Chris Christie compare GW Bush with trump

"W" killed how many Americans and people in the Middle East?

Now how many did Trump kill?

Yea, Trump is far worse, isn't he.


The loonary on the Left is now legendary.
Thousands died when trump denied the severity of COVID....want a light bulb up your butt?
Thousands died when trump denied the severity of COVID....want a light bulb up your butt?

I denied the severity of COVID too, and nobody died. Do you think your precious government is your god or something, pathetic little weasel?

You blame Trump for COVID, and yet how many jabs of his vaccine have you had? Four? Five? :21:
Chris is at least showing the chutzpah that Ron wishes he had.
At this point Desantis has upside. Christie does not. If he is not a deep state shill, he has a potential path to the Presidency if he tightens up his agendas. Republican voters are jaded from electing their politicians and having that old sidestep once they are empowered. Candidates endlessly pushed from the GOPe with many state rules used in their favor to keep power from others with newer views. Murkowski of Alaska is a perfect example. Let's face it. Much of our political class are not the best that we could have.
While Bush made some huge blunders like WMD in Iraq.
Really? Don't you remember they found the WMD buried out in the desert hidden there in a degraded condition? I mean they USED the stuff on thousands of people.

I never once thought he had anything but the best interest of the country in mind.
Must be why the left tortured and debased the guy for years over his trying to get Intel out of prisoners to stop terrorism by using waterboarding and putting them in Gitmo.
"Dubya" aka "Chimp" was the object of ridicule by the MSM. But with Dick Cheney as VP they knew not to cross the line.
The MSM declared "open season" on Trump.

OH MY, was that good. Not only was that excellent post spot on, but I'm still drying my eyes laughing from that video. I wonder if Tom Hanks ever found those dinosaurs in red capes?! It was worth it laughing hard watching the pained look of Nancy Pelosi being made a fool of, having to stand right there watching Trump being coronated. Lousy bitch didn't even have the integrity to clap and congratulate Trump on his victory.
Why did you put a light bulb up your butt?

So he could see his way in the dark when he got up to pee?

That's all I could come up with. :laughing0301:

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At this point Desantis has upside. Christie does not. If he is not a deep state shill, he has a potential path to the Presidency if he tightens up his agendas. Republican voters are jaded from electing their politicians and having that old sidestep once they are empowered. Candidates endlessly pushed from the GOPe with many state rules used in their favor to keep power from others with newer views. Murkowski of Alaska is a perfect example. Let's face it. Much of our political class are not the best that we could have.
Their Constitution Also Gave Them Their Kind of Electorate

That's all you can expect from a republic, so quit defending the elitist Constitution, which empowers a sheltered, ignorant, and conceited oligarchy.
RINO meaning anyone who will not bow to trump?
Most Republican voters are tired of the politicians pushed on them to vote for by the GOPe and local/regional power families. It is not is his agendas. What is Trump though is he takes no crap just like Progressive Socialist politicians and mocks them, just like Progressive Socialist politicians do to Republicans. I will say this though. Many of the candidates were more alive and verbal than I have ever seen from them in their debates. And Trump has helped them in that.
Most Republican voters are tired of the politicians pushed on them to vote for by the GOPe and local/regional power families. It is not is his agendas. What is Trump though is he takes no crap just like Progressive Socialist politicians and mocks them, just like Progressive Socialist politicians do to Republicans. I will say this though. Many of the candidates were more alive and verbal than I have ever seen from them in their debates. And Trump has helped them in that.

That is a major difference in the parties.
Democrats will embrace whoever The Party tells them too.
They are the Borg.

Republicans will think for themselves - with unfavorable consequences, often.
LMAO W was a doormat the Dems and MSM savaged. What Dems and the MSM hate about Trump is he hits back and they run home crying to their mommas.

Yes, but Bush had Dick Cheney to bust balls behind he scenes. I do admire Trump's feistyness though. Too bad he has such a bad communication skills. He comes off like a retarded 10 year old with an inferiority complex..
That is a major difference in the parties.
Democrats will embrace whoever The Party tells them too.
They are the Borg.

Republicans will think for themselves - with unfavorable consequences, often.
The MAGA (repub) party waits to see what BS trump says and then repeat him. The GOP is dead. MAGA is their new name.
The libs talked about extraditing Dubya and Cheney to The Hague for persecution.

When are they going to follow through? Or is this something that Trump is going to have to work on in his next term?

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