Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night: activist

Child marriage is cultural and it is the culture present where it is practiced that leads to the practice.

There is no law forcing child marriage on people.

That is why in countries where it is common, you see the practice among people of different religions in those countries. Like Yemen, we have seen Muslims and Jews arrange child marriages for their children.
If it's cultural why was it not practiced in Iran during the Shah's time, but when Islamists took over, it became totally legal and acceptable?

An inconvenient truth.
Child marriage is cultural and it is the culture present where it is practiced that leads to the practice.

There is no law forcing child marriage on people.

That is why in countries where it is common, you see the practice among people of different religions in those countries. Like Yemen, we have seen Muslims and Jews arrange child marriages for their children.

Perhaps not 'child marriages' per se - but it is obvious that the decree of forced conversion to Islam in Yemen was the main factor in perpetuating 'child marriage' there within the Jewish community.

It was the sources you cited which explained that quite clearly - yet for some 'reason' you refuse to acknowledge this fact, that such a law existed, or that it had the effect which the authors YOU chose to quote upon the Jewish community.
The story in the OP does not appear to be true, and the discussion has seemed to have turned to discussing what explains child marriages in Yemen, whether it is primarily culture or religion. We see child marriages common by both Muslims and Jews who lived there, we see child marriages by Hindus in India, in other countries we see child marriages by Christians, too. I believe it is primarily culture that explains child marriages.

wrong again Sherri------google around a bit more-----especially consult SNOPES
---the story does indeed appear to be true-.. Since I have---thru marriage----relatives
who did LIVE IN YEMEN-------I can assure you that it is consistent with that which
goes on over there ----------child marriages amongst the jews of yemen-----ie marriages
involving VERY YOUNG children---------like eight years old------were done to get around
the dhimmi orphan law and involved both girls and boys since both were liable to that
barbaric law which is part and parcel of the shariah code.

Typical age of marriage for boys in traditional judaism -----the thing the jews of
yemen do-----is eighteen for boys and post menarche for girls Menarche for
girls in Yemen was probably averaging about age 14. If you do not know why
I cite the age 14 do not hesitate to ask-------it is a matter of human
physiology. Yemeni girls in Israel have an earlier menarche----and tend to be
a LOT taller than -----their mothers (in fact they tend to be taller than
their fathers)

Marriages in classical shariah societies like Yemen and saudi arabia typically include
lots of marriages of grown men tp little girls ---------some of them are not really
marriages -----those confiscated kids under the dhimmi orphan laws do not
actually constitute real marriages ------It is more like slavery. Classical shariah law
allows unlimited sex with "OWNED WOMEN" Saudis who buy little girls in
Pakistan and India and Indonesia------do not necessarily consider the little girls
one of their four allowed wives

Let us see your proof the story in the OP is true, the child it was about already was interviewed and said it was a lie.

I am not denying child marriage happens in Yemen, I simply point out it is explained by the culture of Yemen.

And for anyone who tries to use these horrible things happening to children to demonize another's religion, you simply disclose yourself as a member of a hate group.

wrong again sherri-----where do you see DEMONIZING?------You are assuming that
I consider "child marriages" to be some sort of "ACCUSATION" and that I agree with
the utterly idiotic notion that any marriage of a person under age 18 is a
CHILD MARRIAGE and somehow horrific. I do not------after all -----JULIET was 14 and
ROMEO was 16 My great grandmother married the LOVE OF HER LIFE----
at age 14-----he was 18
Try reading the snopes analysis-----of the marriage of
the 40 year old with the eight year old-------it DRIPs of reality as it is in Yemeni muslim
culture. For member of HATE GROUP-----examine yourself You reveal yourself as
a major member of the baby killing cult of Isa ------daily. The topic of this thread is
not actually "child marriage"--------defined as marriage of kids under age 18-------the topic
is a 40 year old who forced sex upon an eight year old. They interviewed a dead girl?

BTW------she is not the first little girl to die after forced sex------over there ---OUT EAST.
Another story of child-brides emerged several years ago in Israel’s north. Rabbi Shlomo Eliezer Schick of the Bratslav Hassidic movement in Yavne’el in the Galilee*was arrested*“for officiating the marriages of some 20 underage couples, mostly ages 12 to 16,” according to Ha’aretz. In Israel, marriage under the age of 17 is illegal. Schick actually has a bit of a following, and even his own nickname “The Mohorosh,” although if he has continued to marry off children, he has been doing it under the radar.

Mishnah - Judaism's Oral Torah - Rabbinic Judaism

That reminds me of some of the pseudo Christian cults in the US, like Warren Jeffs, who forced kids into marriage. It's easy to distort religion into a self-serving cult.
Here's the difference. Warren Jeffs was put in prison for doing that in the United States, in Islamic countries it is considered normal and they are protected and defended (like on this site), and in some cases they are elevated to "prophet" status.
Child marriage is cultural and it is the culture present where it is practiced that leads to the practice.

There is no law forcing child marriage on people.

That is why in countries where it is common, you see the practice among people of different religions in those countries. Like Yemen, we have seen Muslims and Jews arrange child marriages for their children.

Perhaps not 'child marriages' per se - but it is obvious that the decree of forced conversion to Islam in Yemen was the main factor in perpetuating 'child marriage' there within the Jewish community.

It was the sources you cited which explained that quite clearly - yet for some 'reason' you refuse to acknowledge this fact, that such a law existed, or that it had the effect which the authors YOU chose to quote upon the Jewish community.

What I read an author state is the primary reason for the practice of child marriage among both Jews and Muslims was it was CUSTOM and was to ensure chastity. Yemen has a very conservative society, that is true of the Muslims, that was true of their Jewish community, as well.

You need to read my source again, what they said, you seem to have a problem reading and comprehending English.

And what I find Unbelievable is seeing Zionist Jews use this excuse, they made us do it, to justify marrying their very own children off at as young an age as 8 years old.

But why should I be surprised, after hearing Zionist Golda Meir kill Palestinian children, admit it, and claim Palestinians made her do it.

Truth is, blaming others for everything a Zionist Jew does, every bad act and every immoral act and every crime against humanity and crimes against one's very own children even, are blamed on the Gentiles!

A Zionist cannot accept blame for any act they do, they are always the eternal victim!

And another point, I do not believe there is a " decree of forced conversion to Islam in Yemen", let me see you provide a cite for that law you claim is a decree in Yemen!
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Child marriage is cultural and it is the culture present where it is practiced that leads to the practice.

There is no law forcing child marriage on people.

That is why in countries where it is common, you see the practice among people of different religions in those countries. Like Yemen, we have seen Muslims and Jews arrange child marriages for their children.

Perhaps not 'child marriages' per se - but it is obvious that the decree of forced conversion to Islam in Yemen was the main factor in perpetuating 'child marriage' there within the Jewish community.

It was the sources you cited which explained that quite clearly - yet for some 'reason' you refuse to acknowledge this fact, that such a law existed, or that it had the effect which the authors YOU chose to quote upon the Jewish community.

What I read an author state is the primary reason for the practice of child marriage among both Jews and Muslims was to ensure chastity. Yemen has a very conservative society, that is true of the Muslims, that was true of their Jewish community, as well.

You need to read my source again, what they said, you seem to have a problem reading and comprehending English.

Anyone can see, from going to your post earlier in this thread, that the one author stated as you quoted:

"The Yemenite girl was often engaged to be married before she was twelve years old, and she was not able to choose her future husband. When young children were orphaned, there was a danger that the Yemenis might force their conversion to Islam and remove them from the Jewish community. Thus, marriages of very young people were often arranged to prevent this tragedy. However, it appears that young girls lived with their husbands only after they matured. Marriage to older men was not unknown, and neither was polygamy. The major circumstance leading to polygamy was the practice of*levirate marriage*(a religious obligation to marry the wife of a brother who died without issue), which was encouraged among Yemenite Jews even into the twentieth century. Following her wedding, the bride moved to her mother-in-law’s house where she joined the pool of female workers, continuing the same arduous tasks that she had been trained for by her own mother."

Yemen and the Yishuv | Jewish Women's Archive

A few posts later you 'quoted' another author.

"The custom of child marriage, which was generally prevalent among Jews in Yemen, was not known in Aden. As Gamliel, a Yeminite writer points out, sons, particularly daughters, were married off in their early teens, in many cases even at the age of nine or ten. The marriage prospect for girls who passed the age of 18, he notes, were slim. These old girls would under the best possible circumstances be married off to a widower, a divorcee, or as a second wife. This custom of marriage at a tender age , which was similar to that of the Muslims, was essentially meant to ensure pre-marital chastity...."

The Jews of the British Crown Colony of Aden: History, Culture, and Ethnic ... - Reuben Ahroni - Google Books

The quote is found on p.126, in a lengthy footnote , which reads in full:

The custom of child marriage, which was generally prevalent among Jews in Yemen, was not known in Aden. As Gamliel, a Yeminite writer points out, sons, particularly daughters, were married off in their early teens, in many cases even at the age of nine or ten. The marriage prospect for girls who passed the age of 18, he notes, were slim. These old girls would under the best possible circumstances be married off to a widower, a divorcee, or as a second wife. This custom of marriage at a tender age , which was similar to that of the Muslims, was essentially meant to ensure pre-marital chastity. For the Yemenite Jews, however, one major motivation for child betrothal and marriage was to ensure the exemption of Jewish children from the decree of forced conversion, to which Jewish orphans who did not attain puberty before their father died were subjected in Yemen "

Evidently it is you who lacks reading comprehension. As I've already explained, when it's all one paragraph, it's all one concept.

What kind of 'scholarship' is it to cite an author and then edit out what he states is a MAJOR MOTIVATION for the pattern he's discussing?

Once again, you have lied and the proof is here for all to read.
Child marriage is cultural and it is the culture present where it is practiced that leads to the practice.

There is no law forcing child marriage on people.

That is why in countries where it is common, you see the practice among people of different religions in those countries. Like Yemen, we have seen Muslims and Jews arrange child marriages for their children.

Perhaps not 'child marriages' per se - but it is obvious that the decree of forced conversion to Islam in Yemen was the main factor in perpetuating 'child marriage' there within the Jewish community.

It was the sources you cited which explained that quite clearly - yet for some 'reason' you refuse to acknowledge this fact, that such a law existed, or that it had the effect which the authors YOU chose to quote upon the Jewish community.

What I read an author state is the primary reason for the practice of child marriage among both Jews and Muslims was to ensure chastity. Yemen has a very conservative society, that is true of the Muslims, that was true of their Jewish community, as well.

You need to read my source again, what they said, you seem to have a problem reading and comprehending English.

you have an author who decided the yemeni jews get their sons and daughters married
early to ensure "chastity" ------ and muslims get their sons and daughters married early
to ensure chastity? I know english and I missed it------can you find the pertinent
passages? If that is what your author said--- he is wrong. Muslims place a very
high value on FEMALE CHASTITY which they define as being a girl "UNTOUCHED"----
once touched ------by any means from incest to love affair to rape------the girl is ruined---
this concept does not actually exist amongst jews------including yemeni jews. In fact the
jewish yemeni answer to rape------of a girl by an arab ------is a quickie marriage just in case she turns out pregnant. -------islamic law awards the product of rape by a muslim-----to the rapist. Jewish law awards the product of rape ----to the mother.. I learned lots about this topic from muslim informants------during the
1971 war between east and west pakistan and lots from jews from Yemen

BTW-----there is a very huge difference between a 40 year old forcing sex on an
eight year old-------and the marriage of two adolescents -----there is a huge difference
between a 12 year old girl and an eight year old girl. Marriages between 14 year
old kids are legal in Maryland
Another story of child-brides emerged several years ago in Israel’s north. Rabbi Shlomo Eliezer Schick of the Bratslav Hassidic movement in Yavne’el in the Galilee*was arrested*“for officiating the marriages of some 20 underage couples, mostly ages 12 to 16,” according to Ha’aretz. In Israel, marriage under the age of 17 is illegal. Schick actually has a bit of a following, and even his own nickname “The Mohorosh,” although if he has continued to marry off children, he has been doing it under the radar.

Mishnah - Judaism's Oral Torah - Rabbinic Judaism

That reminds me of some of the pseudo Christian cults in the US, like Warren Jeffs, who forced kids into marriage. It's easy to distort religion into a self-serving cult.
Here's the difference. Warren Jeffs was put in prison for doing that in the United States, in Islamic countries it is considered normal and they are protected and defended (like on this site), and in some cases they are elevated to "prophet" status.

Eliezer Schick was a Jewish Rabbi who was carrying out unlawful underage marriages of Israeli Jews inside Israel. He probably was not punished by the Zionist Regime, Jewish rabbis do get preferential treatment by the Zionist State. It does appear he had some type of Prophet status in Israel, he even had his own nickname there.

What you are wrong about is calling Israel an Islamic State, they call themselves the Jewish State.
Child marriage is cultural and it is the culture present where it is practiced that leads to the practice.

There is no law forcing child marriage on people.

That is why in countries where it is common, you see the practice among people of different religions in those countries. Like Yemen, we have seen Muslims and Jews arrange child marriages for their children.
Yada yada yada. Yemen is a country run by strictly. Slavic Hsriah law which includes but not limited tom being able to marry a nine year old. So yes, these Islamic laws are the law of the land and forced upon all non Muslims.

Did you ask your Muslim Iranian friends whether the reason Iranian men could marry 9 years olds was due to Islam or "poverty"? Still waiting.....
Perhaps not 'child marriages' per se - but it is obvious that the decree of forced conversion to Islam in Yemen was the main factor in perpetuating 'child marriage' there within the Jewish community.

It was the sources you cited which explained that quite clearly - yet for some 'reason' you refuse to acknowledge this fact, that such a law existed, or that it had the effect which the authors YOU chose to quote upon the Jewish community.

What I read an author state is the primary reason for the practice of child marriage among both Jews and Muslims was to ensure chastity. Yemen has a very conservative society, that is true of the Muslims, that was true of their Jewish community, as well.

You need to read my source again, what they said, you seem to have a problem reading and comprehending English.

Anyone can see, from going to your post earlier in this thread, that the one author stated as you quoted:

"The Yemenite girl was often engaged to be married before she was twelve years old, and she was not able to choose her future husband. When young children were orphaned, there was a danger that the Yemenis might force their conversion to Islam and remove them from the Jewish community. Thus, marriages of very young people were often arranged to prevent this tragedy. However, it appears that young girls lived with their husbands only after they matured. Marriage to older men was not unknown, and neither was polygamy. The major circumstance leading to polygamy was the practice of*levirate marriage*(a religious obligation to marry the wife of a brother who died without issue), which was encouraged among Yemenite Jews even into the twentieth century. Following her wedding, the bride moved to her mother-in-law’s house where she joined the pool of female workers, continuing the same arduous tasks that she had been trained for by her own mother."

Yemen and the Yishuv | Jewish Women's Archive

A few posts later you 'quoted' another author.

"The custom of child marriage, which was generally prevalent among Jews in Yemen, was not known in Aden. As Gamliel, a Yeminite writer points out, sons, particularly daughters, were married off in their early teens, in many cases even at the age of nine or ten. The marriage prospect for girls who passed the age of 18, he notes, were slim. These old girls would under the best possible circumstances be married off to a widower, a divorcee, or as a second wife. This custom of marriage at a tender age , which was similar to that of the Muslims, was essentially meant to ensure pre-marital chastity...."

The Jews of the British Crown Colony of Aden: History, Culture, and Ethnic ... - Reuben Ahroni - Google Books

The quote is found on p.126, in a lengthy footnote , which reads in full:

The custom of child marriage, which was generally prevalent among Jews in Yemen, was not known in Aden. As Gamliel, a Yeminite writer points out, sons, particularly daughters, were married off in their early teens, in many cases even at the age of nine or ten. The marriage prospect for girls who passed the age of 18, he notes, were slim. These old girls would under the best possible circumstances be married off to a widower, a divorcee, or as a second wife. This custom of marriage at a tender age , which was similar to that of the Muslims, was essentially meant to ensure pre-marital chastity. For the Yemenite Jews, however, one major motivation for child betrothal and marriage was to ensure the exemption of Jewish children from the decree of forced conversion, to which Jewish orphans who did not attain puberty before their father died were subjected in Yemen "

Evidently it is you who lacks reading comprehension. As I've already explained, when it's all one paragraph, it's all one concept.

What kind of 'scholarship' is it to cite an author and then edit out what he states is a MAJOR MOTIVATION for the pattern he's discussing?

Once again, you have lied and the proof is here for all to read.
So there, it's because they feared FORCED CONVERSION.

Notice how the apologists always lie and distort, and leave out critical information that totally undermines all their claims?
Perhaps not 'child marriages' per se - but it is obvious that the decree of forced conversion to Islam in Yemen was the main factor in perpetuating 'child marriage' there within the Jewish community.

It was the sources you cited which explained that quite clearly - yet for some 'reason' you refuse to acknowledge this fact, that such a law existed, or that it had the effect which the authors YOU chose to quote upon the Jewish community.

What I read an author state is the primary reason for the practice of child marriage among both Jews and Muslims was to ensure chastity. Yemen has a very conservative society, that is true of the Muslims, that was true of their Jewish community, as well.

You need to read my source again, what they said, you seem to have a problem reading and comprehending English.

Anyone can see, from going to your post earlier in this thread, that the one author stated as you quoted:

"The Yemenite girl was often engaged to be married before she was twelve years old, and she was not able to choose her future husband. When young children were orphaned, there was a danger that the Yemenis might force their conversion to Islam and remove them from the Jewish community. Thus, marriages of very young people were often arranged to prevent this tragedy. However, it appears that young girls lived with their husbands only after they matured. Marriage to older men was not unknown, and neither was polygamy. The major circumstance leading to polygamy was the practice of*levirate marriage*(a religious obligation to marry the wife of a brother who died without issue), which was encouraged among Yemenite Jews even into the twentieth century. Following her wedding, the bride moved to her mother-in-law’s house where she joined the pool of female workers, continuing the same arduous tasks that she had been trained for by her own mother."

Yemen and the Yishuv | Jewish Women's Archive

A few posts later you 'quoted' another author.

"The custom of child marriage, which was generally prevalent among Jews in Yemen, was not known in Aden. As Gamliel, a Yeminite writer points out, sons, particularly daughters, were married off in their early teens, in many cases even at the age of nine or ten. The marriage prospect for girls who passed the age of 18, he notes, were slim. These old girls would under the best possible circumstances be married off to a widower, a divorcee, or as a second wife. This custom of marriage at a tender age , which was similar to that of the Muslims, was essentially meant to ensure pre-marital chastity...."

The Jews of the British Crown Colony of Aden: History, Culture, and Ethnic ... - Reuben Ahroni - Google Books

The quote is found on p.126, in a lengthy footnote , which reads in full:

The custom of child marriage, which was generally prevalent among Jews in Yemen, was not known in Aden. As Gamliel, a Yeminite writer points out, sons, particularly daughters, were married off in their early teens, in many cases even at the age of nine or ten. The marriage prospect for girls who passed the age of 18, he notes, were slim. These old girls would under the best possible circumstances be married off to a widower, a divorcee, or as a second wife. This custom of marriage at a tender age , which was similar to that of the Muslims, was essentially meant to ensure pre-marital chastity. For the Yemenite Jews, however, one major motivation for child betrothal and marriage was to ensure the exemption of Jewish children from the decree of forced conversion, to which Jewish orphans who did not attain puberty before their father died were subjected in Yemen "

Evidently it is you who lacks reading comprehension. As I've already explained, when it's all one paragraph, it's all one concept.

What kind of 'scholarship' is it to cite an author and then edit out what he states is a MAJOR MOTIVATION for the pattern he's discussing?

Once again, you have lied and the proof is here for all to read.

Stop lying, can you possibly tell the truth?

I provided a quote of a source who stated child marriage was the custom in Yemen, the fact they are the custom is the primary explanation for child marriages occurring in Yemen, and the author explains a primary purpose of this custom, ensuring chastity. Then, after stating this, he adds, "one major motivation" for Jewish children of child marriages is to protect Jewish children from the decree of forced conversion that he says would occur if the children became orphans before marriage (that would only apply if the child's parents both died before the child was married). Let's look at the sequence of the words. First, CUSTOM explains the practice, that is custom inside Yemen where child marriages are commonly embraced. Second, he tries to explain the reason for the custom. He says the custom was "essentially meant to ensure chastity." That is a primary purpose of the custom, a primary purpose of the custom for Jews and Muslims, for everyone. Third, the author lists another primary purpose of the custom for Jews he says "one primary motivation" for Jews is the concern of coerced conversions in the case the child might lose both parents before marriage and become an orphan.

The fact is child marriages occur among Jews and Muslims because it is the custom in Yemen, and the custom is there to ensure chastity and, as an added reason for Jews, to avoid possible forced conversions.

Custom explains the existence of child marriages in Yemen, not Shariah Law, and not Yemeni decrees.

And I am still waiting for a cite to that Yemeni decree that allegedly forces conversions to Islam on Jewish children in the event a child becomes an orphan.
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Child marriage is cultural and it is the culture present where it is practiced that leads to the practice.

There is no law forcing child marriage on people.

That is why in countries where it is common, you see the practice among people of different religions in those countries. Like Yemen, we have seen Muslims and Jews arrange child marriages for their children.

Perhaps not 'child marriages' per se - but it is obvious that the decree of forced conversion to Islam in Yemen was the main factor in perpetuating 'child marriage' there within the Jewish community.

It was the sources you cited which explained that quite clearly - yet for some 'reason' you refuse to acknowledge this fact, that such a law existed, or that it had the effect which the authors YOU chose to quote upon the Jewish community.

What I read an author state is the primary reason for the practice of child marriage among both Jews and Muslims was it was CUSTOM and was to ensure chastity. Yemen has a very conservative society, that is true of the Muslims, that was true of their Jewish community, as well.

You need to read my source again, what they said, you seem to have a problem reading and comprehending English.

The Jews of the British Crown Colony of Aden: History, Culture, and Ethnic ... - Reuben Ahroni - Google Books

And what I find Unbelievable is seeing Zionist Jews use this excuse, they made us do it, to justify marrying their very own children off at as young an age as 8 years old.

But why should I be surprised, after hearing Zionist Golda Meir kill Palestinian children, admit it, and claim Palestinians made her do it.

Truth is, blaming others for everything a Zionist Jew does, every bad act and every immoral act and every crime against humanity and crimes against one's very own children even, are blamed on the Gentiles!

A Zionist cannot accept blame for any act they do, they are always the eternal victim!

And another point, I do not believe there is a " decree of forced conversion to Islam in Yemen", let me see you provide a cite for that law you claim is a decree in Yemen!

try again sherri the "DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW" is not specifically yemeni----
it is a SHARIAH LAW In fact muslims justify it as being a law of 'GREAT
COMPASSION" it provides for the orphans among the dhimmis -----that they are mercifully given over to muslim "guardians" where they can benefit by living
in a muslim household-----since being a slave to a muslim is better than being a non-
muslim It is the basis for the enslavement of tens of thousands of Sudanese christian
children-------yes----such lucky kids are forced into islam why not try googling
DHIMMI ORPHAN LAW I appreciate that law------it galvanized my husbands
grandfather-----way back in the 1930s -----to struggle to get his own son ----and
his son's little bride out of yemen -----to Palestine

If you want to know something about islamic law-----there are several websites
that will answer your questions and describe THE BEAUTY OF ISLAM

Yemen resisted the repudiation of the dhimmi orphan law ----against the
wishes of the OTTOMANS and the BRITISH --------and still does. Your
hero OSAMA BIN LADEN ----was all for it
Child marriage is cultural and it is the culture present where it is practiced that leads to the practice.

There is no law forcing child marriage on people.

That is why in countries where it is common, you see the practice among people of different religions in those countries. Like Yemen, we have seen Muslims and Jews arrange child marriages for their children.
If it's cultural why was it not practiced in Iran during the Shah's time, but when Islamists took over, it became totally legal and acceptable?

An inconvenient truth.

Iran does not force child marriages on her people, she never has. Child marriages occurred before and after the Shahs reign. They may or may not have increased, I am not sure if the reports I am reading are reporting a real increase in the incidence of child marriages or they are just propaganda reports, spewed by Iran's enemies. If they have increased, it is likely because of economic reasons. People are struggling to live, and cannot afford to take care of their families. The religion of the people has not changed since the Revolution, they were mostly Muslim before the Revolution and remain mostly Muslim. Cultural reasons explain child marriage, its mostly in rural areas and among the poor and uneducated. There are more poor and uneducated people now, and many people addicted to drugs, too, in particular opium. Unemployment is high, suicides are rising, people cannot even buy medications they need to sustain their life, because of US sanctions. If they cannot afford to take care of their children or send them to college, then I can see them marrying the children when they are younger.
Truth is, blaming others for everything a Zionist Jew does, every bad act and every immoral act and every crime against humanity and crimes against one's very own children even, are blamed on the Gentiles!

A Zionist cannot accept blame for any act they do, they are always the eternal victim.
Typical juden behavior and mind set. .. :cool:
the laws of marriage in Iran are mediated by "ISLAMIC LAW" In fact the laws of
marriage in Israel are mediated by the laws of whatever is the chosen religion of the
couple in question. Regarding Yemen----when jews lived there----the laws of marriage
for jews were mediated by jewish law just as the laws of marriage for muslims are still
mediated over there by islamic law. In muslim countries islamic law takes precedence
over non islamic law. The dhimmi orphan law is part of the shariah code, In Iran---the
penalty for a non muslim man who marries a muslim woman is death. A few years ago
Germany was forced to pay a huge ransom to free a German citizen who had married
an Iranian muslim woman . Today---persons of prior Iranian citizenship who are registered
there as "muslim"------risk a death sentence if they admit they have converted to another
religion during a visit to see the folks "back home"
Truth is, blaming others for everything a Zionist Jew does, every bad act and every immoral act and every crime against humanity and crimes against one's very own children even, are blamed on the Gentiles!

A Zionist cannot accept blame for any act they do, they are always the eternal victim.
Typical juden behavior and mind set. .. :cool:

And the the OP is typical Muslim behavior... :cool:
The Jews of the British Crown Colony of Aden: History, Culture, and Ethnic ... - Reuben Ahroni - Google Books

This is interesting, a book addressing child marriage among the Jews of Yemen. It is said the practice was common, children were commonly married at age 9 and 10. This supports the argument child marriage in Yemen is primarily cultural. Or does someone here really want to argue it was the influence of Judaism that is the primary explanation for this?

It is heavily cultural and Yemen is also the poorest ME country. I don't dispute the fact that religion does play a role, but it's a lesser role than economic conditions and cultural traditions. That explains why, in countries with multiple religions it's spread out across all of them.
The photo below shows two little girls, recent immigrants from Yemen to Israel. The girl on the left is said to be married, the girl on the right is not. They look about age 8 or 9.


"The Yemenite girl was often engaged to be married before she was twelve years old, and she was not able to choose her future husband. When young children were orphaned, there was a danger that the Yemenis might force their conversion to Islam and remove them from the Jewish community. Thus, marriages of very young people were often arranged to prevent this tragedy. However, it appears that young girls lived with their husbands only after they matured. Marriage to older men was not unknown, and neither was polygamy. The major circumstance leading to polygamy was the practice of*levirate marriage*(a religious obligation to marry the wife of a brother who died without issue), which was encouraged among Yemenite Jews even into the twentieth century. Following her wedding, the bride moved to her mother-in-law’s house where she joined the pool of female workers, continuing the same arduous tasks that she had been trained for by her own mother."

Yemen and the Yishuv | Jewish Women's Archive

But it is interesting reading also how the Jews of Yemen followed the practice of levirate marriage, that is discussed in the Mishnah verses I cited earlier, in addition to having their daughters enter into child marriages.

Was it culture or religion that primarily explained child marriage among the Jews of Yemen?

I think it was primarily culture, but religion seems to have played a role, too.

Culture and religion are certainly intertwined and these regions are very tribal and not too different I would guess, from the cultures of biblical times. Those are interesting articles Sherri - good post.
The Jews of the British Crown Colony of Aden: History, Culture, and Ethnic ... - Reuben Ahroni - Google Books

This is interesting, a book addressing child marriage among the Jews of Yemen. It is said the practice was common, children were commonly married at age 9 and 10. This supports the argument child marriage in Yemen is primarily cultural. Or does someone here really want to argue it was the influence of Judaism that is the primary explanation for this?

It is very clear from the text of this book you've quoted, that the 'influence' in Yemen was a Yemeni LAW which required the conversion from Judaism to Islam of ay orphan unmarried girl who had not yet reached 'majority' age.

I think it's very obvious that this situation is a result of that Yemeni 'law' - and not of any cultural or religious preference of the Jewish Yemenite community.

The source lists that as one major reason for orphans- but, it also states it was cultural practice and girls over the age of 18 were considered unmarriageable, you can't really say it has nothing to do with culture.

I think it's honest to say it's a combination of reasons including the local culture. Culture and religion are entertwined but in regions where there are multiple religions in the same culture - their cultural values and traditions are very similar.
The reason for this practice is right there in the quote: to prevent the abduction and forced conversion of orphaned girls.

Of course there are hardly any Jews left alive in Yemen.
Yemeni Jews secretly airlifted to Israel | Jewish Telegraphic Agency

That was not the only reason for child marriages, they were the accepted practice all across Yemen society.

What were the other reasons for "child marriage" for jewish girls and boys in yemeni society and what does any of it have to do with 40 year old man bedding an eight year
old girl? A bit of interesting insight------Yemenite jews have a remarkable regard
for ANYTHING written by MAIMONIDES-----He completely disallowed sex by force upon
a woman ----in marriage-----any level of force or coercion was completely----"outlawed"---
He even disallowed a man to WAKE his wife from sleep in order to have sexual
contact (see "Guide for the Perplexed")

Regarding "child marriage"--------Jews are not the only people who contract marriages long before there is consumation thereof. Hindu informants-----who grew up in
remote and impoverished parts of India------have informed me that very early marriages
in India-------meant the girl lived with her mother-in-law for several years and generally
did not have anything to do with her young husband---------for quite awhile.
Mahatma Gandhi and his wife were married when both were 12. -------According to a
biography of Mahatma Gandhi that I read-------for years they were not only never alone
together------they barely interacted with each other at all. Interestingly----he regretted
the fact that he was kept from her-------since he felt he could have rendered her literate---
if he had the opportunity

Absolutely right and I think that is the point Sherri is making - it's not just Jews, Muslims, Hindus etc - it's widespread cultural practices in certain regions of the world.

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