Chinese Communist Party burning virus victims while they are still alive

I am with the Americans and not with his Chinese barbarians the things that I saw on the net about their "culture" would make vomit the strongest men on earth.

Respectfully, what you read on the internet about Chinese culture being “barbarian” is often just a “bizarro world” projection of the West’s own barbarism. When China fought the West to stop the Opium trade, even then it was China that was called “barbarian.” Their ancient culture is different, much less individualistic, but hardly “barbarian.” Of course China’s political system is also much more authoritarian and bureaucratic than our own — maybe that is what you find repulsive? China does not argue that the West should adopt its system, however. It knows full well that is impossible.
I am with the Americans and not with his Chinese barbarians the things that I saw on the net about their "culture" would make vomit the strongest men on earth.

Respectfully, what you read on the internet about Chinese culture being “barbarian” is often just a “bizarro world” projection of the West’s own barbarism. When China fought the West to stop the Opium trade, even then it was China that was called “barbarian.” Their ancient culture is different, much less individualistic, but hardly “barbarian.” Of course China’s political system is also much more authoritarian and bureaucratic than our own — maybe that is what you find repulsive? China does not argue that the West should adopt its system, however. It knows full well that is impossible.
No, you have not seen and I will not show anything here, I tell you that they are disgusting beings, they are barbarians and men like women.
I am with the Americans and not with his Chinese barbarians the things that I saw on the net about their "culture" would make vomit the strongest men on earth.

Respectfully, what you read on the internet about Chinese culture being “barbarian” is often just a “bizarro world” projection of the West’s own barbarism. When China fought the West to stop the Opium trade, even then it was China that was called “barbarian.” Their ancient culture is different, much less individualistic, but hardly “barbarian.” Of course China’s political system is also much more authoritarian and bureaucratic than our own — maybe that is what you find repulsive? China does not argue that the West should adopt its system, however. It knows full well that is impossible.
No, you have not seen and I will not show anything here, I tell you that they are disgusting beings, they are barbarians and men like women

Good to see someone who really understands the nature of China......sadly our liberals side with China due to their indoctrination in the university saturated with liberal/radical ;professors .
It is like writing a headline “Democratic Party killing ... babies ... alive,”
They do that. Do you dispute it?


The decision on whether or not to have an abortion is made by INDIVIDUAL WOMEN, usually with their husbands' and families' support. Not the Democratic Party, but the THE WOMAN DIRECTLY EFFECTED makes the hard personal decision on whether she should have a child. And she makes that decision knowing she has a right to make it under the law.

It is YOU who want to make everything partisan, when this difficult and often morally complex decision is profoundly PERSONAL.
The CCP has been decieving the western world since its very beginning.....and is still doing it.

I dont know why they didnt mention the bill of rights before they were shoved into the oven ...cause it applies to all men

hehheh as Ihave said before the constitution is just a piece of paper.....unless we have someone in power willing to enforce it....which we did not have in those 8 long years of the obama administration....if the constitution had been enforced---since he was not a natural born citizen ---he would not have been able to run for the presidency.
Pretty weak anecdotal evidence. Even Commies would administer a quick bullet to the head or a hot shot rather than incinerating living people.

They just swooped in and took everyone to the incenerator ...they cared not if some of them were still clinging to life....they piled them all in a bunch and burnt them....using chinese logic....they were going to die anyway.

Some on here sorely need to get edumacated regrding most especially the Chinese Communist P:arty and their horrendous value for life or liberty. These are the animals the liberals coy up to.....perhaps because they are of a kindred spirit?
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Good to see someone who really understands the nature of China......sadly our liberals side with China due to their indoctrination in the university saturated with liberal/radical ;professors .

Look, you little racist punk, you know NOTHING about China and Chinese people besides what you read in the rightwing press!

I, on the other hand, after retiring from a blue-collar job, lived and studied in China for 8 years -- where I lived among ordinary Chinese and met all sorts of people. I didn't love living in China. It's a tough place to love. Its political system is easy to despise. But I LEARNED.

YOU on the contrary have shown (in your comments on the Civil Rights struggles of African Americans for example) that you haven't even un-learned your own deep prejudices about your OWN country, about its history, or about our people.
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Pretty weak anecdotal evidence. Even Commies would administer a quick bullet to the head or a hot shot rather than incinerating living people.

They just swooped in and took everyone to the incenerator ...they cared not if some of them were still clinging to life....they piled them all in a bunch and killed them....using chinese logic....they were going to die anyway.

Some on here sorely need to get edumacated regrding most especially the Chinese Communist P:arty and their horrendous value for life or liberty. These are the animals the liberals coy up to.....perhaps because they are of a kindred spirit?
They have no feelings, no souls they burn people alive like they eat living animals
Pretty weak anecdotal evidence. Even Commies would administer a quick bullet to the head or a hot shot rather than incinerating living people.

They just swooped in and took everyone to the incenerator ...they cared not if some of them were still clinging to life....they piled them all in a bunch and killed them....using chinese logic....they were going to die anyway.

Some on here sorely need to get edumacated regrding most especially the Chinese Communist P:arty and their horrendous value for life or liberty. These are the animals the liberals coy up to.....perhaps because they are of a kindred spirit?
They have no feelings, no souls they burn people alive like they eat living animals

Anyone who wants to learn about the Chinese Communists should read ...."Mao....the Untold Story"

by Jung Chang and Jon Halliday

Here you go, let us see democrats and their evil media spin this barbarity.....
Locals in Wuhan, where the Chinese coronavirus pandemic originated, have heard screams coming from funeral home furnaces, and some treated in hospitals say they saw workers put living coronavirus patients in body bags, Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported on Monday.

RFA noted that it could not independently verify that the Chinese Communist Party was burning coronavirus patients alive, nor has the Communist Party confirmed or denied the rumors. Yet the rumors persist that, to make room for new patients in Wuhan’s overcrowded hospitals, medical staff chose older patients less likely to survive the infection and shipped them to incinerators while they were still alive and conscious.

RFA quoted a source “close to the funeral industry” identified only as Ma who said that he had heard reports of “people restrained and forced into body bags when they were still moving.”

“Some people are saying that … there are video clips of screams coming from funeral homes, from inside the furnaces … which tells us that some people were taken to the funeral homes while they were still alive,” Ma added.

Ma also noted the existence of video testimony from an anonymous older woman who had been treated at a Wuhan hospital, presumably for Chinese coronavirus.

“One old lady was saying that they put one guy into … a body bag when he wasn’t even dead yet, and took him off to the crematorium because there was no way of saving him,” Ma told RFA.

Video of an older woman speaking anonymously to a camera began circulating on social media in February in which she said she witnessed a patient next to her at a Wuhan hospital stuffed into a body bag while still alive.

“He’s not dead, his feet and hands are still moving,” the woman says, “[They] wrapped him in a plastic body bag and zipped it up.”

According to New Tang Dynasty, a broadcaster affiliated with the persecuted Chinese Falun Gong movement, the woman spoke with a Wuhan accent, suggesting she was a native of the central Chinese city.

The report is based on rumors and states so in article, yet you take it as the truth?

Damn mark hemingway is a whiny little prick.

I don't what the point of posted the article is...
Good to see someone who really understands the nature of China......sadly our liberals side with China due to their indoctrination in the university saturated with liberal/radical ;professors .

Look, you little racist punk, you know NOTHING about China and Chinese people besides what you read in the rightwing press!

I, on the other hand, after retiring from a blue-collar job, lived and studied in China for 8 years -- where I lived among ordinary Chinese and met all sorts of people. I didn't love living in China. It's a tough place to love. Its political system is easy to despise. But I LEARNED.

YOU on the contrary have shown (in your comments on the Civil Rights struggles of African Americans for example) that you haven't even un-learned your own deep prejudices about your OWN country, about its history, or about our people.
So call me a racist too ok, have you been in the wild markets maybe? in Chinese restaurants where they serve you the "menu" which is not French-style, what do they serve you ? a dog ? a snake? but wait it's not over, they eat the live animals. so I don't really like this kind of cultures .
Good to see someone who really understands the nature of China......sadly our liberals side with China due to their indoctrination in the university saturated with liberal/radical ;professors .

Look, you little racist punk, you know NOTHING about China and Chinese people besides what you read in the rightwing press!

I, on the other hand, after retiring from a blue-collar job, lived and studied in China for 8 years -- where I lived among ordinary Chinese and met all sorts of people. I didn't love living in China. It's a tough place to love. Its political system is easy to despise. But I LEARNED.

YOU on the contrary have shown (in your comments on the Civil Rights struggles of African Americans for example) that you haven't even un-learned your own deep prejudices about your OWN country, about its history, or about our people.
So call me a racist too ok, have you been in the wild markets maybe? in Chinese restaurants where they serve you the "menu" which is not French-style, what do they serve you ? a dog ? a snake? but wait it's not over, they eat the live animals. so I don't really like this kind of cultures .

I put him on ignore....a waste of time. Typical liberal.
Here you go, let us see democrats and their evil media spin this barbarity.....
Locals in Wuhan, where the Chinese coronavirus pandemic originated, have heard screams coming from funeral home furnaces, and some treated in hospitals say they saw workers put living coronavirus patients in body bags, Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported on Monday.

RFA noted that it could not independently verify that the Chinese Communist Party was burning coronavirus patients alive, nor has the Communist Party confirmed or denied the rumors. Yet the rumors persist that, to make room for new patients in Wuhan’s overcrowded hospitals, medical staff chose older patients less likely to survive the infection and shipped them to incinerators while they were still alive and conscious.

RFA quoted a source “close to the funeral industry” identified only as Ma who said that he had heard reports of “people restrained and forced into body bags when they were still moving.”

“Some people are saying that … there are video clips of screams coming from funeral homes, from inside the furnaces … which tells us that some people were taken to the funeral homes while they were still alive,” Ma added.

Ma also noted the existence of video testimony from an anonymous older woman who had been treated at a Wuhan hospital, presumably for Chinese coronavirus.

“One old lady was saying that they put one guy into … a body bag when he wasn’t even dead yet, and took him off to the crematorium because there was no way of saving him,” Ma told RFA.

Video of an older woman speaking anonymously to a camera began circulating on social media in February in which she said she witnessed a patient next to her at a Wuhan hospital stuffed into a body bag while still alive.

“He’s not dead, his feet and hands are still moving,” the woman says, “[They] wrapped him in a plastic body bag and zipped it up.”

According to New Tang Dynasty, a broadcaster affiliated with the persecuted Chinese Falun Gong movement, the woman spoke with a Wuhan accent, suggesting she was a native of the central Chinese city.

The report is based on rumors and states so in article, yet you take it as the truth?

Damn mark hemingway is a whiny little prick.

I don't what the point of posted the article is...
The point is that the Chinese are barbarians whether you like it or not and that 94,567 people died because of the Chinese virus, that answers your question
Good to see someone who really understands the nature of China......sadly our liberals side with China due to their indoctrination in the university saturated with liberal/radical ;professors .

Look, you little racist punk, you know NOTHING about China and Chinese people besides what you read in the rightwing press!

I, on the other hand, after retiring from a blue-collar job, lived and studied in China for 8 years -- where I lived among ordinary Chinese and met all sorts of people. I didn't love living in China. It's a tough place to love. Its political system is easy to despise. But I LEARNED.

YOU on the contrary have shown (in your comments on the Civil Rights struggles of African Americans for example) that you haven't even un-learned your own deep prejudices about your OWN country, about its history, or about our people.
So call me a racist too ok, have you been in the wild markets maybe? in Chinese restaurants where they serve you the "menu" which is not French-style, what do they serve you ? a dog ? a snake? but wait it's not over, they eat the live animals. so I don't really like this kind of cultures .

I put him on ignore....a waste of time. Typical liberal.
I'm not ignoring anyone, I want to respond to demorats..a little battle during containment LOL
Here you go, let us see democrats and their evil media spin this barbarity.....
Locals in Wuhan, where the Chinese coronavirus pandemic originated, have heard screams coming from funeral home furnaces, and some treated in hospitals say they saw workers put living coronavirus patients in body bags, Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported on Monday.

RFA noted that it could not independently verify that the Chinese Communist Party was burning coronavirus patients alive, nor has the Communist Party confirmed or denied the rumors. Yet the rumors persist that, to make room for new patients in Wuhan’s overcrowded hospitals, medical staff chose older patients less likely to survive the infection and shipped them to incinerators while they were still alive and conscious.

RFA quoted a source “close to the funeral industry” identified only as Ma who said that he had heard reports of “people restrained and forced into body bags when they were still moving.”

“Some people are saying that … there are video clips of screams coming from funeral homes, from inside the furnaces … which tells us that some people were taken to the funeral homes while they were still alive,” Ma added.

Ma also noted the existence of video testimony from an anonymous older woman who had been treated at a Wuhan hospital, presumably for Chinese coronavirus.

“One old lady was saying that they put one guy into … a body bag when he wasn’t even dead yet, and took him off to the crematorium because there was no way of saving him,” Ma told RFA.

Video of an older woman speaking anonymously to a camera began circulating on social media in February in which she said she witnessed a patient next to her at a Wuhan hospital stuffed into a body bag while still alive.

“He’s not dead, his feet and hands are still moving,” the woman says, “[They] wrapped him in a plastic body bag and zipped it up.”

According to New Tang Dynasty, a broadcaster affiliated with the persecuted Chinese Falun Gong movement, the woman spoke with a Wuhan accent, suggesting she was a native of the central Chinese city.

The report is based on rumors and states so in article, yet you take it as the truth?

Damn mark hemingway is a whiny little prick.

I don't what the point of posted the article is...
The point is that the Chinese are barbarians whether you like it or not and that 94,567 people died because of the Chinese virus, that answers your question

People didn't die of COVID-19 because the Chinese people are barbarians.
Here you go, let us see democrats and their evil media spin this barbarity.....
Locals in Wuhan, where the Chinese coronavirus pandemic originated, have heard screams coming from funeral home furnaces, and some treated in hospitals say they saw workers put living coronavirus patients in body bags, Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported on Monday.

RFA noted that it could not independently verify that the Chinese Communist Party was burning coronavirus patients alive, nor has the Communist Party confirmed or denied the rumors. Yet the rumors persist that, to make room for new patients in Wuhan’s overcrowded hospitals, medical staff chose older patients less likely to survive the infection and shipped them to incinerators while they were still alive and conscious.

RFA quoted a source “close to the funeral industry” identified only as Ma who said that he had heard reports of “people restrained and forced into body bags when they were still moving.”

“Some people are saying that … there are video clips of screams coming from funeral homes, from inside the furnaces … which tells us that some people were taken to the funeral homes while they were still alive,” Ma added.

Ma also noted the existence of video testimony from an anonymous older woman who had been treated at a Wuhan hospital, presumably for Chinese coronavirus.

“One old lady was saying that they put one guy into … a body bag when he wasn’t even dead yet, and took him off to the crematorium because there was no way of saving him,” Ma told RFA.

Video of an older woman speaking anonymously to a camera began circulating on social media in February in which she said she witnessed a patient next to her at a Wuhan hospital stuffed into a body bag while still alive.

“He’s not dead, his feet and hands are still moving,” the woman says, “[They] wrapped him in a plastic body bag and zipped it up.”

According to New Tang Dynasty, a broadcaster affiliated with the persecuted Chinese Falun Gong movement, the woman spoke with a Wuhan accent, suggesting she was a native of the central Chinese city.

The report is based on rumors and states so in article, yet you take it as the truth?

Damn mark hemingway is a whiny little prick.

I don't what the point of posted the article is...
The point is that the Chinese are barbarians whether you like it or not and that 94,567 people died because of the Chinese virus, that answers your question

People didn't die of COVID-19 because the Chinese people are barbarians.
YES, because they are barbarian people because they eat live animals and we still do not know which animal is the culprit of the virus but it probably comes from one of their wild market
Good to see someone who really understands the nature of China......sadly our liberals side with China due to their indoctrination in the university saturated with liberal/radical ;professors .

Look, you little racist punk, you know NOTHING about China and Chinese people besides what you read in the rightwing press!

I, on the other hand, after retiring from a blue-collar job, lived and studied in China for 8 years -- where I lived among ordinary Chinese and met all sorts of people. I didn't love living in China. It's a tough place to love. Its political system is easy to despise. But I LEARNED.

YOU on the contrary have shown (in your comments on the Civil Rights struggles of African Americans for example) that you haven't even un-learned your own deep prejudices about your OWN country, about its history, or about our people.
So call me a racist too ok, have you been in the wild markets maybe? in Chinese restaurants where they serve you the "menu" which is not French-style, what do they serve you ? a dog ? a snake? but wait it's not over, they eat the live animals. so I don't really like this kind of cultures .

I put him on ignore....a waste of time. Typical liberal.
I'm not ignoring anyone, I want to respond to demorats..a little battle during containment LOL can be fun...I did it for I have just gotten tired ot it....though occasionally I will still go down to their level and kick butt. hehheh
Good to see someone who really understands the nature of China......sadly our liberals side with China due to their indoctrination in the university saturated with liberal/radical ;professors .

Look, you little racist punk, you know NOTHING about China and Chinese people besides what you read in the rightwing press!

I, on the other hand, after retiring from a blue-collar job, lived and studied in China for 8 years -- where I lived among ordinary Chinese and met all sorts of people. I didn't love living in China. It's a tough place to love. Its political system is easy to despise. But I LEARNED.

YOU on the contrary have shown (in your comments on the Civil Rights struggles of African Americans for example) that you haven't even un-learned your own deep prejudices about your OWN country, about its history, or about our people.
So call me a racist too ok, have you been in the wild markets maybe? in Chinese restaurants where they serve you the "menu" which is not French-style, what do they serve you ? a dog ? a snake? but wait it's not over, they eat the live animals. so I don't really like this kind of cultures .

I put him on ignore....a waste of time. Typical liberal.
I'm not ignoring anyone, I want to respond to demorats..a little battle during containment LOL can be fun...I did it for I have just gotten tired ot it....though occasionally I will still go down to their level and kick butt. hehheh
You feel better after ^^
There really is not much more to be said. Dalia confirms her cultural prejudices (yes Dalia dear, I ate "real Chinese food" and shopped in real "wet markets" while living there -- did you think I ate at McDonalds for eight years?). The little punk racist MackTheKnife insists that the best guide to China today is a terrible biography of Mao. The rest is slander and insults. Especially of me personally. About what I expected.

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