China To Ban All Coal Use In Beijing

Mr. H, note the slope of the graph. I'll bet that by 2025, the slope will be downhill. And, yes, natural gas will be part of that. But alternatives will probably be the major part. For that is where the future lies.
Mr. H, note the slope of the graph. I'll bet that by 2025, the slope will be downhill. And, yes, natural gas will be part of that. But alternatives will probably be the major part. For that is where the future lies.

Alternatives aren't even the "major part" in the U.S., and China is a lot bigger.
Mr. h you stole my thunder

China's Growing Coal Use Is World's Growing Problem | Climate Central

This thread is indicative of so many arguments on the message boards, the circular thinking that is manifest in these forums. The issue is not who has the most solar panels, or windmills or whatever but who has the cleanest air. Who is doing the most to reduce their polluting footprint on the planet. The china cheerers seem more interested in trashing the us than arguing the facts. China today is increasing pollution and the us is decreasing its pollution output. Our air is orders of magnitude cleaner than China's so it is not the us that has to catch up to china but china that has to catch up to the us
The fastest way to clean the air in China is to supplant coal with natural gas.
It worked for the U.S.

The air was already clean before natural gas became popular. Modern coal fired power plants are extremely clean. What you see coming out of the smoke stack is almost entirely water vapor, not smoke.
The fastest way to clean the air in China is to supplant coal with natural gas.
It worked for the U.S.

The air was already clean before natural gas became popular. Modern coal fired power plants are extremely clean. What you see coming out of the smoke stack is almost entirely water vapor, not smoke.
Ok thanks for that. But for the sake of semantics, U.S. carbon emissions are at a 20 year low primarily for the fact that coal combustion is being replaced with natural gas combustion.

As an aside, Liberals could even give a shit about this because they oppose hydraulic fracturing which has unlocked vast amounts of reserves.
If I was the president of China I'd replace the coal with nuclear, solar, wind and tidal. Maybe half of the coal I'd replace would be nuclear.

'Green' nuclear energy.
Thorium - China's investing billions in thorium and expects to be up and running within about 10 years.

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