China is about to declare war on the USA. Should the USA fold? (Poll)

Should Nancy Pelosi visit Taiwan?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 73.2%
  • No

    Votes: 11 26.8%

  • Total voters
If the Chinese had the capability to invade Taiwan, they would already have done it.
The U.S. Navy is 30-50 years more advanced than the Chinese Navy. There are reasons why the Chinese keep trying to steal U.S. technology - and why the U.S. isn't interested in stealing Chinese technology.
Don't believe the media - the U.S. military likes to keep us scared so that Congress will keep giving them more money.
1. China may still invade Taiwan if they thought it would have some value after the invasion. I'm sure that the chip industry would be made unusable, so no net gain.

2. The Chinese navy is growing and modernizing. Its not 50-years behind the US Navy.
Dont worry, the world respects us now that we have a feckless senile wet sock puppet in the WH.

Dumb fucking cult assholes dont get the world WANTS the US to fail….just like they do.

The cult hates the US.
yeh, amazing how few people seem to get that.. they think there are 2 legitmate parties in the US when there is only one... and opposing that one are the lunatics
China just said that they will shoot down Nancy Pelosi's plane if she goes to Taiwan.

Biden's administration just announced that they in no way oppose the repatriation of Taiwan by China.
China just said that they will shoot down Nancy Pelosi's plane if she goes to Taiwan.

"A Chinese state media figure warned that the presence of U.S. fighter jets accompanying House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's transport to Taiwan would be considered an "invasion."

Should Nancy and possibly Kevin McCarthy go to Taiwan under heavy military escort, or not?

The Ronald Reagan carrier group is right there....just sayin'

The USA shouldn't go to war with anyone.

War is a waste of blood and treasure.

Dumbest idea ever.
The USA shouldn't go to war with anyone.
War is a waste of blood and treasure.
Dumbest idea ever.
We agree.
But when any country invades an ally, or threatens the US with violence, sometimes war is inevitable.
China just said that they will shoot down Nancy Pelosi's plane if she goes to Taiwan.

"A Chinese state media figure warned that the presence of U.S. fighter jets accompanying House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's transport to Taiwan would be considered an "invasion."

Should Nancy and possibly Kevin McCarthy go to Taiwan under heavy military escort, or not?

The Ronald Reagan carrier group is right there....just sayin'
Do you really think they're that stupid?
Biden (Aug 2021) - We made a sacred commitment to Article Five that if in fact anyone were to invade or take action against our NATO allies, we would respond," Biden said at the time. "Same with Japan, same with South Korea, same with – Taiwan."

Yeah Taiwan is not in NATO. We have no such commitment to Taiwan. WH had to walk it back.

Biden (Oct 2021) - US will defend Taiwan if China attacks.

WH walked it back.

Biden (Oct 2022) - We will intervene militarily to defend Taiwan against China.

WH walked it back.

Pelosi says she is going to Taiwan.

Biden says the military says it's a bad idea.

Taiwan is not on Pelosi's itinerary.

Reports are that she will, in fact be going to Taiwan.

Biden (Oct 2022) - We will intervene militarily to defend Taiwan against China.

WH walked it back.

Wow, you have a crystal ball and can see into the future.

Can you give us the winning lotto numbers for next week?
Will Biden be napping in his bunker when China turns Pelosi's plane into a fireball?
Nuclear winter would solve global warming and trigger the next ice age.
I'm not sure even the cock-roaches would survive.
The earth would not be better off after a nuclear war.

Earth doesn't care. Humanity would be back to cave dwelling if it survived at all.
The Earth has millions upon hundreds of millions if not billions of years. Humanity is irrelevant.
Remember the Earth was once a molten ball of lava. In a billion years the Earth will be heat sterilized and dry.

You give humanity FAR too much importance. In the grand scheme of things humanity is nothing but dust.
China just said that they will shoot down Nancy Pelosi's plane if she goes to Taiwan.

"A Chinese state media figure warned that the presence of U.S. fighter jets accompanying House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's transport to Taiwan would be considered an "invasion."

Should Nancy and possibly Kevin McCarthy go to Taiwan under heavy military escort, or not?

The Ronald Reagan carrier group is right there....just sayin'
As usual, this poll is a day late and a dollar short. Like Ukraine falling to Russia due to Biden's policies, we should not be in this position with China, Taiwan, and Pelosi.
Earth doesn't care. Humanity would be back to cave dwelling if it survived at all.
The Earth has millions upon hundreds of millions if not billions of years. Humanity is irrelevant.
Remember the Earth was once a molten ball of lava. In a billion years the Earth will be heat sterilized and dry.
You give humanity FAR too much importance. In the grand scheme of things humanity is nothing but dust.
Who says humanity is irrelevant?
Probably someone who doesn't know what a soul is.
As usual, this poll is a day late and a dollar short. Like Ukraine falling to Russia due to Biden's policies, we should not be in this position with China, Taiwan, and Pelosi.
1. The poll is both valid and timely. Should Nancy visit (or have visited) Taiwan? Your "dodge" is feeble.

2. Ukraine has not fallen to Russia.

3. So your solutions to China & Taiwan are/were?
1. The poll is both valid and timely. Should Nancy visit (or have visited) Taiwan? Your "dodge" is feeble.

2. Ukraine has not fallen to Russia.

3. So your solutions to China & Taiwan are/were?
The solution to the China/Taiwan/Pelosi thing would have been to not put us into this position in the first place. So, I'm not going to vote on something that never should have been. That's not saying that Pelosi should never go. It's saying that Biden & Co put us into this game of chicken that didn't have to be.

When it comes to Ukraine, if Biden had not let Afghanistan fall so quickly, Russia may not have ever invaded Ukraine, which was bad in any number of ways, including inflation. You are buying too much into the leftist propaganda against Putin. Putin has taken over the country and is getting ready to annex it. To think otherwise is foolish. Ukraine has only been a pawn in the East/West new cold war. We are willing to let Ukraine fall as long as we can give Putin the biggest black eyes possible. Ukraine's fate is irrelevant. Same thing could and will be said for Taiwan.
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