China is going to rule the world economically, militarily and via global influence. Should the West try to ensure they don't repeat our mistakes?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Clearly, Canada has a massive, unaccountable, soul destroying Security Industrial Complex. Many states in the U.S do as well. Should N America accept the inevitable and work to ensure they don't follow our follies and destroy ther nations soul as we have in some places? I believe this is the position European leaders are taking and for the future of humanity we should probably consider this position as well. Work to usher in a Renaissance Period in China as best as possible for the sake of everyone. They are an old civilization but have never had the type of global power/influence and vast technological advances they have now and will havenin the future.
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China may pass us economically but they have almost five times the population to support

Militarily, they are nowhere close to the US who extends military power around the world and has the worlds most powerful Navy.

They are gaining global influence but not nearly what the Western Powers can put together
China may pass us economically but they have almost five times the population to support

Militarily, they are nowhere close to the US who extends military power around the world and has the worlds most powerful Navy.

They are gaining global influence but not nearly what the Western Powers can put together
I thought this way to one time, I don't anynore. Their advances in A.I are massive, they are attracting top A.I experts while in some places our best and brightest are left behind. They are wiser than us, they sniff out B.S and hold local politicians and govt./unions/con artists to account. The only question remains to be answered "what type of nation will they become after they take the mantle with plenty of distance to spare"? We need to be realistic and ideal. I have learned first hand the character Canada produces, we have to ensure the same doesn't occur there. They seem to be socially on a teeter totter, which way it falls will determine the fate of our species. .They also have a geographical advantage being so close to Europe.
I thought this way to one time, I don't anynore. Their advances in A.I are massive, they are attracting top A.I experts while in some places our best and brightest are left behind. They are wiser than us, they sniff out B.S and hold local politicians and govt./unions/con artists to account. The only question remains to be answered "what type of nation will they become after they take the mantle with plenty of distance to spare"? We need to be realistic and ideal. I have learned first hand the character Canada produces, we have to ensure the same doesn't occur there. They seem to be socially on a teeter totter, which way it falls will determine the fate of our species. .They also have a geographical advantage being so close to Europe.
I think you are overestimating the Chinese. While they don’t have the rampant corruption of Russia, they still have inherent inefficiencies. They still suffer environmentally.

Economically, they have made great strides.
But still have almost five times our population to support.

Their military is not even close
I think you are overestimating the Chinese. While they don’t have the rampant corruption of Russia, they still have inherent inefficiencies. They still suffer environmentally.

Economically, they have made great strides.
But still have almost five times our population to support.

Their military is not even close
Here is a crazy stat that illustrates how far behind Canada is even as your apparatuses seem to admire ours. There are 300,000 Canadians in China while only 110,000 Americans! Think about that. We have 1/10th your population! Just, wow....
I thought this way to one time, I don't anynore. Their advances in A.I are massive, they are attracting top A.I experts while in some places our best and brightest are left behind. They are wiser than us, they sniff out B.S and hold local politicians and govt./unions/con artists to account. The only question remains to be answered "what type of nation will they become after they take the mantle with plenty of distance to spare"? We need to be realistic and ideal. I have learned first hand the character Canada produces, we have to ensure the same doesn't occur there. They seem to be socially on a teeter totter, which way it falls will determine the fate of our species. .They also have a geographical advantage being so close to Europe.
China’s top down system may help them at times but ultimately holds them back

They have an aging population, a disillusioned young generation and a rush to the exit for everyone with a chance go leave
Clearly, Canada has a massive, unaccountable, soul destroying Security Industrial Complex. Many states in the U.S do as well. Should N America accept the inevitable and work to ensure they don't follow our follies and destroy ther nations soul as we have in some places? I believe this is the position European leaders are taking and for the future of humanity we should probably consider this position as well. Work to usher in a Renaissance Period in China as best as possible for the sake of everyone. They are an old civilization but have never had the type of global power/influence and vast technological advances they have now and will havenin the future.
You are literally years behind the experts , as usual , but I would love to hear your wild ideas how "we" ( who exactly is that?) will achieve your miraculous aim .
Will you produce your Cult Leader , to turn water into wine ?
Or , will you write pamphlets and admit that North America has been a complete failure .
I would hate to call your campaign the Tripe and Onions plan , but , with you involved , it is bound to be depressing and cause endless head aches .
China’s top down system may help them at times but ultimately holds them back

They have an aging population, a disillusioned young generation and a rush to the exit for everyone with a chance go leave
Yes, but they are in their infancy as a Global Super Power, where will they be in 25 years? We have hurt ourselves while they have an objective and a patriotism that was once unique to America. Go check out their median income increases over 20 years. Imagi e your salary quadrupiling or more as theirs did?
I lived in China for eight years and still have friends there, most of whom are upset at the backsliding on human rights and once widely expected and hoped for institutional reforms. XiJinping has actually written himself into the Chinese Constitution. Of course farsighted Western policy should aim to “work to usher in a Renaissance Period in China as best as possible for the sake of everyone.”

But how to do that? Western policy toward China has de facto rejected its old long-time “One China” agreements with the CCP. The West is approaching this question as it long approached Ukraine — but Taiwan is in a very different situation. The U.S. is gradually moving toward de facto recognition of Taiwan as an independent state, arming it with weapons, pressuring its high tech companies to stop selling to China and instead abide by U.S. sanctions (though China remains Taiwan’s largest trading partner), etc. These policies are infuriating to most of the Chinese national security apparatus and also strengthen Chinese nationalism and Xi’s grip on power.

This policy, pushed especially in Congress by warmongers and MAGA politicians seeking partisan domestic advantage against a supposedly “soft on China” Biden Administration (to counter Liberal charges that Trump is “pro-Putin”) will likely have devastating long-term effects.

It is one thing to highlight Taiwanese democracy and the advantages of such a system for the Mainland as well, it is another to imagine the U.S. can or should try to turn Taiwan into another Ukraine.

I don’t want to get into the issue of China’s overall economic advances and its real threats to a Western unipolar neo-liberal capitalist order. These threats exist, but the greater threat to our own democracy comes from our increasing national disunion and the growing threat of civil war, which some irresponsible rightwing populist forces encourage.

Despite our country’s many serious problems, our own “rule of law” and threatened but very real and very broad democratic rights do still appeal to tens of millions in China. They observe us and Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and Western Europe, and most envy our system and our personal freedoms. Of course they are still mostly more interested in improving their material lives, and understandably fear to be politically outspoken. While the Chinese nation has worked hard and experienced incredible improvements over the last two generations, most Chinese know full well that their average standard of living still falls far behind our own — even if their cities are safer.

China’s ruling Communist Party and its people certainly do not seek war with the U.S.A. CCP leaders also do not seek to push their own rather unique hybrid system of government & economy on others. Nevertheless, the mere size of the Chinese economy & internal market, prevailing corruption in China, its weird one man & one party dictatorship, and its increasing technological prowess … all pose a challenge to our previous position as “top dog” arbiter of the fate of the planet & of its future direction of development. China often offers developing countries much need capital investment, markets and cheaper products, even in South America.
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I lived in China for eight years and still have friends there, most of whom are upset at the backsliding on human rights and once widely expected and hoped for institutional reforms. XiJinping has actually written himself into the Chinese Constitution. Of course farsighted Western policy should aim to “work to usher in a Renaissance Period in China as best as possible for the sake of everyone.”

But how to do that? Western policy toward China has de facto rejected its old long-time “One China” agreements with the CCP. The West is approach8ng this question as it long approached Ukraine — but Taiwan is in a very different situation. The U.S. is gradually moving toward de facto recognition of Taiwan as an independent state, arming it with weapons, pressuring its high tech companies to stop selling to China and instead abide by U.S. sanctions (though China remains Taiwan’s largest trading partner), etc. These policies are infuriating to most of the Chinese national security apparatus and also strengthen Chinese nationalism and Xi’s grip on power.

This policy, pushed especially in Congress by warmongers and MAGA politicians seeking partisan domestic advantage against a supposedly “soft on China” Biden Administration (to counter Liberal charges that Trump is “pro-Putin”) will likely have devastating long-term effects.

It is one thing to highlight Taiwanese democracy and the advantages of such a system for the Mainland as well, it is another to imagine the U.S. can or should try to turn Taiwan into another Ukraine.

I don’t want to get into the issue of China’s overall economic advances and its real threats to a Western unipolar neo-liberal capitalist order. These threats exist, but the greater threat to our own democracy comes from increasing national disunion and the threat of civil war, which irresponsible rightwing populist forces have encouraged.

Despite our country’s many serious problems, our own “rule of law” and threatened but very real and very broad democratic rights do still appeal to tens of millions in China. They observe us and Taiwan, South Korea, Japan and Western Europe, and most envy our system and our personal freedoms. Of course they are still mostly more interested in improving their material lives. While the Chine natopion have experienced incredible improvements over the last two generations, most Chinese know full well that their average standard of living still fall far behind our own — even if their cities are safer.

China’s ruling Communist Party and its people certainly do not seek war with the U.S.A., and their leaders also do not seek to push their own rather unique hybrid system of government & economy on others.
Decent points. The civil war you speak of isn't just from the MAGAs. Classic liberalism, like classic conservativism has been perverted and needs to get back in line with tradtional concepts. The reason for Chinas move to.Xi probably had a great deal to do with China seeing a weak America and wanting to capitalize. He influenced the Party to support him.the goal of leading China into a dominating position. Also, I bet Russia was sharing deceptive lies to scare China. Let's not forget that Xi took power under Obama. Just a.few months later he started to build artificial islands,.sensing weakness and obedience in the West. The world saw this too.
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Ever heard the saying that "China is the world power of tomorrow... and always will be"
You have a very defeatist attitude

China is unlikely to rule the world
To me it looks like China will just buy the world.

We have an excess of greedily politicians in our nation who are more than willing to sell their influence to China for cash. Other nations are just as corrupt or more corrupt than our nation is.
Save China from repeating our mistakes??

Are you serious, Bub?

West can't even save itself. C'mon, Bub.

lightfoot hell.jpg
Clearly, Canada has a massive, unaccountable, soul destroying Security Industrial Complex. Many states in the U.S do as well. Should N America accept the inevitable and work to ensure they don't follow our follies and destroy ther nations soul as we have in some places? I believe this is the position European leaders are taking and for the future of humanity we should probably consider this position as well. Work to usher in a Renaissance Period in China as best as possible for the sake of everyone. They are an old civilization but have never had the type of global power/influence and vast technological advances they have now and will havenin the future.
I view China as an unstable, 3-legged stool. The legs being the Party, the military, and the people. As long as their economy is growing the people will be quiet but that can't last since the tremendous growth of the past can't continue. Eventually their corrupt, one-party rule will become increasingly unpopular but will have trouble adapting. I see a dramatic revolution on their horizon, hopefully it will be peaceful but...

I think India will eclipse China and the US to become a super power.
I view China as an unstable, 3-legged stool. The legs being the Party, the military, and the people. As long as their economy is growing the people will be quiet but that can't last since the tremendous growth of the past can't continue. Eventually their corrupt, one-party rule will become increasingly unpopular but will have trouble adapting. I see a dramatic revolution on their horizon, hopefully it will be peaceful but...

I think India will eclipse China and the US to become a super power.
India is too far behind and is even more corrupt. China has wisely built infrastructure, India lacks these basic amenities.

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