China is evil and I have a theory

I didn't mention nor even imply race in my statement. You are completely transfixed on race. That white guilt of yours is off the charts. You must have some REALLY deep seeded hatred for black people buried deep within you. In your pea little mind, voting for the left absolves this guilt, but in reality, the left far more bigoted and racist that the right. Throwing black people a few crumbs and patting them on the heads all the while telling them they are too ignorant(e.g. voter id), stupid and victimized(e.g. systematic racism) to do anything on their own is the epitome of racism and you and your party OWN it.

I didn't mention race either. I just called Franklin a "Dead Slave Rapist", which of course, the founding fathers were. Racism is written into the DNA of our culture and history. White people got a very nice country on the backs of blacks and Native Americans.

The point is, you said that we are "voting ourselves free money". But you know what you guys never, ever do.

You never go after the big ticket Entitlements that white people benefit from. because you would be absolutely crucified if you did.

When you guys talk about cutting "Welfare", you always go after things like TANF, SNAP, Section 8, etc. Things that benefit really poor people.

You don't go after something like Social Security, which is a white entitlement that puts a sucking hole in our budget because people are living into their 80's now....

I don't think we need to get rid of any entitlements. Reform them, maybe, to make sure that the safety net doesn't become a hammock...

It's why I just don't take you guys seriously....

If a white person gets a check from the government it's an "Entitlement".
If a black person gets a check from the government, it's "Welfare".
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China communist party is not a race and remember they are the ones comitting genocide and suddenly Biden says nothing about that Xenophobia (because he's compromised) and remember Biden is now proven to be part of our country's xenophobia on Russians.
-so you are 2 for 2 making and failing on your excuses for your poor deflected and displaced blames. Care to go for 3?

Okay, buddy, now you are just babbling... "Genocide"? Really? Because they are fighting Muslim Terrorists in Xinjiang? Hey, at least they aren't going halfway around the world to find Muslims to fight, they have some in their own borders.

The Russians interferred in our elections... it's not a phobia if it's a real problem. It is a phobia if you don't go to Chinatown because those Chinese people (who've been here for generations) have the Covid.

I think you need to quit while you are behind.
I didn't mention race either.

Um...when you say "White People welfare" that is kind of mentioning race.

That's just the reality... and when you guys advocate getting rid of White People welfare like Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment then I'll take you seriously about the other stuff.

When you guys talk about cutting "Welfare", you always go after things like TANF, SNAP, Section 8, etc. Things that benefit really poor people.

You don't go after something like Social Security, which is a white entitlement that puts a sucking hole in our budget because people are living into their 80's now....

Yeah, many poor white folks are on these too, in fact, more(by the numbers, not percentages) than black people. So how is it we are racist again? I am getting confused. Maybe we just think ALL able bodied people should work. There is an idea. Maybe it isn't really about race at all. I know you never think about like that because it doesn't fit into your brainwashing.

Black people don't get SS too? What are you racist to think they are all on welfare? How many people(white and black) never get back what they paid into social security? I know I won't. I guess I don't count even though according to you I am poor and live in a double-wide. Republicans would love to reform SS, in fact, many want private savings accounts, you know, so we can take personal responsibility, but you left-wingers will not hear of that. The "white" folks that are against it are likely Democrats, not Republicans. If I buy that SS is simply welfare for white folks, then it is the Democrats who keep promoting it, not Republicans. Go figure.

If a white person gets a check from the government it's an "Entitlement".
If a black person gets a check from the government, it's "Welfare".

This is nothing but rhetoric that is fueled by your white guilt. You can't escape it. It consumes your every thought.
I never bought a MAGA hat even though I wanted one because they were made in china also

no one is perfect and if MAGA hats can be made in America thats where trump should buy them

But that does not mean that there is any factory in America that can make the hats

only that there should be

I do make an exception for prescription drugs however, where china has also cornered the market

Even libs should feel uncomfortable knowing china can cut us off of lifesaving medicine any time they choose

My MAGA hat is made in America.
Where did you find it? All the ones I’ve seen made in china.

within a $500 billion trade deficit with china the monetary value of MAGA is insignificant

but the symbolic value of “made in America” for MAGA hats is huge

I've never seen one made in China.

It is the wealthy business class who spread Corona. Who else visits Wu Han in China?
Why do you think Northern Italy was one of the first hit - Ski resorts of the rich.
And why were luxury cruise liners infested?
China communist party is not a race and remember they are the ones comitting genocide and suddenly Biden says nothing about that Xenophobia (because he's compromised) and remember Biden is now proven to be part of our country's xenophobia on Russians.
-so you are 2 for 2 making and failing on your excuses for your poor deflected and displaced blames. Care to go for 3?

Okay, buddy, now you are just babbling... "Genocide"? Really? Because they are fighting Muslim Terrorists in Xinjiang? Hey, at least they aren't going halfway around the world to find Muslims to fight, they have some in their own borders.

The Russians interferred in our elections... it's not a phobia if it's a real problem. It is a phobia if you don't go to Chinatown because those Chinese people (who've been here for generations) have the Covid.

I think you need to quit while you are behind.
2) The Russians interferred with our elections by way of Hillary and Obama using various Putin tied agents and that includes the illegitimate 2018 mid terms which you gladly helped in the dissinformation campaign with the Russians and yet your party still created a Xenophobic fervor and blamed every Russian American as your boogieman instead of what was in those emails=deflection campaign as admited in CIA documents.
Your reply just dug you hole bigger-that's strike 3
Congrats you struck out again!


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Yeah, many poor white folks are on these too, in fact, more(by the numbers, not percentages) than black people. So how is it we are racist again? I am getting confused. Maybe we just think ALL able bodied people should work. There is an idea. Maybe it isn't really about race at all. I know you never think about like that because it doesn't fit into your brainwashing.

Sure you're confused. The GOP has been telling you about welfare queens and Young Bucks since Ronnie Reagan got you to vote against your own economic interests in the 1980's. The problem is, of course, that you guys are fine with White People Welfare like Social Security and Unemployment, where we pay people to not work.

Unemployment is a great example. Without unemployment, we'd all take jobs at Walmart when we get laid off, if we are that lucky. Unemployment allows you to look for a job that pays what you were making and keep your skills useful. In short, WHITE PEOPLE WELFARE. Heck, during TRUMP PLAGUE, they upped it, so people wouldn't be getting antsy while they were out...

Republicans would love to reform SS, in fact, many want private savings accounts, you know, so we can take personal responsibility, but you left-wingers will not hear of that. T

Let's look at that, Double-Wide. In 2005, after he got re-elected promising to protect us from that evil gay marriage, George W. Stupid tried to do exactly that. Then people realized that would mean giving a bunch of their money to Wall Street to gamble with, and REPUBLICANS shot it down. When 2008 hit, we all realized how much we dodged a bullet. You see, when you threaten to take away WHITE PEOPLE WELFARE, White people get antsy about it. While you guys would LOVe to do that when no one is looking, you certainly don't run on it.

This is nothing but rhetoric that is fueled by your white guilt. You can't escape it. It consumes your every thought.

The only thing I feel guilty about is voting for Republicans and watching them fuck it up.

If you guys were serious about controlling government spending, you'd go after the WHITE PEOPLE WELFARE errr ENTITLEMENTS. And you'd get creamed in the polls.

Nope, I'm calling people who fight against their government terrorists... just like you would if some Muslims tried to set up their own Republic in Michigan...

2) The Russians interferred with our elections by way of Hillary and Obama using various Putin tied agents and that includes the illegitimate 2018 mid terms which you gladly helped in the dissinformation campaign with the Russians and yet your party still created a Xenophobic fervor and blamed every Russian American as your boogieman instead of what was in those emails=deflection campaign as admited in CIA documents.
Your reply just dug you hole bigger

I'm sorry, who blamed Russian-Americans, exactly? How many idiotic conspiracy theories can you cram into one badly written sentence.

Honestly, I'm trying to have a thoughtful conversation with you, but it's hard when you spew out Hate Radio bile like it's facts.
Yeah, many poor white folks are on these too, in fact, more(by the numbers, not percentages) than black people. So how is it we are racist again? I am getting confused. Maybe we just think ALL able bodied people should work. There is an idea. Maybe it isn't really about race at all. I know you never think about like that because it doesn't fit into your brainwashing.

Sure you're confused. The GOP has been telling you about welfare queens and Young Bucks since Ronnie Reagan got you to vote against your own economic interests in the 1980's. The problem is, of course, that you guys are fine with White People Welfare like Social Security and Unemployment, where we pay people to not work.

Unemployment is a great example. Without unemployment, we'd all take jobs at Walmart when we get laid off, if we are that lucky. Unemployment allows you to look for a job that pays what you were making and keep your skills useful. In short, WHITE PEOPLE WELFARE. Heck, during TRUMP PLAGUE, they upped it, so people wouldn't be getting antsy while they were out...

Republicans would love to reform SS, in fact, many want private savings accounts, you know, so we can take personal responsibility, but you left-wingers will not hear of that. T

Let's look at that, Double-Wide. In 2005, after he got re-elected promising to protect us from that evil gay marriage, George W. Stupid tried to do exactly that. Then people realized that would mean giving a bunch of their money to Wall Street to gamble with, and REPUBLICANS shot it down. When 2008 hit, we all realized how much we dodged a bullet. You see, when you threaten to take away WHITE PEOPLE WELFARE, White people get antsy about it. While you guys would LOVe to do that when no one is looking, you certainly don't run on it.

This is nothing but rhetoric that is fueled by your white guilt. You can't escape it. It consumes your every thought.

The only thing I feel guilty about is voting for Republicans and watching them fuck it up.

If you guys were serious about controlling government spending, you'd go after the WHITE PEOPLE WELFARE errr ENTITLEMENTS. And you'd get creamed in the polls.

All of this and you still ignore the elephant in the room. These programs are used by people of all races. It is not “white” people welfare any more than it is “black” people welfare. I guess everybody’s got to have a schtict and “racism” is yours.
All of this and you still ignore the elephant in the room. These programs are used by people of all races. It is not “white” people welfare any more than it is “black” people welfare. I guess everybody’s got to have a schtict and “racism” is yours.

It's not who gets it, it's how they are perceived.

When Ronald Reagan talked about "young bucks" and "Welfare queens" (which was actually just one woman using identity fraud to game the system), he was invoking racism without saying the N-word, but everyone knew exactly what he meant.

When poor people of color get assistance, it's "Welfare". Welfare has a negative connotation. Of course, most people who get TANF or Section 8 or SNAP are only on it for a short time, and they often have low-paying jobs.

When white people get assistance, it's an "entitlement". You're "ENTITLED" to that money, even if you get a lot more than you paid in.

Racism isn't my "schtick", it's the GOP's.

It started with Nixon and his Southern Strategy to get all the rednecks who left the Democratic Party to vote for them.

Continued with Reagan's welfare queens.

Then on to Jesse Helm's "White Hands" ad

Bush-41's "Willie Horton" campaign

And pretty much everything that comes out of Trump's mouth.

It's how they get you idiots in the Double Wides to vote Republican.. by playing on your fears that "those people" might get something you are "Entitled" to.
When Ronald Reagan talked about "young bucks" and "Welfare queens" (which was actually just one woman using identity fraud to game the system), he was invoking racism without saying the N-word, but everyone knew exactly what he meant.
You can read peoples mind ?
Political correctness amuck.
No, sonny, I was there when he said it... everyone knew EXACTLY what he meant and exactly who he was talking about.
My statement remains the same. Mind reader.
So when I was in High School, and I called my friend a "faggot", among other things, he really knew what I meant ?...NO !!! It was just an expression. But you can decipher and interpret the exact meaning of all words, during all time periods, interesting.
It is the wealthy business class who spread Corona. Who else visits Wu Han in China?
Why do you think Northern Italy was one of the first hit - Ski resorts of the rich.
And why were luxury cruise liners infested?
Not all people who travel are rich. Not all Cruise lines are for the rich. Living in a first world nation has some benefits. You will end it.

Nope, I'm calling people who fight against their government terrorists... just like you would if some Muslims tried to set up their own Republic in Michigan...

2) The Russians interferred with our elections by way of Hillary and Obama using various Putin tied agents and that includes the illegitimate 2018 mid terms which you gladly helped in the dissinformation campaign with the Russians and yet your party still created a Xenophobic fervor and blamed every Russian American as your boogieman instead of what was in those emails=deflection campaign as admited in CIA documents.
Your reply just dug you hole bigger

I'm sorry, who blamed Russian-Americans, exactly? How many idiotic conspiracy theories can you cram into one badly written sentence.

Honestly, I'm trying to have a thoughtful conversation with you, but it's hard when you spew out Hate Radio bile like it's facts.
Quote>>>>>I'm calling people who fight against their government terrorists.

So you admit the Democrats and MSM are terrorists and that you are an agent of online terrorism.

News of the Day:
It's how they get you idiots in the Double Wides to vote Republican.. by playing on your fears that "those people" might get something you are "Entitled" to.

Like I keep saying and you keep ignoring, the fact is as wages rise, so does the likelihood of voting Republican. Keep in mind, there is a correlation between higher wages and intelligence and hard work. I’ll let you figure out why the smart, hard working people vote for Republicans. You can tout your college educated barista’s earning 40k/yr. all day long, but the reality is, the truly smart folks recognize the Democrat’s idiocy.

I could around and around with loser morons like you ad nauseum. The bottom line is that if the Democratic agenda is implemented by Biden/Harris, it won’t affect me much because I have the means to weather the storm and buy a 4th “double-wide” in another country, if necessary. Sadly, many in the middle class won’t have that option. They will be forced to subsidize the utopian, childish, ignorant ideals of the Democrats.
Were you treated badly there?
No of course not

I know china only by reputation

And I’m sure millions of foreigners who have visited as tourists would disagree with me

but there is a dark side to china
All of this and you still ignore the elephant in the room. These programs are used by people of all races. It is not “white” people welfare any more than it is “black” people welfare. I guess everybody’s got to have a schtict and “racism” is yours.

It's not who gets it, it's how they are perceived.

When Ronald Reagan talked about "young bucks" and "Welfare queens" (which was actually just one woman using identity fraud to game the system), he was invoking racism without saying the N-word, but everyone knew exactly what he meant.

When poor people of color get assistance, it's "Welfare". Welfare has a negative connotation. Of course, most people who get TANF or Section 8 or SNAP are only on it for a short time, and they often have low-paying jobs.

When white people get assistance, it's an "entitlement". You're "ENTITLED" to that money, even if you get a lot more than you paid in.

Racism isn't my "schtick", it's the GOP's.

It started with Nixon and his Southern Strategy to get all the rednecks who left the Democratic Party to vote for them.

Continued with Reagan's welfare queens.

Then on to Jesse Helm's "White Hands" ad

Bush-41's "Willie Horton" campaign

And pretty much everything that comes out of Trump's mouth.

It's how they get you idiots in the Double Wides to vote Republican.. by playing on your fears that "those people" might get something you are "Entitled" to.
And 30 years later the crime rate, drug use and abortions are off the scale paid for by our taxes.

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