China Fears North Korea US Conflict At Any Moment

I will tell you both this-----------> if the Chinese nod yes under a deal..............if Trump and his generals believe there is an 80% chance they can take out the nukes in a 1st strike, then the decision is done if a peaceful solution is not forthcoming. Without their nukes and Chinese help, the NK is done!

If those things are not in place, then it will drag to the very last minute before a decision is made. Again I say, pray for wisdom on this one, because it is going to shape your life if they choose wrong throughout your lifetime, and probably all of your immediate family too.
Both sides have been preparing for war for so long that a first strike would have to take out far more then NK's nuclear program to prevent a Korean war that would devastate both countries killing millions. If we launch a preemptive strike against NK, we must aim to take out much more than just their nuclear program; we must take out their whole ability to make war and that will mean most of the infrastructure of the country, military and civilian would have to be destroyed.

In a modern war, it is apparent no country can stand against us without a nuke. The only way we could lose a war, is by not being committed to win it. How committed would the United States be? That is a political question!

99 times out of 100, before war, we begin to see the reasons, propaganda, excuses, reasoning, theories, of why we must fight this war. If this war is without nukes, (please God) and the Koreas were to be united, then the South Koreans would have responsibility to take care of the aftermath.

I am telling you that it is 10 weeks tops with no nukes before it is a clean up operation. For crying out loud, you could STARVE them out while just holding the line if you wanted to be PC as long as China agreed.

Without nukes or China, fatboy is a paper tiger. Oh yes, we are going to lose people, and that is a national shame. But this would not be a war for the benefit of others, this would be a war for ourselves. Our soldiers would not be dying for Iraq, or anyone else, but rather protection of their country.

Does that make it right? No! No war right! But we are NOT the ones saying we are going to kill them ASAP after we get a delivery system, that is what they are telling us. We could have delivered them a nuke long, long, long, ago; and in fact plopped one in their lap during the Korean war, which we did not! Therefore, there may be no GOOD war, but this is a war of self preservation, along with self determination. If the NK wants FATBOY to run them fine, let them! But, if he wants to kill you, or me, or any other American, that is exactly why WE pay taxes for our military, isn't it!
A military victory is one thing...but there are much wider issues to be considered.
Iraq is the shining example.
A shining example of what?
Of how a military victory alone doesn't guarantee peace and, in fact, can really cause a greater mess if there's no wider plan beyond it.
In Iraq there was a wider plan and it was working well, but Obama dismantled it against the advice of the Pentagon and the diplomats because he believed our withdrawal from Iraq would help him win a second term.
China has always had a complicated relationship with North Korea and also Japan and North Korea hates Japan and many people would say that that hate is somewhat justified.

If we just go back to 1592 when Japan invaded Korea and the following year China fought to keep hold of Pyongyang, Japan invaded again in 1597, for the next three hundred years Korea was a Chinese protectorate, then in 1894 Japan invaded Korea again (1894-95 Sino-Japanese War) that time the Chinese lost and by 1910 Korea completely lost it's independence and became a Colony of Japan and suffered a 25 year military occupation by the Japanese, Pyongyang has NEVER forgotten that.

Then the whole of the 1951-1953 Korean War....the LAST thing China wants is a reactivation of the Korean War, a war that never ended but instead has effectively been put on hold.

So China is the best to deal with North Korea, they have banned North Korean coal imports, now China has suspended all flights between Beijing and Pyongyang.

China will intervene, they probably will remove Kim Jong-Un HOWEVER they'll keep in place the North Korean Regime sans Kim Jong-Un, so North Korea will become a full Chinese Puppet State....China will make North Korea a Puppet State because China doesn't want North Korea and South Korea reuniting into Korea.

Works for me.

IF hostilities erupt in that region again, literally ANYTHING could happen.

EG. In the madness of the situation China might even decide to just take revenge on Japan, China has unfinished business with Japan, the Japanese for decades have feared China for this reason. The Chinese have neither forgotten nor forgiven things that the Japanese did during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) such as The Nanjing Massacre for instance.

Date December 13, 1937 – January 1938

Location Nanjing, China

  • 50,000–300,000 dead (primary sources)
  • 40,000–300,000 dead (scholarly consensus)
  • 300,000 dead (Chinese government, scholarly consensus in China)

Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia


There are some things too terrible to joke about.

Yes there are some things too terrible to joke about, The Nanjing Massacre isn't funny on any level.

<sigh> I was referring to his decaf comment, but yes, you are right.
Both sides have been preparing for war for so long that a first strike would have to take out far more then NK's nuclear program to prevent a Korean war that would devastate both countries killing millions. If we launch a preemptive strike against NK, we must aim to take out much more than just their nuclear program; we must take out their whole ability to make war and that will mean most of the infrastructure of the country, military and civilian would have to be destroyed.

In a modern war, it is apparent no country can stand against us without a nuke. The only way we could lose a war, is by not being committed to win it. How committed would the United States be? That is a political question!

99 times out of 100, before war, we begin to see the reasons, propaganda, excuses, reasoning, theories, of why we must fight this war. If this war is without nukes, (please God) and the Koreas were to be united, then the South Koreans would have responsibility to take care of the aftermath.

I am telling you that it is 10 weeks tops with no nukes before it is a clean up operation. For crying out loud, you could STARVE them out while just holding the line if you wanted to be PC as long as China agreed.

Without nukes or China, fatboy is a paper tiger. Oh yes, we are going to lose people, and that is a national shame. But this would not be a war for the benefit of others, this would be a war for ourselves. Our soldiers would not be dying for Iraq, or anyone else, but rather protection of their country.

Does that make it right? No! No war right! But we are NOT the ones saying we are going to kill them ASAP after we get a delivery system, that is what they are telling us. We could have delivered them a nuke long, long, long, ago; and in fact plopped one in their lap during the Korean war, which we did not! Therefore, there may be no GOOD war, but this is a war of self preservation, along with self determination. If the NK wants FATBOY to run them fine, let them! But, if he wants to kill you, or me, or any other American, that is exactly why WE pay taxes for our military, isn't it!
A military victory is one thing...but there are much wider issues to be considered.
Iraq is the shining example.
A shining example of what?
Of how a military victory alone doesn't guarantee peace and, in fact, can really cause a greater mess if there's no wider plan beyond it.
In Iraq there was a wider plan and it was working well, but Obama dismantled it against the advice of the Pentagon and the diplomats because he believed our withdrawal from Iraq would help him win a second term.

"In Iraq there was a wider plan"

What was the wider plan? I've forgotten.
Both sides have been preparing for war for so long that a first strike would have to take out far more then NK's nuclear program to prevent a Korean war that would devastate both countries killing millions. If we launch a preemptive strike against NK, we must aim to take out much more than just their nuclear program; we must take out their whole ability to make war and that will mean most of the infrastructure of the country, military and civilian would have to be destroyed.

In a modern war, it is apparent no country can stand against us without a nuke. The only way we could lose a war, is by not being committed to win it. How committed would the United States be? That is a political question!

99 times out of 100, before war, we begin to see the reasons, propaganda, excuses, reasoning, theories, of why we must fight this war. If this war is without nukes, (please God) and the Koreas were to be united, then the South Koreans would have responsibility to take care of the aftermath.

I am telling you that it is 10 weeks tops with no nukes before it is a clean up operation. For crying out loud, you could STARVE them out while just holding the line if you wanted to be PC as long as China agreed.

Without nukes or China, fatboy is a paper tiger. Oh yes, we are going to lose people, and that is a national shame. But this would not be a war for the benefit of others, this would be a war for ourselves. Our soldiers would not be dying for Iraq, or anyone else, but rather protection of their country.

Does that make it right? No! No war right! But we are NOT the ones saying we are going to kill them ASAP after we get a delivery system, that is what they are telling us. We could have delivered them a nuke long, long, long, ago; and in fact plopped one in their lap during the Korean war, which we did not! Therefore, there may be no GOOD war, but this is a war of self preservation, along with self determination. If the NK wants FATBOY to run them fine, let them! But, if he wants to kill you, or me, or any other American, that is exactly why WE pay taxes for our military, isn't it!
A military victory is one thing...but there are much wider issues to be considered.
Iraq is the shining example.
A shining example of what?
Of how a military victory alone doesn't guarantee peace and, in fact, can really cause a greater mess if there's no wider plan beyond it.
In Iraq there was a wider plan and it was working well, but Obama dismantled it against the advice of the Pentagon and the diplomats because he believed our withdrawal from Iraq would help him win a second term.
Here I thought it was gwb that dismantled the Iraq army
Works for me.

IF hostilities erupt in that region again, literally ANYTHING could happen.

EG. In the madness of the situation China might even decide to just take revenge on Japan, China has unfinished business with Japan, the Japanese for decades have feared China for this reason. The Chinese have neither forgotten nor forgiven things that the Japanese did during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) such as The Nanjing Massacre for instance.

Date December 13, 1937 – January 1938

Location Nanjing, China

  • 50,000–300,000 dead (primary sources)
  • 40,000–300,000 dead (scholarly consensus)
  • 300,000 dead (Chinese government, scholarly consensus in China)

Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia


There are some things too terrible to joke about.

Yes there are some things too terrible to joke about, The Nanjing Massacre isn't funny on any level.

<sigh> I was referring to his decaf comment, but yes, you are right.

Well his decaf comment was in response to my post.
China has warned that "conflict could break out at any moment" as tension over North Korea increases.

Foreign Minister Wang Yi said if war occurred there could be no winner.

Mr Wang's comments come as the US voices increasing concern at North Korea's development of nuclear weapons and deploys a Navy carrier group off the Korean peninsula.

China fears North Korea-US conflict 'at any moment' - BBC News

So, why don't THEY do some thing to fix this?
No one can fix this except Trump or Kim. North Korea is an ally of China. They have a mutual defense treaty and trade agreements. Politically, China can not abandon North Korea because the two countries have strong ties.

Unfortunately we have two unpredictable demigods playing a game of chicken with millions of lives in the balance.

You just gave China a pass on it's support of a nuclear armed madman.

This is China's show. China is the nation that has the most leverage on North Korea and chooses to support them in their dangerous antics, instead of reining them in.

South Korea is the nation with the most on the line. They are the one that will pay the biggest price if this blows up. Why is this not their responsibility, more than ours?

Japan is right next door. WHat have they been doing? Are they children who look to US to take care of them?

Russia has a land border with NOrth Korea. THey no longer have a ideological alliance. Perhaps if it was not so "Cool" to slam PUtin, the world community with his leadership could have done something about North Korea.

This place is one of the places in the world were we have the LEAST leverage. Why are you putting this on TRUMP?
Simple because this is a Trump's show. Kim and his predecessor has been pulling this crap for over 20 years hoping to gain attention and prestige and for the most part world leaders have refused play, until Trump came on the scene.

You are trying act as if this is China and Russia's responsibility. Well it's not. They are not being threaten. They have trade agreements and friendly relations with North Korea. I would say it's probably difficult for these two countries to do anything that helps the US considering Trump's caustic rhetoric toward them for over a year.

This is not Trump's show.

For the most part, Kim has gotten plenty of "attention" from the world community.

China has certainly been supporting them.

This IS China's responsibility because they have the most leverage over North Korea, by far.

That China is not directly threatened does not change the fact that this is primarily their show.

CHina has had DECADES to stop supporting a dangerous loose cannon like North Korea.

To blame this situation on a guy that just showed up is complete bullshit.

Are the Chinese leaders children to allow some harsh language to prevent them from dealing with a nuclear danger with responsibility and maturity?
Simply because China has leverage over North Korea does not make it their responsible to settle disputes between the US and North Korea. China and the US have no mutual defense agreements. We don't even have any trade agreements. The only entity that has a responsibility to settle disagreements between nations is the UN and Trump has not bothered to involve them.

Until Trump decided on unilateral actions against North Korea, China was a currency manipulator raping the United States, a state sponsor of cyber hacking, and a villain.
In a modern war, it is apparent no country can stand against us without a nuke. The only way we could lose a war, is by not being committed to win it. How committed would the United States be? That is a political question!

99 times out of 100, before war, we begin to see the reasons, propaganda, excuses, reasoning, theories, of why we must fight this war. If this war is without nukes, (please God) and the Koreas were to be united, then the South Koreans would have responsibility to take care of the aftermath.

I am telling you that it is 10 weeks tops with no nukes before it is a clean up operation. For crying out loud, you could STARVE them out while just holding the line if you wanted to be PC as long as China agreed.

Without nukes or China, fatboy is a paper tiger. Oh yes, we are going to lose people, and that is a national shame. But this would not be a war for the benefit of others, this would be a war for ourselves. Our soldiers would not be dying for Iraq, or anyone else, but rather protection of their country.

Does that make it right? No! No war right! But we are NOT the ones saying we are going to kill them ASAP after we get a delivery system, that is what they are telling us. We could have delivered them a nuke long, long, long, ago; and in fact plopped one in their lap during the Korean war, which we did not! Therefore, there may be no GOOD war, but this is a war of self preservation, along with self determination. If the NK wants FATBOY to run them fine, let them! But, if he wants to kill you, or me, or any other American, that is exactly why WE pay taxes for our military, isn't it!
A military victory is one thing...but there are much wider issues to be considered.
Iraq is the shining example.
A shining example of what?
Of how a military victory alone doesn't guarantee peace and, in fact, can really cause a greater mess if there's no wider plan beyond it.
In Iraq there was a wider plan and it was working well, but Obama dismantled it against the advice of the Pentagon and the diplomats because he believed our withdrawal from Iraq would help him win a second term.

"In Iraq there was a wider plan"

What was the wider plan? I've forgotten.
The wider plan was to provide Iraq with a stable, representative government and President Bush did even better than that, he made Iraq into a functioning democracy with relative peace between Sunni and Shia. When Obama withdrew our troops and disengaged from the Iraqi government in order to help his 2012 political campaign, Iraq fell under the sway of Iran and Iraq began a new conflict with the Sunni, just like every other country has in which Iran has any influence. Now that the US is back in Iraq both the government and the military have undergone reforms to try to restore what Obama helped destroy.
In a modern war, it is apparent no country can stand against us without a nuke. The only way we could lose a war, is by not being committed to win it. How committed would the United States be? That is a political question!

99 times out of 100, before war, we begin to see the reasons, propaganda, excuses, reasoning, theories, of why we must fight this war. If this war is without nukes, (please God) and the Koreas were to be united, then the South Koreans would have responsibility to take care of the aftermath.

I am telling you that it is 10 weeks tops with no nukes before it is a clean up operation. For crying out loud, you could STARVE them out while just holding the line if you wanted to be PC as long as China agreed.

Without nukes or China, fatboy is a paper tiger. Oh yes, we are going to lose people, and that is a national shame. But this would not be a war for the benefit of others, this would be a war for ourselves. Our soldiers would not be dying for Iraq, or anyone else, but rather protection of their country.

Does that make it right? No! No war right! But we are NOT the ones saying we are going to kill them ASAP after we get a delivery system, that is what they are telling us. We could have delivered them a nuke long, long, long, ago; and in fact plopped one in their lap during the Korean war, which we did not! Therefore, there may be no GOOD war, but this is a war of self preservation, along with self determination. If the NK wants FATBOY to run them fine, let them! But, if he wants to kill you, or me, or any other American, that is exactly why WE pay taxes for our military, isn't it!
A military victory is one thing...but there are much wider issues to be considered.
Iraq is the shining example.
A shining example of what?
Of how a military victory alone doesn't guarantee peace and, in fact, can really cause a greater mess if there's no wider plan beyond it.
In Iraq there was a wider plan and it was working well, but Obama dismantled it against the advice of the Pentagon and the diplomats because he believed our withdrawal from Iraq would help him win a second term.
Here I thought it was gwb that dismantled the Iraq army
Any sign you are thinking is welcome, but clearly you need more practice.
Both sides have been preparing for war for so long that a first strike would have to take out far more then NK's nuclear program to prevent a Korean war that would devastate both countries killing millions. If we launch a preemptive strike against NK, we must aim to take out much more than just their nuclear program; we must take out their whole ability to make war and that will mean most of the infrastructure of the country, military and civilian would have to be destroyed.

In a modern war, it is apparent no country can stand against us without a nuke. The only way we could lose a war, is by not being committed to win it. How committed would the United States be? That is a political question!

99 times out of 100, before war, we begin to see the reasons, propaganda, excuses, reasoning, theories, of why we must fight this war. If this war is without nukes, (please God) and the Koreas were to be united, then the South Koreans would have responsibility to take care of the aftermath.

I am telling you that it is 10 weeks tops with no nukes before it is a clean up operation. For crying out loud, you could STARVE them out while just holding the line if you wanted to be PC as long as China agreed.

Without nukes or China, fatboy is a paper tiger. Oh yes, we are going to lose people, and that is a national shame. But this would not be a war for the benefit of others, this would be a war for ourselves. Our soldiers would not be dying for Iraq, or anyone else, but rather protection of their country.

Does that make it right? No! No war right! But we are NOT the ones saying we are going to kill them ASAP after we get a delivery system, that is what they are telling us. We could have delivered them a nuke long, long, long, ago; and in fact plopped one in their lap during the Korean war, which we did not! Therefore, there may be no GOOD war, but this is a war of self preservation, along with self determination. If the NK wants FATBOY to run them fine, let them! But, if he wants to kill you, or me, or any other American, that is exactly why WE pay taxes for our military, isn't it!
A military victory is one thing...but there are much wider issues to be considered.
Iraq is the shining example.
A shining example of what?
Of how a military victory alone doesn't guarantee peace and, in fact, can really cause a greater mess if there's no wider plan beyond it.
In Iraq there was a wider plan and it was working well, but Obama dismantled it against the advice of the Pentagon and the diplomats because he believed our withdrawal from Iraq would help him win a second term.
Alternative history rides in to save the day!
You just gave China a pass on it's support of a nuclear armed madman.

This is China's show. China is the nation that has the most leverage on North Korea and chooses to support them in their dangerous antics, instead of reining them in.

South Korea is the nation with the most on the line. They are the one that will pay the biggest price if this blows up. Why is this not their responsibility, more than ours?

Japan is right next door. WHat have they been doing? Are they children who look to US to take care of them?

Russia has a land border with NOrth Korea. THey no longer have a ideological alliance. Perhaps if it was not so "Cool" to slam PUtin, the world community with his leadership could have done something about North Korea.

This place is one of the places in the world were we have the LEAST leverage. Why are you putting this on TRUMP?

China has always had a complicated relationship with North Korea and also Japan and North Korea hates Japan and many people would say that that hate is somewhat justified.

If we just go back to 1592 when Japan invaded Korea and the following year China fought to keep hold of Pyongyang, Japan invaded again in 1597, for the next three hundred years Korea was a Chinese protectorate, then in 1894 Japan invaded Korea again (1894-95 Sino-Japanese War) that time the Chinese lost and by 1910 Korea completely lost it's independence and became a Colony of Japan and suffered a 25 year military occupation by the Japanese, Pyongyang has NEVER forgotten that.

Then the whole of the 1951-1953 Korean War....the LAST thing China wants is a reactivation of the Korean War, a war that never ended but instead has effectively been put on hold.

So China is the best to deal with North Korea, they have banned North Korean coal imports, now China has suspended all flights between Beijing and Pyongyang.

China will intervene, they probably will remove Kim Jong-Un HOWEVER they'll keep in place the North Korean Regime sans Kim Jong-Un, so North Korea will become a full Chinese Puppet State....China will make North Korea a Puppet State because China doesn't want North Korea and South Korea reuniting into Korea.

Works for me.

IF hostilities erupt in that region again, literally ANYTHING could happen.

EG. In the madness of the situation China might even decide to just take revenge on Japan, China has unfinished business with Japan, the Japanese for decades have feared China for this reason. The Chinese have neither forgotten nor forgiven things that the Japanese did during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) such as The Nanjing Massacre for instance.

Date December 13, 1937 – January 1938

Location Nanjing, China

  • 50,000–300,000 dead (primary sources)
  • 40,000–300,000 dead (scholarly consensus)
  • 300,000 dead (Chinese government, scholarly consensus in China)

Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia


Decaf what?

You need to switch.
In a modern war, it is apparent no country can stand against us without a nuke. The only way we could lose a war, is by not being committed to win it. How committed would the United States be? That is a political question!

99 times out of 100, before war, we begin to see the reasons, propaganda, excuses, reasoning, theories, of why we must fight this war. If this war is without nukes, (please God) and the Koreas were to be united, then the South Koreans would have responsibility to take care of the aftermath.

I am telling you that it is 10 weeks tops with no nukes before it is a clean up operation. For crying out loud, you could STARVE them out while just holding the line if you wanted to be PC as long as China agreed.

Without nukes or China, fatboy is a paper tiger. Oh yes, we are going to lose people, and that is a national shame. But this would not be a war for the benefit of others, this would be a war for ourselves. Our soldiers would not be dying for Iraq, or anyone else, but rather protection of their country.

Does that make it right? No! No war right! But we are NOT the ones saying we are going to kill them ASAP after we get a delivery system, that is what they are telling us. We could have delivered them a nuke long, long, long, ago; and in fact plopped one in their lap during the Korean war, which we did not! Therefore, there may be no GOOD war, but this is a war of self preservation, along with self determination. If the NK wants FATBOY to run them fine, let them! But, if he wants to kill you, or me, or any other American, that is exactly why WE pay taxes for our military, isn't it!
A military victory is one thing...but there are much wider issues to be considered.
Iraq is the shining example.
A shining example of what?
Of how a military victory alone doesn't guarantee peace and, in fact, can really cause a greater mess if there's no wider plan beyond it.
In Iraq there was a wider plan and it was working well, but Obama dismantled it against the advice of the Pentagon and the diplomats because he believed our withdrawal from Iraq would help him win a second term.
Alternative history rides in to save the day!
In other words you are not sufficiently familiar with the facts to post something with substance.
In a modern war, it is apparent no country can stand against us without a nuke. The only way we could lose a war, is by not being committed to win it. How committed would the United States be? That is a political question!

99 times out of 100, before war, we begin to see the reasons, propaganda, excuses, reasoning, theories, of why we must fight this war. If this war is without nukes, (please God) and the Koreas were to be united, then the South Koreans would have responsibility to take care of the aftermath.

I am telling you that it is 10 weeks tops with no nukes before it is a clean up operation. For crying out loud, you could STARVE them out while just holding the line if you wanted to be PC as long as China agreed.

Without nukes or China, fatboy is a paper tiger. Oh yes, we are going to lose people, and that is a national shame. But this would not be a war for the benefit of others, this would be a war for ourselves. Our soldiers would not be dying for Iraq, or anyone else, but rather protection of their country.

Does that make it right? No! No war right! But we are NOT the ones saying we are going to kill them ASAP after we get a delivery system, that is what they are telling us. We could have delivered them a nuke long, long, long, ago; and in fact plopped one in their lap during the Korean war, which we did not! Therefore, there may be no GOOD war, but this is a war of self preservation, along with self determination. If the NK wants FATBOY to run them fine, let them! But, if he wants to kill you, or me, or any other American, that is exactly why WE pay taxes for our military, isn't it!
A military victory is one thing...but there are much wider issues to be considered.
Iraq is the shining example.
A shining example of what?
Of how a military victory alone doesn't guarantee peace and, in fact, can really cause a greater mess if there's no wider plan beyond it.
In Iraq there was a wider plan and it was working well, but Obama dismantled it against the advice of the Pentagon and the diplomats because he believed our withdrawal from Iraq would help him win a second term.
Here I thought it was gwb that dismantled the Iraq army
Alternative Wikipedia probably says otherwise...I'm sure we'll get an update soon.
Listen calm down all. That goose stepping show army of NK is a paper tiger. Their fuel comes from outside of their country. They have not been battle tested or hardened since the Korean war.
They can kill a bunch of South Koreans but they must know that is all they can do before we take the nation apart and replace their leadership.
In other words they will blink, China will make sure of it.
A military victory is one thing...but there are much wider issues to be considered.
Iraq is the shining example.
A shining example of what?
Of how a military victory alone doesn't guarantee peace and, in fact, can really cause a greater mess if there's no wider plan beyond it.
In Iraq there was a wider plan and it was working well, but Obama dismantled it against the advice of the Pentagon and the diplomats because he believed our withdrawal from Iraq would help him win a second term.
Alternative history rides in to save the day!
In other words you are not sufficiently familiar with the facts to post something with substance.
Well, you're obviously posting joke comments...why shouldn't i?
You just gave China a pass on it's support of a nuclear armed madman.

This is China's show. China is the nation that has the most leverage on North Korea and chooses to support them in their dangerous antics, instead of reining them in.

South Korea is the nation with the most on the line. They are the one that will pay the biggest price if this blows up. Why is this not their responsibility, more than ours?

Japan is right next door. WHat have they been doing? Are they children who look to US to take care of them?

Russia has a land border with NOrth Korea. THey no longer have a ideological alliance. Perhaps if it was not so "Cool" to slam PUtin, the world community with his leadership could have done something about North Korea.

This place is one of the places in the world were we have the LEAST leverage. Why are you putting this on TRUMP?

China has always had a complicated relationship with North Korea and also Japan and North Korea hates Japan and many people would say that that hate is somewhat justified.

If we just go back to 1592 when Japan invaded Korea and the following year China fought to keep hold of Pyongyang, Japan invaded again in 1597, for the next three hundred years Korea was a Chinese protectorate, then in 1894 Japan invaded Korea again (1894-95 Sino-Japanese War) that time the Chinese lost and by 1910 Korea completely lost it's independence and became a Colony of Japan and suffered a 25 year military occupation by the Japanese, Pyongyang has NEVER forgotten that.

Then the whole of the 1951-1953 Korean War....the LAST thing China wants is a reactivation of the Korean War, a war that never ended but instead has effectively been put on hold.

So China is the best to deal with North Korea, they have banned North Korean coal imports, now China has suspended all flights between Beijing and Pyongyang.

China will intervene, they probably will remove Kim Jong-Un HOWEVER they'll keep in place the North Korean Regime sans Kim Jong-Un, so North Korea will become a full Chinese Puppet State....China will make North Korea a Puppet State because China doesn't want North Korea and South Korea reuniting into Korea.

Works for me.

IF hostilities erupt in that region again, literally ANYTHING could happen.

EG. In the madness of the situation China might even decide to just take revenge on Japan, China has unfinished business with Japan, the Japanese for decades have feared China for this reason. The Chinese have neither forgotten nor forgiven things that the Japanese did during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) such as The Nanjing Massacre for instance.

Date December 13, 1937 – January 1938

Location Nanjing, China

  • 50,000–300,000 dead (primary sources)
  • 40,000–300,000 dead (scholarly consensus)
  • 300,000 dead (Chinese government, scholarly consensus in China)

Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia


There are some things too terrible to joke about.

China is not going to attack Japan because NK is being a pain in the ass again.
A shining example of what?
Of how a military victory alone doesn't guarantee peace and, in fact, can really cause a greater mess if there's no wider plan beyond it.
In Iraq there was a wider plan and it was working well, but Obama dismantled it against the advice of the Pentagon and the diplomats because he believed our withdrawal from Iraq would help him win a second term.
Alternative history rides in to save the day!
In other words you are not sufficiently familiar with the facts to post something with substance.
Well, you're obviously posting joke comments...why shouldn't i?
The whole discussion is obviously going over your head.
The good news is there is a government already positioned to take control of NK and it's SK's government. Cut the head of the snake off and the job is done.
China has always had a complicated relationship with North Korea and also Japan and North Korea hates Japan and many people would say that that hate is somewhat justified.

If we just go back to 1592 when Japan invaded Korea and the following year China fought to keep hold of Pyongyang, Japan invaded again in 1597, for the next three hundred years Korea was a Chinese protectorate, then in 1894 Japan invaded Korea again (1894-95 Sino-Japanese War) that time the Chinese lost and by 1910 Korea completely lost it's independence and became a Colony of Japan and suffered a 25 year military occupation by the Japanese, Pyongyang has NEVER forgotten that.

Then the whole of the 1951-1953 Korean War....the LAST thing China wants is a reactivation of the Korean War, a war that never ended but instead has effectively been put on hold.

So China is the best to deal with North Korea, they have banned North Korean coal imports, now China has suspended all flights between Beijing and Pyongyang.

China will intervene, they probably will remove Kim Jong-Un HOWEVER they'll keep in place the North Korean Regime sans Kim Jong-Un, so North Korea will become a full Chinese Puppet State....China will make North Korea a Puppet State because China doesn't want North Korea and South Korea reuniting into Korea.

Works for me.

IF hostilities erupt in that region again, literally ANYTHING could happen.

EG. In the madness of the situation China might even decide to just take revenge on Japan, China has unfinished business with Japan, the Japanese for decades have feared China for this reason. The Chinese have neither forgotten nor forgiven things that the Japanese did during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) such as The Nanjing Massacre for instance.

Date December 13, 1937 – January 1938

Location Nanjing, China

  • 50,000–300,000 dead (primary sources)
  • 40,000–300,000 dead (scholarly consensus)
  • 300,000 dead (Chinese government, scholarly consensus in China)

Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia


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