China is about to declare war on the USA. Should the USA fold? (Poll)

Should Nancy Pelosi visit Taiwan?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 73.2%
  • No

    Votes: 11 26.8%

  • Total voters
You've got him now.....again. :laughing0301:
Trump's own regime will sink him.

Former White House counsel Pat Cipollone has been subpoenaed by the Justice Department in an investigation increasingly involving former President Trump’s closest advisers, according to reports from multiple news outlets.

The subpoena comes as the Justice Department has been bringing other White House officials before a grand jury in its probe into Jan. 6.
Trump's own regime will sink him.

Former White House counsel Pat Cipollone has been subpoenaed by the Justice Department in an investigation increasingly involving former President Trump’s closest advisers, according to reports from multiple news outlets.

The subpoena comes as the Justice Department has been bringing other White House officials before a grand jury in its probe into Jan. 6.
You idiots are ridiculous...
If she has her visit without incident, it throws dirt in Xi’s face.

If the shoot her down, we’re rid of that worthless bitch.
If your first statement is true, then the second is obviously false. She left. China is throwing a tantrum. Mission accomplished, home girl. :thup:
If your first statement is true, then the second is obviously false. She left. China is throwing a tantrum. Mission accomplished, home girl
The fact that it had to be done via sleight of hand and obfuscation suggests otherwise. At least to me.
Like I said....thanks for proving it.
How many people were arrested or even charged, for the 12-year long "investigation" of Hillary?

U.S. Attorney John Huber effectively concluded a sprawling investigation into several matters related to the Clintons without a finding of criminal wrongdoing.

In November 2017, Jeff Sessions appointed John Huber of Utah to look for anything worth investigating with the Clinton Foundation.

Another republican "bombshell" ends in a dud.
How many people were arrested or even charged, for the 12-year long "investigation" of Hillary?

U.S. Attorney John Huber effectively concluded a sprawling investigation into several matters related to the Clintons without a finding of criminal wrongdoing.

In November 2017, Jeff Sessions appointed John Huber of Utah to look for anything worth investigating with the Clinton Foundation.

Another republican "bombshell" ends in a dud.
So, when no charges result against Trump, I'm sure you'll say the same, right?
Canada better be damned glad we do have a strong military, you benefit from that.

Why???? The only country to ever attack or invade Canada was YOU.

You've been attacked twice in nearly 300 years and you spend $800 billion per year to prevent it from happening again. Your people will NEVER be conquered, and you don't need to be spending $800 billion per year to keep yourselves safe.

The biggest danger to American freedom right now is the Republican Party and YOU keep voting for them.
Yes she should. It’s a win-win…

If she has her visit without incident, it throws dirt in Xi’s face.

If the shoot her down, we’re rid of that worthless bitch.

Look at you, declaring a fellow American an "enemy" and wishing death on her. When you wish your own citizens ill, you wish ill on your own nation. This is today's Republican. Wishing death on fellow Americans. Party over country.

Explain where the sleight of hand comes in.
The removal of the stop from her itinerary. The fact that we never knew anything about the stop until after it had occurred. Sounds like the administration was a little bit concerned about how some other country might react if they knew exactly when and where she would be.
So we get the added benefit of bringing work back home. This is a oroblem how?

In another thread, you were complaining bitterly about inflation. You keep posting in economic threads about which you clearly know nothing. I guess you've forgotten why these jobs were off-shored in the first place.

A middle class income in China is equal to $300 a month in the USA. A minimum wage job in the USA, pays $7.50 per hour or $1300 per month. Labour on Chinese made goods is 1/4 that of the USA. And there are environment laws in first world countries too.

Jobs were off-shored to avoid First World environment laws, and to pay slave wages on production.
1. You're not using your military to defend the Ukraine, you're giving them weapons, and support. You could do that without over 1 million men and women in uniform. Biden's hit on Al Qaeda leadership this week proves you don't need 100,000 troops on the ground to get these guys. Especially if you don't plan to be the "world's policeman" in future.
2. The requirement of 2% defense spending is by 2024, not 2022.
3. I already proved it with the Newsweek Article which detailed how they managed to hold the Alliance together under Trump.
4. Since Trump cut and ran from every conflict, he didn't have much opportunity to make military blunders, but withdrawing support from the Kurds and allowing the Turks and Syrians to murder the Kurds with impunity after promising to defend them was one military mistake he made.
The second military blunder was to negotiate with the Taliban without the American backed Afghan government sitting at the table with him. It gave a clear message to the Taliban, and the Afghan government fled the country, as a result. That's why the country fell so quickly.
1. You are missing China's intentions, and their military buildup. Then you have the Russia, China, Iran, "new axis of evil" to contend with. You don't know what you don't know. Idealism is fine until a gun is pointed at you, like Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge, and their killing fields. The world is a very dangerous place.

2. LIAR. They were ALWAYS required to meet their 2% of GDP commitment. 2024 is LATE!!
"According to NATO’s own figures, just 5 of the 28 alliance members meet the requirement agreed upon in 2006 that members spend at least 2 percent of their GDP on defense. Here’s a deeper look at the handful of countries actually meeting their obligations"

3. LIAR. You have no Newsweek article linked, and you said that NATO was DEEPLY FRACTURED under Trump. So that's two lies.

4. So you admit you just keep making up LIES about Trump. Trump had no military blunders, and he never cut and ran from any conflict, period. Trump crushed ISIL in record time, you're welcome.
Trump did not withdraw support from the Kurds, we did not have combat troops in Syria, DUH. No Kurds were "murdered". But we did give the Kurds an oil field.

Trump's negotiation to get out of AFG slowly with equipment was correct, not a "military blunder", duh.
Biden's "cut and run" leaving $86b of military equipment for the Taliban was a catastrophe, not a blunder.
1. You are missing China's intentions, and their military buildup. Then you have the Russia, China, Iran, "new axis of evil" to contend with. You don't know what you don't know. Idealism is fine until a gun is pointed at you, like Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge, and their killing fields. The world is a very dangerous place.

2. LIAR. They were ALWAYS required to meet their 2% of GDP commitment. 2024 is LATE!!
"According to NATO’s own figures, just 5 of the 28 alliance members meet the requirement agreed upon in 2006 that members spend at least 2 percent of their GDP on defense. Here’s a deeper look at the handful of countries actually meeting their obligations"

3. LIAR. You have no Newsweek article linked, and you said that NATO was DEEPLY FRACTURED under Trump. So that's two lies.

4. So you admit you just keep making up LIES about Trump. Trump had no military blunders, and he never cut and ran from any conflict, period. Trump crushed ISIL in record time, you're welcome.
Trump did not withdraw support from the Kurds, we did not have combat troops in Syria, DUH. No Kurds were "murdered". But we did give the Kurds an oil field.

Trump's negotiation to get out of AFG slowly with equipment was correct, not a "military blunder", duh.
Biden's "cut and run" leaving $86b of military equipment for the Taliban was a catastrophe, not a blunder.
The orange traitor, didn't get shit out slowly or out at all.
Not only did the retard, release 5000 Taliban prisoners from Afghan prison, he had 11 months to remove, just one piece of equipment or one civilian, Trump didn't do shit.

Biden had 4 months, so he gets the blame, Trumptard "logic".

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