Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night: activist

OF COURSE it's 'cultural' - but it's the culture of the shari'a -ruled state.

Ignoring the obvious effects of a law which steals young children away from widowed mothers is an inexcusable lapse in scholarship.

No respectable student would attempt to deny that Mormon culture was impacted by the admission of Utah as a State: the situation of the Jewish community in Yemen is similar.

Although the LDS has largely steered away from the blatant racism - equating light skin color with 'enlightenment' and obedience to GOD - found in the Book of Mormon, that has all been fairly recent 'revelation', since the 1970's. They used to have rules that limited the religious offices which a 'nonwhite' Mormon could hold......

Here is another condition which is extremely rare among 'white' women - but which is endemic among women of color in many nations in Africa and some in Asia: The Fistula Foundation : Help give a woman a new life

It is ENTIRELY preventable - and ENTIRELY 'cultural'.

While Sharia has some influence it's inaccurate to say it's only the culture of Sharia - child marriages exist in states dominated by a variety of religions and most often the culture precedes the religion. What Sherri's source pointed out was that religious conversion was a "major factor" - but it did not rule out culture and noted that child marriage was wide-spread among Yemeni Jews.

Child marriage is driven by a combination of factors that work together and I think this is evident in Yemen. The single most important factor across the board seems to be poverty.

I don't think this discussion should be read as an attack on Jews - it's taking a look at the factors that underlie child marriage - in Yemen, in particular and around the world in general. I think there are cultural traditions, biblical/tribal cultures that formed the backbone of the Abrahamic faiths that are at play here and they are traditions that we, in the west, have largely relegated to history or to a more ceremonial/metaphoric interpretation.
Child marriage is cultural and it is the culture present where it is practiced that leads to the practice.

There is no law forcing child marriage on people.

That is why in countries where it is common, you see the practice among people of different religions in those countries. Like Yemen, we have seen Muslims and Jews arrange child marriages for their children.
If it's cultural why was it not practiced in Iran during the Shah's time, but when Islamists took over, it became totally legal and acceptable?

An inconvenient truth.

The Shah was a dictator and had the ability to force social change on a medievil culture in much the same way the British ended the practice of sati in India. That didn't necessarily stop it in the provinces and rural districts where it most likely continued quietly. As to why it resurfaced - because Iranian Islamists represent the most fundamentalist cult of Islam and child marriage is in accordance with that fundamentalist approach.
Another story of child-brides emerged several years ago in Israel’s north. Rabbi Shlomo Eliezer Schick of the Bratslav Hassidic movement in Yavne’el in the Galilee*was arrested*“for officiating the marriages of some 20 underage couples, mostly ages 12 to 16,” according to Ha’aretz. In Israel, marriage under the age of 17 is illegal. Schick actually has a bit of a following, and even his own nickname “The Mohorosh,” although if he has continued to marry off children, he has been doing it under the radar.

Mishnah - Judaism's Oral Torah - Rabbinic Judaism

That reminds me of some of the pseudo Christian cults in the US, like Warren Jeffs, who forced kids into marriage. It's easy to distort religion into a self-serving cult.
Here's the difference. Warren Jeffs was put in prison for doing that in the United States, in Islamic countries it is considered normal and they are protected and defended (like on this site), and in some cases they are elevated to "prophet" status.

Exactly - because we, in the US are not a medievil society nor are we beset by the degree of poverty and weak central government found in Islamic countries like Yemen, Hindu countries like Nepal, and Christian countries like Central African Republic.

In Islamic countries it is not necessarily considered "normal" (depends on the country and region within the ocuntry) but rather, archaic. For example - the OP provoked a great deal of outrage in the Islamic community as witnessed by the article from Kuwait and pressure, from the Muslim community, on Yemen forced the Yemen government to consider legislating a higher minimum age for marriage.

Funny thing here. You have several times claimed that child marriage is "defended" on this site and every time your feet are put to the fire to provide proof of that allegation you fail miserably to find a single link.
Child marriage is cultural and it is the culture present where it is practiced that leads to the practice.

There is no law forcing child marriage on people.

That is why in countries where it is common, you see the practice among people of different religions in those countries. Like Yemen, we have seen Muslims and Jews arrange child marriages for their children.

Perhaps not 'child marriages' per se - but it is obvious that the decree of forced conversion to Islam in Yemen was the main factor in perpetuating 'child marriage' there within the Jewish community.

It was the sources you cited which explained that quite clearly - yet for some 'reason' you refuse to acknowledge this fact, that such a law existed, or that it had the effect which the authors YOU chose to quote upon the Jewish community.

What I read an author state is the primary reason for the practice of child marriage among both Jews and Muslims was it was CUSTOM and was to ensure chastity. Yemen has a very conservative society, that is true of the Muslims, that was true of their Jewish community, as well.

You need to read my source again, what they said, you seem to have a problem reading and comprehending English.

The Jews of the British Crown Colony of Aden: History, Culture, and Ethnic ... - Reuben Ahroni - Google Books

And what I find Unbelievable is seeing Zionist Jews use this excuse, they made us do it, to justify marrying their very own children off at as young an age as 8 years old.

But why should I be surprised, after hearing Zionist Golda Meir kill Palestinian children, admit it, and claim Palestinians made her do it.

Truth is, blaming others for everything a Zionist Jew does, every bad act and every immoral act and every crime against humanity and crimes against one's very own children even, are blamed on the Gentiles!

A Zionist cannot accept blame for any act they do, they are always the eternal victim!

And another point, I do not believe there is a " decree of forced conversion to Islam in Yemen", let me see you provide a cite for that law you claim is a decree in Yemen!

Sherri, it has nothing to do with "Zionist Jews". Your own source stated that one major factor (but not the only factor) was concern over forced conversion.

Wikipedia says: Yemenite Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1922, the government of Yemen, under Imam Yahya reintroduced an ancient Islamic law entitled the "orphans decree". The law dictated that, if Jewish boys or girls under the age of twelve were orphaned, they were to be forcibly converted to Islam, their connections to their families and communities were to be severed and they had to be handed over to Muslim foster families. The rule was based on the law that the prophet Mohammed is "the father of the orphans," and on the fact that the Jews in Yemen were considered "under protection" and the ruler was obligated to care for them.[45]
Perhaps not 'child marriages' per se - but it is obvious that the decree of forced conversion to Islam in Yemen was the main factor in perpetuating 'child marriage' there within the Jewish community.

It was the sources you cited which explained that quite clearly - yet for some 'reason' you refuse to acknowledge this fact, that such a law existed, or that it had the effect which the authors YOU chose to quote upon the Jewish community.

What I read an author state is the primary reason for the practice of child marriage among both Jews and Muslims was to ensure chastity. Yemen has a very conservative society, that is true of the Muslims, that was true of their Jewish community, as well.

You need to read my source again, what they said, you seem to have a problem reading and comprehending English.

Anyone can see, from going to your post earlier in this thread, that the one author stated as you quoted:

"The Yemenite girl was often engaged to be married before she was twelve years old, and she was not able to choose her future husband. When young children were orphaned, there was a danger that the Yemenis might force their conversion to Islam and remove them from the Jewish community. Thus, marriages of very young people were often arranged to prevent this tragedy. However, it appears that young girls lived with their husbands only after they matured. Marriage to older men was not unknown, and neither was polygamy. The major circumstance leading to polygamy was the practice of*levirate marriage*(a religious obligation to marry the wife of a brother who died without issue), which was encouraged among Yemenite Jews even into the twentieth century. Following her wedding, the bride moved to her mother-in-law’s house where she joined the pool of female workers, continuing the same arduous tasks that she had been trained for by her own mother."

Yemen and the Yishuv | Jewish Women's Archive

A few posts later you 'quoted' another author.

"The custom of child marriage, which was generally prevalent among Jews in Yemen, was not known in Aden. As Gamliel, a Yeminite writer points out, sons, particularly daughters, were married off in their early teens, in many cases even at the age of nine or ten. The marriage prospect for girls who passed the age of 18, he notes, were slim. These old girls would under the best possible circumstances be married off to a widower, a divorcee, or as a second wife. This custom of marriage at a tender age , which was similar to that of the Muslims, was essentially meant to ensure pre-marital chastity...."

The Jews of the British Crown Colony of Aden: History, Culture, and Ethnic ... - Reuben Ahroni - Google Books

The quote is found on p.126, in a lengthy footnote , which reads in full:

The custom of child marriage, which was generally prevalent among Jews in Yemen, was not known in Aden. As Gamliel, a Yeminite writer points out, sons, particularly daughters, were married off in their early teens, in many cases even at the age of nine or ten. The marriage prospect for girls who passed the age of 18, he notes, were slim. These old girls would under the best possible circumstances be married off to a widower, a divorcee, or as a second wife. This custom of marriage at a tender age , which was similar to that of the Muslims, was essentially meant to ensure pre-marital chastity. For the Yemenite Jews, however, one major motivation for child betrothal and marriage was to ensure the exemption of Jewish children from the decree of forced conversion, to which Jewish orphans who did not attain puberty before their father died were subjected in Yemen "

Evidently it is you who lacks reading comprehension. As I've already explained, when it's all one paragraph, it's all one concept.

What kind of 'scholarship' is it to cite an author and then edit out what he states is a MAJOR MOTIVATION for the pattern he's discussing?

Once again, you have lied and the proof is here for all to read.

Actually, he states one major motivation - meaning, one of several.
That was not the only reason for child marriages, they were the accepted practice all across Yemen society.

What were the other reasons for "child marriage" for jewish girls and boys in yemeni society and what does any of it have to do with 40 year old man bedding an eight year
old girl? A bit of interesting insight------Yemenite jews have a remarkable regard
for ANYTHING written by MAIMONIDES-----He completely disallowed sex by force upon
a woman ----in marriage-----any level of force or coercion was completely----"outlawed"---
He even disallowed a man to WAKE his wife from sleep in order to have sexual
contact (see "Guide for the Perplexed")

Regarding "child marriage"--------Jews are not the only people who contract marriages long before there is consumation thereof. Hindu informants-----who grew up in
remote and impoverished parts of India------have informed me that very early marriages
in India-------meant the girl lived with her mother-in-law for several years and generally
did not have anything to do with her young husband---------for quite awhile.
Mahatma Gandhi and his wife were married when both were 12. -------According to a
biography of Mahatma Gandhi that I read-------for years they were not only never alone
together------they barely interacted with each other at all. Interestingly----he regretted
the fact that he was kept from her-------since he felt he could have rendered her literate---
if he had the opportunity

Absolutely right and I think that is the point Sherri is making - it's not just Jews, Muslims, Hindus etc - it's widespread cultural practices in certain regions of the world.

wrong again Coyote-------the SUBJECT OF THIS THREAD -----is the BEDDING of
an eight year old girl ----AGAINST HER WILL -----by a 40 year old man Why would
a person of your credentials post an OFF TOPIC post?

----for a bit of "medical history" in medieval times------it was a commonly held
belief in "islamic medicine" that old men who bed children attain the "essence of youth" ---thereby.

according to my hindu informants-----who may have been doing a bit of a coverup-----or
maybe not. ---- The families of child couples ----ie the family of the boy simply watch
with amusement to see when the boy will begin to attempt to extract a kiss from his little
wife----------which by accepted custom------the little wife indignantly refuses and indignantly
REPORTS to HIS mother The biography of Mahatma Gandhi does kinda confirm this
social more' Another intersting social more' amongst hindus is that a wife-----has an option of announcing "I AM GOING HOME TO MOTHER"--------(for a visit) Her
husband's family is kinda obligated to let her "visit" her parents where her brothers' wives
will wait on her hand and foot

The answer to this issue lies in just how the SHARIAH COURTS of Yemen will deal with
the issue of death by coerced sex upon an eight year old. My guess is that the man
may be required to pay 'blood money" to the family of the victim In the case of
a girl-----the value of her life is 1/2 that of a muslim male child. I have no idea what the
going rate is. According to strict islamic law------he owes nobody nothing------because
male sex with a partner "LEGAL" for him------is ----simply -----legal ----no matter
what the outcome. It's all in the koran------an interesting read. In fact the husband of
the dead child may even demand a REFUND of the "MAHR"-----which is a sum of
money he paid the parents of the girl for bestowing his little wife upon him

According to your definition of populations ALL HAVE THE SAME PROPORTIONS of
alcoholics, thieves and perverts who ALL DO THE SAME SORT OF THINGS with
equal frequency-------there is no need at all for the science of Anthropology -----
MARGARET MEADE wasted her time observing "coming of age in samoa"
That reminds me of some of the pseudo Christian cults in the US, like Warren Jeffs, who forced kids into marriage. It's easy to distort religion into a self-serving cult.
Here's the difference. Warren Jeffs was put in prison for doing that in the United States, in Islamic countries it is considered normal and they are protected and defended (like on this site), and in some cases they are elevated to "prophet" status.

Eliezer Schick was a Jewish Rabbi who was carrying out unlawful underage marriages of Israeli Jews inside Israel. He probably was not punished by the Zionist Regime, Jewish rabbis do get preferential treatment by the Zionist State. It does appear he had some type of Prophet status in Israel, he even had his own nickname there.

What you are wrong about is calling Israel an Islamic State, they call themselves the Jewish State.

I seriously doubt he was given preferential treatment - neither pedophiles nor their enablers are well tolerated in western countries.
wrong again Coyote-------the SUBJECT OF THIS THREAD -----is the BEDDING of
an eight year old girl ----AGAINST HER WILL -----by a 40 year old man Why would
a person of your credentials post an OFF TOPIC post?

This is Zone 3 Rosie
That is not all the Talmud says, as has been addressed with the verses I set forth in the Mishnah I provided a cite for. They are obviously interpreted differently, today and in the past, explaining child marriages in the past and today. I previously provided a link to an article addressing recent cases of child marriage that have occurred among Jews in Israel.

I got bad news for you sherri-----the Mishnah is not the talmud

what is it that you imagine "the talmud says" ??? Your comment is so vague that
it is meaningless------what is it you imagine is "obviously interpreted differently today
and in the past" ? Your abilty to figure out what is expressed in the talmud is even
worse than is your ability to understand that which is expressed in the New Testament.

I have good news for you------you need not guess--------the talmud has been
the subject of RECORDED ANALYSIS for more than 2500 years--------continuously.
Thus it is possible for you to actually read about that which you imagine "changed"

I cannot find your link to "child marriages" in Israel-------what are you calling a
"child marriage"??? --------is the marriage between two sixteen year olds
a "child marriage"? its legal in Maryland. You are off topic----the topic of
this thread is ---------"a 40 year old bedded an eight year old and killed her doing it"
Just how this case is considered in Yemen----which is a shariah adherent society-----
will be demonstrated by the actually actions taken to the legal system over there.

The*Talmud*(/ˈtɑːlmʊd,*-məd,*ˈtæl-/;*Hebrew:*תַּלְמוּד*talmūd"instruction, learning", from a*root*lmd*"teach, study") is a central text of Rabbinic*Judaism. It is also traditionally referred to as*Shas*(ש״ס), aHebrew*abbreviation of*shisha sedarim, the "six orders". The Talmud has two components. The first part is the*Mishnah*(Hebrew: משנה, c. 200 CE), the written compendium of Judaism's*Oral Torah*(Torah meaning "Instruction", "Teaching" in Hebrew). The second part is theGemara*(c. 500 CE), an elucidation of the Mishnah and related*Tannaiticwritings that often ventures onto other subjects and expounds broadly on the*Jewish Bible.

Talmud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And one more time, the story in the OP did not happen. You want to claim it happened, you prove it.

Sherry uses yet another thread to promote her insensate Jew hatreds

The islamist apologists continue to deflect accepting responsibility for what islamism allows in terms of child abuse. There are definite clues that there will be continuing abuse of female children in the Islamic Middle East as the very nature of islamist societies establish “governments” that are based upon religious affiliation to a 7th century Arab warlord. Let’s not forget, radical and fundamentalist Islam is easily spread around this region because ideologically these folks believe that 1.) Their religion is right (and all religions believe this, but Judaism doesn’t export and Christianity long ago stopped using Crusades and genocide to export– Islam is still 7 th century in this regard) and 2.) Islamic ideology has achieved only the ability to keep its adherents shackled to third-world status.
What I read an author state is the primary reason for the practice of child marriage among both Jews and Muslims was to ensure chastity. Yemen has a very conservative society, that is true of the Muslims, that was true of their Jewish community, as well.

You need to read my source again, what they said, you seem to have a problem reading and comprehending English.

Anyone can see, from going to your post earlier in this thread, that the one author stated as you quoted:

"The Yemenite girl was often engaged to be married before she was twelve years old, and she was not able to choose her future husband. When young children were orphaned, there was a danger that the Yemenis might force their conversion to Islam and remove them from the Jewish community. Thus, marriages of very young people were often arranged to prevent this tragedy. However, it appears that young girls lived with their husbands only after they matured. Marriage to older men was not unknown, and neither was polygamy. The major circumstance leading to polygamy was the practice of*levirate marriage*(a religious obligation to marry the wife of a brother who died without issue), which was encouraged among Yemenite Jews even into the twentieth century. Following her wedding, the bride moved to her mother-in-law’s house where she joined the pool of female workers, continuing the same arduous tasks that she had been trained for by her own mother."

Yemen and the Yishuv | Jewish Women's Archive

A few posts later you 'quoted' another author.

"The custom of child marriage, which was generally prevalent among Jews in Yemen, was not known in Aden. As Gamliel, a Yeminite writer points out, sons, particularly daughters, were married off in their early teens, in many cases even at the age of nine or ten. The marriage prospect for girls who passed the age of 18, he notes, were slim. These old girls would under the best possible circumstances be married off to a widower, a divorcee, or as a second wife. This custom of marriage at a tender age , which was similar to that of the Muslims, was essentially meant to ensure pre-marital chastity...."

The Jews of the British Crown Colony of Aden: History, Culture, and Ethnic ... - Reuben Ahroni - Google Books

The quote is found on p.126, in a lengthy footnote , which reads in full:

The custom of child marriage, which was generally prevalent among Jews in Yemen, was not known in Aden. As Gamliel, a Yeminite writer points out, sons, particularly daughters, were married off in their early teens, in many cases even at the age of nine or ten. The marriage prospect for girls who passed the age of 18, he notes, were slim. These old girls would under the best possible circumstances be married off to a widower, a divorcee, or as a second wife. This custom of marriage at a tender age , which was similar to that of the Muslims, was essentially meant to ensure pre-marital chastity. For the Yemenite Jews, however, one major motivation for child betrothal and marriage was to ensure the exemption of Jewish children from the decree of forced conversion, to which Jewish orphans who did not attain puberty before their father died were subjected in Yemen "

Evidently it is you who lacks reading comprehension. As I've already explained, when it's all one paragraph, it's all one concept.

What kind of 'scholarship' is it to cite an author and then edit out what he states is a MAJOR MOTIVATION for the pattern he's discussing?

Once again, you have lied and the proof is here for all to read.

Stop lying, can you possibly tell the truth?

I provided a quote of a source who stated child marriage was the custom in Yemen, the fact they are the custom is the primary explanation for child marriages occurring in Yemen, and the author explains a primary purpose of this custom, ensuring chastity. Then, after stating this, he adds, "one major motivation" for Jewish children of child marriages is to protect Jewish children from the decree of forced conversion that he says would occur if the children became orphans before marriage (that would only apply if the child's parents both died before the child was married). Let's look at the sequence of the words. First, CUSTOM explains the practice, that is custom inside Yemen where child marriages are commonly embraced. Second, he tries to explain the reason for the custom. He says the custom was "essentially meant to ensure chastity." That is a primary purpose of the custom, a primary purpose of the custom for Jews and Muslims, for everyone. Third, the author lists another primary purpose of the custom for Jews he says "one primary motivation" for Jews is the concern of coerced conversions in the case the child might lose both parents before marriage and become an orphan.

The fact is child marriages occur among Jews and Muslims because it is the custom in Yemen, and the custom is there to ensure chastity and, as an added reason for Jews, to avoid possible forced conversions.

Custom explains the existence of child marriages in Yemen, not Shariah Law, and not Yemeni decrees.

And I am still waiting for a cite to that Yemeni decree that allegedly forces conversions to Islam on Jewish children in the event a child becomes an orphan.

Keep waiting I kinda enjoy your admission that you known nothing at all
about isa-respecting islamic law The dhimmi orphan law is not
particularly "YEMENI" except for the fact that Yemen ----resented the
IMPOSITION by the ottomans that the law be repudiated ------and DEMANDED its
reinstatement sometime around 1930 just in time for it to affect the life of my
mother-in-law whose father died when she was 11

In places that had a strong BRITISH PRESENCE-----at that time-------the law could
not be fully implemented which is why it did not work in ADEN-------Aden is the place
to which hubby's parents and-----his paternal grandfather fled to avoid it. Is that
not interesting? In Yemen OUT IN THE STICKS------it is ALL SHARIAH See sherri----even you can learn a bit of REAL HISTORY (for Coyote----there is nothing
What I read an author state is the primary reason for the practice of child marriage among both Jews and Muslims was to ensure chastity. Yemen has a very conservative society, that is true of the Muslims, that was true of their Jewish community, as well.

You need to read my source again, what they said, you seem to have a problem reading and comprehending English.

Anyone can see, from going to your post earlier in this thread, that the one author stated as you quoted:

"The Yemenite girl was often engaged to be married before she was twelve years old, and she was not able to choose her future husband. When young children were orphaned, there was a danger that the Yemenis might force their conversion to Islam and remove them from the Jewish community. Thus, marriages of very young people were often arranged to prevent this tragedy. However, it appears that young girls lived with their husbands only after they matured. Marriage to older men was not unknown, and neither was polygamy. The major circumstance leading to polygamy was the practice of*levirate marriage*(a religious obligation to marry the wife of a brother who died without issue), which was encouraged among Yemenite Jews even into the twentieth century. Following her wedding, the bride moved to her mother-in-law’s house where she joined the pool of female workers, continuing the same arduous tasks that she had been trained for by her own mother."

Yemen and the Yishuv | Jewish Women's Archive

A few posts later you 'quoted' another author.

"The custom of child marriage, which was generally prevalent among Jews in Yemen, was not known in Aden. As Gamliel, a Yeminite writer points out, sons, particularly daughters, were married off in their early teens, in many cases even at the age of nine or ten. The marriage prospect for girls who passed the age of 18, he notes, were slim. These old girls would under the best possible circumstances be married off to a widower, a divorcee, or as a second wife. This custom of marriage at a tender age , which was similar to that of the Muslims, was essentially meant to ensure pre-marital chastity...."

The Jews of the British Crown Colony of Aden: History, Culture, and Ethnic ... - Reuben Ahroni - Google Books

The quote is found on p.126, in a lengthy footnote , which reads in full:

The custom of child marriage, which was generally prevalent among Jews in Yemen, was not known in Aden. As Gamliel, a Yeminite writer points out, sons, particularly daughters, were married off in their early teens, in many cases even at the age of nine or ten. The marriage prospect for girls who passed the age of 18, he notes, were slim. These old girls would under the best possible circumstances be married off to a widower, a divorcee, or as a second wife. This custom of marriage at a tender age , which was similar to that of the Muslims, was essentially meant to ensure pre-marital chastity. For the Yemenite Jews, however, one major motivation for child betrothal and marriage was to ensure the exemption of Jewish children from the decree of forced conversion, to which Jewish orphans who did not attain puberty before their father died were subjected in Yemen "

Evidently it is you who lacks reading comprehension. As I've already explained, when it's all one paragraph, it's all one concept.

What kind of 'scholarship' is it to cite an author and then edit out what he states is a MAJOR MOTIVATION for the pattern he's discussing?

Once again, you have lied and the proof is here for all to read.

Stop lying, can you possibly tell the truth?

I provided a quote of a source who stated child marriage was the custom in Yemen, the fact they are the custom is the primary explanation for child marriages occurring in Yemen, and the author explains a primary purpose of this custom, ensuring chastity. Then, after stating this, he adds, "one major motivation" for Jewish children of child marriages is to protect Jewish children from the decree of forced conversion that he says would occur if the children became orphans before marriage (that would only apply if the child's parents both died before the child was married). Let's look at the sequence of the words. First, CUSTOM explains the practice, that is custom inside Yemen where child marriages are commonly embraced. Second, he tries to explain the reason for the custom. He says the custom was "essentially meant to ensure chastity." That is a primary purpose of the custom, a primary purpose of the custom for Jews and Muslims, for everyone. Third, the author lists another primary purpose of the custom for Jews he says "one primary motivation" for Jews is the concern of coerced conversions in the case the child might lose both parents before marriage and become an orphan.

Sherri why do you keep screwing up your own citations I doubt that the author
wrote----"that would only apply if the child's parents BOTH died before the child was
married. If he did------you found the wrong guy to cite. In islamic law a child
is an orphan with the LOSS OF HIS OR HER FATHER My mother-in-law lost her
father at age 11---------her MOTHER lived on -------and she did get to see her
again more than 15 years after she fled with her little husband and her
father-in-law. The reason she married at age 12 had nothing to do with chastity---
it was all ---the DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW. Yemeni muslims clung so tenaciously to the DHIMMI ---ORPHAN LAW yemenite jews managed to
create all kinds of QUICKIE ways to get an orphaned boy or girl married and
ELSEWHERE Sometimes the marriages were to unlikely candidates based
on the EMERGENCY situation The good news is that hubby's parents were
very well matched. Generally jews do not actually "marry" before the age of
consent 12 1/2 for girls and 13 for boys-----no matter how dire the circumstances---
but they can do the BETROTHAL THING ---which is a kind of binding contract
before that time. ------parents can do it for them---BOTH of them
IN fact your very own citations conform with that fact-----some rabbi marrying girls as
young as 12 and boys as young as 13--------yup-----that is possible that he wanted to
do that even though it is illegal in Israel-----Juliet was 14 when she married romeo
Kids can legally marry in Maryland USA at that age too. My mother's paternal
grandmother INSISTED on marriage at age 14 to the love of her life and proceeded
to have 10 kids in nine years--------an obvious marriage of love (then her husband
died of a war would in the army of Emperor Franz Josef-----short of age 30

what has all this got to do with the forced bedding of an 8 year old girl by a man of
40?. If her husband was 10 years old------she would be alive today
Here's the difference. Warren Jeffs was put in prison for doing that in the United States, in Islamic countries it is considered normal and they are protected and defended (like on this site), and in some cases they are elevated to "prophet" status.

Eliezer Schick was a Jewish Rabbi who was carrying out unlawful underage marriages of Israeli Jews inside Israel. He probably was not punished by the Zionist Regime, Jewish rabbis do get preferential treatment by the Zionist State. It does appear he had some type of Prophet status in Israel, he even had his own nickname there.

What you are wrong about is calling Israel an Islamic State, they call themselves the Jewish State.

I seriously doubt he was given preferential treatment - neither pedophiles nor their enablers are well tolerated in western countries.

Look at the reverence bestowed today in Israel upon Rabbi Schick. He is called the righteous one. His followers have been recently very concerned about his health.

"Rabbi Eliezer Shlomo Schik, known in Breslov Hasidic circles as the Tzadik (righteous one) of the Galilee city of Yavne'el, underwent successful open-heart*surgery*in the*United States*on Sunday. Leaders of Breslov community institutions in Israel left Monday to be close and help*as much as*possible.

His followers said one of the first things he did following the operation was to write a*letter*of appreciation to about*a thousand students in the Yavne'el branches of those institutions who prayed for the success of the*surgery. Rabbi Elazar Mordechai Koenig of Tzfat flew to Uman to pray at the Tomb of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov for Rabbi Schick's recovery.Those already on the scene said the rabbi'simprovement*was noticeable, acknowledging that the post-operation period would be critical. They said that before he wrote the*letter, the rabbi asked for a tractate of Gemara to follow the worlwide reading of the Daf Yomi daily page of Talmud. People are asked to pray for the speedy and complete recovery of Rabbi Eliezer Shlomo ben Malcah.

Rabbi Eliezer Shlomo Schick Improving after Surgery - Latest News Briefs - Israel National News
Ah, I see the l'il sherriKKKins is still busy with her lies and hypocrisy......

She made a grand-sounding post grandstanding and slamming another poster - Coyote, I believe! - while declaiming that she, the sherrithing, would NEVER demonize another's culture by demanding they not allow marriage below a certain age.....

Oh, it's a sad sight indeed, to see such a pious humanitarian follower of Jesus the Pharisee Rabbi caught in her own hypocrisy! : (( Snarling and spitting venom, screeching that everyone else is 'lying' while she continues to spew hate speech and blatant bigotry.
I got bad news for you sherri-----the Mishnah is not the talmud

what is it that you imagine "the talmud says" ??? Your comment is so vague that
it is meaningless------what is it you imagine is "obviously interpreted differently today
and in the past" ? Your abilty to figure out what is expressed in the talmud is even
worse than is your ability to understand that which is expressed in the New Testament.

I have good news for you------you need not guess--------the talmud has been
the subject of RECORDED ANALYSIS for more than 2500 years--------continuously.
Thus it is possible for you to actually read about that which you imagine "changed"

I cannot find your link to "child marriages" in Israel-------what are you calling a
"child marriage"??? --------is the marriage between two sixteen year olds
a "child marriage"? its legal in Maryland. You are off topic----the topic of
this thread is ---------"a 40 year old bedded an eight year old and killed her doing it"
Just how this case is considered in Yemen----which is a shariah adherent society-----
will be demonstrated by the actually actions taken to the legal system over there.

The*Talmud*(/ˈtɑːlmʊd,*-məd,*ˈtæl-/;*Hebrew:*תַּלְמוּד*talmūd"instruction, learning", from a*root*lmd*"teach, study") is a central text of Rabbinic*Judaism. It is also traditionally referred to as*Shas*(ש״ס), aHebrew*abbreviation of*shisha sedarim, the "six orders". The Talmud has two components. The first part is the*Mishnah*(Hebrew: משנה, c. 200 CE), the written compendium of Judaism's*Oral Torah*(Torah meaning "Instruction", "Teaching" in Hebrew). The second part is theGemara*(c. 500 CE), an elucidation of the Mishnah and related*Tannaiticwritings that often ventures onto other subjects and expounds broadly on the*Jewish Bible.

Talmud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And one more time, the story in the OP did not happen. You want to claim it happened, you prove it.

Sherry uses yet another thread to promote her insensate Jew hatreds

The islamist apologists continue to deflect accepting responsibility for what islamism allows in terms of child abuse. There are definite clues that there will be continuing abuse of female children in the Islamic Middle East as the very nature of islamist societies establish “governments” that are based upon religious affiliation to a 7th century Arab warlord. Let’s not forget, radical and fundamentalist Islam is easily spread around this region because ideologically these folks believe that 1.) Their religion is right (and all religions believe this, but Judaism doesn’t export and Christianity long ago stopped using Crusades and genocide to export– Islam is still 7 th century in this regard) and 2.) Islamic ideology has achieved only the ability to keep its adherents shackled to third-world status.

The thread addresses a made up story about a child marriage in Yemen that we have seen no evidence to support it even happened.

Zionists, like you, have been using this story of unfortunate victims of child marriages in Yemen to attack Muslims and Islam.

This is not about Islam, it is about the horrible plight of young children forced into marriages by customs in mostly poor countries like Yemen.

This is not about Jews.

Get over yourself.

Everything is not about Jews and demonizing Muslims.
"And I am still waiting for a cite to that Yemeni decree that allegedly forces conversions to Islam on Jewish children in the event a child becomes an orphan."

L'il sherrithing, I has a sad about your extreme lack of comprehension. The AUTHOR of the book you quoted gave the citation you are insisting upon: that was at the very end of his footnote.
"And I am still waiting for a cite to that Yemeni decree that allegedly forces conversions to Islam on Jewish children in the event a child becomes an orphan."

L'il sherrithing, I has a sad about your extreme lack of comprehension. The AUTHOR of the book you quoted gave the citation you are insisting upon: that was at the very end of his footnote.

Kinda strange how the American juden get all upset about marriage issues in muslim countries.

Yet, teen pregnancy and pedophile rape of children is epidemic in the U.S. where they live. .. :doubt:
Sunni Man is going to tell us about the Muslim honor killings which are appearing here in America. Plus he is going to discuss female circumcision which also has found its way here to America. And there are plenty of articles about pedephile Muslim clergy and teachers diddling with young children here and in Muslim countries in mosques and madrassas. Perhaps Sunni Man is unaware that sexual abuse of young children is prevalent around the world, and that includes his beloved Sunnis taking part in this. By the way, Sunni Man, do you happen to know any Muslim woman who have had that operation which makes them appear like virgins again so that they can hoodwink their future husbands?
Poor wee sherriliar, And everything isn't all about 'Zionists' and a whore for HAMAS' unholy lust to demonize Zionists, Judaism and the entire Jewish People alike in her blind hatred

Perhaps if you weren't quite the blatant liar and hypocrite your posts here have shown you to be, you might be able to make a stand against bigotry.

It's truly sad that you're too busy giving venomous vice to your own bigotry instead: that's no less offensive than what you're - MISTAKENLY - yelping about.

It is true that SOME posters here have expressed anti-Muslim bigotry. I've ignored their droppings and Coyote has attempted to address some of the stupid over-generalizations.

So - instead of confronting the individuals who have made the anti-Muslim noises cluttering this discussion - you have chosen to attack Judaism, the State of Israel, and myself.

Your rabid hatred of 'Zionism' (as you imagine it to be!) has clouded your judgment. You are making a troll of yourself, and are actually harming any chance of lessening the anti-Muslim bigotry here - because you have persisted in lies and the most revolting hypocrisy in 'defending' Islam.

Not the least of this all, is your confession that you know nothing of shari'a even as you 'defend' it.......
That's not based upon facts. Child marriage statistics spread the largest rates of child marriage (top ten and twenty) amongst an array of religions with Muslim and Christian majority nations almost tied. Most are in Africa and Hindu dominant Nepal and India are among the biggest offenders. Wealthier more educated nations and nations with political stability have far few occurences of child marriages and most of those are in rural/tribal areas.

And yet, for all your continued apologetics, the sheik'ers and movers of the islamist world refuse to contradict the inventor of Islam and the perfect model for humanity.

Early Marriage | WISE Muslim Women

Al-Azhar Al-Sharif in Egypt, a significant Islamic religious body, released a new manual on the rights of Muslim children that states; "Marriage in Islam is regulated by certain rules, namely, children must reach puberty and maturity so that they can get married."

Your religion allows sexual intercourse at age 3. Why is that an improvement?
All the Jew haters bring this up from time to time. I am sure the viewers who have been on forums for quite a while have seen this dug up before many times as well as the other fake Talmud quotes.. However, as you can see, it is not true.

The Talmud Does Not Permit Sex With A Three Year Old
Ah, a Sunni-turd has pooped - er, popped! - up in our discussion punchbowl as well...... the l'il Hitler-hinie-kissing girly guy!

I know that actual Sunni Muslims are revolted by his continual displays of Jew-hatred: it's sad how the more 'Muslim' he gets, the more hateful is his trolling.
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