe there is yet a minimum age for marriage in connection with young girls in the KSA.

Will Saudi Arabia end child marriage? ? Global Public Square - Blogs

I've never heard Saudi's referred to as "modern muslims" - they are one of the most fundamentalist.

Yeah, while it ranges from 12 to 14, it's still pretty ignorant, given that Jewish law prohibits marriage prior to age 13.

Was it your impression that Mary was not Jewish?

She could easily have been 12, that was the custom of the time (marriage between 12-14) and of course, they all had to be virgins then.

No, she could not have. Prior to her Bat Mitzvah, it was not legal for her to marry.

You are desperate, but your claim is ignorant.

Not according to this: Dr. David Liepert: Rejecting the Myth of Sanctioned Child Marriage in Islam

It's a very disputable point that she was that young, though almost certainly she could have been 12-14, as that was the custom and possibly 16.

Again, ignorant and self-serving nonsense. It was vital that she be consummated prior to her first menses.

{ American historian Denise Spellberg states that "these specific references to the bride's age reinforce Aisha's pre-menarcheal status and, implicitly, her virginity."[11] Early Muslims regarded Aisha's youth as demonstrating her virginity and therefore her suitability as a bride of Muhammad. This issue of her virginity was of great importance to those who supported Aisha's position in the debate of the succession to Muhammad. These supporters considered that as Muhammad's only virgin wife, Aisha was divinely intended for him, and therefore the most credible regarding the debate.[27]}

USC-MSA Compendium of Muslim Texts
I have no agenda other than the truth.

If your agenda was simply the truth then you would be bothered by how little you know on the subject. Seriously, You've admitted to having never read a single book on Islamic history. You have no idea how Islamic jurisprudence is formed, and you have no idea what is in the Quran. You have admitted to all of those things.

I don't see how you can even tell yourself you are interested in truth when you seem to be ok with how limited your knowledge is.
"Modern Muslims"? Would that also include the modern Muslims in the KSA who behead people convicted of witchcraft and sorcery?

People are arrested and tried for witchcraft (and sometimes killed) in Christian and other majority religion countries as well. Two were just arrested in Zimbabwe the other day actually.
Watching muslims struggle to excuse pedophilia in Islamic culture reaffirms my belief that it is truly an evil religion with evil followers.

No one in this thread is excusing or defending pedophilia. I'm not sure why you guys feel the need to be so dishonest when it comes to the stances of others. Once again, it rather reeks of insecurity on your part.
OP, I don't know who you think you are fooling. Preaching to the choir is one thing; the rest of us are not buying your routine. You don't care about these poor girls, you don't care about the problem of child brides. This thread has one purpose and one only: Muslim bashing.

If you were truly unbiased, if you really cared about the problem of child brides, you would inform yourself about it and not just be pointing the finger at how bad Islamic culture is.

Child Marriage Facts and Figures | ICRW

 If present trends continue, 142 million girls will marry over the next decade. That’s 38,000 girls married every day for the next 10 years.
 Girls living in poor households are almost twice as likely to marry before 18 than girls in higher income households.
 More than half of the girls in Bangladesh, Mali, Mozambique and Niger are married before age 18. In these same countries, more than 75 percent of people live on less than $2 a day.
 Girls with higher levels of schooling are less likely to marry as children. In Mozambique, some 60 percent of girls with no education are married by 18, compared to 10 percent of girls with secondary schooling and less than one percent of girls with higher education.
 Educating adolescent girls has been a critical factor in increasing the age of marriage in a number of developing countries, including Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Taiwan and Thailand.
 Girls younger than 15 are five times more likely to die in childbirth than women in their 20s. Pregnancy is the leading cause of death worldwide for women ages 15 to 19.
 Child brides face a higher risk of contracting HIV because they often marry an older man with more sexual experience. Girls ages 15 – 19 are 2 to 6 times more likely to contract HIV than boys of the same age in sub-Saharan Africa.
 Girls who marry before 18 are more likely to experience domestic violence than their peers who marry later. A study conducted by ICRW in two states in India found that girls who were married before 18 were twice as likely to report being beaten, slapped or threatened by their husbands than girls who married later.
 Child brides often show signs symptomatic of sexual abuse and post-traumatic stress such as feelings of hopelessness, helplessness and severe depression.
 No one religious affiliation was associated with child marriage, according to a 2007 ICRW study. Rather, a variety of religions are associated with child marriage in countries throughout the world.

OP and others: go to this site, read all of the information. Become educated. Stop being bigots. If you truly care about these girls, then focus on their problem and take your minds off you hatred for Islam. This is an issue that spans many cultures and religions.
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Mohammed was not a "child rapist pedophile". He married 3 adult wives and Aisha's age is controversial. Child marriages, forced marriages and plural marriages were the common were common in that era but of course some choose to ignore that because it suits their agendas to make out that Islam is a pedophilic relgion.

And the fact that both you and Bloodrock seem to support that while being "OK" with a 12 year old girl being forced into pregnancy (sarcasm alert) is typical of the religious hypocrisy that abounds when it comes to Islam.

A few things. Generally, the myth of Mary puts her at 14, not 12 - not sure where you cooked that one up at. Mary was Jewish and not able to marry prior to her Bat Mitzvah at 13.

From: Truth Or Tradition - Does the Bible say how old / at what age Mary became pregnant with Jesus?
One very remarkable thing about Mary is that she would almost certainly have been 12-14 years old when the angel Gabriel appeared to her. We know this because the common custom at that time was for girls to marry early, at that age. The Bible never gives Mary’s age when she got pregnant or gave birth to Jesus, and that is because when something happened that was common in the culture, nothing was said about it.

She could easily have been 12, that was the custom of the time (marriage between 12-14) and of course, they all had to be virgins then.

Muhammad was a warlord. People were given him as tribute. Slaves, concubines, etc. Aisha was a political marriage, a means of linking Abu Bakr to the warlord and legitimize his rule as Caliph. Aisha was given to Muhammad at the age of 6, but the consummation was postponed until the 9th birthday of Aisha. The Shi'ites deny much of this because it adds legitimacy to Sunni claims of authority. It was vital that Aisha be taken before she had her first menses, as a sign of virginal purity. She absolutely was a child - that was the whole point.

Not according to this: Dr. David Liepert: Rejecting the Myth of Sanctioned Child Marriage in Islam

It's a very disputable point that she was that young, though almost certainly she could have been 12-14, as that was the custom and possibly 16.
Lets hear it from this knowledgable Muslim cleric who has studied the Koran and is an expert on Islam:
"Mohammad is the example we follow" at 1:20

[ame=]Islam in Action: Shaykh Explains Child Marriage - YouTube[/ame]

Yeah, while it ranges from 12 to 14, it's still pretty ignorant, given that Jewish law prohibits marriage prior to age 13.

Was it your impression that Mary was not Jewish?

She could easily have been 12, that was the custom of the time (marriage between 12-14) and of course, they all had to be virgins then.

No, she could not have. Prior to her Bat Mitzvah, it was not legal for her to marry.

You are desperate, but your claim is ignorant.
Bat Mitzvah: According to Jewish law, when Jewish boys become 13 years old, they become accountable for their actions and become a bar mitzvah. A girl becomes a bat mizvah at the age of 12.

Not according to this: Dr. David Liepert: Rejecting the Myth of Sanctioned Child Marriage in Islam

It's a very disputable point that she was that young, though almost certainly she could have been 12-14, as that was the custom and possibly 16.

Again, ignorant and self-serving nonsense. It was vital that she be consummated prior to her first menses.

{ American historian Denise Spellberg states that "these specific references to the bride's age reinforce Aisha's pre-menarcheal status and, implicitly, her virginity."[11] Early Muslims regarded Aisha's youth as demonstrating her virginity and therefore her suitability as a bride of Muhammad. This issue of her virginity was of great importance to those who supported Aisha's position in the debate of the succession to Muhammad. These supporters considered that as Muhammad's only virgin wife, Aisha was divinely intended for him, and therefore the most credible regarding the debate.[27]}

USC-MSA Compendium of Muslim Texts

From your source:
Aishah became the Prophet's wife in Makkah when she was most likely in the tenth year of her life but her wedding did not take place until the second year after the Hijrah when she was about fourteen or fifteen years old. Before and after her wedding she maintained a natural jollity and innocence and did not seem at all overawed by the thought of being wedded to him who was the Messenger of God whom all his companions, including her own mother and father, treated with such love and reverence as they gave to no one else.
I have no agenda other than the truth.

If your agenda was simply the truth then you would be bothered by how little you know on the subject. Seriously, You've admitted to having never read a single book on Islamic history. You have no idea how Islamic jurisprudence is formed, and you have no idea what is in the Quran. You have admitted to all of those things.

I don't see how you can even tell yourself you are interested in truth when you seem to be ok with how limited your knowledge is.
Being a clairvoyant, how many times have you won the lottery? You have no knowledge of what Roudy knows but I'll wager his knowledge dwarfs yours.

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