China all but admits COVID-19 was Manufactured...

Just Wow... They stop short of a full admission the virus was manufactured but the restrictions give it away...

That's not what the article says but go ahead and cuddle up with any conspiracy theory that makes you warm. Trying to deflect attention away from Trump's inadequate response won't work. The Chinese will be force to release their research. The world will demand it.
Its what they said and what they have done. Actions scream bio-weapons..

Science says no. This is why it isn't good to dive down into conspiracy theories.
Why You Shouldn't Fall for the COVID-19 'Bioweapon' Conspiracy Theory
I will take the word of actual bioweapons Doctors I know over those who refuse to look where they should. Those I trust I do so because they have shown their expertice in keeping me safe when I was in the military years ago.

Just Wow... They stop short of a full admission the virus was manufactured but the restrictions give it away...

That's not what the article says but go ahead and cuddle up with any conspiracy theory that makes you warm. Trying to deflect attention away from Trump's inadequate response won't work. The Chinese will be force to release their research. The world will demand it.
Its what they said and what they have done. Actions scream bio-weapons..

Science says no. This is why it isn't good to dive down into conspiracy theories.
Why You Shouldn't Fall for the COVID-19 'Bioweapon' Conspiracy Theory
The "science" you refer to is in one way or another beholden to China.

Just Wow... They stop short of a full admission the virus was manufactured but the restrictions give it away...


You have the choice of jumping to conclusions and buying into conspiracy theories on the flimiest of evidence or you can read genuine peer reviewed scientific studies.

You realize of course all that really means is that the standard inteference methods were not used to create this virus. It does not preclude laboratory supervision which remains a distinct possibility.


Try reading this to get a better grasp on the likeliest explanation:

The articles I'm reading say that the destruction of natural habitats in increasing our interactions with the animals that live there and increasing the likelihood of animal viruses crossing into humans which it appears is what is happening here. Ebola outbreaks in Africa. H1N1 in North America, SARS and Covid19 out of China.


Just Wow... They stop short of a full admission the virus was manufactured but the restrictions give it away...
It was being manufactured for sale to those promising specific targets.
We still haven't heard about follow up on the Harvard bio researcher who was arrested for accepting a $2000000 grant from Wuhan University. Also there's some indication that the military lab Wuhan was subsidized by US money.

Just Wow... They stop short of a full admission the virus was manufactured but the restrictions give it away...

That's not what the article says but go ahead and cuddle up with any conspiracy theory that makes you warm. Trying to deflect attention away from Trump's inadequate response won't work. The Chinese will be force to release their research. The world will demand it.
Its what they said and what they have done. Actions scream bio-weapons..

Science says no. This is why it isn't good to dive down into conspiracy theories.
Why You Shouldn't Fall for the COVID-19 'Bioweapon' Conspiracy Theory
I will take the word of actual bioweapons Doctors I know over those who refuse to look where they should. Those I trust I do so because they have shown their expertice in keeping me safe when I was in the military years ago.

Really? And how many "bioweapons doctors" do you personally know? I mean aren't those guys supposed to keep what they do a big fat secret and not telling anyone?
I won't jump to any conclusions...yet. I will remain skeptical of all theories until the intel communities figures it out. What needs to happen then, is a leak of the findings one way or another.

Regardless of the source, I've always maintained that the Communist Party are responsible for this global pandemic. It's been stated by some who are apparently in the know that 95% of this spread is due to the misinformation, secrecy and outright lying by the Communists and their patsy friend in the WHO. It could have easily had been concealed as a local issue only, not a global one.

All of the death, economic harm, psychological impact and global misery, is a direct result of the Communist Party of China, lead by President Xi.

Did they downplay it, misinform about it, dismiss it, and generally tried to distract people from it? Yes. And they'll have to answer those questions.
But I know a leader right here in the United States who did the same thing.
Yes Andrew Cuomo did all those things. As did a bunch of other world “leaders”. Nice of you to finally admit Cuomo’s screwups.

Just Wow... They stop short of a full admission the virus was manufactured but the restrictions give it away...

That's not what the article says but go ahead and cuddle up with any conspiracy theory that makes you warm. Trying to deflect attention away from Trump's inadequate response won't work. The Chinese will be force to release their research. The world will demand it.
Its what they said and what they have done. Actions scream bio-weapons..

Science says no. This is why it isn't good to dive down into conspiracy theories.
Why You Shouldn't Fall for the COVID-19 'Bioweapon' Conspiracy Theory
I will take the word of actual bioweapons Doctors I know over those who refuse to look where they should. Those I trust I do so because they have shown their expertice in keeping me safe when I was in the military years ago.

Really? And how many "bioweapons doctors" do you personally know? I mean aren't those guys supposed to keep what they do a big fat secret and not telling anyone?

Just Wow... They stop short of a full admission the virus was manufactured but the restrictions give it away...


You have the choice of jumping to conclusions and buying into conspiracy theories on the flimiest of evidence or you can read genuine peer reviewed scientific studies.

You realize of course all that really means is that the standard inteference methods were not used to create this virus. It does not preclude laboratory supervision which remains a distinct possibility.


Try reading this to get a better grasp on the likeliest explanation:

The articles I'm reading say that the destruction of natural habitats in increasing our interactions with the animals that live there and increasing the likelihood of animal viruses crossing into humans which it appears is what is happening here. Ebola outbreaks in Africa. H1N1 in North America, SARS and Covid19 out of China.

Ebola is racist. Don’t be racist against those who live near the Ebola river.

Just Wow... They stop short of a full admission the virus was manufactured but the restrictions give it away...

That's not what the article says but go ahead and cuddle up with any conspiracy theory that makes you warm. Trying to deflect attention away from Trump's inadequate response won't work. The Chinese will be force to release their research. The world will demand it.

Enough of your bullshit deflection. You bastards called Trump a racist for shutting down travel.

And here's the actual sequence of events in China shutting down the research.

All you card carrying Communists should move to China.


Just Wow... They stop short of a full admission the virus was manufactured but the restrictions give it away...
It was being manufactured for sale to those promising specific targets.
We still haven't heard about follow up on the Harvard bio researcher who was arrested for accepting a $2000000 grant from Wuhan University. Also there's some indication that the military lab Wuhan was subsidized by US money.
That one has been sent to a federal court that handles classified cases. There will be very little we hear.

Just Wow... They stop short of a full admission the virus was manufactured but the restrictions give it away...


You have the choice of jumping to conclusions and buying into conspiracy theories on the flimiest of evidence or you can read genuine peer reviewed scientific studies.

Why do you always try to ride to the rescue of the Chicoms?

Just Wow... They stop short of a full admission the virus was manufactured but the restrictions give it away...

That's not what the article says but go ahead and cuddle up with any conspiracy theory that makes you warm. Trying to deflect attention away from Trump's inadequate response won't work. The Chinese will be force to release their research. The world will demand it.
Another Chicom apologist.

Just Wow... They stop short of a full admission the virus was manufactured but the restrictions give it away...

That's not what the article says but go ahead and cuddle up with any conspiracy theory that makes you warm. Trying to deflect attention away from Trump's inadequate response won't work. The Chinese will be force to release their research. The world will demand it.
Its what they said and what they have done. Actions scream bio-weapons..

Science says no. This is why it isn't good to dive down into conspiracy theories.
Why You Shouldn't Fall for the COVID-19 'Bioweapon' Conspiracy Theory
Snopes................. :abgg2q.jpg:

Just Wow... They stop short of a full admission the virus was manufactured but the restrictions give it away...

That's not what the article says but go ahead and cuddle up with any conspiracy theory that makes you warm. Trying to deflect attention away from Trump's inadequate response won't work. The Chinese will be force to release their research. The world will demand it.

Enough of your bullshit deflection. You bastards called Trump a racist for shutting down travel.

And here's the actual sequence of events in China shutting down the research.

All you card carrying Communists should move to China.

And still parroting the whole "they called him racist" baloney when the word was never uttered. No deflection necessary. Trump owns the lack of response to the virus in this country.
Jeepers, the Chinese trying to control the narrative. Color me shocked. Don't worry, they won't be able to dodge answering questions forever.

By the way, the 80's called. They want the word Communist back.

Just Wow... They stop short of a full admission the virus was manufactured but the restrictions give it away...

That's not what the article says but go ahead and cuddle up with any conspiracy theory that makes you warm. Trying to deflect attention away from Trump's inadequate response won't work. The Chinese will be force to release their research. The world will demand it.

Enough of your bullshit deflection. You bastards called Trump a racist for shutting down travel.

And here's the actual sequence of events in China shutting down the research.

All you card carrying Communists should move to China.

And still parroting the whole "they called him racist" baloney when the word was never uttered. No deflection necessary. Trump owns the lack of response to the virus in this country.
Jeepers, the Chinese trying to control the narrative. Color me shocked. Don't worry, they won't be able to dodge answering questions forever.

By the way, the 80's called. They want the word Communist back.

Xenophobe/racist, what's the fucking difference? Straight from that senile old fool you're propping up as your party Messiah.

And yes, you're a card carrying Communist sympathizer always defending the Chinese. Just move there you'd be a lot happier obviously.

Just Wow... They stop short of a full admission the virus was manufactured but the restrictions give it away...
It was being manufactured for sale to those promising specific targets.
We still haven't heard about follow up on the Harvard bio researcher who was arrested for accepting a $2000000 grant from Wuhan University. Also there's some indication that the military lab Wuhan was subsidized by US money.
That one has been sent to a federal court that handles classified cases. There will be very little we hear.

Geezus.....freaking figures.
We are the perfect mushrooms..keep us in the dark and feed us a steady diet of horseshit.

Just Wow... They stop short of a full admission the virus was manufactured but the restrictions give it away...
AND George Soros, the evil devil incarnate himself, most likely funded the Chinese in the research and manufacturing of the biological weapon. This has become quite apparent.
LOL. What a fucking idiot you are.

So tell us, in detail, what makes this apparent to you?

This should be good for another laugh.

Just Wow... They stop short of a full admission the virus was manufactured but the restrictions give it away...

That's not what the article says but go ahead and cuddle up with any conspiracy theory that makes you warm. Trying to deflect attention away from Trump's inadequate response won't work. The Chinese will be force to release their research. The world will demand it.
Trump's inadequate response- your an idiot, running your flap will not stop Trump from winning in 2020:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
This thing in no way resembles a bio-weapon. Remember the 9/11 anthrax attack? That's a bio-weapon. Practically 100% fatal, non-transmissible between humans and a vaccine exists. What good is a weapon that kills your own people and cannot be controlled? No, this is what has been predicted by epidemiologists for a long time and no one really took it seriously. The only blame that can be put on China is their predilection for eating weird and exotic animals and their habit of covering up everything.

Just Wow... They stop short of a full admission the virus was manufactured but the restrictions give it away...


You have the choice of jumping to conclusions and buying into conspiracy theories on the flimiest of evidence or you can read genuine peer reviewed scientific studies.

Thank you for that well researched post. As we know, Trumpleton's have an affinity for believing unsubstantiated conspiracy theories over evidence based conclusions made by scientists.

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