China is about to declare war on the USA. Should the USA fold? (Poll)

Should Nancy Pelosi visit Taiwan?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 73.2%
  • No

    Votes: 11 26.8%

  • Total voters
We agree.
But when any country invades an ally, or threatens the US with violence, sometimes war is inevitable.

Sadly I also agree with that, but Biden has, thus far, managed not to go to war with Russia. I realize the price being paid by the Ukrainian people is horrific, but I think it would be much, much worse all around if we all got dragged into another useless war.
When it comes to Ukraine, if Biden had not let Afghanistan fall so quickly,
Why did Benedict Donald let the Taliban get away with not complying with the Doha accords conditions they agreed too? Within 135 day we had reduced troops from nearly 14000 to 8600, abandoned 5 military based while honoring the combat truce with the Taliban. The troop withdrawals continue even after our Doha accords obligations were met, in spite of the fact that the Taliban had only lived up to one of their obligations. We went from 8600 to a mere 2500 troops on Jan 15th one week before President Biden took office. No plan was in the works to get the rest of our guy out either. After Benedict Donald's famous flip flop in Nov. 2020 after his loss was announce publicly by Faux, he basically wash his hand of it and left the ending of our longest war to his betters.
The solution to the China/Taiwan/Pelosi thing would have been to not put us into this position in the first place. So, I'm not going to vote on something that never should have been. That's not saying that Pelosi should never go. It's saying that Biden & Co put us into this game of chicken that didn't have to be.

When it comes to Ukraine, if Biden had not let Afghanistan fall so quickly, Russia may not have ever invaded Ukraine, which was bad in any number of ways, including inflation. You are buying too much into the leftist propaganda against Putin. Putin has taken over the country and is getting ready to annex it. To think otherwise is foolish. Ukraine has only been a pawn in the East/West new cold war. We are willing to let Ukraine fall as long as we can give Putin the biggest black eyes possible. Ukraine's fate is irrelevant. Same thing could and will be said for Taiwan.
correct and when Putin takes Ukraine it becomes his problem, he will have to deal with that very corrupt country-----------of course the payments to the Biden crime family will end and that is the only reason we are involved at all.
The solution to the China/Taiwan/Pelosi thing would have been to not put us into this position in the first place. So, I'm not going to vote on something that never should have been. That's not saying that Pelosi should never go. It's saying that Biden & Co put us into this game of chicken that didn't have to be.

When it comes to Ukraine, if Biden had not let Afghanistan fall so quickly, Russia may not have ever invaded Ukraine, which was bad in any number of ways, including inflation. You are buying too much into the leftist propaganda against Putin. Putin has taken over the country and is getting ready to annex it. To think otherwise is foolish. Ukraine has only been a pawn in the East/West new cold war. We are willing to let Ukraine fall as long as we can give Putin the biggest black eyes possible. Ukraine's fate is irrelevant. Same thing could and will be said for Taiwan.
1. I kind of agree with you. I would have preferred if the US added Taiwan to the UN as an independent country. Since its not in the UN, China's claim seems stronger. We've been dancing around China since 1979. Then Wall Street moved chip production to Taiwan, and everything else to China. So now that China is on track to replace the US as the top economy on the planet, with a military to match, its saying that the DC whores and Wall Street created this mess since 1979 and they need to deal with it. NFW we should send our kids to battle China to protect stupid DC policies and financial investments.

2. I agree Xiden's withdrawal from AFG was a catastrophe. Leaving $86b of military equipment for the Taliban was moronic and traitorous. Some of that $86b of equipment would have helped Ukraine as well as save us money.

3. It is not "leftist" propaganda that Putin invaded Ukraine. Putin invaded, and now he has his tit in the wringer, Ukraine is battling valiantly every day. Putin thought he could take Ukraine in 3-days. He was wrong, he will never take it over...ever. NATO won't allow it. Now that Finland and Sweden are joining NATO, Putin lost even bigger. I disagree that Ukraine and Taiwan are irrelevant, they are allies fighting for democracy against vicious dictators.
Why did Benedict Donald let the Taliban get away with not complying with the Doha accords conditions they agreed too? Within 135 day we had reduced troops from nearly 14000 to 8600, abandoned 5 military based while honoring the combat truce with the Taliban. The troop withdrawals continue even after our Doha accords obligations were met, in spite of the fact that the Taliban had only lived up to one of their obligations. We went from 8600 to a mere 2500 troops on Jan 15th one week before President Biden took office. No plan was in the works to get the rest of our guy out either. After Benedict Donald's famous flip flop in Nov. 2020 after his loss was announce publicly by Faux, he basically wash his hand of it and left the ending of our longest war to his betters.
Oh Jesus. Here we go again. Everything is Trump's fault. Are you now admitting that if Afghanistan hadn't fallen, Russia may not have invaded Ukraine? Is that what you are admitting?
Why did Benedict Donald let the Taliban get away with not complying with the Doha accords conditions they agreed too? Within 135 day we had reduced troops from nearly 14000 to 8600, abandoned 5 military based while honoring the combat truce with the Taliban. The troop withdrawals continue even after our Doha accords obligations were met, in spite of the fact that the Taliban had only lived up to one of their obligations. We went from 8600 to a mere 2500 troops on Jan 15th one week before President Biden took office. No plan was in the works to get the rest of our guy out either. After Benedict Donald's famous flip flop in Nov. 2020 after his loss was announce publicly by Faux, he basically wash his hand of it and left the ending of our longest war to his betters.
You apparently missed the video of a younger Biden saying that the withdrawal from AFG could happen two ways. Quickly without the military equipment, or over time as we removed our military equipment. The stupid senile fuck should have watched his video.
With all the China butt kissers, my guess is Bidung's numbers would go even lower.

March 4 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump kisses China's butt.
Trump's cult kisses Trump's butt.............................................a full circle.
Sadly I also agree with that, but Biden has, thus far, managed not to go to war with Russia. I realize the price being paid by the Ukrainian people is horrific, but I think it would be much, much worse all around if we all got dragged into another useless war.
OMG, three agreements in a row. Wow! What planet is this?
We (NATO) won't go to war with Russia, Putin isn't that stupid.
I'm hoping that the grain shipments can keep flowing from Odessa to feed poor countries.
I'm also not seeing an easy "exit ramp" from Ukraine. Putin is obstinate, as well as Zelenskyy, the body bags and misery will continue.
Oh Jesus. Here we go again. Everything is Trump's fault. Are you now admitting that if Afghanistan hadn't fallen, Russia may not have invaded Ukraine? Is that what you are admitting?
Everything? No, just what he did while he was in office. How is it that the Trump-Suckers never blame Trump for his role in our near Unconditional Skedaddle from that 20 year debacle? I say they've been groomed by some of the best wordsmith in the world, like Pavlov's Dogs

Had Trump not won in 2016 neither Russia nor China would be as embolden as they are now. His foreign policy was a disaster with respect to those two countries.
1. I kind of agree with you. I would have preferred if the US added Taiwan to the UN as an independent country. Since its not in the UN, China's claim seems stronger. We've been dancing around China since 1979. Then Wall Street moved chip production to Taiwan, and everything else to China. So now that China is on track to replace the US as the top economy on the planet, with a military to match, its saying that the DC whores and Wall Street created this mess since 1979 and they need to deal with it. NFW we should send our kids to battle China to protect stupid DC policies and financial investments.

2. I agree Xiden's withdrawal from AFG was a catastrophe. Leaving $86b of military equipment for the Taliban was moronic and traitorous. Some of that $86b of equipment would have helped Ukraine as well as save us money.

3. It is not "leftist" propaganda that Putin invaded Ukraine. Putin invaded, and now he has his tit in the wringer, Ukraine is battling valiantly every day. Putin thought he could take Ukraine in 3-days. He was wrong, he will never take it over...ever. NATO won't allow it. Now that Finland and Sweden are joining NATO, Putin lost even bigger. I disagree that Ukraine and Taiwan are irrelevant, they are allies fighting for democracy against vicious dictators.
Ukraine will fall to Russia and, from within that reality, Ukraine will be fighting Russia to get out of their country for years to come. But, the pockets of resistance will get smaller year after year until Ukraine fades into the history books. We and others in the West will be very mouthy about it all but, in the end, Ukraine will be gone and Putin will be left with black eyes which may never heal.

Taiwan is a different animal. We have no hope of defending Taiwan, even in the losing way we are trying to fight for Ukraine, unless we're talking about all out war with China, in which case, Russia, North Korea, and Iran will join China in the fight against us. It will be WWIII and it will wind up being nuclear. As Putin recently admitted, no one wins a nuclear war. Once again, the only thing we can do for Taiwan is to let them fall and be very mouthy about it. China won't even allow anyone in the world to send Taiwan future arms to defend themselves. China will be able to effectively blockade any and all arms from reaching Taiwan.
You apparently missed the video of a younger Biden saying that the withdrawal from AFG could happen two ways. Quickly without the military equipment, or over time as we removed our military equipment. The stupid senile fuck should have watched his video.
You apparently missed the Generals testimony where all our equipment was rendered useless or we took it with us. The fact that Faux and other Rabid Right Wing media lied about the US equipment we've supplied the Afghan Army for twenty years was covered in their sworn testimony to Congress.

But what do the General know. It was only their plan.
March 4 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump kisses China's butt.
Trump's cult kisses Trump's butt.............................................a full circle.
Dood, this is 2022.
I suppose the idea is to get up a war scare so people will vote for Biden's party in the fall.
1. China may still invade Taiwan if they thought it would have some value after the invasion. I'm sure that the chip industry would be made unusable, so no net gain.

2. The Chinese navy is growing and modernizing. Its not 50-years behind the US Navy.

The Chinese have no way of invading Taiwan - their army could never make it across the strait of Taiwan.

Yesterday the U.S> killed an Al Qaeda leader using a missile launched from over the horizon. No only did they kill him, but they made sure that no one else was killed and that the building he was in didn't collapse. Neither the Chinese or the Russians have capabilities close to that.

What that means is the the U.S. could at anytime, if we wanted to, put a hellfire missile right up the left nostril of either Xi or Putin - and both Xi and Putin know it.
OMG, three agreements in a row. Wow! What planet is this?
We (NATO) won't go to war with Russia, Putin isn't that stupid.
I'm hoping that the grain shipments can keep flowing from Odessa to feed poor countries.
I'm also not seeing an easy "exit ramp" from Ukraine. Putin is obstinate, as well as Zelenskyy, the body bags and misery will continue.

I think Putin is that stupid, and I think he's also that desperate. He's isolated himself from even his closest advisors since the start of the pandemic. We've all seen the pictures - 20 foot long tables separate Putin from those he's working with. No group meetings.

The rumour making the rounds is that Putin has cancer, and is terrified of getting covid. This is based on his skin tone, his weight loss, and his eyes. He's trying to restore the Russian Empire before he dies and he's running out of time.

This invasion has been a gross miscalculation on his behalf. He grossly underestimated his own military's capabilities, and he completely midjudged both the Ukrainian people, and their leadership. He believed that Trump's fracturing of NATO was complete and that NATO would never reunite or strengthen. In fairness, NATO has given Putin no reason to believe they would do much to stop him, based on his past annexations of Crimea, Georgia, and other FSU Republics.
Enough reason to vote for her to go right there...

China Joe is bought and paid for - he works for Xi.

But what we SHOULD do is kick China's ass. Devastate them, shock and awe.
Mushroom Cloud.jpg

This is much more effective. Targeting Beijing would do it.
Ukraine will fall to Russia and, from within that reality, Ukraine will be fighting Russia to get out of their country for years to come. But, the pockets of resistance will get smaller year after year until Ukraine fades into the history books. We and others in the West will be very mouthy about it all but, in the end, Ukraine will be gone and Putin will be left with black eyes which may never heal.

Taiwan is a different animal. We have no hope of defending Taiwan, even in the losing way we are trying to fight for Ukraine, unless we're talking about all out war with China, in which case, Russia, North Korea, and Iran will join China in the fight against us. It will be WWIII and it will wind up being nuclear. As Putin recently admitted, no one wins a nuclear war. Once again, the only thing we can do for Taiwan is to let them fall and be very mouthy about it. China won't even allow anyone in the world to send Taiwan future arms to defend themselves. China will be able to effectively blockade any and all arms from reaching Taiwan.
1. You type words as facts with no proof. I agree that Russia and Ukraine will be fighting for years, with very little movement. IMHO Putin will be forced to find an exit ramp. His economy is shrinking and shrinking. He has oil revenue, but that can't keep the tiny Russian economy afloat.

2. Taiwan will decide their future. If China wants to declare economic war on the civilized world, they will find out how fast wealth can disappear. There is no reason to change from the status quo. We'll see how smart the Chinese are. If they take Taiwan by force, the chip industry will be long gone.

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