China Banks told to halt lending to U.S Banks

Japan could take us over without a war now, oh and to let you know, Wiki is crap, it's a huge blog not a good source of info since any crazy with a keyboard can contribute it is very opinion based and not very fact based.

I've looked up several other websites, it's accurate.

The only kind of army that Japan had for years was ours.

The Japan-United States alliance is one of their key parts of foreign policy.

It's been called the "Britain of the Pacific" when it comes to U.S Allies. Which I must say is least one good thing that Bush hasn't fucked up in his two terms.
I've looked up several other websites, it's accurate.

The only kind of army that Japan had for years was ours.

The Japan-United States alliance is one of their key parts of foreign policy.

It's been called the "Britain of the Pacific" when it comes to U.S Allies. Which I must say is least one good thing that Bush hasn't fucked up in his two terms.

I don't think even Bush could fuck up the Japan-American alliance, they keep eyes on our politics and don't blame the rest of us for our leaders stupidity, that would make them hypocrits.
You kind of missed the point. They are still living below the poverty line, they just found loopholes to get their income (like many others who are 'rich' did) they just used the same system from a different angle. However, most 'rich' people are in debt to their eyeballs, while they are not. So which one is doing better based on that? Try not looking at it with hatred but with logic instead, maybe then you'll get what I am saying. :cool:

Found loopholes ?? That's a good one. How about loopholes were made for them ?
Are you actually giving people on welfare credit for discovering and exploiting it ? Are they some sort of "super survivor" in your book ?

Not a 'super survivor', but you do keep switching points to avoid it. The loopholes they use are no better or worse than those used by the rich who step on all the middle class workers. Thanks to this depression I myself may have to become another laborer thanks to the rich using the loopholes they have and ruining our economy in the process. The people on welfare (not all) are using the same type of loophole just on the other side of the spectrum. Now, to give you no place to dodge to, here is the whole concept:

1. Both people on welfare and those who are rich use loopholes to make their money.

2. Middle class strive to act like the rich (rather stupidly) and often work hard to earn more, though rarely getting it.

3. Many of the rich have massive debt, even more than their incomes can handle, and are suffering for it. Instead of taking the blame for their actions they are pointing to the welfare recipients who do not work and blaming them.

4. Many on welfare still work, low paying jobs that you NEED filled in order to enjoy comforts you live on yourself, they live just fine on less than poverty level incomes as do the other welfare recipients who do not deserve it. Thing is, they aren't complaining like the rich are.

So, here's the whole point I was making which you are still dodging: If those living below poverty on welfare are capable of living without borrowing money but the rich have to borrow more than they make to live, who is really the smart ones?
Not a 'super survivor', but you do keep switching points to avoid it. The loopholes they use are no better or worse than those used by the rich who step on all the middle class workers. Thanks to this depression I myself may have to become another laborer thanks to the rich using the loopholes they have and ruining our economy in the process. The people on welfare (not all) are using the same type of loophole just on the other side of the spectrum. Now, to give you no place to dodge to, here is the whole concept:

1. Both people on welfare and those who are rich use loopholes to make their money.

2. Middle class strive to act like the rich (rather stupidly) and often work hard to earn more, though rarely getting it.

3. Many of the rich have massive debt, even more than their incomes can handle, and are suffering for it. Instead of taking the blame for their actions they are pointing to the welfare recipients who do not work and blaming them.

4. Many on welfare still work, low paying jobs that you NEED filled in order to enjoy comforts you live on yourself, they live just fine on less than poverty level incomes as do the other welfare recipients who do not deserve it. Thing is, they aren't complaining like the rich are.

So, here's the whole point I was making which you are still dodging: If those living below poverty on welfare are capable of living without borrowing money but the rich have to borrow more than they make to live, who is really the smart ones?

I understand that you desperately want to portray those in poverty and on welfare as somehow "smarter" because of the way they are using and abusing the system somewhat like the wealthy do but do they deserve a round of applause for those who are actually WORKING so they don't have to?
Sorry--I can't rationalize that kind of behavior as smart.
I understand that you desperately want to portray those in poverty and on welfare as somehow "smarter" because of the way they are using and abusing the system somewhat like the wealthy do but do they deserve a round of applause for those who are actually WORKING so they don't have to?
Sorry--I can't rationalize that kind of behavior as smart.

Reread that post. The fact is that a LOT of people who receive welfare also work, they just are not paid enough for the area they live in because national minimum wage is not based on the most expensive place to live. Also, it takes intelligence to find loopholes, so yes, they are smart to taking advantage of them. You are just looking at them from a hate filled perspective instead of an objective angle. Rich people are using loopholes to, but you refuse to acknowledge that fact as well.
Reread that post. The fact is that a LOT of people who receive welfare also work, they just are not paid enough for the area they live in because national minimum wage is not based on the most expensive place to live. Also, it takes intelligence to find loopholes, so yes, they are smart to taking advantage of them. You are just looking at them from a hate filled perspective instead of an objective angle. Rich people are using loopholes to, but you refuse to acknowledge that fact as well.

You understand that these "smart" people will die if working people don't support them ?
You understand that these "smart" people will die if working people don't support them ?

*shrugs* So be it, on both sides. We don't need the rich or those unwilling to work. Just acknowledge that it is both ends of the spectrum to blame. Many rich are just the same as unworking welfare leeches, they just found a better loophole to leech on.
*shrugs* So be it, on both sides. We don't need the rich or those unwilling to work. Just acknowledge that it is both ends of the spectrum to blame. Many rich are just the same as unworking welfare leeches, they just found a better loophole to leech on.

they just found a better loophole to leech on

Then I guess the rich ARE smarter
I don't think they are the one's who are having homes repossessed.

*eye roll* That's because they just borrow more money to pay for it. They are still spending money that is ours not theirs. Either way, they just get more welfare it's just called credit instead.
*eye roll* That's because they just borrow more money to pay for it. They are still spending money that is ours not theirs. Either way, they just get more welfare it's just called credit instead.

People who recieved high risk loans and now can't pay them are having their homes foreclosed on. They helped to create the debt that we are facing. It was really clever of them to find those loopholes. Who is going to pay that debt ?
People who recieved high risk loans and now can't pay them are having their homes foreclosed on. They helped to create the debt that we are facing. It was really clever of them to find those loopholes. Who is going to pay that debt ?

The same people who have to pay off the national debt from the rich ... us. It sucks that us workers have to keep cleaning up the messes of the rich and the greedy, but that's just how it is. Everything needs to collapse so we can once again rebuild.
The same people who have to pay off the national debt from the rich ... us. It sucks that us workers have to keep cleaning up the messes of the rich and the greedy, but that's just how it is. Everything needs to collapse so we can once again rebuild.

It's all the rich peoples fault. Bring on the collapse. What happens when that welfare check from the rich doesn't get to the poor ? Do they have another clever loophole up their sleeves ?

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