China Is Trying to Avoid Blame by Trolling the World

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The evidence of China’s deliberate cover-up of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan is a matter of public record. In suppressing information about the virus, doing little to contain it, and allowing it to spread unchecked in the crucial early days and weeks, the regime imperiled not only its own country and its own citizens but also the more than 100 nations now facing their own potentially devastating outbreaks. More perniciously, the Chinese government censored and detained those brave doctors and whistleblowers who attempted to sound the alarm and warn their fellow citizens when they understood the gravity of what was to come.

Some American commentators and Democratic politicians are aghast at Donald Trump and Republicans for referring to the pandemic as the “Wuhan virus” and repeatedly pointing to China as the source of the pandemic. In naming the disease COVID-19, the World Health Organization specifically avoided mentioning Wuhan. Yet in de-emphasizing where the epidemic began (something China has been aggressively pushing for), we run the risk of obscuring Beijing’s role in letting the disease spread beyond its borders.

China has a history of mishandling outbreaks, including SARS in 2002 and 2003. But Chinese leaders’ negligence in December and January—for well over a month after the first outbreak in Wuhan—far surpasses those bungled responses. The end of last year was the time for authorities to act, and, as Nicholas D. Kristof of The New York Times has noted, “act decisively they did—not against the virus, but against whistle-blowers who were trying to call attention to the public health threat.” More by Shadi Hamid

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Don’t know about you, but I’m gonna be looking for some payback from the ChiComs when the dust settles. Big time!!!!!
Don’t know about you, but I’m gonna be looking for some payback from the ChiComs when the dust settles. Big time!!!!!
We have been at loggerheads with them for a long time now...I would call for going to war with them but they make all of our weapons....:dunno:
The evidence of China’s deliberate cover-up of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan is a matter of public record. In suppressing information about the virus, doing little to contain it, and allowing it to spread unchecked in the crucial early days and weeks, the regime imperiled not only its own country and its own citizens but also the more than 100 nations now facing their own potentially devastating outbreaks. More perniciously, the Chinese government censored and detained those brave doctors and whistleblowers who attempted to sound the alarm and warn their fellow citizens when they understood the gravity of what was to come.

Some American commentators and Democratic politicians are aghast at Donald Trump and Republicans for referring to the pandemic as the “Wuhan virus” and repeatedly pointing to China as the source of the pandemic. In naming the disease COVID-19, the World Health Organization specifically avoided mentioning Wuhan. Yet in de-emphasizing where the epidemic began (something China has been aggressively pushing for), we run the risk of obscuring Beijing’s role in letting the disease spread beyond its borders.

China has a history of mishandling outbreaks, including SARS in 2002 and 2003. But Chinese leaders’ negligence in December and January—for well over a month after the first outbreak in Wuhan—far surpasses those bungled responses. The end of last year was the time for authorities to act, and, as Nicholas D. Kristof of The New York Times has noted, “act decisively they did—not against the virus, but against whistle-blowers who were trying to call attention to the public health threat.” More by Shadi Hamid

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Don’t know about you, but I’m gonna be looking for some payback from the ChiComs when the dust settles. Big time!!!!!
Sounds like China handled this outbreak quite well. Today as America announced the number of new cases doubled in 24 hours, China is celebrating the 1st day of no new cases. Within weeks China will be back to business as usual as American and Europe slip into recession. No wonder people are making up all kinds of shit to discredit the Chinese. They have triumph where America and Europe are failing in their fight against the virus.
The evidence of China’s deliberate cover-up of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan is a matter of public record. In suppressing information about the virus, doing little to contain it, and allowing it to spread unchecked in the crucial early days and weeks, the regime imperiled not only its own country and its own citizens but also the more than 100 nations now facing their own potentially devastating outbreaks. More perniciously, the Chinese government censored and detained those brave doctors and whistleblowers who attempted to sound the alarm and warn their fellow citizens when they understood the gravity of what was to come.

Some American commentators and Democratic politicians are aghast at Donald Trump and Republicans for referring to the pandemic as the “Wuhan virus” and repeatedly pointing to China as the source of the pandemic. In naming the disease COVID-19, the World Health Organization specifically avoided mentioning Wuhan. Yet in de-emphasizing where the epidemic began (something China has been aggressively pushing for), we run the risk of obscuring Beijing’s role in letting the disease spread beyond its borders.

China has a history of mishandling outbreaks, including SARS in 2002 and 2003. But Chinese leaders’ negligence in December and January—for well over a month after the first outbreak in Wuhan—far surpasses those bungled responses. The end of last year was the time for authorities to act, and, as Nicholas D. Kristof of The New York Times has noted, “act decisively they did—not against the virus, but against whistle-blowers who were trying to call attention to the public health threat.” More by Shadi Hamid

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Don’t know about you, but I’m gonna be looking for some payback from the ChiComs when the dust settles. Big time!!!!!
Sounds like China handled this outbreak quite well. Today as America announced the number of new cases doubled in 24 hours, China is celebrating the 1st day of no new cases. Within weeks China will be back to business as usual as American and Europe slip into recession. No wonder people are making up all kinds of shit to discredit the Chinese. They have triumph where America and Europe are failing in their fight against the virus.
Yes they handled it so well it almost appears as if they planned it, including the acceptable losses of their own people.
Today as America announced the number of new cases doubled in 24 hours, China is celebrating the 1st day of no new cases.
You believe this, why, because they said it?

Didn't have to be reported?


China has the benefit of not having saboteurs and seditionists determined to bring ruin to China. We do.
The evidence of China’s deliberate cover-up of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan is a matter of public record. In suppressing information about the virus, doing little to contain it, and allowing it to spread unchecked in the crucial early days and weeks, the regime imperiled not only its own country and its own citizens but also the more than 100 nations now facing their own potentially devastating outbreaks. More perniciously, the Chinese government censored and detained those brave doctors and whistleblowers who attempted to sound the alarm and warn their fellow citizens when they understood the gravity of what was to come.

Some American commentators and Democratic politicians are aghast at Donald Trump and Republicans for referring to the pandemic as the “Wuhan virus” and repeatedly pointing to China as the source of the pandemic. In naming the disease COVID-19, the World Health Organization specifically avoided mentioning Wuhan. Yet in de-emphasizing where the epidemic began (something China has been aggressively pushing for), we run the risk of obscuring Beijing’s role in letting the disease spread beyond its borders.

China has a history of mishandling outbreaks, including SARS in 2002 and 2003. But Chinese leaders’ negligence in December and January—for well over a month after the first outbreak in Wuhan—far surpasses those bungled responses. The end of last year was the time for authorities to act, and, as Nicholas D. Kristof of The New York Times has noted, “act decisively they did—not against the virus, but against whistle-blowers who were trying to call attention to the public health threat.” More by Shadi Hamid

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Don’t know about you, but I’m gonna be looking for some payback from the ChiComs when the dust settles. Big time!!!!!
Sounds like China handled this outbreak quite well. Today as America announced the number of new cases doubled in 24 hours, China is celebrating the 1st day of no new cases. Within weeks China will be back to business as usual as American and Europe slip into recession. No wonder people are making up all kinds of shit to discredit the Chinese. They have triumph where America and Europe are failing in their fight against the virus.

Wow, I guess you missed the part where China is bracing for a second round of the virus because of international travelers that have tested positive?

Also they have the virus under control after they allowed it to spread around the World and denied it was a Pandemic?

Nice to see you spin it poorly in China favor!
You have best read the timeline.
China is not our enemy, but because tramp calls them that, it must be so.

You know everyone is our enemy according to trampers.
Is there any country you guys like???

Timeline of the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic in November 2019 – January 2020 - Wikipedia

China is not our enemy?

Since when?

Care to explain why China had the doctor that notified the World about the virus arrested?

Care to explain why China refused help from the United States of America when the virus first broke out?

Care to explain why China allowed thousands of infected people to travel internationally while knowing the virus spreads like wildfire?

I bet you will not and just lie because you know China is our enemy!
Jesus............the ATLANTIC............a leftist RAG site......

The reason China has done so that they are Communists.......and used Draconian measures to force people to isolate for weeks......

Come out side and we will shoot you dead ......stay in your bed.

We learned that the Globalist need to go screw themselves.....and we need to manufacture or OWN PRODUCTS especially in Pharma...Tariff their asses to oblivian.........and produce our own goods through automation.
You have best read the timeline.
China is not our enemy, but because tramp calls them that, it must be so.

You know everyone is our enemy according to trampers.
Is there any country you guys like???

Timeline of the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic in November 2019 – January 2020 - Wikipedia

China is not our enemy?

Since when?

Care to explain why China had the doctor that notified the World about the virus arrested?

Care to explain why China refused help from the United States of America when the virus first broke out?

Care to explain why China allowed thousands of infected people to travel internationally while knowing the virus spreads like wildfire?

I bet you will not and just lie because you know China is our enemy!

You trampers hate everyone. You trampers thrive on hate.
Jesus............the ATLANTIC............a leftist RAG site......

The reason China has done so that they are Communists.......and used Draconian measures to force people to isolate for weeks......

Come out side and we will shoot you dead ......stay in your bed.

We learned that the Globalist need to go screw themselves.....and we need to manufacture or OWN PRODUCTS especially in Pharma...Tariff their asses to oblivian.........and produce our own goods through automation.

I remember well how tramp said it was no big thing, and called it a democratic hoax, and you blame the Chinese.
Jesus............the ATLANTIC............a leftist RAG site......

The reason China has done so that they are Communists.......and used Draconian measures to force people to isolate for weeks......

Come out side and we will shoot you dead ......stay in your bed.

We learned that the Globalist need to go screw themselves.....and we need to manufacture or OWN PRODUCTS especially in Pharma...Tariff their asses to oblivian.........and produce our own goods through automation.

I remember well how tramp said it was no big thing, and called it a democratic hoax, and you blame the Chinese.
He was trying to Calm the storm from Lunatics like you.........Who have been screaming the sky is falling for 3 years........The Narrative of the left..........aka that Trump has failed miserably at you ignore that he has done far more than Obama did in 2009, and went against the advice of WHO and the experts to buy us time.

I do not blame the Chinese for our STUPIDITY.......And that Stupidity was and is to allow the Globalist, and politicians who would sell their mother for a dollar to make us DEPENDENT on Chinese Manufacturing.

That is a clear and present danger to this country.........We need to produce our own products.....ESPECIALLY in the Pharma area.

China is NOT OUR FRIEND..............they are making strides in Military tech BY STEALING THE TECH....and using this to improve their military to possibly one day kill Americans......

Their initial handling...........HIDING INFORMATION......was BS.....

Their DRACONIAN measures to stop it there..........well it seems to have worked but we will not put a gun to people's head here to make them stay home....

So this thing will run it's course.
The evidence of China’s deliberate cover-up of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan is a matter of public record. In suppressing information about the virus, doing little to contain it, and allowing it to spread unchecked in the crucial early days and weeks, the regime imperiled not only its own country and its own citizens but also the more than 100 nations now facing their own potentially devastating outbreaks. More perniciously, the Chinese government censored and detained those brave doctors and whistleblowers who attempted to sound the alarm and warn their fellow citizens when they understood the gravity of what was to come.

Some American commentators and Democratic politicians are aghast at Donald Trump and Republicans for referring to the pandemic as the “Wuhan virus” and repeatedly pointing to China as the source of the pandemic. In naming the disease COVID-19, the World Health Organization specifically avoided mentioning Wuhan. Yet in de-emphasizing where the epidemic began (something China has been aggressively pushing for), we run the risk of obscuring Beijing’s role in letting the disease spread beyond its borders.

China has a history of mishandling outbreaks, including SARS in 2002 and 2003. But Chinese leaders’ negligence in December and January—for well over a month after the first outbreak in Wuhan—far surpasses those bungled responses. The end of last year was the time for authorities to act, and, as Nicholas D. Kristof of The New York Times has noted, “act decisively they did—not against the virus, but against whistle-blowers who were trying to call attention to the public health threat.” More by Shadi Hamid

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Don’t know about you, but I’m gonna be looking for some payback from the ChiComs when the dust settles. Big time!!!!!
Sounds like China handled this outbreak quite well. Today as America announced the number of new cases doubled in 24 hours, China is celebrating the 1st day of no new cases. Within weeks China will be back to business as usual as American and Europe slip into recession. No wonder people are making up all kinds of shit to discredit the Chinese. They have triumph where America and Europe are failing in their fight against the virus.
Paid Chicom troll sez wha?
You have best read the timeline.
China is not our enemy, but because tramp calls them that, it must be so.

You know everyone is our enemy according to trampers.
Is there any country you guys like???

Timeline of the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic in November 2019 – January 2020 - Wikipedia

China is not our enemy?

Since when?

Care to explain why China had the doctor that notified the World about the virus arrested?

Care to explain why China refused help from the United States of America when the virus first broke out?

Care to explain why China allowed thousands of infected people to travel internationally while knowing the virus spreads like wildfire?

I bet you will not and just lie because you know China is our enemy!

You trampers hate everyone. You trampers thrive on hate.

See this is what I love is when idiots like you write such asinine bullshit and then cry about being attacked back.

First off noron I never voted for Trump and have a long record bashing Trump. Yes, at times I will defend him from idiots like you that try to spin reality to what you want to believe, so I am not a damn Trumpster but you have proven you are a blooming idiot!

Second, China was our enemy when Obama was President, so what Changed Penelope?

I will tell you what Changed and the fact Trump is President and moronic trash like you love to blame Trump for China failures!

Finally, isn't funny you could not answer my questions and why?

Simple, you know the only reason you are defending China is because of your hatred for Trump... Your pathetic hatred make you blind to reality and that is sad because as I have stated for two decades China is not our Friend and never will be!

Now if you believe they are now but they were not our friend when Obama President then that should explain how retarded you truly are!
Jesus............the ATLANTIC............a leftist RAG site......

The reason China has done so that they are Communists.......and used Draconian measures to force people to isolate for weeks......

Come out side and we will shoot you dead ......stay in your bed.

We learned that the Globalist need to go screw themselves.....and we need to manufacture or OWN PRODUCTS especially in Pharma...Tariff their asses to oblivian.........and produce our own goods through automation.

I remember well how tramp said it was no big thing, and called it a democratic hoax, and you blame the Chinese.


So you excuse China failure to contain a Pandemic because of Donald John Trump comments?

It is Trump fault that China hid information and did not cooperate with the WHO when they ( China ) learned about the Virus that turned into a Pandemic?

You blame Trump for China arrest of the Doctor that blew the Whistle on the Virus?

You blame Trump for the fact that China allowed infected people to travel internationally?


I bet if Obama or Hillary or Biden were President you would be blaming China like I would but you are such a hateful individual and a partisan hack you blame Trump!
Retaliating against a country over a disease is the height of stupidity.

It would also set a precedent which would come back and bite us one day.

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