children being confused by transgenderism

Blah blah blah, mystification, blah blah blah.

Yes, I know, it's hard to hear you've been played for self-righteous rube.

But you sir, are a rube clinging to your gun and your bible.

No, I'm just someone who doesn't think the world or other people owe me a living scott free, like you do.
You are a leech and a parasite.

Guy, i work two jobs to make ends meet. So, um, no don't want to hear it.

You see, we had it right. A unionized workforce where workers had rights. Not this right to work horseshit we have now where you can be screwed over because you get sick.
Blah blah blah, mystification, blah blah blah.

Yes, I know, it's hard to hear you've been played for self-righteous rube.

But you sir, are a rube clinging to your gun and your bible.

No, I'm just someone who doesn't think the world or other people owe me a living scott free, like you do.
You are a leech and a parasite.

Guy, i work two jobs to make ends meet. So, um, no don't want to hear it.

You see, we had it right. A unionized workforce where workers had rights. Not this right to work horseshit we have now where you can be screwed over because you get sick.

I don't own a gun, and I am a lapsed Catholic at best. What I am not is a shameless busybody like yourself who thinks everyone should live, act and think how you live act and think, or if not be beaten into the ground and unable to express themselves.

Lack of planning on your part does not enjoin sympathy on mine. My dad worked two jobs and he is far less of a whiner than you are.
Lack of planning on your part does not enjoin sympathy on mine. My dad worked two jobs and he is far less of a whiner than you are.

You Dad worked at a time when workers had rights and unions protected him.

I doubt he'd do as well in a "Right to work", "At Will Employment" stupidity we enjoy today.

he worked for IBM. No union, and yes that did screw him a bit at the end, but unlike you he isn't a dried up bitter old hag about life throwing him some lemons.
he worked for IBM. No union, and yes that did screw him a bit at the end, but unlike you he isn't a dried up bitter old hag about life throwing him some lemons.

I think you are too stupid to realize that the only reason why IBM offered good benefits at all was because they DIDN'T Want their workers forming unions.

You see, this is what you don't get, the benefit of unionism extends far beyond the people who belong to them.

But again, you are a battered housewife conservative who justifies the actions of your abuser.
he worked for IBM. No union, and yes that did screw him a bit at the end, but unlike you he isn't a dried up bitter old hag about life throwing him some lemons.

I think you are too stupid to realize that the only reason why IBM offered good benefits at all was because they DIDN'T Want their workers forming unions.

You see, this is what you don't get, the benefit of unionism extends far beyond the people who belong to them.

But again, you are a battered housewife conservative who justifies the actions of your abuser.

What is with your obsession with domestic violence? You make shit up about it, you imply it's mentality on others.

You are some seriously damaged goods.
What is with your obsession with domestic violence? You make shit up about it, you imply it's mentality on others.

You are some seriously damaged goods.

I think it's a great metaphor.

Working people who vote Republican and then make excuses for the one percent are like Battered Housewives. They should walk. Instead they continue to excuse the abuse.

"Well, the unions were asking for too much money, so that's why they moved all the jobs to Mexico!"

"Well, I burned his dinner, that's why I got two black eyes."

Battered housewife republican.
What is with your obsession with domestic violence? You make shit up about it, you imply it's mentality on others.

You are some seriously damaged goods.

I think it's a great metaphor.

Working people who vote Republican and then make excuses for the one percent are like Battered Housewives. They should walk. Instead they continue to excuse the abuse.

"Well, the unions were asking for too much money, so that's why they moved all the jobs to Mexico!"

"Well, I burned his dinner, that's why I got two black eyes."

Battered housewife republican.

Yes, because equating political disagreement with battered women is sooooo justified....

You are a small minded little man who can't deal with people thinking or acting differently than you. You are one of those fake "smart" people who can't grasp other concepts.
Yes, because equating political disagreement with battered women is sooooo justified....

You are a small minded little man who can't deal with people thinking or acting differently than you. You are one of those fake "smart" people who can't grasp other concepts.

no, what's justified is people who constantly make excuses for their abusers being equated to battered women.

Because even not very smart people can see how dumb that is.

Seriously, if you aren't making six figures, and 80% of us aren't- there's no good reason to vote Republican.


There are stupid reasons, like wanting to ban abortions and gays and keep your guns because your dick is tiny... but no good reasons.
Yes, because equating political disagreement with battered women is sooooo justified....

You are a small minded little man who can't deal with people thinking or acting differently than you. You are one of those fake "smart" people who can't grasp other concepts.

no, what's justified is people who constantly make excuses for their abusers being equated to battered women.

Because even not very smart people can see how dumb that is.

Seriously, if you aren't making six figures, and 80% of us aren't- there's no good reason to vote Republican.


There are stupid reasons, like wanting to ban abortions and gays and keep your guns because your dick is tiny... but no good reasons.

Who is equating abusers to battered women?

Have you finally going of the deep end?

Some people just don't think government should be all powerful, regardless of income.

Some people aren't jealous twat-waddles, like you are.

And you don't get to decide if a person's reasons are stupid or not, despite your 1984 big brother jerk-off fantasies.
Who is equating abusers to battered women?

Have you finally going of the deep end?

Some people just don't think government should be all powerful, regardless of income.

No, you see, those are people who want the benefits of living in a civilized society, but just don't want to pay for it.

And you don't get to decide if a person's reasons are stupid or not, despite your 1984 big brother jerk-off fantasies.

Actually, guy, the fact is, you broadcast your Any Rand Wank fantasies all day.
Who is equating abusers to battered women?

Have you finally going of the deep end?

Some people just don't think government should be all powerful, regardless of income.

No, you see, those are people who want the benefits of living in a civilized society, but just don't want to pay for it.

And you don't get to decide if a person's reasons are stupid or not, despite your 1984 big brother jerk-off fantasies.

Actually, guy, the fact is, you broadcast your Any Rand Wank fantasies all day.

Civilized society doesn't require government to get involved in every little single fucking thing like you asshats want.

I haven't even read Rand, so pop-fail goes your reference.
Civilized society doesn't require government to get involved in every little single fucking thing like you asshats want.

I haven't even read Rand, so pop-fail goes your reference.

I doubt you've ever read a book, but that's besides the point.

Most of the time, the government shouldn't get involved. But when people are being unreasonable or just plain evil, I have no problem when it slaps their asses back.
Civilized society doesn't require government to get involved in every little single fucking thing like you asshats want.

I haven't even read Rand, so pop-fail goes your reference.

I doubt you've ever read a book, but that's besides the point.

Most of the time, the government shouldn't get involved. But when people are being unreasonable or just plain evil, I have no problem when it slaps their asses back.

I've read plenty, and I re-read books i really like over and over. My current favorites are "The Control of Nature", "7 deadly scenarios" and "The Martian"

The Control of Nature - Wikipedia

7 Deadly Scenarios

The Martian (Weir novel) - Wikipedia

The issue is you want government to smack people around for really really petty and stupid reasons, most relating to your own grudges and personal dislikes.

You just don't have the balls to do any of it yourself, so you use government as a proxy.
The issue is you want government to smack people around for really really petty and stupid reasons, most relating to your own grudges and personal dislikes.

Naw, i want them to smack them around for good reasons like being bigots and assholes.

You just don't have the balls to do any of it yourself, so you use government as a proxy.

Hey, if I could legally do it, I'd be happy to.
The issue is you want government to smack people around for really really petty and stupid reasons, most relating to your own grudges and personal dislikes.

Naw, i want them to smack them around for good reasons like being bigots and assholes.

You just don't have the balls to do any of it yourself, so you use government as a proxy.

Hey, if I could legally do it, I'd be happy to.

Again, petty and stupid reasons.

I doubt it, you seem to be like every other gutless keyboard commando out there.
Again, petty and stupid reasons.

again, I've seen gay people fired by homophobes, I've seen gay people beaten up by homophobes.

"You have to bake that cake you offered to bake and you'll be paid money to do so" doesn't really sound that bad. If you don't like it, find something else to do for a living.

Equating actual crimes and being fired to having to find another baker is just proof of your lack of a valid argument.

It's more of the same from you, "Act how I want you to act, think how I want you to think or else government will get you"

You are a fucking coward and a bully.
Equating actual crimes and being fired to having to find another baker is just proof of your lack of a valid argument.

Nope. It just shows how whiny these Christian bakers are. Nothing really bad happened to them they didn't do to themselves.

It's more of the same from you, "Act how I want you to act, think how I want you to think or else government will get you"

You are a fucking coward and a bully.

Yes, it's called 'Wanting to live in a civilized society". It means you get certain protections but you have to follow certain rules. Now, I don't particularly want to live like this guy..


and neither do you. That means that we all live by rules that we find as reasonable.
Equating actual crimes and being fired to having to find another baker is just proof of your lack of a valid argument.

Nope. It just shows how whiny these Christian bakers are. Nothing really bad happened to them they didn't do to themselves.

It's more of the same from you, "Act how I want you to act, think how I want you to think or else government will get you"

You are a fucking coward and a bully.

Yes, it's called 'Wanting to live in a civilized society". It means you get certain protections but you have to follow certain rules. Now, I don't particularly want to live like this guy..


and neither do you. That means that we all live by rules that we find as reasonable.

Being forced out of business and fined $100k+ does not make you whiny, it makes you indignant. Kind if like i am about your callousness over ruining someone over butt hurt.

Argumentum ad abusrdum, equating a gay couple having to spend 1/2 an hour finding another baker to australian dystopian outback anarchy is comical and shows you have no real argument.

And the issue is a lot of us don't find your tyrannical views reasonable.

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