China's handling of COVID-19


Diamond Member
May 21, 2011
FYI - my son posted this on facebook:
I keep seeing a lot of people praising China for the way it handled the COVID-19 epidemic. Setting aside the initial coverup, I am skeptical that most people saying this actually understand what China's methods were. In Wuhan, China's solution was to put everyone suspected of having the virus into mass quarantine centers. This included anyone found to have a fever, anyone with a cough, anyone who had close contact with an infected person, homeless people, people who refused to wear masks, and so on. Many of them were never tested and many of them were likely not even sick before they were quarantined. China has also implemented a vast surveillance system for tracking everyone's movements, supposedly to track down anyone who might have been in contact with an infected person. I can't even leave my apartment without having my identity and location verified using an app on my cell phone several times before I make it home. China is already using this infrastructure to track down political dissidents, monitor oppressed minority groups, and prevent anyone from speaking out. China watchers are saying that it's unlikely to go away after things return to normal.

If you really want to emulate other countries, look to South Korea, Singapore, Japan, and Taiwan. They've proven that it's possible to control the spread of the virus without forcing everyone into mass quarantine centers. Social distancing, testing, and selective quarantines are more than enough to do the job.
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How are those things unavailable to China?

I asked about that as well. He said it was a bad edit and changed it to: 'They've proven that it's possible to control the spread of the virus without forcing everyone into mass quarantine centers. Social distancing, testing, and selective quarantines are more than enough to do the job."
...and COVID-19 is the perfect excuse / cover for making Party opposition disappear.....'quarantined and succumbed to COVID-19' ... or just simply disappear, as the outspoken billionaire recently did. Just sayin'....

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