China Fears North Korea US Conflict At Any Moment

You just gave China a pass on it's support of a nuclear armed madman.

This is China's show. China is the nation that has the most leverage on North Korea and chooses to support them in their dangerous antics, instead of reining them in.

South Korea is the nation with the most on the line. They are the one that will pay the biggest price if this blows up. Why is this not their responsibility, more than ours?

Japan is right next door. WHat have they been doing? Are they children who look to US to take care of them?

Russia has a land border with NOrth Korea. THey no longer have a ideological alliance. Perhaps if it was not so "Cool" to slam PUtin, the world community with his leadership could have done something about North Korea.

This place is one of the places in the world were we have the LEAST leverage. Why are you putting this on TRUMP?
Simple because this is a Trump's show. Kim and his predecessor has been pulling this crap for over 20 years hoping to gain attention and prestige and for the most part world leaders have refused play, until Trump came on the scene.

You are trying act as if this is China and Russia's responsibility. Well it's not. They are not being threaten. They have trade agreements and friendly relations with North Korea. I would say it's probably difficult for these two countries to do anything that helps the US considering Trump's caustic rhetoric toward them for over a year.

This is not Trump's show.

For the most part, Kim has gotten plenty of "attention" from the world community.

China has certainly been supporting them.

This IS China's responsibility because they have the most leverage over North Korea, by far.

That China is not directly threatened does not change the fact that this is primarily their show.

CHina has had DECADES to stop supporting a dangerous loose cannon like North Korea.

To blame this situation on a guy that just showed up is complete bullshit.

Are the Chinese leaders children to allow some harsh language to prevent them from dealing with a nuclear danger with responsibility and maturity?
Simply because China has leverage over North Korea does not make it their responsible to settle disputes between the US and North Korea. China and the US have no mutual defense agreements. We don't even have any trade agreements. The only entity that has a responsibility to settle disagreements between nations is the UN and Trump has not bothered to involve them.

Until Trump decided on unilateral actions against North Korea, China was a currency manipulator raping the United States, a state sponsor of cyber hacking, and a villain.

WTF? The UN has been doing NOTHING and it was there long before Trump. NK insists it is actively working on weapons to use against us as soon as possible. What has the UN done about NK? If they had gotten off their asses and done the job they were created to do, we wouldn't be in this mess! The UN is much too busy obsessing over Israel.
For the UN to intercede there has to be active support from it's members. Is Trump addressing the UN, No. Is Trump building a coalition of nations, No. Instead of building consensus, he's sending Pence and a naval task group to Korea and telling the world he'll act alone.

The sad fact is he probably has no other choice. He's made enemies out of China and Russia who hold two permanent seats on the Security Council and the only two countries that has any chance of influencing N.K.

China has been North Korea's diplomatic and military protector since before Trump was born.

That you feel you have to lie about that, ie blaming TRump for it, reveals that you yourself don't believe your own position.
The U.S. can destroy NK submarines without a trace of what happened. We can destroy their intermediate & long range missile capabilities.

The only real NK deterrent is their artillery on the SK border. If the U.S. can devise a way of destroying that capability, before they can fire on Seoul, NK is defenseless.
There is no doubt the US can obliterate NK but at what cost. Maybe NK can't drop nuclear weapons on the US but they sure as hell can hit South Korea and Japan where there are 75,000 US military and over 100,000 US civilians.

BTW Seoul with a population of over 10 million is only 150 miles from the DMZ or 15 mins by air. 70% of NK's 1 million active duty military personnel are within 90 miles of the DMZ.

Which is why the US's hands have been tied in respect to North Korea for decades.

To blame Trump for the US's very limited ability to effect this situation is the height of vile lying partisanship.
Here's a plan to force regime change in NK without firing a shot:

Wait until 'Dear leader' is giving a long public speech to the NK people and government.

Order a mass evacuation of Seoul.

Let the NK people and government watch while 'Dear Leader' pees in his pants!
Simple because this is a Trump's show. Kim and his predecessor has been pulling this crap for over 20 years hoping to gain attention and prestige and for the most part world leaders have refused play, until Trump came on the scene.

You are trying act as if this is China and Russia's responsibility. Well it's not. They are not being threaten. They have trade agreements and friendly relations with North Korea. I would say it's probably difficult for these two countries to do anything that helps the US considering Trump's caustic rhetoric toward them for over a year.

This is not Trump's show.

For the most part, Kim has gotten plenty of "attention" from the world community.

China has certainly been supporting them.

This IS China's responsibility because they have the most leverage over North Korea, by far.

That China is not directly threatened does not change the fact that this is primarily their show.

CHina has had DECADES to stop supporting a dangerous loose cannon like North Korea.

To blame this situation on a guy that just showed up is complete bullshit.

Are the Chinese leaders children to allow some harsh language to prevent them from dealing with a nuclear danger with responsibility and maturity?
Simply because China has leverage over North Korea does not make it their responsible to settle disputes between the US and North Korea. China and the US have no mutual defense agreements. We don't even have any trade agreements. The only entity that has a responsibility to settle disagreements between nations is the UN and Trump has not bothered to involve them.

Until Trump decided on unilateral actions against North Korea, China was a currency manipulator raping the United States, a state sponsor of cyber hacking, and a villain.

WTF? The UN has been doing NOTHING and it was there long before Trump. NK insists it is actively working on weapons to use against us as soon as possible. What has the UN done about NK? If they had gotten off their asses and done the job they were created to do, we wouldn't be in this mess! The UN is much too busy obsessing over Israel.
For the UN to intercede there has to be active support from it's members. Is Trump addressing the UN, No. Is Trump building a coalition of nations, No. Instead of building consensus, he's sending Pence and a naval task group to Korea and telling the world he'll act alone.

The sad fact is he probably has no other choice. He's made enemies out of China and Russia who hold two permanent seats on the Security Council and the only two countries that has any chance of influencing N.K.

The US had tried diplomacy for decades through several administrations. It fails every time because NK intends to strike the US as soon as it is possible. They have been very clear about their aims.

When someone shows you who he is, believe him.

The idea that we are rushing into something is ridiculous. Decades of negotiations and agreements have all been broken by NK. How exactly is that rushing?

Regarding the UN, the only entity responsible for handling this mess, they don't care. They aren't interested as you admit. Their only interest is bitching about Israel. Meanwhile, NK is still actively progressing in their mission to attack us. So, it is up to China or us.
We do not negotiate with North Korea. We do not have diplomatic relations with them and we don't recognize their sovereignty.

We should be using every once of our diplomacy to further isolate NK. The country has essential no oil production and produces less than half the coal they need. They also only produce about 2/3 of the grain they need. They need hard currency which they get from exports. Their major trading partners are China, Russia, India, Pakistan, Iran, and the Republic of the Congo. If Trump is such a great deal maker, this is where he should concentrate his efforts.

The US should be working through the UN to continue tighten sanctions and getting tough on countries that are breaking those sanction. Secondly, we need to be working through the UN to form a military coalition. It may not be needed, but it needs to be there.

Of course the biggest problem is China and Russia, NK's top allies. Our relations with China are problematical at best after a year of condemnation by Trump. According to Trump our relations with Russia are at an all time low after recent events in Syria.
This is not Trump's show.

For the most part, Kim has gotten plenty of "attention" from the world community.

China has certainly been supporting them.

This IS China's responsibility because they have the most leverage over North Korea, by far.

That China is not directly threatened does not change the fact that this is primarily their show.

CHina has had DECADES to stop supporting a dangerous loose cannon like North Korea.

To blame this situation on a guy that just showed up is complete bullshit.

Are the Chinese leaders children to allow some harsh language to prevent them from dealing with a nuclear danger with responsibility and maturity?
Simply because China has leverage over North Korea does not make it their responsible to settle disputes between the US and North Korea. China and the US have no mutual defense agreements. We don't even have any trade agreements. The only entity that has a responsibility to settle disagreements between nations is the UN and Trump has not bothered to involve them.

Until Trump decided on unilateral actions against North Korea, China was a currency manipulator raping the United States, a state sponsor of cyber hacking, and a villain.

WTF? The UN has been doing NOTHING and it was there long before Trump. NK insists it is actively working on weapons to use against us as soon as possible. What has the UN done about NK? If they had gotten off their asses and done the job they were created to do, we wouldn't be in this mess! The UN is much too busy obsessing over Israel.
For the UN to intercede there has to be active support from it's members. Is Trump addressing the UN, No. Is Trump building a coalition of nations, No. Instead of building consensus, he's sending Pence and a naval task group to Korea and telling the world he'll act alone.

The sad fact is he probably has no other choice. He's made enemies out of China and Russia who hold two permanent seats on the Security Council and the only two countries that has any chance of influencing N.K.

The US had tried diplomacy for decades through several administrations. It fails every time because NK intends to strike the US as soon as it is possible. They have been very clear about their aims.

When someone shows you who he is, believe him.

The idea that we are rushing into something is ridiculous. Decades of negotiations and agreements have all been broken by NK. How exactly is that rushing?

Regarding the UN, the only entity responsible for handling this mess, they don't care. They aren't interested as you admit. Their only interest is bitching about Israel. Meanwhile, NK is still actively progressing in their mission to attack us. So, it is up to China or us.
We do not negotiate with North Korea. We do not have diplomatic relations with them and we don't recognize their sovereignty.

We should be using every once of our diplomacy to further isolate NK. The country has essential no oil production and produces less than half the coal they need. They also only produce about 2/3 of the grain they need. They need hard currency which they get from exports. Their major trading partners are China, Russia, India, Pakistan, Iran, and the Republic of the Congo. If Trump is such a great deal maker, this is where he should concentrate his efforts.

The US should be working through the UN to continue tighten sanctions and getting tough on countries that are breaking those sanction. Secondly, we need to be working through the UN to form a military coalition. It may not be needed, but it needs to be there.

Of course the biggest problem is China and Russia, NK's top allies. Our relations with China are problematical at best after a year of condemnation by Trump. According to Trump our relations with Russia are at an all time low after recent events in Syria.

The UN is not interested.
Simple because this is a Trump's show. Kim and his predecessor has been pulling this crap for over 20 years hoping to gain attention and prestige and for the most part world leaders have refused play, until Trump came on the scene.

You are trying act as if this is China and Russia's responsibility. Well it's not. They are not being threaten. They have trade agreements and friendly relations with North Korea. I would say it's probably difficult for these two countries to do anything that helps the US considering Trump's caustic rhetoric toward them for over a year.

This is not Trump's show.

For the most part, Kim has gotten plenty of "attention" from the world community.

China has certainly been supporting them.

This IS China's responsibility because they have the most leverage over North Korea, by far.

That China is not directly threatened does not change the fact that this is primarily their show.

CHina has had DECADES to stop supporting a dangerous loose cannon like North Korea.

To blame this situation on a guy that just showed up is complete bullshit.

Are the Chinese leaders children to allow some harsh language to prevent them from dealing with a nuclear danger with responsibility and maturity?
Simply because China has leverage over North Korea does not make it their responsible to settle disputes between the US and North Korea. China and the US have no mutual defense agreements. We don't even have any trade agreements. The only entity that has a responsibility to settle disagreements between nations is the UN and Trump has not bothered to involve them.

Until Trump decided on unilateral actions against North Korea, China was a currency manipulator raping the United States, a state sponsor of cyber hacking, and a villain.

WTF? The UN has been doing NOTHING and it was there long before Trump. NK insists it is actively working on weapons to use against us as soon as possible. What has the UN done about NK? If they had gotten off their asses and done the job they were created to do, we wouldn't be in this mess! The UN is much too busy obsessing over Israel.
For the UN to intercede there has to be active support from it's members. Is Trump addressing the UN, No. Is Trump building a coalition of nations, No. Instead of building consensus, he's sending Pence and a naval task group to Korea and telling the world he'll act alone.

The sad fact is he probably has no other choice. He's made enemies out of China and Russia who hold two permanent seats on the Security Council and the only two countries that has any chance of influencing N.K.

China has been North Korea's diplomatic and military protector since before Trump was born.

That you feel you have to lie about that, ie blaming TRump for it, reveals that you yourself don't believe your own position.
China may be a protector and long term ally of NK, but they have reasons to ally themselves closer with the US but Trump has really made that hard with a year of condemnation and threats toward China. Just a few months ago Trump was claiming they were raping our country and our greatest enemy.
Last edited:
The U.S. can destroy NK submarines without a trace of what happened. We can destroy their intermediate & long range missile capabilities.

The only real NK deterrent is their artillery on the SK border. If the U.S. can devise a way of destroying that capability, before they can fire on Seoul, NK is defenseless.
There is no doubt the US can obliterate NK but at what cost. Maybe NK can't drop nuclear weapons on the US but they sure as hell can hit South Korea and Japan where there are 75,000 US military and over 100,000 US civilians.

BTW Seoul with a population of over 10 million is only 150 miles from the DMZ or 15 mins by air. 70% of NK's 1 million active duty military personnel are within 90 miles of the DMZ.
Not if we hit them first.
China has warned that "conflict could break out at any moment" as tension over North Korea increases.

Foreign Minister Wang Yi said if war occurred there could be no winner.

Mr Wang's comments come as the US voices increasing concern at North Korea's development of nuclear weapons and deploys a Navy carrier group off the Korean peninsula.

China fears North Korea-US conflict 'at any moment' - BBC News

Amazing isn't it?

Trump has managed to bring both our relations with both Russia and North Korea to the most unstable in decades- in only 3 months.
It's worth repeating.
Amazing isn't it?

Trump has managed to bring both our relations with both Russia and North Korea to the most unstable in decades- in only 3 months.
China has warned that "conflict could break out at any moment" as tension over North Korea increases.

Foreign Minister Wang Yi said if war occurred there could be no winner.

Mr Wang's comments come as the US voices increasing concern at North Korea's development of nuclear weapons and deploys a Navy carrier group off the Korean peninsula.

China fears North Korea-US conflict 'at any moment' - BBC News

Amazing isn't it?

Trump has managed to bring both our relations with both Russia and North Korea to the most unstable in decades- in only 3 months.
It's worth repeating.
Amazing isn't it?

Trump has managed to bring both our relations with both Russia and North Korea to the most unstable in decades- in only 3 months.
I thought he was a Russian stooge. Make up your mind.
China has warned that "conflict could break out at any moment" as tension over North Korea increases. Foreign Minister Wang Yi said if war occurred there could be no winner. Mr Wang's comments come as the US voices increasing concern at North Korea's development of nuclear weapons and deploys a Navy carrier group off the Korean peninsula. China fears North Korea-US conflict 'at any moment' - BBC News
China should be told to deal with the North Korean situation, it's not going to be a good idea for outside forces from The West to get involved in a military capacity, that can only make things in Asia worse.
I wonder if it's possible that the influence we've heard China has over NK has been overstated.
Perhaps overstated so as to place the blame on them if it goes sideways.
Ah our resident leftists wring their hands and bemoan the absence of Their (former) Messiah/Apologist-in-Chief who would know instinctively what to do. Run to North Korea. Grovel. Apologize. Such as much dick as needed to put everybody in a good mood.

Until next time.
China should be told to deal with the North Korean situation, it's not going to be a good idea for outside forces from The West to get involved in a military capacity, that can only make things in Asia worse.
I wonder if it's possible that the influence we've heard China has over NK has been overstated.

It's possible, I suppose within the next 24 hours we'll be able to determine if China does have that influence, China has cut the coal supply to North Korea, they could up the ante by saying they'll put their own sanctions on North Korea.
Yeah. And it would be interesting to know what's going on in back channels with us and China on this. Surely some communication is happening.

My own personal opinion is that I don't think America should drop some bomb on North Korea. I think everyone should wait and see what happens tomorrow, Kim Jong-Un has said they're going to test some nuclear weapon on "The Day of The Sun", which is the most important North Korean Public Holiday that commemorates his Grandfather Kim-Il Sung.

Day of the Sun - Wikipedia

We should keep in mind, each time North Korea has tested some sort of missile, it's not exactly been successful.

So I think everyone should wait and see and then after tomorrow, say on Sunday or Monday China should tell Kim-Jong-Un that they're putting sanctions on North Korea.

North Korea cannot survive internally without the assistance of China, there will be an internal collapse of the whole internal structure and with that the probability of Kim-Jong-Un being overthrown from within....of course that leads me back to my earlier comment, who would replace him, most of the hierarchy are as crazed as he is.

The ultimate ideal situation would be to bring about the reunification of North Korea and South Korea as Korea.
Yeah, if there is some kind of covert, guerilla strategy in place to get rid of the fat kid, that's fine. But he may actually be nuts, and that puts South Korea and Japan at great risk if we start blowing shit up.. I hope they're in this conversation, too.
No doubt.
A huge population in and around Seoul is within rage of thousands of artillery pieces.
The reality is that NK's nuclear capability will have to be taken out...soon. There are only 3 options:

1. NK does it voluntarily.
2. US plus allies take it out.
3. China takes it out.

Having China do it is the most attractive option since NK will not do so voluntarily. China annexes the rogue neighbor on its border thus stabilizing the region and the world. China demilitarizes NK and thus creates a buffer zone between its borders and the capitalist west.

It's the only clean solution and if we are smart, we will cut a deal with China and assist them in doing this.
We are not going to voluntarily initiate taking out Seoul. There will either be some internal solution, probably caused by Jina, a continuation of games or the crazy fat kid does something crazy and SK and the US turn the place into a cinder .... with SK casualties ranging from hundreds of thousands to tens of millions.
Can't they evacuate Seoul? If I lived there, I'd be on the road yesterday.

That would be like evacuating California.
The reality is that NK's nuclear capability will have to be taken out...soon. There are only 3 options:

1. NK does it voluntarily.
2. US plus allies take it out.
3. China takes it out.

Having China do it is the most attractive option since NK will not do so voluntarily. China annexes the rogue neighbor on its border thus stabilizing the region and the world. China demilitarizes NK and thus creates a buffer zone between its borders and the capitalist west.

It's the only clean solution and if we are smart, we will cut a deal with China and assist them in doing this.
We are not going to voluntarily initiate taking out Seoul. There will either be some internal solution, probably caused by Jina, a continuation of games or the crazy fat kid does something crazy and SK and the US turn the place into a cinder .... with SK casualties ranging from hundreds of thousands to tens of millions.
Can't they evacuate Seoul? If I lived there, I'd be on the road yesterday.
50plus million people. 16th largest city in the world. One of the few places I'd still like to visit.

"50plus million people."

Seoul doesn't have a population of 50 plus million people.

It's approx 25.6 million people in Seoul Special City combined with Seoul city limits.

Seoul Population 2017

"Seoul, officially known as the Seoul Special City, is the largest metropolis and capital of South Korea. This megacity is the largest city proper in the developed world and the Seoul Capital Area is the second largest metropolitan in the world with more than 25.6 million people, which is half of all the residents in the country. The estimated population within the city limits for 2016 is 10.29 million.

The population of Seoul in 2016 is estimated at 10.29 million, although this is just the population of the Special City, which has a density of about 17,000 people per square kilometer (45,000/square mile). The sprawling metropolitan area is much larger at 25.6 million."

The total population of South Korea is approx 50.6 million, half of which live in Seoul.

The LIVE below means as of this moment, it's higher than the UN Estimate as the higher rate will be new births included.

South Korea Population (LIVE)
50, 662, 329

    • The current population of the Republic of Korea is 50,661,697 as of Friday, April 14, 2017, based on the latest United Nations estimates.
South Korea Population (2017) - Worldometers
Might take a few weeks to evacuate them all, I guess.

To where?
Where would you house and feed that many people and for how long?
The reality is that NK's nuclear capability will have to be taken out...soon. There are only 3 options:

1. NK does it voluntarily.
2. US plus allies take it out.
3. China takes it out.

Having China do it is the most attractive option since NK will not do so voluntarily. China annexes the rogue neighbor on its border thus stabilizing the region and the world. China demilitarizes NK and thus creates a buffer zone between its borders and the capitalist west.

It's the only clean solution and if we are smart, we will cut a deal with China and assist them in doing this.
We are not going to voluntarily initiate taking out Seoul. There will either be some internal solution, probably caused by Jina, a continuation of games or the crazy fat kid does something crazy and SK and the US turn the place into a cinder .... with SK casualties ranging from hundreds of thousands to tens of millions.
Can't they evacuate Seoul? If I lived there, I'd be on the road yesterday.
50plus million people. 16th largest city in the world. One of the few places I'd still like to visit.

"50plus million people."

Seoul doesn't have a population of 50 plus million people.

It's approx 25.6 million people in Seoul Special City combined with Seoul city limits.

Seoul Population 2017

"Seoul, officially known as the Seoul Special City, is the largest metropolis and capital of South Korea. This megacity is the largest city proper in the developed world and the Seoul Capital Area is the second largest metropolitan in the world with more than 25.6 million people, which is half of all the residents in the country. The estimated population within the city limits for 2016 is 10.29 million.

The population of Seoul in 2016 is estimated at 10.29 million, although this is just the population of the Special City, which has a density of about 17,000 people per square kilometer (45,000/square mile). The sprawling metropolitan area is much larger at 25.6 million."

The total population of South Korea is approx 50.6 million, half of which live in Seoul.

The LIVE below means as of this moment, it's higher than the UN Estimate as the higher rate will be new births included.

South Korea Population (LIVE)
50, 662, 329

    • The current population of the Republic of Korea is 50,661,697 as of Friday, April 14, 2017, based on the latest United Nations estimates.
South Korea Population (2017) - Worldometers

Another of the Trolls with the IQ of a paper cup rated my above intelligent post as Funny:

Funny x 1
Hutch Starskey

Thank you moron Troll though for adding to my already brilliant ratings :thup: Jokes on you :lol:

You :lol:
Hutch Starskey
Gold Member

Ratings Received:

Me :thup:
Lucy HamiltonPlatinum Member


Last edited:
Works for me.

IF hostilities erupt in that region again, literally ANYTHING could happen.

EG. In the madness of the situation China might even decide to just take revenge on Japan, China has unfinished business with Japan, the Japanese for decades have feared China for this reason. The Chinese have neither forgotten nor forgiven things that the Japanese did during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) such as The Nanjing Massacre for instance.

Date December 13, 1937 – January 1938

Location Nanjing, China

  • 50,000–300,000 dead (primary sources)
  • 40,000–300,000 dead (scholarly consensus)
  • 300,000 dead (Chinese government, scholarly consensus in China)

Nanking Massacre - Wikipedia


There are some things too terrible to joke about.

China is not going to attack Japan because NK is being a pain in the ass again.

I never said that, if you reread my post, I said IF hostilities erupt in that region again ANYTHING could happen in the madness of the situation and in that madness China could exact revenge on Japan.

The situation as it stands now and within the next few weeks, China are going to intervene in a non-military sense to bring North Korea under control.

Interesting take on that.

I'm sure there's some in east China that feel that way.

I read about and it made me mad.

The Japanese of today are not those people.

If China tries to reciprocate, the US has to back Japan up.

wat? how did this happen?

China was never enemy, Japan was..
Now we has to back Japan.

Is that right?
This is not Trump's show.

For the most part, Kim has gotten plenty of "attention" from the world community.

China has certainly been supporting them.

This IS China's responsibility because they have the most leverage over North Korea, by far.

That China is not directly threatened does not change the fact that this is primarily their show.

CHina has had DECADES to stop supporting a dangerous loose cannon like North Korea.

To blame this situation on a guy that just showed up is complete bullshit.

Are the Chinese leaders children to allow some harsh language to prevent them from dealing with a nuclear danger with responsibility and maturity?
Simply because China has leverage over North Korea does not make it their responsible to settle disputes between the US and North Korea. China and the US have no mutual defense agreements. We don't even have any trade agreements. The only entity that has a responsibility to settle disagreements between nations is the UN and Trump has not bothered to involve them.

Until Trump decided on unilateral actions against North Korea, China was a currency manipulator raping the United States, a state sponsor of cyber hacking, and a villain.

WTF? The UN has been doing NOTHING and it was there long before Trump. NK insists it is actively working on weapons to use against us as soon as possible. What has the UN done about NK? If they had gotten off their asses and done the job they were created to do, we wouldn't be in this mess! The UN is much too busy obsessing over Israel.
For the UN to intercede there has to be active support from it's members. Is Trump addressing the UN, No. Is Trump building a coalition of nations, No. Instead of building consensus, he's sending Pence and a naval task group to Korea and telling the world he'll act alone.

The sad fact is he probably has no other choice. He's made enemies out of China and Russia who hold two permanent seats on the Security Council and the only two countries that has any chance of influencing N.K.

China has been North Korea's diplomatic and military protector since before Trump was born.

That you feel you have to lie about that, ie blaming TRump for it, reveals that you yourself don't believe your own position.
China may be a protector and long term ally of NK, but they have reasons to ally themselves closer with the US but Trump has really made that hard with a year of condemnation and threats toward China. Just a few months ago Trump was claiming they were raping our country and our greatest enemy.

So, you are withdrawing your false claim that Trump is the one that drove China and North Korea together?

Why did you make such an obviously false claim?
The reality is that NK's nuclear capability will have to be taken out...soon. There are only 3 options:

1. NK does it voluntarily.
2. US plus allies take it out.
3. China takes it out.

Having China do it is the most attractive option since NK will not do so voluntarily. China annexes the rogue neighbor on its border thus stabilizing the region and the world. China demilitarizes NK and thus creates a buffer zone between its borders and the capitalist west.

It's the only clean solution and if we are smart, we will cut a deal with China and assist them in doing this.
We are not going to voluntarily initiate taking out Seoul. There will either be some internal solution, probably caused by Jina, a continuation of games or the crazy fat kid does something crazy and SK and the US turn the place into a cinder .... with SK casualties ranging from hundreds of thousands to tens of millions.
Can't they evacuate Seoul? If I lived there, I'd be on the road yesterday.
50plus million people. 16th largest city in the world. One of the few places I'd still like to visit.

"50plus million people."

Seoul doesn't have a population of 50 plus million people.

It's approx 25.6 million people in Seoul Special City combined with Seoul city limits.

Seoul Population 2017

"Seoul, officially known as the Seoul Special City, is the largest metropolis and capital of South Korea. This megacity is the largest city proper in the developed world and the Seoul Capital Area is the second largest metropolitan in the world with more than 25.6 million people, which is half of all the residents in the country. The estimated population within the city limits for 2016 is 10.29 million.

The population of Seoul in 2016 is estimated at 10.29 million, although this is just the population of the Special City, which has a density of about 17,000 people per square kilometer (45,000/square mile). The sprawling metropolitan area is much larger at 25.6 million."

The total population of South Korea is approx 50.6 million, half of which live in Seoul.

The LIVE below means as of this moment, it's higher than the UN Estimate as the higher rate will be new births included.

South Korea Population (LIVE)
50, 662, 329

    • The current population of the Republic of Korea is 50,661,697 as of Friday, April 14, 2017, based on the latest United Nations estimates.
South Korea Population (2017) - Worldometers

Another of the Trolls with the IQ of a paper cup rated my above intelligent post as Funny:

Funny x 1
Hutch Starskey

Thank you moron Troll though for adding to my already brilliant ratings :thup: Jokes on you :lol:

You :lol:
Hutch Starskey
Gold Member

Ratings Received:

Me :thup:
Lucy HamiltonPlatinum Member


Ratings mean nothing.

I rated your post funny because you're quibbling over nonsense numbers.
It's just as impossible to evacuate 25 million as 50 million people.
You're trying to score a victory over a moot point. Your pettiness is indeed funny.

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