China is about to declare war on the USA. Should the USA fold? (Poll)

Should Nancy Pelosi visit Taiwan?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 73.2%
  • No

    Votes: 11 26.8%

  • Total voters
The Outer Limits ..One hundred Days of the Dragon. Without the science fiction parts but with the same results and an administration also controlled.
And drawn into a World War.
Maybe that’s what we need right now. The last one brought this nation out of a serious funk and led to the 1950s, one of the greatest decades in American history.
Killing the Speaker of the House is beyond stupid and the retaliation should be swift and severe
Retaliation? I’d send them flowers and chocolates for getting rid of that waste of flesh and oxygen.
Maybe that’s what we need right now. The last one brought this nation out of a serious funk and led to the 1950s, one of the greatest decades in American history.

Retaliation? I’d send them flowers and chocolates for getting rid of that waste of flesh and oxygen.
no we do not need a war, especially over that worthless lying bitch.
no we do not need a war, especially over that worthless lying bitch.
Whether it’s domestic or international, I don’t see anything other than a war righting the ships of this nation’s cultural and governmental issues.
China and ally Russia will never have a better time to put an end to us. Democrats have destroyed our military. Fuckwad Biden has used the excuses of vaccinations and white supremacy to separate so many pilots that the air force isn't even a shadow of its former self.
That's certainly not etched in stone yet. Also I know for fact there's still some badass pilots in the USAF. China ain't got nothin' on that.
Whether it’s domestic or international, I don’t see anything other than a war righting the ships of this nation’s cultural and governmental issues.
You must be really old to think like that.
A war in today's world with hypersonic missiles, nuclear sub boomers, MIRV ICBMs, radioactive fallout, and economic collapse would not be "righting" anything.
You must be really old to think like that.
A war in today's world with hypersonic missiles, nuclear sub boomers, MIRV ICBMs, radioactive fallout, and economic collapse would not be "righting" anything
I turned 48 a couple weeks back.

I am well aware of the horrors thst a multi-national conflict would bring. I believe that’s what will be needed to reset our society and correct what’s wrong with it.
If Pelosi goes to Taiwan and China doesn't do anything, does it matter?
Would it just be ignored as one Chinese media guy talking out his ass?

Is it a bluff or a real threat of war?

Would China still send us stuff? <g>
Of course it's a bluff.

I think --------------------------
China and ally Russia will never have a better time to put an end to us. Democrats have destroyed our military. Fuckwad Biden has used the excuses of vaccinations and white supremacy to separate so many pilots that the air force isn't even a shadow of its former self.

I think you're correct.
All China has to do is stop all shipments to the US and the US would implode in less than a week.

I'm not kidding.
China doesn't have the conventional capability to project a war into Taiwan, much less anywhere else.
Right. :rolleyes:
They're just the SOLE Industrial Global Manufacturing Powerhouse supplying the USA with 90% of it's needs every day.

Nothing to see here. Move along.
You must be really old to think like that.
A war in today's world with hypersonic missiles, nuclear sub boomers, MIRV ICBMs, radioactive fallout, and economic collapse would not be "righting" anything.

Kind of......

The destruction of the Earth is imminent due to human activity (pollution, plastic oceans, radioactive waste, no more forests etc etc etc)

Getting rid of the bulk of humans might result in some temporary global environmental problems, but the Earth would be FAR better off. 10,000 years to the Earth is our 10 seconds.
Of course it's a bluff.
I think --------------------------
LOL! Well we'll find out shortly. I see she plans to visit Taiwan....we're all-in....calling their bluff...
China doesn't have the conventional capability to project a war into Taiwan, much less anywhere else.
Link please.
China's military is ranked 3rd behind the US and Russia.
China's navy is larger than the US Navy.
Kind of......
The destruction of the Earth is imminent due to human activity (pollution, plastic oceans, radioactive waste, no more forests etc etc etc)
Getting rid of the bulk of humans might result in some temporary global environmental problems, but the Earth would be FAR better off. 10,000 years to the Earth is our 10 seconds.
Nuclear winter would solve global warming and trigger the next ice age.
I'm not sure even the cock-roaches would survive.
The earth would not be better off after a nuclear war.
Link please.
China's military is ranked 3rd behind the US and Russia.
China's navy is larger than the US Navy.
If the Chinese had the capability to invade Taiwan, they would already have done it.

The U.S. Navy is 30-50 years more advanced than the Chinese Navy. There are reasons why the Chinese keep trying to steal U.S. technology - and why the U.S. isn't interested in stealing Chinese technology.

Don't believe the media - the U.S. military likes to keep us scared so that Congress will keep giving them more money.

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