China-Russia anti U.S.A sanctions upon North Korea.


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
Well, at least all those jobs we sent to China, helped build up a friendship, eh?
(Rolls eyes)

US runs into opposition from Russia, China on North Korea sanctions - CNNPolitics

US runs into opposition from Russia, China on North Korea sanctions

By Nicole Gaouette, CNN

Updated 5:04 PM ET, Thu September 27, 2018

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The Chinese foreign minister, after praising US engagement with North Korea and in particular the announcement that Trump will hold a second summit with Kim, suggested the Trump administration give North Korea something it has long sought: an official end to hostilities between the two countries.
"A timely declaration of an end of war ... would help build basic trust, further facilitate denuclearization and put in place [conditions] for a final peace accord," said Wang Yi.
"In China's view, a political and wise decision must be made."

Trump claims (without evidence) Obama nearly launched war with North Korea

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that steps by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, including the dismantling of nuclear sites and a cessation in weapons and missile testing, should be followed by an easing of sanctions.
"It is unacceptable for sanctions against the DPRK to become an instrument of collective punishment," Lavrov said, according to UN translators. "Against a backdrop of readiness of Pyongyang to cooperate ... it seems inappropriate and untimely when our Western partners have imposed a course of tightening sanctions against Pyongyang."
Pompeo outlined a few of the sanctions violations the US has become aware of. He noted that North Korea had breached a UN-mandated cap on petroleum imports through smuggling and that its coal exports, which fund its weapons programs are continuing.
He also noted that some Security Council members were violating a UN resolution that barred the use of North Korean workers, a possible reference to Russia and to China, both of which have used large numbers of North Korean workers in the past.

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