children being confused by transgenderism

Did you ever watch I am Jazz?

Nope. But I'm sure the way you describe it isn't accurate.

It has the link to the study, face it old timer, you got stuffed., easy as 1, 2, 3

Oh and I also included a link to CBS news

You can do the links all day. Here's the problem with that sorry-ass argument. There are 2 million school teachers and millions of other public education workers. So of course you will get a greater number.

There are only 42,000 Catholic Priests. Yet they seem to be responsible for a lot of sexual abuse.
Number of UK children sent to gender identity clinics more than quadrupled in past five years

It seems that children who are being taught about becoming a transgender in public schools are becoming more confused about their sexual identity. Becoming a transgender has spawned a whole new industry that is promoting this to children

Hate to tell you this, but kids are already confused about a lot of things. Just because it's out in the open doesn't make it worse.

It's like rape statistics. Just because Sweden has higher rape statistics, doesn't mean there's more rape. It just means people are more willing to be open about it.

Kids grow up gay, and they're forced to define themselves a "bad" by people like you, and so they're miserable for their childhood.

You want to sweep their confusion under the carpet, they're still confused, but you can pretend it doesn't exist, so it makes YOU feel good. Is that what all this is about? You?
Really? I have a feeling some self centered parents would LOVE to have little timmy in dresses if its the latest and greatest thing.

really? I've never met a parent like that.

Can you point one out to us?

This Canadian Baby Is the First in the World With No Legal Gender Designation

That was the best you could come up with?

You asked for one, i gave it to you. Suck it, bitch-tits.
Liberals love confused children
I believe you are right. Children who are confused about their gender need love from parents, teachers, other pupils, and politicians to formulate legislation that protects human rights.
Children need to know born a boy, you are a boy.
Outwardly it can seem that a boy is a boy but gender can be reassigned based on the sexuality felt by an individual. People, including children, are complex.
Gender can never be reassigned. The very doctors who perform the surgery take care to explain to patients that they will never really change genders. They will get a cosmetic representation of the other gender.
Liberals love confused children
I believe you are right. Children who are confused about their gender need love from parents, teachers, other pupils, and politicians to formulate legislation that protects human rights.

I have been watching the show I am Jazz in order to try and understand their point of view.
I see loving parents who encouraged him to become a woman, but the female hormone shots shrunk his genitals so that he can't get what (she) wants because the scrotum is too small.
It seems to me that it's harming him rather than helping.
Liberals love confused children
I believe you are right. Children who are confused about their gender need love from parents, teachers, other pupils, and politicians to formulate legislation that protects human rights.

I have been watching the show I am Jazz in order to try and understand their point of view.
I see loving parents who encouraged him to become a woman, but the female hormone shots shrunk his genitals so that he can't get what (she) wants because the scrotum is too small.
It seems to me that it's harming him rather than helping.
I saw it that one time when the doctor explained that it would take a bowel resection to provide an approximation of a vagina.

The boy is miserable and walked out on a "date" being too uncomfortable to continue. I did not see a subsequent episode where the boy goes into therapy.
I saw attention seeking parents who lavished their own ideas upon their son. It reminded me of people who suffer Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy and how carefully the facade of loving parent is created.
Liberals love confused children
I believe you are right. Children who are confused about their gender need love from parents, teachers, other pupils, and politicians to formulate legislation that protects human rights.
Children need to know born a boy, you are a boy.
Outwardly it can seem that a boy is a boy but gender can be reassigned based on the sexuality felt by an individual. People, including children, are complex.
Bullshit lie, period. Gays need medicated.
Liberals love confused children
I believe you are right. Children who are confused about their gender need love from parents, teachers, other pupils, and politicians to formulate legislation that protects human rights.

I have been watching the show I am Jazz in order to try and understand their point of view.
I see loving parents who encouraged him to become a woman, but the female hormone shots shrunk his genitals so that he can't get what (she) wants because the scrotum is too small.
It seems to me that it's harming him rather than helping.
People will ask the boy/girl if he feels good about the treatment. Only the patient can tell.
Liberals love confused children
I believe you are right. Children who are confused about their gender need love from parents, teachers, other pupils, and politicians to formulate legislation that protects human rights.
Children need to know born a boy, you are a boy.
Outwardly it can seem that a boy is a boy but gender can be reassigned based on the sexuality felt by an individual. People, including children, are complex.
Bullshit lie, period. Gays need medicated.
Quit the bad language and learn some grammar as well as manners.
Liberals love confused children
I believe you are right. Children who are confused about their gender need love from parents, teachers, other pupils, and politicians to formulate legislation that protects human rights.
Children need to know born a boy, you are a boy.
Outwardly it can seem that a boy is a boy but gender can be reassigned based on the sexuality felt by an individual. People, including children, are complex.
Bullshit lie, period. Gays need medicated.
Quit the bad language and learn some grammar as well as manners.
Truth hurts.
Liberals love confused children
I believe you are right. Children who are confused about their gender need love from parents, teachers, other pupils, and politicians to formulate legislation that protects human rights.
Children need to know born a boy, you are a boy.
Outwardly it can seem that a boy is a boy but gender can be reassigned based on the sexuality felt by an individual. People, including children, are complex.
Bullshit lie, period. Gays need medicated.
Quit the bad language and learn some grammar as well as manners.
Says the hypocrite.

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