Childish, petulant Joe Biden refuses to speak to Governor Desantis ahead of Hurricane Ian

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Another lying piece of shit. Andrew Cuomo set up Javitz Center. Trump outbid NY and other blue states for PPE hoarding them all to use as leverage.

Go fuck yourself, liar.
It's too easy to expose you as a lying sack of shit.

Javitz Hospital was initiated by Trump, built and operated by FEMA. Cuomo had zippo to do with it, hack.

The general contractor for the job, T3 Expo, set up last month’s Toy Fair at the Javits Center and was approached last week to build the FEMA hospital.

Once the materials arrived Wednesday, the first 500 rooms went up in just a day and a half, said Tim Heffernan, the company’s chief development officer.

“There was a lot of moving parts and a lot of agencies that came together pretty quickly,” he said.

“I was surprised at how smooth it went — concept to execution in four days.”

The emergency hospital is one of four that President Trump has instructed FEMA to build and run in the New York City area.

Cuomo said Friday he’d be asking Trump to authorize four more, so there’s one in each of the five boroughs, as well as Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester counties.

Prior to your whinefest hack source:

Are you ever not a lying sack of shit?

Feds were going to ship the ventilators by March 24th, 2020. Not there yet.

34 Ventilators Delivered to New York to Fight COVID-19 Pandemic​

April 16,2020

I was not lying. The sources did not lie.
Saying that ventilators are GOING to be delivered is not the same as them arriving.

Different dates, according to when the articles were written and published.
Feds were going to ship the ventilators by March 24th, 2020. Not there yet.

34 Ventilators Delivered to New York to Fight COVID-19 Pandemic​

April 16,2020

I was not lying. The sources did not lie.
Saying that ventilators are GOING to be delivered is not the same as them arriving.

Different dates, according to when the articles were written and published.
Hey Dumbass, stop lying. You look stupid.

Feds were going to ship the ventilators by March 24th, 2020. Not there yet.

34 Ventilators Delivered to New York to Fight COVID-19 Pandemic​

April 16,2020

I was not lying. The sources did not lie.
Saying that ventilators are GOING to be delivered is not the same as them arriving.

Different dates, according to when the articles were written and published.

Andrew Cuomo sent 10,000 old people to die in nursing homes he deliberately infected with Covid, before he was fired for being a rapist.
Nothing about Biden refusing to speak to De Santis.

Nothing about Peter. All about how the Administration is doing everything to prepare Florida for the coming Hurricane.

Democrats being accused of being pedophile started with a QANON pedophile. A real one.

And the lies continue........

Nothing but a BAIT thread.
A useless spoiled piece of shit who has lived off of the people for his life. A professional bullshit artist who is a corrupted political middleman who gets his cut while picking who us the favored group for his politics.
It's too easy to expose you as a lying sack of shit.

Javitz Hospital was initiated by Trump, built and operated by FEMA. Cuomo had zippo to do with it, hack.

The general contractor for the job, T3 Expo, set up last month’s Toy Fair at the Javits Center and was approached last week to build the FEMA hospital.

Once the materials arrived Wednesday, the first 500 rooms went up in just a day and a half, said Tim Heffernan, the company’s chief development officer.

“There was a lot of moving parts and a lot of agencies that came together pretty quickly,” he said.

“I was surprised at how smooth it went — concept to execution in four days.”

The emergency hospital is one of four that President Trump has instructed FEMA to build and run in the New York City area.

Cuomo said Friday he’d be asking Trump to authorize four more, so there’s one in each of the five boroughs, as well as Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester counties.

Regardless of how Trump ordered ship hospitals from FEMA, this is what eventually led to it. Very slow response in the beginning:

February 28: Trump refers to the coronavirus as the Democrats’ “new hoax” at a rally in South Carolina.

The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus… One of my people came up to me and said “Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia, that didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax that was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything, they tried it over and over, they’ve been doing it since you got in… And this is their new hoax.”

March 9: Trump compares the coronavirus to the common flu, a comparison which at that time had already been debunked by experts including Dr. Anthony Fauci.

So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 9, 2020

(full article online)

That is not Deliberate. That is lacking knowledge, as everyone was lacking knowledge at the time.
The governor confirmed the discrepancy in a press conference on Monday.

The initial undercount was partly the result of a controversial policy to exclude residents that died outside of the facilities, including in hospital, from the official numbers, according to a report.

"I take responsibility for that," he said. "Total death counts were always accurate, nothing was hidden from anyone, but we did create the void. And that created pain. And I feel very badly about that."

One will never hear Trump apologizing for his response to Covid. Not once.
That is not Deliberate. That is lacking knowledge, as everyone was lacking knowledge at the time.
The governor confirmed the discrepancy in a press conference on Monday.

The initial undercount was partly the result of a controversial policy to exclude residents that died outside of the facilities, including in hospital, from the official numbers, according to a report.

"I take responsibility for that," he said. "Total death counts were always accurate, nothing was hidden from anyone, but we did create the void. And that created pain. And I feel very badly about that."

One will never hear Trump apologizing for his response to Covid. Not once.

You missed the part about Cuomo deliberately ignoring the state health agency's advice on putting Covid patients into nursing homes. Cuomo deliberately put them there and subsequently killed 10,000 nursing home residents and staff.
You missed the part about Cuomo deliberately ignoring the state health agency's advice on putting Covid patients into nursing homes. Cuomo deliberately put them there and subsequently killed 10,000 nursing home residents and staff.

It was the State Health Center which advised him to do it:


Childish, petulant Joe Biden​

Joe Biden is childish and petulant? JOE BIDEN IS CHILDISH AND PETULANT????


See the documents here, in this thread: Trump Is Still a POS

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