Chitown out of the running

Oh the libs gnashing of teeth is quite pronounced today...

Some of the libs on the forum also didn't want the games to go to chicago sinatra. See strollingbones' responses.

The olympics would have brought a huge amount of tourists to the usa and definitely helps businesses and the economy...yes the villages might be at a tax payer's loss, but the overall business compensates or more than compensates for it.

And personally, I have NEVER IN MY LIFETIME seen Americans ROOT FOR US NOT GETTING IT....

And honestly, I am shocked at the joy you all have taken in this....just flabbergasted that your partisanship could bring you all below worm level when discussing our country's loss in this. :(


Of course not. Why on earth would you expect us to be fair and actually have the true spirit of the Olympic games? Why on earth would you think that would would think that the Olympics are something more than an economic ploy?

Rio got the games. And quite frankly, they deserve it. Why the heck should we get it simply because we are the United States? The games are not about the United States. They are about the world coming together to compete in friendship and good sportsmanship.

They certainly arent about Obama making his corrupt buddies rich. Chicago doesnt deserve the Olympics. They never did. Anyone with a shred of honesty knows that. And Americans are the last people who will want corruption to win.

I hope one day I can live in a world where opposing corruption would not be a partisan issue.

EXCELLENT post avatar. Excellent.

care4all I made my observations earlier and I think, from the rep the post received, that many people feel the same way as I do.

I'm celebrating the savings to the american taxpayers and the fact that corruption in ChicagNO didn't get its way. Rio is in the same time zone so we get to see the events while they are happening.

I at first was defending Obama on this to people, I thought it would bring in money. Then people like Bones pointed me in the direction to look at the history of the games on an economic basis and I found they almost always lose more money than they make. We here in America can't afford to do it right now, we just can't we are broke.

I see it as:
A win for taxpayers
A Win for anti-corruption
A loss for the office of the president and its respectability
A loss for the city of chicago's political machine
We all know that had we gotten the Olympics it would have been touted by the WH as a huge win for Obama. We didn't get the Olympics so now it's being touted as a huge loss for Obama.

Can't have it one way and not the other.


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We all know that had we gotten the Olympics it would have been touted by the WH as a huge win for Obama. We didn't get the Olympics so now it's being touted as a huge loss for Obama.

Can't have it one way and not the other.
Chicago should be thanking the IOC on bended knee for the money they saved them.
We all know that had we gotten the Olympics it would have been touted by the WH as a huge win for Obama. We didn't get the Olympics so now it's being touted as a huge loss for Obama.

Can't have it one way and not the other.
Chicago should be thanking the IOC on bended knee for the money they saved them.

I know I am :)

It would have been cool to have the olympic here though.
Only unhappy party in Chicago are community organizers. Chicago didn't lose anything, they did...

Imagine all that money they would get hands on if Chicago won. After Congress cut their funding, and IOC gave the Games to Rio, only thing left is to...

Ame®icano;1578532 said:
Only unhappy party in Chicago are community organizers. Chicago didn't lose anything, they did...

Imagine all that money they would get hands on if Chicago won. After Congress cut their funding, and IOC gave the Games to Rio, only thing left is to...


Pretty funny stuff. Let's all laugh at the crying Chicagoans.
Ame®icano;1578532 said:
Only unhappy party in Chicago are community organizers. Chicago didn't lose anything, they did...

Imagine all that money they would get hands on if Chicago won. After Congress cut their funding, and IOC gave the Games to Rio, only thing left is to...


Pretty funny stuff. Let's all laugh at the crying Chicagoans.

We all know that had we gotten the Olympics it would have been touted by the WH as a huge win for Obama. We didn't get the Olympics so now it's being touted as a huge loss for Obama.

Can't have it one way and not the other.
Chicago should be thanking the IOC on bended knee for the money they saved them.

I know I am :)

It would have been cool to have the olympic here though.
Its always cool and I may have driven there to attend if it happened.
The olympics would have brought a huge amount of tourists to the usa and definitely helps businesses and the economy...yes the villages might be at a tax payer's loss, but the overall business compensates or more than compensates for it.

And personally, I have NEVER IN MY LIFETIME seen Americans ROOT FOR US NOT GETTING IT....

And honestly, I am shocked at the joy you all have taken in this....just flabbergasted that your partisanship could bring you all below worm level when discussing our country's loss in this. :(


Of course not. Why on earth would you expect us to be fair and actually have the true spirit of the Olympic games? Why on earth would you think that would would think that the Olympics are something more than an economic ploy?

Rio got the games. And quite frankly, they deserve it. Why the heck should we get it simply because we are the United States? The games are not about the United States. They are about the world coming together to compete in friendship and good sportsmanship.

They certainly arent about Obama making his corrupt buddies rich. Chicago doesnt deserve the Olympics. They never did. Anyone with a shred of honesty knows that. And Americans are the last people who will want corruption to win.

I hope one day I can live in a world where opposing corruption would not be a partisan issue.

naiveté and bile. always a good combination.
Ame®icano;1578532 said:
Only unhappy party in Chicago are community organizers. Chicago didn't lose anything, they did...

Imagine all that money they would get hands on if Chicago won. After Congress cut their funding, and IOC gave the Games to Rio, only thing left is to...

There are a few studies out that show that a city that hosts the Olympics actually loses money in the end.

And the jobs that ar created are those low paying food industry and security wages that the left are always lamenting.
Pretty funny stuff. Let's all laugh at the crying Chicagoans.

Nobody is laughing at crying Chicagoans... at least I don't.

I do laugh that Chicago bid was based on Obama's only pitch - hope. There were no guaranties that Chicago can financially support the Games.

The International Olympic Committee has raised doubts about the financing of the 2016 Olympics bid by Chicago, the frontrunner among the four cities competing to host the games.

A month before the IOC meets in Copenhagen to choose the host city for the 2016 games, a technical analysis of the bids expres*ses concern that Chicago has failed to provide a blanket guarantee to cover any financial shortfall in its $4.8bn (€3.4bn, £3bn) budget.
IOC questions Chicago’s Olympic bid

Here is another reason...

IOC members are being a bit shy about asking difficult questions of the Chicago team but the bravery award goes to Syed Shahid Ali - the member for Pakistan - whose query is about immigration. Foreign visitors often face a "harrowing experience" entering the US - what will they do about that?
Times Online

I am wondering if Chicago team requested IOC to send question in advance via e-mail.

Not to mention that neither one of Obamas couldn't deliver their speech from the heart, they both used teleprompter, unlike Lula and Samaranch Jr.


At the end... empty suit has spoken.

There has been a growing narrative taking hold about Barack Obama’s presidency in recent weeks: that he is loved by many, but feared by none; that he is full of lofty vision, but is actually achieving nothing with his grandiloquence.

Chicago’s dismal showing yesterday, after Mr Obama’s personal, impassioned last-minute pitch, is a stunning humiliation for this President. It cannot be emphasised enough how this will feed the perception that on the world stage he looks good — but carries no heft.

Obama’s Olympic failure will only add to doubts about his presidency
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Ame®icano;1578532 said:
Only unhappy party in Chicago are community organizers. Chicago didn't lose anything, they did...

Imagine all that money they would get hands on if Chicago won. After Congress cut their funding, and IOC gave the Games to Rio, only thing left is to...


Pretty funny stuff. Let's all laugh at the crying Chicagoans.

When you say it like that, I can't help but laugh!

Ame®icano;1578611 said:
Pretty funny stuff. Let's all laugh at the crying Chicagoans.

Nobody is laughing at crying Chicagoans... at least I don't.

I do laugh that Chicago bid was based on Obama's only pitch - hope. There were no guaranties that Chicago can financially support the Games.

The International Olympic Committee has raised doubts about the financing of the 2016 Olympics bid by Chicago, the frontrunner among the four cities competing to host the games.

A month before the IOC meets in Copenhagen to choose the host city for the 2016 games, a technical analysis of the bids expres*ses concern that Chicago has failed to provide a blanket guarantee to cover any financial shortfall in its $4.8bn (€3.4bn, £3bn) budget.
IOC questions Chicago’s Olympic bid

Here is another reason...

IOC members are being a bit shy about asking difficult questions of the Chicago team but the bravery award goes to Syed Shahid Ali - the member for Pakistan - whose query is about immigration. Foreign visitors often face a "harrowing experience" entering the US - what will they do about that?
Times Online

I am wondering if Chicago team requested IOC to send question in advance via e-mail.

Not to mention that neither one of Obamas couldn't deliver their speech from the heart, they both used teleprompter, unlike Lula and Samaranch Jr.


At the end... empty suit has spoken.

There has been a growing narrative taking hold about Barack Obama’s presidency in recent weeks: that he is loved by many, but feared by none; that he is full of lofty vision, but is actually achieving nothing with his grandiloquence.

Chicago’s dismal showing yesterday, after Mr Obama’s personal, impassioned last-minute pitch, is a stunning humiliation for this President. It cannot be emphasised enough how this will feed the perception that on the world stage he looks good — but carries no heft.

Obama’s Olympic failure will only add to doubts about his presidency

at the end the USOC wanting to get the lion share, the bad image the US left thanks to BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH, the fact that no Olympic games had been awarded to South America before , and the loyalty of the gerontocracy of the IOC to Havelange and Samaranch, led to Chicago being eliminated in the first round. without samaranch tokyo or madrid had been eliminated in the first round and a showdown between chicago and rio would have yielded a much closer vote count. still for rio, as it seems. obama taking a stand was risky and it blew up in his face, but you guys jizzing your pants at this "failure" are pathetic.

chitown violent, corrupt, no money, bad organization, hahahahahahahah

Too bad the families of athletes will have to pay so much more...or even forego seeing the Olympics in person.

And no home-court advantage like always seems to appear.
So, by that ridiculous statement alone, you believe that ALL Olympic games should be held in the US?
Too freakin' funny!
Fact is, Chicago never had a chance. They didn't have the means to support the games, and could not have come up with the means by the time it was time to light the torch. Obama had to have known this. This was just a political ploy to appease his fellow corrupt cronies in Chicago. And, he wasted almost a million dollars in taxpayers money doing so.
He's an inept clown, NOTHING MORE!
Ame®icano;1578532 said:
Only unhappy party in Chicago are community organizers. Chicago didn't lose anything, they did...

Imagine all that money they would get hands on if Chicago won. After Congress cut their funding, and IOC gave the Games to Rio, only thing left is to...

There are a few studies out that show that a city that hosts the Olympics actually loses money in the end.

And the jobs that ar created are those low paying food industry and security wages that the left are always lamenting.

Not LA and not Atlanta. They didn't lose money. Seems to be a foreign thing to lose money.
Too bad the families of athletes will have to pay so much more...or even forego seeing the Olympics in person.

And no home-court advantage like always seems to appear.
So, by that ridiculous statement alone, you believe that ALL Olympic games should be held in the US?
Too freakin' funny!
Fact is, Chicago never had a chance. They didn't have the means to support the games, and could not have come up with the means by the time it was time to light the torch. Obama had to have known this. This was just a political ploy to appease his fellow corrupt cronies in Chicago. And, he wasted almost a million dollars in taxpayers money doing so.
He's an inept clown, NOTHING MORE!

Not all games...but as an American, I support all American bids for games. Apparently not everyone does support this country's attempts to get hometown advantage tho. They are willing to forego support for their own cities in order to stick it to a president they don't like.
Too bad the families of athletes will have to pay so much more...or even forego seeing the Olympics in person.

And no home-court advantage like always seems to appear.
So, by that ridiculous statement alone, you believe that ALL Olympic games should be held in the US?
Too freakin' funny!
Fact is, Chicago never had a chance. They didn't have the means to support the games, and could not have come up with the means by the time it was time to light the torch. Obama had to have known this. This was just a political ploy to appease his fellow corrupt cronies in Chicago. And, he wasted almost a million dollars in taxpayers money doing so.
He's an inept clown, NOTHING MORE!

Not all games...but as an American, I support all American bids for games. Apparently not everyone does support this country's attempts to get hometown advantage tho. They are willing to forego support for their own cities in order to stick it to a president they don't like.
Fact is, he shouldn't be sticking his nose in local cities issues. This was a CHICAGO issue. Just like he shouldn't be sticking his nose in local political issues like governors races. He's the freakin' POTUS. He needs to start doing his job as POTUS. And, he damn sure had no business wasting taxpayers dollars on what he no doubt had to have known was a failure from the get go.
Fact is, Obama is so full of himself that it's starting to become laughable. And you Obamabots who CONTINUALLY fawn over this guy, even though he is proving to be nothing more than an abject failure, are beyond laughable to the point of being downright ludicrous.
Ame®icano;1578532 said:
Only unhappy party in Chicago are community organizers. Chicago didn't lose anything, they did...

Imagine all that money they would get hands on if Chicago won. After Congress cut their funding, and IOC gave the Games to Rio, only thing left is to...

There are a few studies out that show that a city that hosts the Olympics actually loses money in the end.

And the jobs that ar created are those low paying food industry and security wages that the left are always lamenting.

Not LA and not Atlanta. They didn't lose money. Seems to be a foreign thing to lose money.
the only reason that they did not lose money is because they used an existing stadium for their main venues.

Every city that has to build facilities for the Olympics loses money without fail.

Somehow, I can't see run down Soldier Stadium being the main venue and it goes without saying that Chicago would have made a very specific number of people rich on land deals so that they could build a 'State-of-the-Art' facility that would never get used again.

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