China is evil and I have a theory

Then why make a claim you can't possibly support?
I can support it based on reports coming out of china

of course there are foreigners living in china that post glowing reports about china and they viciously attack any and all critics of the their adopted country

so if you search you can find others to agree with you
Then why make a claim you can't possibly support?

I can support it based on reports coming out of china

of course there are foreigners living in china that post glowing reports about china and they viciously attack any and all critics of the their adopted country

so if you search you can find others to agree with you
I think very few foreigners who are actually living or have lived in China post “glowing reports about China and viciously attack any and all critics of their adopted country.”

First of all very few foreigners stay in China longer than a few years, learn the language fluently, and almost none “adopt” the country (or are accepted by it). Even Chinese Americans usually feel culturally distinct and alienated. I lived there eight years and met hundreds of emigres, have a Chinese wife, was earlier close to the Taiwanese community in NYC, and still have Western friends and family on the Mainland — I personally know absolutely nobody in the category you describe.

Of course they do exist. Businessmen were understandably enthusiastic about real profits which were made, and are still being made, there. Many scholars and diplomats WERE overly optimistic about China transforming, but it should not be forgotten how much it HAS changed from Mao days. The U.S. first made its peace with China under Mao, during the Cultural Revolution, then after the TianAnMen Massacre under DengXiaoping. It was always a deal predicated not on China becoming “like us,” but for geo-political advantage against the USSR and for profits.

As you said, there is most definitely a “dark side” to China. Actually, many dark sides. Most educated patriotic Chinese are quite conscious of all this. Older people went through the Cultural Revolution, younger people grew up in a different China entirely. Corruption, CP hypocrisy, bureaucracy and censorship, fierce competition for good jobs, these may not be discussed honestly in the controlled press, but everyone in China is aware of all of it. Keeping everything in proper proportion is tough. People in China, as here, mostly just want to live better, which means “go along and get along” — for themselves and their families.

As you know there are dark sides to U.S. society too, and “Americans” are not exactly known these days for having a subtle or sympathetic eye even for their fellow Americans who disagree over this leader or that party. The Communist Party in China, despite all the grumbling, remains reasonably popular there and no ready alternative exists, though splits in the party have occurred before and may well again. I think the CP appears — at least to most Chinese people — to be reasonably rational and working on behalf of China’s national interests. That doesn’t mean XiJinping’s “Dream” of a moderately well off China can be realized under his increasingly totalitarian rule. Will increased Western hostility lead to progressive change in China? Has it ever?

Most folks here at USMB would probably consider me a “China apologist” — because I challenge the almost insane unreality of much U.S.-centric populist thinking about an “evil China.” Actually I am terribly concerned about the direction in which China has moved in recent years, and I fear for the future of U.S.-Chinese relations under whichever candidate wins the upcoming elections.
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I think very few foreigners who are actually living or have lived in China post “glowing reports about China and viciously attack any and all critics of their adopted country.”

your entire post is surprisingly even-handed toward china and I must compliment you on that

there are foreigners in china who have caught the yellow fever that only chinese women can impart, and they have gone completely native

several of them post on social media and are enthusiastic cheerleaders for the CCP

if 300-400 million chinese are doing better at least 1 billion are not

and among the 400 million I believe very few enjoy the standard of living that average Americans have

there is I think a very skewed image of the china “miracle”

the chinese economy funds grand projects like the Three Gorges Dam, an impressive expansion of the chinese navy, and a foreign policy dedicated to the expansion of chinese influence through projects like the Belt and Road Initiative which extends from china to europe

but even above average workers in the modern cities have a very difficult existance

there are foreigners in china who have caught the yellow fever that only Chinese women can impart, and they have gone completely native

Is this the kind of person you are?

If a man from China moves to America and falls in love with an American woman, has he contracted a 'disease,' or did two people just fall in love with each other?
...of course there are foreigners living in china that post glowing reports about china and they viciously attack any and all critics of the their adopted country

You realize that is an illogical and irrational statement, right?
Is this the kind of person you are?
I‘m just making an observation about the indeniable attraction of chinese women to some western men.

a fact that I dont not disapprove except when it warps their perception of communist china
You realize that is an illogical and irrational statement, right?
I dont think it is

You are presuming to know the feelings, opinions, motivations, and immigration status of many many thousands of people you have never met and will never meet. You yourself have no first-hand knowledge upon which to base these comments you keep making. That is illogical and that is irrational.
Is this the kind of person you are?
I‘m just making an observation about the indeniable [sic] attraction of chinese [sic] women to some western men.

You haven't noticed that among humans, males and females are often attracted to each other?
I have noticed the power attractive chinese women have over some western men

Attractive women from anywhere have power over men from anywhere. Are you new to the human race or something?
Attractive women from anywhere have power over men from anywhere. Are you new to the human race or something?
Is that your picture in the Avatar ?
What happen to your hair bro ?
Ooops, sorry I didnt mean to assume your gender.
So I decided to post my theory here.
Look up for yourself the amount of pharmaceutical ingredients that China controls.
My theory is that there will be very little traditional strains of flu this year, and in years to come, as long as travel from China is halted.
If there are lesser flu cases, it wont be exclusively due to masks, washing hands, and distancing, though that will be a large factor. Many, if not most on the left, with contribute to that Im sure.
Look who benefits each year with pharma, if the flu is spread each year. The profits must be astronomical, on so many different levels in the medical industry.
Because in time we become immune to a specific strain, who do you think has developed different strains, in years past, of the flu in their labs, and then travel to different countries to spread it each year ?
Either way, China must pay. Trump is our only hope.
They helped The Democrats Launch a desperate Bioweapons attack against The White House and Joint Chiefs.
So I decided to post my theory here.
Look up for yourself the amount of pharmaceutical ingredients that China controls.
My theory is that there will be very little traditional strains of flu this year, and in years to come, as long as travel from China is halted.
If there are lesser flu cases, it wont be exclusively due to masks, washing hands, and distancing, though that will be a large factor. Many, if not most on the left, with contribute to that Im sure.
Look who benefits each year with pharma, if the flu is spread each year. The profits must be astronomical, on so many different levels in the medical industry.
Because in time we become immune to a specific strain, who do you think has developed different strains, in years past, of the flu in their labs, and then travel to different countries to spread it each year ?
Either way, China must pay. Trump is our only hope.
I would not put this past them in the least. One day, they will create a virus that will kill them and that there is no cure for. That is one of the 4 horses of The Apocalypse.

So I decided to post my theory here.
Look up for yourself the amount of pharmaceutical ingredients that China controls.
My theory is that there will be very little traditional strains of flu this year, and in years to come, as long as travel from China is halted.
If there are lesser flu cases, it wont be exclusively due to masks, washing hands, and distancing, though that will be a large factor. Many, if not most on the left, with contribute to that Im sure.
Look who benefits each year with pharma, if the flu is spread each year. The profits must be astronomical, on so many different levels in the medical industry.
****Because in time we become immune to a specific strain, who do you think has developed different strains, in years past, of the flu in their labs, and then travel to different countries to spread it each year ?
Either way, China must pay. Trump is our only hope.
You are entitled to your opinion Dog but you are spreading misinformation. Not sure where this theory (this is Hilarious) came from but let me entertain you.
Of course pharmaceutical companies like Gilead here in California maker of Remdesivir
will profits billions but it cost them $100 of millions to develop, R & D, trials, investigation, they also donated $1 billions for 1.5 millions of vials.

**** Name me a virus or any strain that WE human developed a strain to fight these diseases? Like what?

You don’t have any proof that flu is created in their labs.

Flu was here and around the world before a boat or a plane was developed even before Chinese started wearing clothes.
Flu was here even before my fellow Spaniards reach American nations.
So I’m not sure where your theory came from.

China must pay? No China will never pay. We Americans are paying for the price and sufferings caused by an incompetent and inept president.

The Coronavirus came from China but that doesn’t mean we have to act stupid, play dumb and play it down. No big deal don’t worry about it, don’t wear your mask,mask is not good ignore the warnings, they are old and they have underlying illnesses that’s okay they can die. That’s Trump.

Trump is the enemy not China. They should charge him with murders with all these deaths and his failures.
So I decided to post my theory here.
Look up for yourself the amount of pharmaceutical ingredients that China controls.
My theory is that there will be very little traditional strains of flu this year, and in years to come, as long as travel from China is halted.
If there are lesser flu cases, it wont be exclusively due to masks, washing hands, and distancing, though that will be a large factor. Many, if not most on the left, with contribute to that Im sure.
Look who benefits each year with pharma, if the flu is spread each year. The profits must be astronomical, on so many different levels in the medical industry.
Because in time we become immune to a specific strain, who do you think has developed different strains, in years past, of the flu in their labs, and then travel to different countries to spread it each year ?
Either way, China must pay. Trump is our only hope.
They helped The Democrats Launch a desperate Bioweapons attack against The White House and Joint Chiefs.
What is your proof? Any link there bud?
China isn't the enemy.

Trump is.

China is the enemy of America - Trump is the enemy of China - you are the slave of China.

After just witnessing the entire world poisoned by a Chinese virus, why would anyone be a Chinapologist? Why would anyone want to vote for a presidential candidate whose son took millions of dollars from them?

That makes no sense to me at all.
The most likely answer is that he is a traitor pos and worships Tu'er Shen
Both of you stop. You don’t have any proof o any link that you can supply that Hunter got millions from China.
You keep blaming China but you don’t blame your ignorant corrupt dog handling the Pandemic crisis here in US.

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