China is about to declare war on the USA. Should the USA fold? (Poll)

Should Nancy Pelosi visit Taiwan?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 73.2%
  • No

    Votes: 11 26.8%

  • Total voters
Nobody wants anything to do with our military. By far the most powerful and effective force in the world. Insurmountable.
China just said that they will shoot down Nancy Pelosi's plane if she goes to Taiwan.

"A Chinese state media figure warned that the presence of U.S. fighter jets accompanying House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's transport to Taiwan would be considered an "invasion."

Should Nancy and possibly Kevin McCarthy go to Taiwan under heavy military escort, or not?

The Ronald Reagan carrier group is right there....just sayin'

Nancy, McCarty, McConnell, Barr, Sessions, Comey, Brennan and Clapper and all the Intel Officers who said the Russian Dossier was real should all be on that plane as a show of Solidarity
Nobody wants anything to do with our military. By far the most powerful and effective force in the world. Insurmountable.
You mean our woke military?

China just said that they will shoot down Nancy Pelosi's plane if she goes to Taiwan.

"A Chinese state media figure warned that the presence of U.S. fighter jets accompanying House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's transport to Taiwan would be considered an "invasion."

Should Nancy and possibly Kevin McCarthy go to Taiwan under heavy military escort, or not?

The Ronald Reagan carrier group is right there....just sayin'

No. That could be taken as our acknowledging China owns Taiwan but forced our way in anyway.

WAR - Fold?
No ... Biden WILL.
China just said that they will shoot down Nancy Pelosi's plane if she goes to Taiwan.

"A Chinese state media figure warned that the presence of U.S. fighter jets accompanying House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's transport to Taiwan would be considered an "invasion."

Should Nancy and possibly Kevin McCarthy go to Taiwan under heavy military escort, or not?

The Ronald Reagan carrier group is right there....just sayin'
I wish China could take out California, Seattle and Portland first
China just said that they will shoot down Nancy Pelosi's plane if she goes to Taiwan.

"A Chinese state media figure warned that the presence of U.S. fighter jets accompanying House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's transport to Taiwan would be considered an "invasion."

Should Nancy and possibly Kevin McCarthy go to Taiwan under heavy military escort, or not?

The Ronald Reagan carrier group is right there....just sayin'
Only if the big guy gets 10%
Why should any US official fold to any Chinese threat. All we have to do is sink their fucking freight ships the moment they enter our waters. Without US sales China is fucked. A not retarded president would know this.
Just as the Ds effectively blackmailed Trump with Russia Russia Russia, now the Rs are doing the same with Biden and China. The way of the duopoly.

Enjoy WWIII. Fools!
If Pelosi goes to Taiwan and China doesn't do anything, does it matter?
Would it just be ignored as one Chinese media guy talking out his ass?

Is it a bluff or a real threat of war?

Would China still send us stuff? <g>
I think its a bluff

But a very reckless thing for china to say

The CCP must be under a lot of internal pressure
So we get the added benefit of bringing work back home. This is a problem how?
1. It takes many years to build 3,000 new manufacturing plants, especially with all of the new "green" regulations.
2. No one wants to work in them, we have two jobs for every unemployed person in the US right now.
If Pelosi goes to Taiwan and China doesn't do anything, does it matter?
Would it just be ignored as one Chinese media guy talking out his ass?

Is it a bluff or a real threat of war?

Would China still send us stuff? <g>
They don't "send us stuff". We're paying for it. Ya think China is going to go to war with their biggest customer which would sink their entire economy if that ended? Who's going to buy their shit? Russia?
They don't "send us stuff". We're paying for it. Ya think China is going to go to war with their biggest customer which would sink their entire economy if that ended? Who's going to buy their shit? Russia?
China could nationalize all of the foreign factories send out "fuck y'alls" and sell the stuff to their 1.0 billion consumers. China sees how weak Xiden is, if they want Taiwan now's the time. The downside is that the civilized world would need to isolate China, like we isolated Russia. Not bloody likely, we need stuff.
It looks like the sides are forming: China, Russia, Iran, NK, vs the rest of us.
No. That could be taken as our acknowledging China owns Taiwan but forced our way in anyway.

WAR - Fold?
No ... Biden WILL.
Well...we cant blame the democrats for all of it Nixon played the 'China Card' back when eveeryone was so fearful of Russia....initiated, agreed to or whatever you want to cal it aka.... acknowleding or proclaiming the 'one china policy.'

When the United States moved to recognize the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and de-recognize the Republic of China (ROC) in 1979, the United States stated that the government of the People’s Republic of China was “the sole legal Government of China.” Sole, meaning the PRC was and is the only China, with no consideration of the ROC as a separate sovereign entity.
Biden is weak and stupid. The Chinese think we are shooting targets now. They also know Biden rarely changes his poo filled diaper.

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