China triggers growing fears for US military


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
1,938 quixkly things have changed.....not that long ago and you could not find any liberal that recognized the reality of what China was up to.....all they wanted to talk about was Russia.

What happened to the morons on here who claimed China was no threat to anyone? quixkly things have changed.....not that long ago and you could not find any liberal that recognized the reality of what China was up to.....all they wanted to talk about was Russia.

What happened to the morons on here who claimed China was no threat to anyone?

The only triggering I see comes from the right when China is mentioned. The truth is that the US military has little to fear from China, despite what the gloom and doom crowd has to say.
The real issue is it may not be a ground war but a larger one.
I do not think China wants a nuclear war....They have said they would not be the first one to use nukes....unfortunately they have no credibility.....look at how they lied to the U.K, in order to get them out of Hong-Kong peacefully.

At this point I think they want 3big humiliate America in a limited military engagement, get us out of the S. China Sea and to take control of Taiwan.

What they are doing...the buildup and all to insure if there is a Nuclear War.....they will win it.

Mao had a fear of nukes....ever since he felt threatened by them in the Korean War....Mac wanted to nuke his ass.

Thus China has been preparing for a Nuclear War for a very long time.....a massive underground city under Bejing...designed to withstand a nuclear attack and with supplies to last for a long least until the nuclear fallout has mostly blown away.

It was talked about a few years back....have heard no mention of it in awhile.

Of all the nations...they are the ones most likely to survive nuclear war if it comes. quixkly things have changed.....not that long ago and you could not find any liberal that recognized the reality of what China was up to.....all they wanted to talk about was Russia.

What happened to the morons on here who claimed China was no threat to anyone?

China does not rate a Cold War of the order we simmered with the Soviets. What China does rate is a preemptive strike to set them back a few decades or regime change.
China does not rate a Cold War of the order we simmered with the Soviets. What China does rate is a preemptive strike to set them back a few decades or regime change.
The time for that has long passed.

Back in the sixties when China had just acquired Nuclear capabiity....Russia tried to get America to join thrm for an attack to wipe out Chinas nuclear capability....we refused because at that time we still considered Russia enemy #1 and we wanted to play the so called 'china card' against russia.
The Hypersonic and Stealth Tech are more of a Concern... While the Dems were playing Impeach Trump because we don't want to get prosecuted for Money Laundering in Ukraine..........Ukraine gave engine tech to China that basically SAVED CHINA'S Stealth fighter program. Their jet engines were failing before they got it from the Ukraine.

Nice job leftist...........Also they have been building small fast ships equipped with cruise missile Ship killers..............Building a bunch so their losses going in will not matter............Causing the Navy to rethink strategies.
Our military doesn't have time to deal with any of the China issues.
They are more concerned with 'woke' protocols these days.

Biden and his administration are only worried about forcing people to get a vaccine, propping up blacks and trannies, renaming things so the .03% of the population won't be offended, taxing us and flooding our country with illegals.

Those are his only priorities.

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