Child sex trafficking through child protective services exposed kidnapping for sex


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Child Sex Trafficking through Child “Protection” Services Exposed – Kidnapping Children for Sex

In this Buzzsaw interview (below), filmmaker Sean Stone interviews Tammi Stefano, the Executive Director of The National Safe Child Coalition (NSCC), and exposes much of the corruption happening within Child Protection Services and Family Courts. This might be one of the few interviews currently available on the Internet that gives this much information on the child sex trafficking business that exists in LA County, and across the nation. Tammi Stefano reveals some very shocking information about the child and human trafficking business currently operating in the United States, which is a huge illegal business that brings in more money than the illegal drug trade and illegal arms trade combined.

Foster Children Bring in Great Profits to the State
At another point in the interview, Stefano relates how California benefits financially from having children in foster care. She states that adults who are incarcerated in the penal system on average cost the State about $48,000.00 per prisoner. For children taken in foster care, however, one child can bring in up to $1 million of revenue to the State. Children who need “extra care” are given many medical treatments, such as psychotropic drugs. (See: California’s Crisis: 1 Out of Every 4 Children in California’s Foster Care Prescribed Powerful Psychiatric Drugs)

Child Sex Trafficking through Child “Protection” Services Exposed – Kidnapping Children for Sex

Some choose to deny it by dreaming up whatever they can. The public has a hard time swalling facts and reality.
The more ppl who become aware of this the more kids that can be helped.

NOt to meny are aware of the fact CPS also were given BONUSES for reaching quotas....
While there might be some errant truth in isolated incidents, this is mostly garbage. I would love to say it's true. I hate Los Angeles with pretty much everything I have. It's not.
While there might be some errant truth in isolated incidents, this is mostly garbage. I would love to say it's true. I hate Los Angeles with pretty much everything I have. It's not.

Then you haven't researched the " MILLIONS" of incidenfes these are not isolated they excuses used are fabricated with bs words so ppl are fooled into accepting why CPS had the right to take the kids.


The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services
I have been involved with CPS and children's rights for decades. I would have heard of this sizr case. Everyone would. About 4 months ago a major supervisor was busted with kiddy porn. Many fosters abuse children but nothing like this.
I have been involved with CPS and children's rights for decades. I would have heard of this sizr case. Everyone would. About 4 months ago a major supervisor was busted with kiddy porn. Many fosters abuse children but nothing like this.

People have worked for the Ggovernmemnt and dn't know half the shit going on. If yu blind to what's in front of you of course you can work where it all takes place.

Do you think they run them through your office OMG come on you have ot have more logic than that.

These people worked for CPS, these peopel turn into WHISTLE BLOWERS the shit will never exist to those who choose to keep a blind eye to it all as it happens right under their noses.


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Child Sex Trafficking through Child “Protection” Services Exposed – Kidnapping Children for Sex

In this Buzzsaw interview (below), filmmaker Sean Stone interviews Tammi Stefano, the Executive Director of The National Safe Child Coalition (NSCC), and exposes much of the corruption happening within Child Protection Services and Family Courts. This might be one of the few interviews currently available on the Internet that gives this much information on the child sex trafficking business that exists in LA County, and across the nation. Tammi Stefano reveals some very shocking information about the child and human trafficking business currently operating in the United States, which is a huge illegal business that brings in more money than the illegal drug trade and illegal arms trade combined.

Foster Children Bring in Great Profits to the State
At another point in the interview, Stefano relates how California benefits financially from having children in foster care. She states that adults who are incarcerated in the penal system on average cost the State about $48,000.00 per prisoner. For children taken in foster care, however, one child can bring in up to $1 million of revenue to the State. Children who need “extra care” are given many medical treatments, such as psychotropic drugs. (See: California’s Crisis: 1 Out of Every 4 Children in California’s Foster Care Prescribed Powerful Psychiatric Drugs)

Child Sex Trafficking through Child “Protection” Services Exposed – Kidnapping Children for Sex

Some choose to deny it by dreaming up whatever they can. The public has a hard time swalling facts and reality.
The more ppl who become aware of this the more kids that can be helped.

NOt to meny are aware of the fact CPS also were given BONUSES for reaching quotas....

DO NOT insult us or POLITICIZE the subject of child trafficking and pedophilia WITH GARBAGE sites like this! Who the fuck do you think you are kidding attempting to DIVERT ATTENTION from of the story breaking today that SEVERAL CHILDREN ROUNDED UP UNDER THE TRUMP SIEGE were indeed molested in one of Trump's "illegal's prison". 8 kids that they know of. (How many really?)
Child Sex Trafficking through Child “Protection” Services Exposed – Kidnapping Children for Sex

In this Buzzsaw interview (below), filmmaker Sean Stone interviews Tammi Stefano, the Executive Director of The National Safe Child Coalition (NSCC), and exposes much of the corruption happening within Child Protection Services and Family Courts. This might be one of the few interviews currently available on the Internet that gives this much information on the child sex trafficking business that exists in LA County, and across the nation. Tammi Stefano reveals some very shocking information about the child and human trafficking business currently operating in the United States, which is a huge illegal business that brings in more money than the illegal drug trade and illegal arms trade combined.

Foster Children Bring in Great Profits to the State
At another point in the interview, Stefano relates how California benefits financially from having children in foster care. She states that adults who are incarcerated in the penal system on average cost the State about $48,000.00 per prisoner. For children taken in foster care, however, one child can bring in up to $1 million of revenue to the State. Children who need “extra care” are given many medical treatments, such as psychotropic drugs. (See: California’s Crisis: 1 Out of Every 4 Children in California’s Foster Care Prescribed Powerful Psychiatric Drugs)

Child Sex Trafficking through Child “Protection” Services Exposed – Kidnapping Children for Sex

Some choose to deny it by dreaming up whatever they can. The public has a hard time swalling facts and reality.
The more ppl who become aware of this the more kids that can be helped.

NOt to meny are aware of the fact CPS also were given BONUSES for reaching quotas....

DO NOT insult us or POLITICIZE the subject of child trafficking and pedophilia WITH GARBAGE sites like this! Who the fuck do you think you are kidding attempting to DIVERT ATTENTION from of the story breaking today that SEVERAL CHILDREN ROUNDED UP UNDER THE TRUMP SIEGE were indeed molested in one of Trump's "illegal's prison". 8 kids that they know of. (How many really?)
Child Sex Trafficking through Child “Protection” Services Exposed – Kidnapping Children for Sex

In this Buzzsaw interview (below), filmmaker Sean Stone interviews Tammi Stefano, the Executive Director of The National Safe Child Coalition (NSCC), and exposes much of the corruption happening within Child Protection Services and Family Courts. This might be one of the few interviews currently available on the Internet that gives this much information on the child sex trafficking business that exists in LA County, and across the nation. Tammi Stefano reveals some very shocking information about the child and human trafficking business currently operating in the United States, which is a huge illegal business that brings in more money than the illegal drug trade and illegal arms trade combined.

Foster Children Bring in Great Profits to the State
At another point in the interview, Stefano relates how California benefits financially from having children in foster care. She states that adults who are incarcerated in the penal system on average cost the State about $48,000.00 per prisoner. For children taken in foster care, however, one child can bring in up to $1 million of revenue to the State. Children who need “extra care” are given many medical treatments, such as psychotropic drugs. (See: California’s Crisis: 1 Out of Every 4 Children in California’s Foster Care Prescribed Powerful Psychiatric Drugs)

Child Sex Trafficking through Child “Protection” Services Exposed – Kidnapping Children for Sex

Some choose to deny it by dreaming up whatever they can. The public has a hard time swalling facts and reality.
The more ppl who become aware of this the more kids that can be helped.

NOt to meny are aware of the fact CPS also were given BONUSES for reaching quotas....

This is nothing but a boatload of bizarre bovine excrement! You are an irresponsible jackass for posting this sort of shit that can in fact endanger children by swaying public opinion against the dedicated people who are on the front lines of child protective services . I worked in CPS for 26 fucking years and participated in all phases of the system from being an investigator, a unit supervisor and administrator. Sure there are some "bad apples" but this shit just does not happen on a regular basis. There is a high level of accountability and children are not just randomly removed from homes and arbitrarily placed with anyone. It is just fucking as stupid as stupid gets to believe this shit. In order for this to be remotely true, the courts and everyone in government up to the governor would have to be complicit . YOU are a fucking liar. The only other explanation is that you just this stupid. Bonuses and quotas? Just more stupidity!!
Child Sex Trafficking through Child “Protection” Services Exposed – Kidnapping Children for Sex

In this Buzzsaw interview (below), filmmaker Sean Stone interviews Tammi Stefano, the Executive Director of The National Safe Child Coalition (NSCC), and exposes much of the corruption happening within Child Protection Services and Family Courts. This might be one of the few interviews currently available on the Internet that gives this much information on the child sex trafficking business that exists in LA County, and across the nation. Tammi Stefano reveals some very shocking information about the child and human trafficking business currently operating in the United States, which is a huge illegal business that brings in more money than the illegal drug trade and illegal arms trade combined.

Foster Children Bring in Great Profits to the State
At another point in the interview, Stefano relates how California benefits financially from having children in foster care. She states that adults who are incarcerated in the penal system on average cost the State about $48,000.00 per prisoner. For children taken in foster care, however, one child can bring in up to $1 million of revenue to the State. Children who need “extra care” are given many medical treatments, such as psychotropic drugs. (See: California’s Crisis: 1 Out of Every 4 Children in California’s Foster Care Prescribed Powerful Psychiatric Drugs)

Child Sex Trafficking through Child “Protection” Services Exposed – Kidnapping Children for Sex

Some choose to deny it by dreaming up whatever they can. The public has a hard time swalling facts and reality.
The more ppl who become aware of this the more kids that can be helped.

NOt to meny are aware of the fact CPS also were given BONUSES for reaching quotas....

DO NOT insult us or POLITICIZE the subject of child trafficking and pedophilia WITH GARBAGE sites like this! Who the fuck do you think you are kidding attempting to DIVERT ATTENTION from of the story breaking today that SEVERAL CHILDREN ROUNDED UP UNDER THE TRUMP SIEGE were indeed molested in one of Trump's "illegal's prison". 8 kids that they know of. (How many really?)
Many times the children here were sold to traffickers by their parents.

If it was ANNOUNCED it would be a heads up to the child trafficking king pin, IT'S LIKE DRUGS STUPID ASS IT WON'T BE ANNOUNCED TO THE WORLD..........

OMG are you seriously that fkn stupid oh wait your are a leftist, gay, demoratic asshole who can't see past Obama's balls. lol
oh wait .

Of courese you deny it.
Child Sex Trafficking through Child “Protection” Services Exposed – Kidnapping Children for Sex

In this Buzzsaw interview (below), filmmaker Sean Stone interviews Tammi Stefano, the Executive Director of The National Safe Child Coalition (NSCC), and exposes much of the corruption happening within Child Protection Services and Family Courts. This might be one of the few interviews currently available on the Internet that gives this much information on the child sex trafficking business that exists in LA County, and across the nation. Tammi Stefano reveals some very shocking information about the child and human trafficking business currently operating in the United States, which is a huge illegal business that brings in more money than the illegal drug trade and illegal arms trade combined.

Foster Children Bring in Great Profits to the State
At another point in the interview, Stefano relates how California benefits financially from having children in foster care. She states that adults who are incarcerated in the penal system on average cost the State about $48,000.00 per prisoner. For children taken in foster care, however, one child can bring in up to $1 million of revenue to the State. Children who need “extra care” are given many medical treatments, such as psychotropic drugs. (See: California’s Crisis: 1 Out of Every 4 Children in California’s Foster Care Prescribed Powerful Psychiatric Drugs)

Child Sex Trafficking through Child “Protection” Services Exposed – Kidnapping Children for Sex

Some choose to deny it by dreaming up whatever they can. The public has a hard time swalling facts and reality.
The more ppl who become aware of this the more kids that can be helped.

NOt to meny are aware of the fact CPS also were given BONUSES for reaching quotas....

DO NOT insult us or POLITICIZE the subject of child trafficking and pedophilia WITH GARBAGE sites like this! Who the fuck do you think you are kidding attempting to DIVERT ATTENTION from of the story breaking today that SEVERAL CHILDREN ROUNDED UP UNDER THE TRUMP SIEGE were indeed molested in one of Trump's "illegal's prison". 8 kids that they know of. (How many really?)
Many times the children here were sold to traffickers by their parents.

Reality is just because someone works some where doesn't mean they have any clue what takes place, what goes on and how it is done, how it can be done.

OPEN YOUR EYES THEN!! IF you worked/ work





Again open your eyes to what's right in front of you...
Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2014 (H.R. 3530)

It is a PROVEN FACT CPS WORKERS GET A BONUS FOR TAKING PEOPLE's KIDS and for BS REASOn they are a cult of child abusers , control freaks, and they think they are above everyone else.

CPS gets off on JUDGING whi is a good parent or not FK CPS it is another GOV. CONTROL POWER TRIPPING GRID for the FEDS to take control of your kid.

IF it is so full of fkn chit there would be NONE OF THIS :


H.R. 4058 requires States to “take steps to prevent, identify, and address sex trafficking of youth in foster care.”[1] Title I requires state child welfare agencies to develop policies and procedures for identifying and screening victims of child sex trafficking and those at risk of becoming victims. Moreover, it requires states to report children identified as victims of sex trafficking within 24 hours to law enforcement and to report information on missing or abducted children to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). Title I also requires states to develop plans to locate and respond to children missing from foster care, and to determine whether the child was a victim of sex trafficking while missing. Finally, Title I requires the Secretary of HHS, within two years after enactment of this legislation, to submit a report to Congress providing information on: 1) children who run away from foster care; 2) state efforts to provide specialized services, foster family homes, or child care institutions for children who are victims of sex trafficking; and 3) state efforts to ensure children in foster care form and maintain long-lasting connections to caring adults.

H.R. 4058, Preventing Sex Trafficking and Improving Opportunities for Youth in Foster Care Act, as amended -

If it was ANNOUNCED it would be a heads up to the child trafficking king pin, IT'S LIKE DRUGS STUPID ASS IT WON'T BE ANNOUNCED TO THE WORLD..........

And what the fuck does that have to do with your shameless and irresponsible attacks on the dedicated people on the front lines at CPS who actually care about and protect children? What the fuck have you ever done with your pathetic life to help or protect anyone?

And who the fuck is this post intended for anyway? It appears that your too stupid to even know how to use the quote feature.
Child Sex Trafficking through Child “Protection” Services Exposed – Kidnapping Children for Sex

In this Buzzsaw interview (below), filmmaker Sean Stone interviews Tammi Stefano, the Executive Director of The National Safe Child Coalition (NSCC), and exposes much of the corruption happening within Child Protection Services and Family Courts. This might be one of the few interviews currently available on the Internet that gives this much information on the child sex trafficking business that exists in LA County, and across the nation. Tammi Stefano reveals some very shocking information about the child and human trafficking business currently operating in the United States, which is a huge illegal business that brings in more money than the illegal drug trade and illegal arms trade combined.

Foster Children Bring in Great Profits to the State
At another point in the interview, Stefano relates how California benefits financially from having children in foster care. She states that adults who are incarcerated in the penal system on average cost the State about $48,000.00 per prisoner. For children taken in foster care, however, one child can bring in up to $1 million of revenue to the State. Children who need “extra care” are given many medical treatments, such as psychotropic drugs. (See: California’s Crisis: 1 Out of Every 4 Children in California’s Foster Care Prescribed Powerful Psychiatric Drugs)

Child Sex Trafficking through Child “Protection” Services Exposed – Kidnapping Children for Sex

Some choose to deny it by dreaming up whatever they can. The public has a hard time swalling facts and reality.
The more ppl who become aware of this the more kids that can be helped.

NOt to meny are aware of the fact CPS also were given BONUSES for reaching quotas....

DO NOT insult us or POLITICIZE the subject of child trafficking and pedophilia WITH GARBAGE sites like this! Who the fuck do you think you are kidding attempting to DIVERT ATTENTION from of the story breaking today that SEVERAL CHILDREN ROUNDED UP UNDER THE TRUMP SIEGE were indeed molested in one of Trump's "illegal's prison". 8 kids that they know of. (How many really?)
The same crap happened obama, so quit your fake outrage. Oh, and obama had the exact same illegal's prison.

If it was ANNOUNCED it would be a heads up to the child trafficking king pin, IT'S LIKE DRUGS STUPID ASS IT WON'T BE ANNOUNCED TO THE WORLD..........

And what the fuck does that have to do with your shameless and irresponsible attacks on the dedicated people on the front lines at CPS who actually care about and protect children? What the fuck have you ever done with your pathetic life to help or protect anyone?

And who the fuck is this post intended for anyway? It appears that your too stupid to even know how to use the quote feature.

Remove Obama's balls a.h.

If it was ANNOUNCED it would be a heads up to the child trafficking king pin, IT'S LIKE DRUGS STUPID ASS IT WON'T BE ANNOUNCED TO THE WORLD..........

And what the fuck does that have to do with your shameless and irresponsible attacks on the dedicated people on the front lines at CPS who actually care about and protect children? What the fuck have you ever done with your pathetic life to help or protect anyone?

And who the fuck is this post intended for anyway? It appears that your too stupid to even know how to use the quote feature.
But not too stupid to know the difference between your and you're.

You always did have trouble with them.

TRUMP haters can't STAND TO SEE FACTS THEY REALLY CAN'T DENY , but doo anyway lmfao.

Oh no CPS doesn't do these things........... it's all just fake ass bs TURN YOUR HEADS ASSES , you help to assist this bs to happen so your lunatic pricks are just as much to blame.

Human trafficking is one of the fastest growing criminal industries in the country, but the victims' stories are hard to tell. Many don’t want to come forward to authorities, or the media, for fear that they might be killed for telling what they know.

Human trafficking 'is real, it's in North Carolina' ::

Child Sex Trafficking through Child “Protection” Services Exposed – Kidnapping Children for Sex

In this Buzzsaw interview (below), filmmaker Sean Stone interviews Tammi Stefano, the Executive Director of The National Safe Child Coalition (NSCC), and exposes much of the corruption happening within Child Protection Services and Family Courts. This might be one of the few interviews currently available on the Internet that gives this much information on the child sex trafficking business that exists in LA County, and across the nation. Tammi Stefano reveals some very shocking information about the child and human trafficking business currently operating in the United States, which is a huge illegal business that brings in more money than the illegal drug trade and illegal arms trade combined.

Foster Children Bring in Great Profits to the State
At another point in the interview, Stefano relates how California benefits financially from having children in foster care. She states that adults who are incarcerated in the penal system on average cost the State about $48,000.00 per prisoner. For children taken in foster care, however, one child can bring in up to $1 million of revenue to the State. Children who need “extra care” are given many medical treatments, such as psychotropic drugs. (See: California’s Crisis: 1 Out of Every 4 Children in California’s Foster Care Prescribed Powerful Psychiatric Drugs)

Child Sex Trafficking through Child “Protection” Services Exposed – Kidnapping Children for Sex

Some choose to deny it by dreaming up whatever they can. The public has a hard time swalling facts and reality.
The more ppl who become aware of this the more kids that can be helped.

NOt to meny are aware of the fact CPS also were given BONUSES for reaching quotas....
Time to end Child Protection Services

Privatize it, I am sure there is good profit to be made in child protection..

if the kids don't pay up, they get no protection

If it was ANNOUNCED it would be a heads up to the child trafficking king pin, IT'S LIKE DRUGS STUPID ASS IT WON'T BE ANNOUNCED TO THE WORLD..........

And what the fuck does that have to do with your shameless and irresponsible attacks on the dedicated people on the front lines at CPS who actually care about and protect children? What the fuck have you ever done with your pathetic life to help or protect anyone?

And who the fuck is this post intended for anyway? It appears that your too stupid to even know how to use the quote feature.

just watching you get mad is kinda funny, it's rather cute omg u r funny.

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