Chris Christie as President


I don't know how he gets the nomination.

Isn't he a "RINO"?

He hugged Barry, that alone disqualifies

Naw, he didn't hug him, he shook his hand when the President showed up after Hurricane Sandy, I'm not sure what some Republicans expected him to do, did you expect him to spit in President Morons face or what?
He acted like a typical career politician, spineless through and through...

I don't know how he gets the nomination.

Isn't he a "RINO"?

He hugged Barry, that alone disqualifies

Naw, he didn't hug him, he shook his hand when the President showed up after Hurricane Sandy, I'm not sure what some Republicans expected him to do, did you expect him to spit in President Morons face or what?
He acted like a typical career politician, spineless through and through...

Well yeah.. after all that's what he is but the fact remains he never "hugged" the President, he just shook his hand and the President patted him on the shoulder and yet some on the Republican side of the aisle act as if there was a sloppy wet kiss with tongue involved. :)

I don't know how he gets the nomination.

Isn't he a "RINO"?

He hugged Barry, that alone disqualifies

Naw, he didn't hug him, he shook his hand when the President showed up after Hurricane Sandy, I'm not sure what some Republicans expected him to do, did you expect him to spit in President Morons face or what?
He acted like a typical career politician, spineless through and through...

Well yeah.. after all that's what he is but the fact remains he never "hugged" the President, he just shook his hand and the President patted him on the shoulder and yet some on the Republican side of the aisle act as if there was a sloppy wet kiss with tongue involved. :)
He might as well, all that a$$ licking....
Christie is toast, trying to act like a tough guy he declared on national TV during the last debate that he would blast Russian jets out of the sky. If nominated that right there would be one of the top ads Democrats would run. I'm surprised some of the candidates didn't pick up on the debate moderators true agenda, to tee up campaign gotcha ads for the Democrats virtually every question was designed to do this.

Once upon a time when I lived in NJ I was a huge Christie fan, but his position on the 2nd amendment is as liberal as Obama and his position on illegals is equally unacceptable.
Why even start this thread when there is no way in hail this will ever happen?
I've lived in NJ for 9 years. Corzine was a disaster and both parties couldn't wait to get rid of him. Christie rode the backlash wave in 2009. But he got into position to do so by kissing major George W. Bush ass in 2000. So Dubya gave him the U.S. Attorney job, and Christie has bullied his way into power ever since. He's good at playing the feudal lords and fiefdoms against each other that create the political stink in this state. It is beyond corruption.

And if anybody thinks for a minute that the GWB incident was some chick's idea two doors down from his office, they are dead wrong. It was a big deal because what normally on a good day can take 45 min to an hour to cross, and it's only 1/2 long, creating a mess like that was thumbing his nose at the mayor of Ft Lee. He's that fucking arrogant.
New Jersey has made great strides with Christie....after you left. What a fucking load you were.
What do you think about Chris Christie as next U.S. President?

I would vote for Hillary Clinton before I would vote for some fat slob that does not respect the 10th amendment to the Constitution (States rights). I am a Coloradoan and I am a conservative voter. The residents of this state voted to legalize marijuana and I am NOT going to vote for some fat ass former Federal Prosecutor, so he can come into our state, showing his disrespect to the citizens of this state.

I haven't been able to stomach Christie, since 4 years ago, when he gave the key note address for Mitt Romney. This fat arrogant SOB talked more about himself, than he did Romney. He's an arrogant SOB.

He's lying about Bridge Gate too. You'll never convince me that someone he was in charge of made a decision to shut down a bridge all on his own. That's bullshit.

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