China is evil and I have a theory

I never bought a MAGA hat even though I wanted one because they were made in china also

no one is perfect and if MAGA hats can be made in America thats where trump should buy them

But that does not mean that there is any factory in America that can make the hats

only that there should be

I do make an exception for prescription drugs however, where china has also cornered the market

Even libs should feel uncomfortable knowing china can cut us off of lifesaving medicine any time they choose

I didn’t know the MAGA hats were made in China.

Is that not the perfect metaphor for the line of bullshit Trump has sold you guys?
its a perfect example of whats wrong in america that you cant even get a decent priced hat and need to go to china to get it,,,

so actually we as americans should be embarrassed,,,

at least I am,,,

The supposed multi billionaire can’t take a loss on hats? Employ Americans...not Chinese...and sell at a loss. At $1 per hat..if you sell a lose a million or 1:1000th of a billion.

anyone voting for the blob should be embarrassed
you can suppose anything you want,,, but the fact remains it proves his point and youre still an idiot with TDS,,,
I never bought a MAGA hat even though I wanted one because they were made in china also

no one is perfect and if MAGA hats can be made in America thats where trump should buy them

But that does not mean that there is any factory in America that can make the hats

only that there should be

I do make an exception for prescription drugs however, where china has also cornered the market

Even libs should feel uncomfortable knowing china can cut us off of lifesaving medicine any time they choose

I didn’t know the MAGA hats were made in China.

Is that not the perfect metaphor for the line of bullshit Trump has sold you guys?
its a perfect example of whats wrong in america that you cant even get a decent priced hat and need to go to china to get it,,,

so actually we as americans should be embarrassed,,,

at least I am,,,

The supposed multi billionaire can’t take a loss on hats? Employ Americans...not Chinese...and sell at a loss. At $1 per hat..if you sell a lose a million or 1:1000th of a billion.

anyone voting for the blob should be embarrassed
you can suppose anything you want,,, but the fact remains it proves his point and youre still an idiot with TDS,,,

You guys are the ones who say he's tough on he's hiring Chinese people instead of Americans. You're a different type of TDSer...
I never bought a MAGA hat even though I wanted one because they were made in china also

no one is perfect and if MAGA hats can be made in America thats where trump should buy them

But that does not mean that there is any factory in America that can make the hats

only that there should be

I do make an exception for prescription drugs however, where china has also cornered the market

Even libs should feel uncomfortable knowing china can cut us off of lifesaving medicine any time they choose

I didn’t know the MAGA hats were made in China.

Is that not the perfect metaphor for the line of bullshit Trump has sold you guys?
its a perfect example of whats wrong in america that you cant even get a decent priced hat and need to go to china to get it,,,

so actually we as americans should be embarrassed,,,

at least I am,,,

The supposed multi billionaire can’t take a loss on hats? Employ Americans...not Chinese...and sell at a loss. At $1 per hat..if you sell a lose a million or 1:1000th of a billion.

anyone voting for the blob should be embarrassed
you can suppose anything you want,,, but the fact remains it proves his point and youre still an idiot with TDS,,,

You guys are the ones who say he's tough on he's hiring Chinese people instead of Americans. You're a different type of TDSer...
I never said that and he never did that,,,

swing anda miss,,,
I never bought a MAGA hat even though I wanted one because they were made in china also

no one is perfect and if MAGA hats can be made in America thats where trump should buy them

But that does not mean that there is any factory in America that can make the hats

only that there should be

I do make an exception for prescription drugs however, where china has also cornered the market

Even libs should feel uncomfortable knowing china can cut us off of lifesaving medicine any time they choose

My MAGA hat is made in America.
Where did you find it? All the ones I’ve seen made in china.

within a $500 billion trade deficit with china the monetary value of MAGA is insignificant

but the symbolic value of “made in America” for MAGA hats is huge
I never bought a MAGA hat even though I wanted one because they were made in china also

no one is perfect and if MAGA hats can be made in America thats where trump should buy them

But that does not mean that there is any factory in America that can make the hats

only that there should be

I do make an exception for prescription drugs however, where china has also cornered the market

Even libs should feel uncomfortable knowing china can cut us off of lifesaving medicine any time they choose

I didn’t know the MAGA hats were made in China.

Is that not the perfect metaphor for the line of bullshit Trump has sold you guys?
Is that not the perfect metaphor for the line of bullshit Trump has sold you guys?

it does create a soft spot for trump haters to exploit

the trade deficit is bad for everyone in one way or another

rather than celebrating the chinese victory over America dating back decades you should join trump supporters in decrying it
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its a perfect example of whats wrong in america that you cant even get a decent priced hat and need to go to china to get it,,,
I see nothing wrong with hats made in America costing more than hats made in china

wages and living conditions are much higher in America than china

by every measurable standard America is the best place to be

I dont want American workers making $1 a day working a 12-hour shift and living in a slum just so I can save a few bucks on a hat - or anything else I want to buy

When we say “PROUDLY made in America“ we ought to mean it
I never bought a MAGA hat even though I wanted one because they were made in china also

no one is perfect and if MAGA hats can be made in America thats where trump should buy them

But that does not mean that there is any factory in America that can make the hats

only that there should be

I do make an exception for prescription drugs however, where china has also cornered the market

Even libs should feel uncomfortable knowing china can cut us off of lifesaving medicine any time they choose

I didn’t know the MAGA hats were made in China.

Is that not the perfect metaphor for the line of bullshit Trump has sold you guys?
Is that not the perfect metaphor for the line of bullshit Trump has sold you guys?

it does create a soft spot for trump haters to exploit

the trade deficit is bad for everyone in one way or another

rather than celebrating the chinese victory over America dating back decades you should be decrying it along with trump supporters

I'm celebrating?
I must have missed it.

Meanwhile, how hollow does it sound to you that the guy who "hates China" is doing business....with China?
Democrats are total scum. They would vote for Xi if they could.

Xi didn't fuck up the country... Trump did.
So when someone comes to your work with a flu cold knowingly and even on purpose for spite of fellow employees they hate or don't get along with and it spreads the cold flu throughout your offices/business making over half the business call in sick and the rest showing up sick to work continuing the cycle, do you blame the owner and management or would you be bad mouthing the sabotaging employee patient zero?
Yeah, that's what I thought=your logic and conclusions are affected by your group association pride and political prejudices.
After just witnessing the entire world poisoned by a Chinese virus, why would anyone be a Chinapologist? Why would anyone want to vote for a presidential candidate whose son took millions of dollars from them?

That makes no sense to me at all.

Maybe I have the good sense to realize that viruses are naturally occuring, and if we have a problem with Covid, it was because Trump mismanaged the response and lied to people about how deadly it was.

The Chinese handled it badly, but they handled it a lot better than we did as far as containing it.
So when someone comes to your work with a flu cold knowingly and even on purpose for spite of fellow employees they hate or don't get along with and it spreads the cold flu throughout your offices/business making over half the business call in sick and the rest showing up sick to work continuing the cycle, do you blame the owner and management or would you be bad mouthing the sabotaging employee patient zero?
Yeah, that's what I thought=your logic and conclusions are affected by your group association pride and political prejudices.

Actually, what I would hate was a management who has that employee so afraid for his job that he comes in sick because he can't afford to miss a day.

Pre-Covid, I'd see guys come in with a cold all the time. Why? They knew the manager would hold it against them if they called in sick too often. Companies have gotten rid of sick days and if you are sick, you have to take it out of your vacation time.

So to put it in perspective... Trump is like the boss who insisted you come in despite being on Death's Door, and if you got the rest of the office sick, no problem... he was safe in his corner office and OH SHIT, I GOT IT!!!
After just witnessing the entire world poisoned by a Chinese virus, why would anyone be a Chinapologist? Why would anyone want to vote for a presidential candidate whose son took millions of dollars from them?

That makes no sense to me at all.

Maybe I have the good sense to realize that viruses are naturally occuring, and if we have a problem with Covid, it was because Trump mismanaged the response and lied to people about how deadly it was.

The Chinese handled it badly, but they handled it a lot better than we did as far as containing it.
Its getting to the point where Im beginning to feel sorry for some of the forum members.
Maybe we should start an intervention group ?
Hi, my name is ______, and I have TDS. :icon_cry:
We can revisit this post in 3 years if Biden/Harris win this election. We won't be able to get our country back after the devastation they will cause, particularly Harris and the far-left, who will be running the show anyway. I am astounded that so many are so quick to turn our country over to the far-left, Marxists Democrats. It is a natural progression of Democracy I guess. Benjamin Franklin was right on. This is exactly what is happening now with the "wealth distribution" and "free" talk coming from the left.

I really don't care what another Dead Slave Rapist thought.

In the modern world, you have an entitlement state. That's just the reality... and when you guys advocate getting rid of White People welfare like Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment then I'll take you seriously about the other stuff.
So when someone comes to your work with a flu cold knowingly and even on purpose for spite of fellow employees they hate or don't get along with and it spreads the cold flu throughout your offices/business making over half the business call in sick and the rest showing up sick to work continuing the cycle, do you blame the owner and management or would you be bad mouthing the sabotaging employee patient zero?
Yeah, that's what I thought=your logic and conclusions are affected by your group association pride and political prejudices.

Actually, what I would hate was a management who has that employee so afraid for his job that he comes in sick because he can't afford to miss a day.

Pre-Covid, I'd see guys come in with a cold all the time. Why? They knew the manager would hold it against them if they called in sick too often. Companies have gotten rid of sick days and if you are sick, you have to take it out of your vacation time.

So to put it in perspective... Trump is like the boss who insisted you come in despite being on Death's Door, and if you got the rest of the office sick, no problem... he was safe in his corner office and OH SHIT, I GOT IT!!!
You just described Biden, you come into this country, spread or not, or you are a Xenophobe.
Pelosi, You come to China town and gather with spreaders or you aint Liberal.
DeBlasio, you come to the subways or you aint a New Yorker.
Nowhere does your analogy work with Trump who told them to stay home. Even Florida Gov got toasted for telling NYers to stay home and keep out and Liberals were outraged by State travel restrictions.-oops
You just described Biden, you come into this country, spread or not, or you are a Xenophobe.
Pelosi, You come to China town and gather with spreaders or you aint Liberal.
DeBlasio, you come to the subways or you aint a New Yorker.
Nowhere does your analogy work with Trump who told them to stay home. Even Florida Gov got toasted for telling NYers to stay home and keep out and Liberals were outraged by State travel restrictions.-oops

Okay, the people who were telling you not to be racist against Asian people did not spread the disease.

You take those comments out of context, that before we had even one confirmed case, there was an uptick in bigotry against Asian people because they had branded this the "Chinese Flu".

of course, the travel ban was racist, because when you let all those white people in from Europe, they brought it in with them...

Trump kept downplaying it even after we started having thousands of cases. He kept downplaying it when we had Millions of cases... He called on people to "liberate Michigan" and some wingnuts tries to kidnap the governor... then he got it himself and still kept doing Super-Spreader events.
You just described Biden, you come into this country, spread or not, or you are a Xenophobe.
Pelosi, You come to China town and gather with spreaders or you aint Liberal.
DeBlasio, you come to the subways or you aint a New Yorker.
Nowhere does your analogy work with Trump who told them to stay home. Even Florida Gov got toasted for telling NYers to stay home and keep out and Liberals were outraged by State travel restrictions.-oops
Well said.
I really don't care what another Dead Slave Rapist thought.

In the modern world, you have an entitlement state. That's just the reality... and when you guys advocate getting rid of White People welfare like Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment then I'll take you seriously about the other stuff.

I didn't mention nor even imply race in my statement. You are completely transfixed on race. That white guilt of yours is off the charts. You must have some REALLY deep seeded hatred for black people buried deep within you. In your pea little mind, voting for the left absolves this guilt, but in reality, the left are far more bigoted and racist that the right. Throwing black people a few crumbs and patting them on the heads all the while telling them they are too ignorant, stupid(e.g. voter id) and victimized(e.g. systematic racism) to do anything on their own is the epitome of racism and you and your party OWN it.
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You just described Biden, you come into this country, spread or not, or you are a Xenophobe.
Pelosi, You come to China town and gather with spreaders or you aint Liberal.
DeBlasio, you come to the subways or you aint a New Yorker.
Nowhere does your analogy work with Trump who told them to stay home. Even Florida Gov got toasted for telling NYers to stay home and keep out and Liberals were outraged by State travel restrictions.-oops

Okay, the people who were telling you not to be racist against Asian people did not spread the disease.

You take those comments out of context, that before we had even one confirmed case, there was an uptick in bigotry against Asian people because they had branded this the "Chinese Flu".

of course, the travel ban was racist, because when you let all those white people in from Europe, they brought it in with them...

Trump kept downplaying it even after we started having thousands of cases. He kept downplaying it when we had Millions of cases... He called on people to "liberate Michigan" and some wingnuts tries to kidnap the governor... then he got it himself and still kept doing Super-Spreader events.
China communist party is not a race and remember they are the ones comitting genocide and suddenly Biden says nothing about that Xenophobia (because he's compromised) and remember Biden is now proven to be part of our country's xenophobia on Russians.
-so you are 2 for 2 making and failing on your excuses for your poor deflected and displaced blames. Care to go for 3?

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