China is about to declare war on the USA. Should the USA fold? (Poll)

Should Nancy Pelosi visit Taiwan?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 73.2%
  • No

    Votes: 11 26.8%

  • Total voters
THAT'S what Trump claimed, since.......................FOREVER.
Hasn't to proven it yet.
You morons bought his BS, hook, line and sinker, and his cult STILL sends the grifter $$$.
THAT'S what Trump claimed, since.......................FOREVER.
Hasn't to proven it yet.
You morons bought his BS, hook, line and sinker, and his cult STILL sends the grifter $$$.
Maybe you are that fucking stupid? Link to any credible link to prove your point, if you have one?

Argentina Almost Sunk a British Aircraft Carrier With with a German Submarine​

Imagine what China could do with their nuclear subs and hypersonic missles......not even to mention Russia.

The USA has much better things than them, you fucking dumbass Communist. Let's get this thing on. I'm tired of the shit from motherfuckers like you. You need to go.
1. I'm very aware that most Americans believe in NATO. With respect to your feelings of being "taken advantage of", speaking as someone from the REST of the world, here is our take on your view. YOU waste a LOT of money on a large bloated military, you really don't need. YOU spend more than the next 10 nations combined, and 9 of those 10 nations are your allies. NOBODY asks you to do this. You'd be spending this amount with or without NATO.

YOU just want us to spend money we don't need to spend, primarily because most of us don't make weapons of war, we have to buy them from YOU. This is a push to sell American made weapons and munitions. We agreed to raise our defense spending to 2% of GDP when Obama was President, and all but one or two small Europeans were fully up to date and track with that increase, when Donald Trump went to Brussels and made an fool of himself at the NATO meeting, and world leaders laughed at him as he spoke.

NATO waited out the Trump Presidency in the hopes that Trump will be gone, but had Trump been re-elected, he would have taken the USA out of NATO. His advisors kept him from doing it in his first term, and with Stoltenberg flattering and placating Trump, it was enough. To say that the rest of NATO, thinks Donald Trump is a total ass, is beyond doubt.

2. NATO was deeply fractured under TRUMP. All faith and trust of the USA as the leader of the free world is GONE. Not just for his military blunders, but because he tore up all your trade deals. Those of us in the rest of the world no longer trust the USA on ANY score, because of the risk of Trump, or someone just like him, being elected.

I know that Trump voters think that Trump is reviled world-wide because of his "America First" policies. Quite the contrary, there is little about Trump's policies that puts "America First". Tearing up all of your trade deals at the same time, instead of re-negotiating them one by left, has resulted in a 15% increase in your trade deficit.

Canada has been running a trade deficit with the USA all of my life. Now, thanks to Donald Trump and his USA-Canada-Mexico Trade Agreement, we're running a trade surplus, not just in hard goods, but overall, we are now in a trade surplus position for the first time in our history.

Your trading partners weren't "screwing you over" or "stealing your jobs". American corporations were GIVING them your jobs, and your proprietary designs and data, so the corporations could avoid environmental laws, and labour laws, make MORE MONEY. And the American government supports this behaviour with tax breaks, and protections, to protect those profits, at the expense of the American workers.

Trump mouthed the words "American First", but at all times it's billionaires and large corporations first, and fuck the working people.
I'll give a more detailed reply later, but for now, my first impression is that your take is "if Americans are dumb enough to spend that much on their military, that's their decision, no one is making them do that. As for the rest of us, we enjoy our month of August on vacation, while Americans sweat their asses off during August."
1. I'm very aware that most Americans believe in NATO. With respect to your feelings of being "taken advantage of", speaking as someone from the REST of the world, here is our take on your view. YOU waste a LOT of money on a large bloated military, you really don't need. YOU spend more than the next 10 nations combined, and 9 of those 10 nations are your allies. NOBODY asks you to do this. You'd be spending this amount with or without NATO.

YOU just want us to spend money we don't need to spend, primarily because most of us don't make weapons of war, we have to buy them from YOU. This is a push to sell American made weapons and munitions. We agreed to raise our defense spending to 2% of GDP when Obama was President, and all but one or two small Europeans were fully up to date and track with that increase, when Donald Trump went to Brussels and made an fool of himself at the NATO meeting, and world leaders laughed at him as he spoke.

NATO waited out the Trump Presidency in the hopes that Trump will be gone, but had Trump been re-elected, he would have taken the USA out of NATO. His advisors kept him from doing it in his first term, and with Stoltenberg flattering and placating Trump, it was enough. To say that the rest of NATO, thinks Donald Trump is a total ass, is beyond doubt.

2. NATO was deeply fractured under TRUMP. All faith and trust of the USA as the leader of the free world is GONE. Not just for his military blunders, but because he tore up all your trade deals. Those of us in the rest of the world no longer trust the USA on ANY score, because of the risk of Trump, or someone just like him, being elected.

I know that Trump voters think that Trump is reviled world-wide because of his "America First" policies. Quite the contrary, there is little about Trump's policies that puts "America First". Tearing up all of your trade deals at the same time, instead of re-negotiating them one by left, has resulted in a 15% increase in your trade deficit.

Canada has been running a trade deficit with the USA all of my life. Now, thanks to Donald Trump and his USA-Canada-Mexico Trade Agreement, we're running a trade surplus, not just in hard goods, but overall, we are now in a trade surplus position for the first time in our history.

Your trading partners weren't "screwing you over" or "stealing your jobs". American corporations were GIVING them your jobs, and your proprietary designs and data, so the corporations could avoid environmental laws, and labour laws, make MORE MONEY. And the American government supports this behaviour with tax breaks, and protections, to protect those profits, at the expense of the American workers.

Trump mouthed the words "American First", but at all times it's billionaires and large corporations first, and fuck the working people.
1. You can say the US wastes a lot of money on a bloated military that we don't need. Until Russia attacks or China attacks and we do need it. Without the US, the EU is Putin's for the taking. The best way to prevent a war, is to be a military powerhouse that no one wants to mess with.

2. LIAR. Most of the NATO members were not spending 2% on defense, as required. Trump called the deadbeats out on their lack of commitment to NATO. Trump spoke the truth, and Stoltenberg agreed. I showed you the link. Trump would NOT have taken the US out of NATO either, another LIE. Trump doesn't care what the NATO deadbeats think. He just wants them to meet their commitments.

3. Prove NATO was deeply fractured under Trump. Another LIE.

4. What military blunders did Trump make? NONE, another LIE. That was Joe Biden the moron.

5. The deadbeats don't trust the USA? Who is taking the lead in giving Ukraine the military weapons it needs to defeat Russia? The weenie EU countries don't want to give jets to Ukraine for fear they'd piss Putin off. I'll call that another LIE. If the US isn't leading the free world who is?

6. The US government's horrible record of unfair trade deals and massive trade deficit is another topic for another thread. Trump, Navarro, and Lightheizer worked to make the trade deals more fair. This work will be continued in 2025.
I'll give a more detailed reply later, but for now, my first impression is that your take is "if Americans are dumb enough to spend that much on their military, that's their decision, no one is making them do that. As for the rest of us, we enjoy our month of August on vacation, while Americans sweat their asses off during August."

Close but no cigar. We consider your excessive spending on "Defense" to be a ridiculous waste of YOUR money, and a big part of the reason WHY your infrastructure is crumbling. Imagine if you spent all of that money that went into rebuilding Afghanistan on building a national WIFI network, or repairing your OWN roads and bridges.

First off, Canadians only have 2 weeks of mandated annual vacation, not one month. That would be Italy.

Instead of investing in blowing up and rebuilding foreign countries at Americans taxpayers expense, why don't you try investing your taxpayers? When our jobs were off-shored, we invested in retraining every displaced worker, and we gave them unemployment benefits while they retrained. Everyone living in Canada has health care with no copays.
Close but no cigar. We consider your excessive spending on "Defense" to be a ridiculous waste of YOUR money, and a big part of the reason WHY your infrastructure is crumbling. Imagine if you spent all of that money that went into rebuilding Afghanistan on building a national WIFI network, or repairing your OWN roads and bridges.

First off, Canadians only have 2 weeks of mandated annual vacation, not one month. That would be Italy.

Instead of investing in blowing up and rebuilding foreign countries at Americans taxpayers expense, why don't you try investing your taxpayers? When our jobs were off-shored, we invested in retraining every displaced worker, and we gave them unemployment benefits while they retrained. Everyone living in Canada has health care with no copays.
1. The US military build up under Reagan bankrupted the USSR and made the world a better place. Putin is the fly in the ointment currently, but he won't be there forever. Agreed, Nation-Building and Foreign Aid is a gigantic waste of money, as well as Xiden's open borders and millions of migrants. Also agree that the US needs to spend more on infrastructure and less on aid and subsidies. When I see movies shot in other countries, they are beautiful. In the US we have street animals that would just ruin any improvements.

2. How are the wait times for medical care in Canada? Rumor has it that there are long waits for service and surgeries. Because we get a lot of business from Canucks.

See, no TDS lies and we generally agree.
1. You can say the US wastes a lot of money on a bloated military that we don't need. Until Russia attacks or China attacks and we do need it. Without the US, the EU is Putin's for the taking. The best way to prevent a war, is to be a military powerhouse that no one wants to mess with.

2. LIAR. Most of the NATO members were not spending 2% on defense, as required. Trump called the deadbeats out on their lack of commitment to NATO. Trump spoke the truth, and Stoltenberg agreed. I showed you the link. Trump would NOT have taken the US out of NATO either, another LIE. Trump doesn't care what the NATO deadbeats think. He just wants them to meet their commitments.

3. Prove NATO was deeply fractured under Trump. Another LIE.

4. What military blunders did Trump make? NONE, another LIE. That was Joe Biden the moron.

5. The deadbeats don't trust the USA? Who is taking the lead in giving Ukraine the military weapons it needs to defeat Russia? The weenie EU countries don't want to give jets to Ukraine for fear they'd piss Putin off. I'll call that another LIE. If the US isn't leading the free world who is?

6. The US government's horrible record of unfair trade deals and massive trade deficit is another topic for another thread. Trump, Navarro, and Lightheizer worked to make the trade deals more fair. This work will be continued in 2025.

1. You're not using your military to defend the Ukraine, you're giving them weapons, and support. You could do that without over 1 million men and women in uniform. Biden's hit on Al Qaeda leadership this week proves you don't need 100,000 troops on the ground to get these guys. Especially if you don't plan to be the "world's policeman" in future.

2. The requirement of 2% defense spending is by 2024, not 2022.

3. I already proved it with the Newsweek Article which detailed how they managed to hold the Alliance together under Trump.

4. Since Trump cut and ran from every conflict, he didn't have much opportunity to make military blunders, but withdrawing support from the Kurds and allowing the Turks and Syrians to murder the Kurds with impunity after promising to defend them was one military mistake he made.

The second military blunder was to negotiate with the Taliban without the American backed Afghan government sitting at the table with him. It gave a clear message to the Taliban, and the Afghan government fled the country, as a result. That's why the country fell so quickly.

A meeting took place at Trump Tower in New York City on June 9, 2016, between three senior members of the 2016 Trump campaignDonald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort – and at least five other people, including Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.

The meeting was arranged by publicist and long-time Trump acquaintance Rob Goldstone on behalf of his client, Russian singer-songwriter Emin Agalarov.
The meeting was first disclosed to U.S. government officials in April 2017, when Kushner filed a revised version of his security clearance form.

Donald Trump Jr. made several misleading statements about the meeting.
He initially told the press that the meeting was held to discuss adoptions of Russian children by Americans. On July 8, 2017, after news reports stated that Trump Jr. knew the meeting was political, he admitted in a tweet that he had agreed to the meeting with the understanding that he would receive information damaging to Hillary Clinton, and that he was conducting opposition research.

When The New York Times was about to report on email exchanges between Goldstone and Trump Jr., Trump Jr. himself published the emails.
In early July 2017, it was reported that President Donald Trump himself drafted Trump Jr.'s initial misleading statement.
The report was later confirmed by the president's attorneys.
In July 2018, the president denied knowledge of the meeting.

Of course, they did, they're liars, like Alex Jones.

A meeting took place at Trump Tower in New York City on June 9, 2016, between three senior members of the 2016 Trump campaignDonald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort – and at least five other people, including Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.

The meeting was arranged by publicist and long-time Trump acquaintance Rob Goldstone on behalf of his client, Russian singer-songwriter Emin Agalarov.
The meeting was first disclosed to U.S. government officials in April 2017, when Kushner filed a revised version of his security clearance form.

Donald Trump Jr. made several misleading statements about the meeting.
He initially told the press that the meeting was held to discuss adoptions of Russian children by Americans. On July 8, 2017, after news reports stated that Trump Jr. knew the meeting was political, he admitted in a tweet that he had agreed to the meeting with the understanding that he would receive information damaging to Hillary Clinton, and that he was conducting opposition research.

When The New York Times was about to report on email exchanges between Goldstone and Trump Jr., Trump Jr. himself published the emails.
In early July 2017, it was reported that President Donald Trump himself drafted Trump Jr.'s initial misleading statement.
The report was later confirmed by the president's attorneys.
In July 2018, the president denied knowledge of the meeting.

Of course, they did, they're liars, like Alex Jones.
So, Trump was colluding with both Russia and China. You're beating a dead bear and a dead dragon.
Maybe you are that fucking stupid? Link to any credible link to prove your point, if you have one?
As president of the United States, Donald Trump was likely the wealthiest individual to inhabit the White House and his net worth remains a topic for debate.
In 2015, Donald Trump claimed in a press release that he was worth more than $10 billion, however, his net worth as of 2022 is estimated at $3 billion.

  • He is required to submit a financial disclosure document each year, although numbers are self-reported and don’t provide an accurate estimate of his net worth.
  • Forbes estimates Donald Trump's net worth at $3 billion.

ALL estimates, if the orange retard were a billionaire, he would have no issue proving it, he just brags about being one.

Why does a "billionaire" need loans for everything?
EVERYTHING he has, he has a loan out for.

A meeting took place at Trump Tower in New York City on June 9, 2016, between three senior members of the 2016 Trump campaignDonald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort – and at least five other people, including Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.

The meeting was arranged by publicist and long-time Trump acquaintance Rob Goldstone on behalf of his client, Russian singer-songwriter Emin Agalarov.
The meeting was first disclosed to U.S. government officials in April 2017, when Kushner filed a revised version of his security clearance form.

Donald Trump Jr. made several misleading statements about the meeting.
He initially told the press that the meeting was held to discuss adoptions of Russian children by Americans. On July 8, 2017, after news reports stated that Trump Jr. knew the meeting was political, he admitted in a tweet that he had agreed to the meeting with the understanding that he would receive information damaging to Hillary Clinton, and that he was conducting opposition research.

When The New York Times was about to report on email exchanges between Goldstone and Trump Jr., Trump Jr. himself published the emails.
In early July 2017, it was reported that President Donald Trump himself drafted Trump Jr.'s initial misleading statement.
The report was later confirmed by the president's attorneys.
In July 2018, the president denied knowledge of the meeting.

Of course, they did, they're liars, like Alex Jones.
That was a FISHING EXPEDITION that FAILED you deceitful lying POS!!!!
That was a FISHING EXPEDITION that FAILED you deceitful lying POS!!!!
I know.
"He initially told the press that the meeting was held to discuss adoptions of Russian children by Americans".
How many Russian babies were adopted?

The Trump crime family were the lying POS.

"Donald Trump Jr. made several misleading statements about the meeting".
"In July 2018, the president denied knowledge of the meeting".
"The meeting was first disclosed to U.S. government officials in April 2017, when Kushner filed a revised version of his security clearance form".
I know.
"He initially told the press that the meeting was held to discuss adoptions of Russian children by Americans".
How many Russian babies were adopted?

The Trump crime family were the lying POS.

"Donald Trump Jr. made several misleading statements about the meeting".
"In July 2018, the president denied knowledge of the meeting".
"The meeting was first disclosed to U.S. government officials in April 2017, when Kushner filed a revised version of his security clearance form".
Yeah yeah, of course. And let's not forget about the peeing Russian hookers and all.
Fuck off you demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie Marxist POS!!!!
Close but no cigar. We consider your excessive spending on "Defense" to be a ridiculous waste of YOUR money, and a big part of the reason WHY your infrastructure is crumbling. Imagine if you spent all of that money that went into rebuilding Afghanistan on building a national WIFI network, or repairing your OWN roads and bridges.

First off, Canadians only have 2 weeks of mandated annual vacation, not one month. That would be Italy.

Instead of investing in blowing up and rebuilding foreign countries at Americans taxpayers expense, why don't you try investing your taxpayers? When our jobs were off-shored, we invested in retraining every displaced worker, and we gave them unemployment benefits while they retrained. Everyone living in Canada has health care with no copays.
Canada better be damned glad we do have a strong military, you benefit from that.

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