children being confused by transgenderism

If they are confused about what LGBT is or means, act like the parent and explain it.

How hard is it for you morons to act like grown ups? Simply teach them to accept that not everyone is the same. If you're one of those fake christian haters, just pretend, just for a couple of minutes that you're actually a real Christian AND a responsible parent.

It won't make any difference in what any child is but it will make the world a better place.

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Children are not normally confused about gender. They know that there are little girls and little boys. It is only when told by an adult that little boys could be little girls and little girls could really be little boys that confuses them. ...
It is precisely because children are not normally confused about gender that when it happens the child is in a minority and subject to bullying. You are mistaken in your belief that the confusion is caused by adults listening and explaining that sometimes a boy can be in a girl's body and vice versa. Educating children about gender identity is a response to the confusion initially experienced by a child.
And sometimes little kids think they are kitties too.

Well, THAT explains a lot about your delusions of being a doctor AND a lawyer when all you are is sad, drunk, little schlub who washes dogs for a groomer.

No, tipsy, children don't believe they are kittens.

But human beings are not created with a cookie cutter.

See the difference?


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Children are not normally confused about gender. They know that there are little girls and little boys. It is only when told by an adult that little boys could be little girls and little girls could really be little boys that confuses them. ...
It is precisely because children are not normally confused about gender that when it happens the child is in a minority and subject to bullying. You are mistaken in your belief that the confusion is caused by adults listening and explaining that sometimes a boy can be in a girl's body and vice versa. Educating children about gender identity is a response to the confusion initially experienced by a child.

Very well put.

Tipsycatlover Don't you agree?

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Military school.
Donald Trump went to military school. He likes pussy.
See how well that,worked.
Indeed, Donald Trump is a self-confessed pussy-grabber and also president of the United States.
He grabbed you? Go Trump.
Americans have no problem with a man who boasts about grabbing pussies also representing their country and what it stands for.
Number of UK children sent to gender identity clinics more than quadrupled in past five years

It seems that children who are being taught about becoming a transgender in public schools are becoming more confused about their sexual identity. Becoming a transgender has spawned a whole new industry that is promoting this to children

I'm sure they'll be fine. Cons though aren't worries about children confused about talking snakes and the flying sky Ginn. By a 'god that loves you unconditionally but will torture you forever if you don't love him'. Seems like the ultimate condition doesn't it? Quite confusing for children but 'it's good for them'.

One man's poison is another man's golden honey. Apparently.
Children are not normally confused about gender. They know that there are little girls and little boys. It is only when told by an adult that little boys could be little girls and little girls could really be little boys that confuses them. ...
It is precisely because children are not normally confused about gender that when it happens the child is in a minority and subject to bullying. You are mistaken in your belief that the confusion is caused by adults listening and explaining that sometimes a boy can be in a girl's body and vice versa. Educating children about gender identity is a response to the confusion initially experienced by a child.
And sometimes little kids think they are kitties too.

Well, THAT explains a lot about your delusions of being a doctor AND a lawyer when all you are is sad, drunk, little schlub who washes dogs for a groomer.

No, tipsy, children don't believe they are kittens.

But human beings are not created with a cookie cutter.

See the difference?


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No wonder you are hated and despised by ....

Better left unsaid. It has given you an awful life though.
A 5 year old has no idea what it's "nature" is.

Really? My 5 year old Grand Nephew is on a big kick now that he doesn't want to hug anyone because "Boys don't hug, they shake hands".

So why is it hard for you to grasp that a five year old tranny might realize he is different?

because when he is 6 he might think he is a fucking penguin, and at 7 a monkey. Parents shouldn't try trans-species therapy in those cases right?

Why are we so obsessed with the sexual identity of fucking 5-10 year olds?
Sexualizing them is normal leftist mentality. Yet they scream at a photo of some mother who post pics of breast feeding,.

when did this happen?

KIDS are NOT confused they are being brainwashed which ends up being confused. They aren't questioning what they are, they are being " TOLD" what they are or aren't. When if this subject wasn't being pounded into their heads they would know exactly what they are or aren't. Brainwashing is child abuse

" In most schools, memorization is mistaken for learning. Most of what is remembered is remembered only for a short time, but then is quickly forgotten. (How many remember how to take a square root or ever have a need to?) Furthermore, even young children are aware of the fact that most of what is expected of them in school can better be done by computers, recording machines, cameras, and so on. They are treated as poor surrogates for such machines and instruments. Why should children — or adults, for that matter — be asked to do something computers and related equipment can do much better than they can? Why doesn’t education focus on what humans can do better than the machines and instruments they create? "
My step granddaughter drew a picture of a truck. Her daddy is a tow truck driver so she drew a picture of his truck. The teacher informed her parents that their daughter was transgendered and "likes trucks". When the little girl angrily corrected the teacher "I'm a LITTLE GIRL!" The teacher said "See how confused she is!"

We all had a good laugh over it. Mom and Dad had a visit with the school nurse and principal and filed a formal complaint with the school board.

Will that stop the teacher or indeed any teacher? It's doubtful.
This woman thinks she's a cat
Norway woman says she's a CAT trapped in a human body | Daily Mail Online

Woman refuses to wear clothing. She's a mermaid

Man believes he's a wolf.
On All Levels Except Physical, I am a Wolf | Know Your Meme

These are delusional adults. Children are commonly prone to believe they are "something else". There are web forums for parents who discuss what little delusions their children have. From being a cat, to believing they sailed on the Titanic.

It's okay to let a child have a harmless belief. It is not okay to physically or mentally warp them.
because when he is 6 he might think he is a fucking penguin, and at 7 a monkey. Parents shouldn't try trans-species therapy in those cases right?

I would say that if the kid thinks he's a monkey for months, they might consider therapy.

again, here's the things you homophobic and transphobic types don't get. We really don't know how sexuality works. I know gay folks who tell me they knew they were gay when they were 11.

Why are we so obsessed with the sexual identity of fucking 5-10 year olds?

Because now that it's no longer cool to be a racist or a misogynist, the One Percent have to have SOMETHING to get you inbred, bible-thumping rednecks upset about to distract you from how badly they are fucking you over every day.

"Hey, there's a boy who thinks he's a girl!"

"Well, dag-durnit, Cleetus, that dang der makes me so angry!!!"
because when he is 6 he might think he is a fucking penguin, and at 7 a monkey. Parents shouldn't try trans-species therapy in those cases right?

I would say that if the kid thinks he's a monkey for months, they might consider therapy.

again, here's the things you homophobic and transphobic types don't get. We really don't know how sexuality works. I know gay folks who tell me they knew they were gay when they were 11.

Why are we so obsessed with the sexual identity of fucking 5-10 year olds?

Because now that it's no longer cool to be a racist or a misogynist, the One Percent have to have SOMETHING to get you inbred, bible-thumping rednecks upset about to distract you from how badly they are fucking you over every day.

"Hey, there's a boy who thinks he's a girl!"

"Well, dag-durnit, Cleetus, that dang der makes me so angry!!!"

11 is more reasonable than 5, and thinking your gay doesn't lead to hormone therapy and retarding puberty. Let nature run its course and if the kid still wants to remove/add his junk, the let it proceed.

Thinking a 5 year old knows enough to begin therapy for supposed gender dysphoria is crazy, and nothing homophobic or transphobic about it.
Liberals love confused children
I believe you are right. Children who are confused about their gender need love from parents, teachers, other pupils, and politicians to formulate legislation that protects human rights.
what about the right to not have someone elses emotional state of being pushed on them all the time?
Liberals love confused children
I believe you are right. Children who are confused about their gender need love from parents, teachers, other pupils, and politicians to formulate legislation that protects human rights.
what about the right to not have someone elses emotional state of being pushed on them all the time?
Transgender children need more than to be left alone.

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