Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night: activist

So discuss that. You did quite well, but attempting to diminish, or should I say doing what appears to at least 2 people in the discussion, as an attempt to diminish the disgusting custom by including a couple dozen Catholic priests, long dead Christians and Jews and people on another continent, comes off, at least to me, as an attempt to excuse this girl's death and Islamic customs.

Damn! If you need a translation, I'll see what I can do.
So discuss that. You did quite well, but attempting to diminish, or should I say doing what appears to at least 2 people in the discussion, as an attempt to diminish the disgusting custom by including a couple dozen Catholic priests, long dead Christians and Jews and people on another continent, comes off, at least to me, as an attempt to excuse this girl's death and Islamic customs.

Damn! If you need a translation, I'll see what I can do.

Ernie, this thread from about post 5, turned into an anti-Islamic rant that had less to do with the issue of child marriage then it did about hating Muslims (in general) and little actual concern with the real issue. I won't go along with that - but I will discuss the evil of child marriages.

And you are right, I shouldn't have pulled in all that other crap. It was stupid shit.
What is disgusting is you only care about child abuse when it's Muslims.

Not one peep from you when it occurs elsewhere - not even condemnation. Let me count the posts....

oh wait...there aren't any.

That is perverted.

India has a huge problem with child marriages, forced marriages and violence upon women. Apparently that is ok with you all. :dunno:

Post the stories. Sunshine me, and every other person who is condemning this little girl's death will join you in condemnation.
The subject of the OP was an 8 year old little Muslim girl, not child marriages in India, or Catholic priests or long since abandoned Judeo-Christian customs.
Have something relevant? Start a thread.

So tell me Ernie, the Catholic religion has a huge problem with pedophilic priests (no, not just a handful) - and worse, cover up. There have been numerous threads on that over time.

How do you feel about that? Is it OK because it's not Muslim? Or, more to the point - how come you aren't accusing Catholicism of being a pervert religion? Because it's not Muslim and it's "ok" to hate Muslims? That's what comes out of this shit. Look at the posts. How many of your and Sunshines posts are concerned about the victim here and how many are, instead, intent on villifying the religion as a whole?

When links and information about child marriages are posted showing the reasons are complex and less to do with any one religion then with other factors - do you bother to even read it? I doubt it...your mind is made up. But where the solutions to be found there? Even the human rights agencies have enough brains to know the issue is not simply one of religion.

So do you really care about the little girl here? Where are your posts?
But Catholic priests aren't saying that committing pedophilia is acceptable and citing religion or the Bible to justify their behavior?

Interesting how you fail to put these two together. Or you don't want to.

It's the same with Islamic terrorism. People like you will go around telling everybody it's not because Islamists are just following the "pure" teachings of Islam.

But it is.
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Muslims themselves do not deny that Aisha was 9 when she married Mohammad. The evidence is overwhelming. And that's the exact reason they cite for marrying 9 year olds in Muslim countries. I find it hilarious that some who call themselves objective show their utter bias by making it look like its "controversial".

It's these kinds of moments that show a persons true agenda.

Yes, it truly does. It brings the bigots crawling out of the walls.
Anybody who doesn't agree with your "everybody is doing what Muslims are doing" appeasement ideology of justification is a "bigot". Right.
Muslims themselves do not deny that Aisha was 9 when she married Mohammad. The evidence is overwhelming. And that's the exact reason they cite for marrying 9 year olds in Muslim countries. I find it hilarious that some who call themselves objective show their utter bias by making it look like its "controversial".

It's these kinds of moments that show a persons true agenda.

Yes, it truly does. It brings the bigots crawling out of the walls.
Anybody who doesn't agree with your "everybody is doing what Muslims are doing" appeasement ideology of justification is a "bigot". Right.

I'll refer to your own words Roudy, when someone disagrees with you: It's these kinds of moments that show a persons true agenda

What's your true agenda?

Note: I have never claimed to be objective - those are your words, not mine.
Post the stories. Sunshine me, and every other person who is condemning this little girl's death will join you in condemnation.
The subject of the OP was an 8 year old little Muslim girl, not child marriages in India, or Catholic priests or long since abandoned Judeo-Christian customs.
Have something relevant? Start a thread.

So tell me Ernie, the Catholic religion has a huge problem with pedophilic priests (no, not just a handful) - and worse, cover up. There have been numerous threads on that over time.

How do you feel about that? Is it OK because it's not Muslim? Or, more to the point - how come you aren't accusing Catholicism of being a pervert religion? Because it's not Muslim and it's "ok" to hate Muslims? That's what comes out of this shit. Look at the posts. How many of your and Sunshines posts are concerned about the victim here and how many are, instead, intent on villifying the religion as a whole?

When links and information about child marriages are posted showing the reasons are complex and less to do with any one religion then with other factors - do you bother to even read it? I doubt it...your mind is made up. But where the solutions to be found there? Even the human rights agencies have enough brains to know the issue is not simply one of religion.

So do you really care about the little girl here? Where are your posts?
But Catholic priests aren't saying that committing pedophilia is acceptable and citing religion or the Bible to justify their behavior?

Interesting how you fail to put these two together. Or you don't want to.

It's the same with Islamic terrorism. People like you will go around telling everybody it's not because Islamists are just following the "pure" teachings of Islam.

But it is.

It's already been well established that you don't know much about Islam.

I don't pretend to be an expert.
It's childish how much you guys need us to be secret Muslims and reeks of insecurity.
Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

Stop acting childish and insecure and i'll stop calling you on it. :dunno:
It certainly looks like the lady is still protesting too much. Meanwhile, why not tell us how come you said "but as non-Sunni Muslims there is no reason for US to do so." I think many of the viewers will take the US to include you. Regardless, this is only a forum and not real life so you can be whatever you want to be. Since this thread seems to be going on and on, how about something different being discussed -- like honor killings. It's a shame that this custom is even being brought to America, such as when a father thinks his daughters are becoming too westernized.
It certainly looks like the lady is still protesting too much.

You have a pretty poor command of Shakespeare if you can't be more original than that.

Meanwhile, why not tell us how come you said "but as non-Sunni Muslims there is no reason for US to do so."

Because none of us are Sunni Muslims. So it is fairly accurate. The "sunni" qualifier comes into effect because the Hadiths in question are Sunni Hadths. Shia's don't utilize them for the formation of jurisprudential sets so simply saying "since none of us are Muslim..." wouldn't have made any contextual sense or would have implied that all Muslims follow those hadiths which they don't.

But all of that would have been obvious to you guys if ANY of you actually knew anything about Islamic jurisprudential sets. But none of you do. Hell Roudy thought that they were part of the Quran and that Muhammad wrote them.

I think many of the viewers will take the US to include you.

It does include me; just like it includes you and everyone else talking in this thread. I'm not sure why you guys so desperately need me to be a secret Muslim. Perhaps it is the only way in which you can reconcile the fact that I actually know more than you guys about Islamic theology and jurisprudential sets and you feel insecure about that and thus need to rationalize it somehow. Perfectly natural, but silly for any level headed individual, and highly inaccurate.
It certainly looks like the lady is still protesting too much.

You have a pretty poor command of Shakespeare if you can't be more original than that.

Meanwhile, why not tell us how come you said "but as non-Sunni Muslims there is no reason for US to do so."

Because none of us are Sunni Muslims. So it is fairly accurate. The "sunni" qualifier comes into effect because the Hadiths in question are Sunni Hadths. Shia's don't utilize them for the formation of jurisprudential sets so simply saying "since none of us are Muslim..." wouldn't have made any contextual sense or would have implied that all Muslims follow those hadiths which they don't.

But all of that would have been obvious to you guys if ANY of you actually knew anything about Islamic jurisprudential sets. But none of you do. Hell Roudy thought that they were part of the Quran and that Muhammad wrote them.

I think many of the viewers will take the US to include you.

It does include me; just like it includes you and everyone else talking in this thread. I'm not sure why you guys so desperately need me to be a secret Muslim. Perhaps it is the only way in which you can reconcile the fact that I actually know more than you guys about Islamic theology and jurisprudential sets and you feel insecure about that and thus need to rationalize it somehow. Perfectly natural, but silly for any level headed individual, and highly inaccurate.
Polonius said, "Brevity is the art of wit." Does that satisfy you, Miss Osamir? I think it was a slip of the tongue (so to speak) when you said US (meaning you were not Sunni), but that's OK. Like I said, this is only a forum and everyone can claim to be whatever they wish to, and at the end of the day nobody really cares. You really are making a big to do about this. As far as you saying we are insecure, you know what they say when people make ASSumptions.
you know what they say when people make ASSumptions.

I do. And for the record you are making an ass of yourself.
I would say that goes more for those who are falsely promoting the idea that Mohammad's marriage to an 8 year old has nothing to do with the prevalence of child marriages in Muslim countries.

Good luck with that one. No, really. :cuckoo:
So tell me Ernie, the Catholic religion has a huge problem with pedophilic priests (no, not just a handful) - and worse, cover up. There have been numerous threads on that over time.

How do you feel about that? Is it OK because it's not Muslim? Or, more to the point - how come you aren't accusing Catholicism of being a pervert religion? Because it's not Muslim and it's "ok" to hate Muslims? That's what comes out of this shit. Look at the posts. How many of your and Sunshines posts are concerned about the victim here and how many are, instead, intent on villifying the religion as a whole?

When links and information about child marriages are posted showing the reasons are complex and less to do with any one religion then with other factors - do you bother to even read it? I doubt it...your mind is made up. But where the solutions to be found there? Even the human rights agencies have enough brains to know the issue is not simply one of religion.

So do you really care about the little girl here? Where are your posts?
But Catholic priests aren't saying that committing pedophilia is acceptable and citing religion or the Bible to justify their behavior?

Interesting how you fail to put these two together. Or you don't want to.

It's the same with Islamic terrorism. People like you will go around telling everybody it's not because Islamists are just following the "pure" teachings of Islam.

But it is.

It's already been well established that you don't know much about Islam.

I don't pretend to be an expert.
Really, is that so? And YOU do?

Stop making up stuff about Muslim culture 6000 miles away.

My experience comes from life experience. Yours is what you find on the Internet to support your twisted biased outlook, even Muslims would disagree with in this one.

Mohammad's marriage to an 8 year old

Your source?
Ha ha ha. My source? You want my source? I provided it four times in this thread.

Miss "thesis on women's rights". Gawd. What a joke.

A person writes a thesis on women's rights, and totally GLOSSES OVER the suffering of women in Muslim countries, BECAUSE OF ISLAM AND SHARIAH LAW.

you know what they say when people make ASSumptions.

I do. And for the record you are making an ass of yourself.
Let me reiterate -- you certainly are making a big to-do over this, Miss Osomir. No one here feels insecure because of you. You are only a poster on a forum which in reality is no big deal. You have no importance in the real world to any of us. If you were perhaps some well-known journalist or scholar, maybe we would actually pay more attention to you, but alas to us you are really just another person posting anonymously. Now since this thread has been beaten to death about child marriages, how about we add on a little spice to this thread and talk about honor killings. This should be right up your alley since this should have been part of your studies also.
Iran's leader Ayatollah Khomeini fatwa on "thighing" & paedophilia. "Thighing is a means for an adult male to enjoy a young girl who is still in the age of weaning; meaning to place his penis between her thighs, and to kiss her."

"A man can marry a girl younger than nine years of age, even if the girl is still a baby being breastfed. A man, however is prohibited from having intercourse with a girl younger than nine, while other sexual acts such as foreplay, rubbing, and kissing are allowed. A man having intercourse with a girl younger than nine years of age has not committed a crime, but only an infraction, if the girl is not permanently damaged. If the girl, however, is permanently damaged, the man must provide for her all her life. But this girl will not count as one of the man's four permanent wives. He also is not permitted to marry the girl's sister."
Minimum marriage age to be raised in Yemen...

Yemen child death sparks debate over marriage age
Mon, Sep 16, 2013 - TOO YOUNG: Before Yemen unified, the legal age of marriage was set as 15 in the north and 16 in the south, but the united nation does not specify an age limit
Yemeni Human Rights Minister Huriya Mashhoor said on Saturday that she will press for the minimum age of marriage to be raised to 18, after the reported death of a young girl on her wedding night. Eight-year-old Rawan was said to have died last week from internal bleeding after sexual intercourse, following her marriage to a man in his 40s in the northeastern province of Hajja. However, provincial governor Ali al-Qaissi denied the reports that Rawan had died. Mashmoor said she wanted to revive a bill that has lain dormant since 2009, which would have set the minimum age for marriage at 17, and raise it the age to 18.

Activists say the bill was shelved when ultraconservative lawmakers from the Islamist al-Islah party blocked it. “We are asking to fix the legal age for marriage at 18, as Yemen is a signatory to the international convention on children’s rights,” Mashhoor said. The minister spoke a day after the government formed a committee to investigate reports about the girl’s death. However, al-Qaissi told official news agency SABA on Saturday that Rawan was still alive. “The young girl Rawan Abdo Hattan is still alive and normally lives with her family who, in turn, deny the whole thing,” he said. He added that “the young girl is currently in a social protection center after undergoing physical and psychological tests in a public hospital” in the area.

Before the denial from the governor, Mashhoor had said: “We do not have enough evidence at the moment” about the incident. “I am worried that there could be an attempt to silence the matter, especially as it took place in an isolated rural area in Hajja Province where there have been similar cases before,” she said. “If the case was confirmed and covered up, then the crime would be more serious,” Mashhoor said. Mashhoor has been involved in a campaign against the marriage of child brides in Yemen, ravaged by years of strife and widespread poverty. There is no clear definition in the country of what constitutes a child, making it difficult to battle the practice.

That 14 percent of girls in Yemen are married before the age of 15, and 52 percent before 18, citing Yemeni and 2006 data from the UN, Human Rights Watch said on Wednesday last week. In certain rural areas, girls as young as eight are sometimes given in marriage to men much older than they. The problem caused worldwide outrage in 2010, with the case of Nujod Mohamed Ali. She had been married at the age of 10 to a man 20 years her senior in 2008, and was granted a divorce after he sexually abused and beat her. Ali became involved in campaigns against forced underage marriages, leading to calls to ban women from marrying before the age of 18. Before the unification of Yemen in 1990, the legal age of marriage was set at 15 in the north and 16 in the south. However, legislation in the united country does not specify any age limit.

Yemen child death sparks debate over marriage age - Taipei Times
Yes, it truly does. It brings the bigots crawling out of the walls.
Anybody who doesn't agree with your "everybody is doing what Muslims are doing" appeasement ideology of justification is a "bigot". Right.

I'll refer to your own words Roudy, when someone disagrees with you: It's these kinds of moments that show a persons true agenda

What's your true agenda?

Note: I have never claimed to be objective - those are your words, not mine.
We're way past not being objective and into spreading false propogdanda territory.

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