Child bride in Yemen dies of internal bleeding on wedding night: activist

How many times do we have to go through this?

All because there are people intent on spreading hate and lies about Islam, to justify more violence against Muslims, more killing, more wars.

what are you ranting about? how does the report of a case of death in a child because
of rape constitute a justification for war? Did someone suggest an attack by the USA
or by Israel on Yemen? You are confused ----blood libels are the meat upon which your
kith and kin comitted genocides in the hundreds of millions------not all people are
so inclined. Besides-----it happens that the Yemenis ----like the Syrians are busy doing
a job on each other anyway. The only people doing any kinds of attacks on Yemen ----
happen to be the SAUDIS because SHIITE yemenis on the border are creating problems.
Try to keep up with reality. Think hard-----maybe you can blame the "civil disturbances" in Yemen on THE JOOOOOOS By the way------even the Yemenite
jews in the USA have nothing to say about the rape and death of the little girl in Yemen---
its nothing new------of course they are happy its not happening to them anymore----

Happy Simchat Torah!!!!! and happy they can dance and sing without
worrying about the next pogrom. It was a good celebration---even the
SIKH guard had a good time
There was no killing of a 8 year old child bride child in Yemen, there is no young girl raped who awaits 200 lasher, just deceitful stories of Hate spread by people, your pals, intent on demonizing Islam, intent on spreading Hate for Islam, intent on starting wars for Israel to achieve her Imperialistic goals of occupying yet more land of others in the Middle East!!

Your kith and kin are Hate!
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There was no killing of a 8 year old child bride child in Yemen, there is no young girl raped who awaits 200 lasher, just deceitful stories of Hate spread by people, your pals, intent on demonizing Islam, intent on spreading Hate for Islam, intent on starting wars for Israel to achieve her Imperialistic goals of occupying yet more land of others in the Middle East!!

Your kith and kin are Hate!

You're losing it ,, SHERRI Your insistence that reports from muslim countries----in
many cases reported FIRST IN MUSLIM COUNTRIES are "zionist lies"-------is comic.
-----you should fix them up ------like "well---the ZIONIST CONTROLLED MEDIA
IN YEMEN-----reported the case" too bad all the jews left Yemen----no one there
to blame. --------But I have good news for you , sherri------there are still a few jews
in Yemen----some stuck there because they were confiscated as children-----you can blame
THEM!!!!!! happy now?

Still I am intrigued-----now what sort of war "FOR ISRAEL" do you imagine is being
planned based on a story that a little girl was married to a 40 year old and banged to death?

Just what do you VISUALIZE as the outcome of this interesting endeavor?

As to people being lashed and mutilated or beheaded in saudi arabia----speak to a
saudi-----we got them here in the USA I do wish to reassure you-------that
100 or 200 or 300 or 1000 lashes is typically NOT DONE IN ONE SESSION. It is done
SPLIT SESSIONS like ten per week-------doing 100 on a young girl all at once
would kill her. See? the saudis are not so nuts as YOU think they are.
Not so much-------and not everywhere and not with all people. My point is that your
definition of abuse as "marriage under age 18" is silly FORCED MARRIAGE
is abuse. and banging an 8 year old to death is abuse

Child marriage is defined in the year 2013 by human righrs groups as marriage under 18.

You either discuss the fictitious story in the OP in the context of child marriage or the context of child abuse.

Certainly, no societies are free of child abuse. I remember a recent story we were discussing of an Israeli woman who murdered her two young daughters. That true case of child abuse is every much as brutal as the fictitious tale spun in the OP. And it discloses problems Israels colonialist settlers deal with, as they become immigrants in Israel.

Again with the lying and the continuing to attack Jews, Judaism and Israel. What a filthy vile creature you are choosing to be!

Don't you see that all of your lying here is as harmful to your soul as you seek to be to the reputation of Judaism, Jews, and Israel ????

Women murder their young children all over the world - remember Andrea Yates, that 'good Christian woman'? She killed five of her 'spawn', didn't she?

So why did you feel compelled to throw in the filth about 'colonialist settlers'. We already know that you do not consider those people human, that you believe the Fogel children deserved to die......

Why do you keep reminding everyone that you have NO concern or feelings for children when their parents are Jews? We've seen you in action: we know what you are.

Give it up, sherriKKKins: you ARE a Jew-hater. At least the likes of an EOTS has the miniscule decency to acknowledge his own bigotry.

SherriKKKins = the very exemplar of a 'hypocrite Pharisee'

Well said Marge ! :clap2:
I couldn't have worded it better.

There are many things that disgust me with Sherri's posting, but the hypocrisy is the one that amazes me the most. She continuously accuses the pro - Israelis of EXACTLY what she is guilty of. It's absolutely incredible.
The only thing I haven't figured out about Sherri's hatred is why..Why is she such a hateful and angry person??
You might begin by apologizing for your own attempts to do exactly such demonizing: it was the choice you made for most of the 70 preceeding pages.

I've no patience with lecturing on morality coming from such a blatant hypocrite. (It's behavior typical of thse with narcissistic personality disorders, incidentally - to engage in 'turnabouts' and act as though nothing had happened.)

We ALL make choices, and we each should expect to have to live with the results. You have no 'leg' to stand on in this instance.

Bringing up the fact that members of all religions , to include Jews, , have participated in child marriage and still do is simply setting forth facts.

Stop lying about what you've been up to on this thread: we can all see the posts you made, and the scurrilous and hate-filled 'sources' which you dragged onto it as you got more shrill and desperate to attack.

Your own words stand witness to your continuing to lie about your intent.

I am sorry you just cannot handle the Truth, but that is not stopping me from speaking it. Truth will not be buried, it shall always be brought into the Light.

Jews and members of all religions have all participated in the practice of child marriages.

Deal with Truth, stop trying so hard to deny it and resist it.
Bringing up the fact that members of all religions , to include Jews, , have participated in child marriage and still do is simply setting forth facts.

Stop lying about what you've been up to on this thread: we can all see the posts you made, and the scurrilous and hate-filled 'sources' which you dragged onto it as you got more shrill and desperate to attack.

Your own words stand witness to your continuing to lie about your intent.

I am sorry you just cannot handle the Truth, but that is not stopping me from speaking it. Truth will not be buried, it shall always be brought into the Light.

Jews and members of all religions have all participated in the practice of child marriages.

Deal with Truth, stop trying so hard to deny it and resist it.

The truth about what a disgusting and vile 'woman' you are has certainly been brought to the light.
There was no killing of a 8 year old child bride child in Yemen, there is no young girl raped who awaits 200 lasher, just deceitful stories of Hate spread by people, your pals, intent on demonizing Islam, intent on spreading Hate for Islam, intent on starting wars for Israel to achieve her Imperialistic goals of occupying yet more land of others in the Middle East!!

Your kith and kin are Hate!

You're losing it ,, SHERRI Your insistence that reports from muslim countries----in
many cases reported FIRST IN MUSLIM COUNTRIES are "zionist lies"-------is comic.
-----you should fix them up ------like "well---the ZIONIST CONTROLLED MEDIA
IN YEMEN-----reported the case" too bad all the jews left Yemen----no one there
to blame. --------But I have good news for you , sherri------there are still a few jews
in Yemen----some stuck there because they were confiscated as children-----you can blame
THEM!!!!!! happy now?

Still I am intrigued-----now what sort of war "FOR ISRAEL" do you imagine is being
planned based on a story that a little girl was married to a 40 year old and banged to death?

Just what do you VISUALIZE as the outcome of this interesting endeavor?

As to people being lashed and mutilated or beheaded in saudi arabia----speak to a
saudi-----we got them here in the USA I do wish to reassure you-------that
100 or 200 or 300 or 1000 lashes is typically NOT DONE IN ONE SESSION. It is done
SPLIT SESSIONS like ten per week-------doing 100 on a young girl all at once
would kill her. See? the saudis are not so nuts as YOU think they are.

What we have is Propaganda sites spreading lies, and Zionists eating up the lies, rolling in them, the lies fueling hate filled hearts and hate spilling out into hate filled words.

The story in the OP never happened, not even a link appears in the OP. And sources in Yemen debunk it as untrue.

The story Toastman started a thread on happened in 2006, and he reported it as happening in September of 2013 in his thread. Besides not happening in 2013, the Saudi leader pardoned the woman and she never received 200 lashes. The thread a complete fabricated n these deceitful Propaganda stories, Zionist lie.

So, you choose to hate based on these deceitful fictitious Propaganda stories , go for it, who am I to tell you not to hate or cleanse your heart of Hate.

But your Hate will not affect me, I refuse to Hate no matter what you say or do.

Roll in your Hate, savor it, fill yourself with it. does it give you comfort and peace and joy?
Not so much-------and not everywhere and not with all people. My point is that your
definition of abuse as "marriage under age 18" is silly FORCED MARRIAGE
is abuse. and banging an 8 year old to death is abuse

Child marriage is defined in the year 2013 by human righrs groups as marriage under 18.

You either discuss the fictitious story in the OP in the context of child marriage or the context of child abuse.

Certainly, no societies are free of child abuse. I remember a recent story we were discussing of an Israeli woman who murdered her two young daughters. That true case of child abuse is every much as brutal as the fictitious tale spun in the OP. And it discloses problems Israels colonialist settlers deal with, as they become immigrants in Israel.

Again with the lying and the continuing to attack Jews, Judaism and Israel. What a filthy vile creature you are choosing to be!

Don't you see that all of your lying here is as harmful to your soul as you seek to be to the reputation of Judaism, Jews, and Israel ????

Women murder their young children all over the world - remember Andrea Yates, that 'good Christian woman'? She killed five of her 'spawn', didn't she?

So why did you feel compelled to throw in the filth about 'colonialist settlers'. We already know that you do not consider those people human, that you believe the Fogel children deserved to die......

Why do you keep reminding everyone that you have NO concern or feelings for children when their parents are Jews? We've seen you in action: we know what you are.

Give it up, sherriKKKins: you ARE a Jew-hater. At least the likes of an EOTS has the miniscule decency to acknowledge his own bigotry.

SherriKKKins = the very exemplar of a 'hypocrite Pharisee'

Truth I again address, child marriage and child abuse affect people of all different religions and ethnic backgrounds, to include Jews and Israelis.

Try to stop denying Truth, deal with it instead of continuing to renounce and resist it.

I mentioned a recent case of an immigrant to Israel killing her two children, it happened, all I said was true.
Stop lying about what you've been up to on this thread: we can all see the posts you made, and the scurrilous and hate-filled 'sources' which you dragged onto it as you got more shrill and desperate to attack.

Your own words stand witness to your continuing to lie about your intent.

I am sorry you just cannot handle the Truth, but that is not stopping me from speaking it. Truth will not be buried, it shall always be brought into the Light.

Jews and members of all religions have all participated in the practice of child marriages.

Deal with Truth, stop trying so hard to deny it and resist it.

The truth about what a disgusting and vile 'woman' you are has certainly been brought to the light.
All SherriMunnerlyn does is post the truth as she sees it.

But instead of debating her words.

The juden here resort to vile personal attacks against her. .. :cool:
While countries with the highest prevalence of child marriage are concentrated in Western and Sub-Saharan Africa, due to population size, the largest number of child brides reside in South Asia.

Girls younger than 15 are five times more likely to die in childbirth than women in their 20s. Pregnancy is the leading cause of death worldwide for women ages 15 to 19.
Child brides face a higher risk of contracting HIV because they often marry an older man with more sexual experience. Girls ages 15 – 19 are 2 to 6 times more likely to contract HIV than boys of the same age in sub-Saharan Africa.

Child Marriage Facts and Figures | ICRW
Sherri in the US child brides are off limits, so do not include the US of A.
I am sorry you just cannot handle the Truth, but that is not stopping me from speaking it. Truth will not be buried, it shall always be brought into the Light.

Jews and members of all religions have all participated in the practice of child marriages.

Deal with Truth, stop trying so hard to deny it and resist it.

The truth about what a disgusting and vile 'woman' you are has certainly been brought to the light.
All SherriMunnerlyn does is post the truth as she sees it.

But instead of debating her words.

The juden here resort to vile personal attacks against her. .. :cool:

Since when did you become Sherri's sock puppet ?
Sherri in the US child brides are off limits, so do not include the US of A.

All people do not abide by the law, even when states prohibit marriages below 18 in all circumstances.

Further, child marriage laws actually vary from state to state and I have read in some states children can marry as young as 14 with parental consent.

To conclude, child marriages are a problem
in the US too.
Sherri in the US child brides are off limits, so do not include the US of A.

All people do not abide by the law, even when states prohibit marriages below 18 in all circumstances.

Further, child marriage laws actually vary from state to state and I have read in some states children can marry as young as 14 with parental consent.

To conclude, child marriages are a problem
in the US too.

What states are you talking about and provide a link
Child marriage is defined in the year 2013 by human righrs groups as marriage under 18.

You either discuss the fictitious story in the OP in the context of child marriage or the context of child abuse.

Certainly, no societies are free of child abuse. I remember a recent story we were discussing of an Israeli woman who murdered her two young daughters. That true case of child abuse is every much as brutal as the fictitious tale spun in the OP. And it discloses problems Israels colonialist settlers deal with, as they become immigrants in Israel.

Again with the lying and the continuing to attack Jews, Judaism and Israel. What a filthy vile creature you are choosing to be!

Don't you see that all of your lying here is as harmful to your soul as you seek to be to the reputation of Judaism, Jews, and Israel ????

Women murder their young children all over the world - remember Andrea Yates, that 'good Christian woman'? She killed five of her 'spawn', didn't she?

So why did you feel compelled to throw in the filth about 'colonialist settlers'. We already know that you do not consider those people human, that you believe the Fogel children deserved to die......

Why do you keep reminding everyone that you have NO concern or feelings for children when their parents are Jews? We've seen you in action: we know what you are.

Give it up, sherriKKKins: you ARE a Jew-hater. At least the likes of an EOTS has the miniscule decency to acknowledge his own bigotry.

SherriKKKins = the very exemplar of a 'hypocrite Pharisee'

Truth I again address, child marriage and child abuse affect people of all different religions and ethnic backgrounds, to include Jews and Israelis.

Try to stop denying Truth, deal with it instead of continuing to renounce and resist it.

I mentioned a recent case of an immigrant to Israel killing her two children, it happened, all I said was true.

SherriKKKins trying yet again to 'address' truth by seeking to murder it. Nobody pretended that child abuse or underage marriage doesn't exist among Jews or Israelis . But the filthy sherrithing insisted on spewing filth about 'colonialism' where it was irrelevant: the act of a bigot.

I haven't denied any truth: it's sherrimunneriar who denies the truth. Especially whenever she pretends to be a 'follower of Jesus', a 'humanitarian', someone who cares about 'children'.......all lies. She only cares about people's lives as long as they're not Jew or Zionists.

SherriKKKins believes it were better people had never been born, than to have been raised by Zionists. What she spit at that one Israeli poster, she spit it at all who do not seek Israel's destruction as she does.

How can a person pretend to be a 'humanitarian pacifist' while they lust after the destruction of an entire nation full of many different sorts of people?
Sherri in the US child brides are off limits, so do not include the US of A.

All people do not abide by the law, even when states prohibit marriages below 18 in all circumstances.

Further, child marriage laws actually vary from state to state and I have read in some states children can marry as young as 14 with parental consent.

To conclude, child marriages are a problem
in the US too.
14 is not 8 years old.

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