Chris Christie It's Time To Endorse Nikki Haley!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Today, in the Wall Street Journal there was an article that essentially made the point that if Chris Christie endorsed Nikki Haley to be the Republican nominee for President of the United States it would help Nikki in the New Hampshire Republican primary to be held this Tuesday. I agree with this analysis and think the Republican Party desperately needs Chris Christie to do it and do it as soon as possible. The Iowa primary last week really had a devastating effect on the Republican primary with Trump winning the caucus primary by thirty percentage point it gave the impression that the primary for all practical and intensive purposes is over, Trump will be the Republican nominee. With big name Republicans endorsing Trump in the last week or so, Senator Marco Rubio, Senator Ted Cruz and Senator Tim Scott and an abundance of lesser names the Trump campaign has gained an air of inevitability and that is outstandingly bad for the Republican Party and the country. Something has to be done to arrest Nikki Haley's fall from being the candidate with the momentum in the race. The only chance for the Republican Party to not end up with Donald Trump as their Presidential nominee this year is if after the New Hampshire primary and before the South Carolina primary, the primary race becomes a two person race between Trump and Haley and Haley does well in the NH primary coming within fifteen percentage points of Trump thereby showing she is a legitimate contender; if the NH primary is a repeat of the Iowa primary it will show that rank and file members of the Republican Party want Trump and their will should be respected. The reason why if Haley does respectable in the NH primary the Republican Party still has primary race to determine is because of the mouth on Nikki Haley she has the ability to make the case that she is a strong and better candidate and Trump is the weaker candidate and make that case in a compelling manner!

Why is it you say that it is important that the Republicans not go with Trump, but rather, Haley because both candidates will put into place policies vastly better than Biden's. Excluding the fact that Trump is a human tempest and you really cannot be sure what the policies you will end up with a President Trump, the fact of the matter is that Trump is a weak candidate for the Presidency alarmingly weak, his weaknesses should be extremely worrisome because they turn off voters to such a degree that there is no hope of changing these voters to supporters. The response to this some might have is your over blowing the situation numerous current polls have Trump beating Biden in the General Election by several percentage points. This point is the Trojan Horse, this is story that Republicans and Independents across America will be tricked into believing that will get them bamboozled in this primary election. See this is the story that Joe Biden and his closest allies want you to believe. President Joe Biden's reelection campaign has gotten really bad grades because they have not reversed Biden's bad poll numbers and this is a key and telling fact one big odd and strange decision Joe Biden has made is to not move his top lieutenants from the White House to the campaign, these very capable people that know Biden's accomplishments and the importance of such.

I want everyone to put their thinking caps on right now why is it that Biden hasn't followed this fundamental strategy of Presidential Politics 101 move your key people to the re-election campaign. The media would have you believe that Joe Biden is so feeble and mentally challenged that he needs these lieutenants around him to prop him up so the President can function or that Joe needs these key people to help him navigate the critical bills he must negotiate with Congress. This is all slight of hand manipulation by the Biden Team; Joe Biden is calling the shots in the White House no one is treating him like a marionette and for help in negotiating important bills with Congress. Joe Biden has been a key player in so many Congressional negotiations over his fifty year career it is fair to say what Warren Buffet is to being capable in buying growth businesses Joe Biden is being capable in negotiating good bills. Let Republicans and Independents not be stupid here the truth of the matter is Joe Biden hasn't unleashed his "A" reelection team against Trump because Joe Biden doesn't want to smoke Trump at the current time, if he smokes Trump their leading candidate now the Republican Party will put up another leading candidate other than Trump that will be harder to smoke. To put it another way at this time Trump is beating Biden in the polls because Biden is making a deliberate and conscious decision to allow it after Trump secures the Republican nomination the Biden campaign will bomb Donald Trump and bomb him massively and Trump's support amongst the American voters will shrink and to the degree experts will not predict Trump to win in November! Republicans and Independents are thinking Joe Biden is a very weak candidate for reelection, not necessarily so, Biden has a lot of economic luck coming his way this year inflation is coming down, and because of this interest rates will be brought lower by the Federal Reserve Bank and oil prices will moderate this year as supply will readily meet demand this year. In addition, Trump's negatives have not been fully exploited as campaign wedges. Consider Trump's plans to use the DOJ to go after his political enemies Trump's close ally Sean Hannity all but strangled Trump to get him to disavow this plan to no success, Trump really believes there is this Deep State that cannot be controlled by the elected President and his political appointees; Trump will bring massive cuts in staff to the FBI and the National Security Agency amongst others to implement his agenda of extracting the Deep State from America's government and in the process dramatically weaken America! Trump will definitely revoke the Affordable Care Act in part because he hates Obama who is responsible for its enactment into law, Trump will sellout Ukraine to Putin, etc. etc. etc.. The bottom line is the Republican Party will likely lose the White House Race if they go with Donald Trump in 2024.

Chris Christie did America a great service in running to be the Republican nominee for president this election cycle. He showed great character in going after Donald Trump conveying the message he does not have the make-up or record to be President. Christie did a great service to America when he dropped out of the race before the Iowa primary cause he new he didn't have the votes and knew it was important that the Republican Party whittle down the primary to one candidate that could challenge Trump. Christie showed extraordinary virtue when he dropped out not endorsing Haley or Desantis because it wouldn't be fair to the one not endorsed in the Iowa race let the campaigns determine what the outcome of that race should be. But now when the Iowa race showed that Desantis only beat Haley by less than three percentage points after Desantis largely bet all his chips on that hand and this may be unfair but it is the reality the American electorate sees the media has really spoken they see the Republican primary now as a race between Trump and Haley, Desantis gets much less coverage. If Chris Christie endorses Haley now he says not so fast to all those people in and outside the Republican Party that want to call the primary that the primary race for all practical and intensive purposes is over Trump won, he is reminding the powers-that-be that many rank and file faithful conservative Republicans are not happy with the choice of Trump as the Party nominee, that Haley is a great conservative nominee and will be a strong advocate for Republican values in the White House and he will be helping the Republican Party do what the Republican Party desperately needs to do which is show Governor Ron Desantis the door in the race, Trump is a cult figure in the Republican Party which means he has a strong core base Haley is going to need every non-Trump loyalist vote if she is to win the primary this year!

Earlier Chris Christie said he cannot endorse Nikki Haley because he was concerned she would accept the offer to be Donald Trump's Vice-President and if she did she would be making Chris's endorsement of Haley, poor leadership by Chris to Chris's many loyal followers. Well I think the actions that took place this past week by the relevant actors all but drove a stake through the heart of any life that Haley might be Trump's Vice-President nominee. There is one inviolate rule a Presidential candidate has to follow in selecting a Vice-President the person selected has to be a suitable candidate for the job of President of the United States. Trump this past week killed Haley's eligibility for passing this test when he said things like "she is not Presidential timber" or she isn't strong enough can't handle the stress or isn't smart or wise enough. Nikki also shot that option when she called into question Trump's mental stability one cannot now select her if chosen the Democrats would play her sound bite over a thousand times to the Trump campaign's detriment. Moreover, Nikki knows how vindictive Trump is and with Nikki continually banging the drum Trump brings chaos that record would create too much temptation for Trump; plus, with Nikki having been in the Trump White House she knows how morally and character depraved the Trump show can be, Nikki is too smart to want to sign on to that nightmare experience! If Chris Christie wants to step up and be a great citizen again for America there is no good reason for him not to step into this role in so for as giving an endorsement for the Nikki Haley campaign for President!
Today, in the Wall Street Journal there was an article that essentially made the point that if Chris Christie endorsed Nikki Haley to be the Republican nominee for President of the United States it would help Nikki in the New Hampshire Republican primary to be held this Tuesday. I agree with this analysis and think the Republican Party desperately needs Chris Christie to do it and do it as soon as possible. The Iowa primary last week really had a devastating effect on the Republican primary with Trump winning the caucus primary by thirty percentage point it gave the impression that the primary for all practical and intensive purposes is over, Trump will be the Republican nominee. With big name Republicans endorsing Trump in the last week or so, Senator Marco Rubio, Senator Ted Cruz and Senator Tim Scott and an abundance of lesser names the Trump campaign has gained an air of inevitability and that is outstandingly bad for the Republican Party and the country. Something has to be done to arrest Nikki Haley's fall from being the candidate with the momentum in the race. The only chance for the Republican Party to not end up with Donald Trump as their Presidential nominee this year is if after the New Hampshire primary and before the South Carolina primary, the primary race becomes a two person race between Trump and Haley and Haley does well in the NH primary coming within fifteen percentage points of Trump thereby showing she is a legitimate contender; if the NH primary is a repeat of the Iowa primary it will show that rank and file members of the Republican Party want Trump and their will should be respected. The reason why if Haley does respectable in the NH primary the Republican Party still has primary race to determine is because of the mouth on Nikki Haley she has the ability to make the case that she is a strong and better candidate and Trump is the weaker candidate and make that case in a compelling manner!

Why is it you say that it is important that the Republicans not go with Trump, but rather, Haley because both candidates will put into place policies vastly better than Biden's. Excluding the fact that Trump is a human tempest and you really cannot be sure what the policies you will end up with a President Trump, the fact of the matter is that Trump is a weak candidate for the Presidency alarmingly weak, his weaknesses should be extremely worrisome because they turn off voters to such a degree that there is no hope of changing these voters to supporters. The response to this some might have is your over blowing the situation numerous current polls have Trump beating Biden in the General Election by several percentage points. This point is the Trojan Horse, this is story that Republicans and Independents across America will be tricked into believing that will get them bamboozled in this primary election. See this is the story that Joe Biden and his closest allies want you to believe. President Joe Biden's reelection campaign has gotten really bad grades because they have not reversed Biden's bad poll numbers and this is a key and telling fact one big odd and strange decision Joe Biden has made is to not move his top lieutenants from the White House to the campaign, these very capable people that know Biden's accomplishments and the importance of such.

I want everyone to put their thinking caps on right now why is it that Biden hasn't followed this fundamental strategy of Presidential Politics 101 move your key people to the re-election campaign. The media would have you believe that Joe Biden is so feeble and mentally challenged that he needs these lieutenants around him to prop him up so the President can function or that Joe needs these key people to help him navigate the critical bills he must negotiate with Congress. This is all slight of hand manipulation by the Biden Team; Joe Biden is calling the shots in the White House no one is treating him like a marionette and for help in negotiating important bills with Congress. Joe Biden has been a key player in so many Congressional negotiations over his fifty year career it is fair to say what Warren Buffet is to being capable in buying growth businesses Joe Biden is being capable in negotiating good bills. Let Republicans and Independents not be stupid here the truth of the matter is Joe Biden hasn't unleashed his "A" reelection team against Trump because Joe Biden doesn't want to smoke Trump at the current time, if he smokes Trump their leading candidate now the Republican Party will put up another leading candidate other than Trump that will be harder to smoke. To put it another way at this time Trump is beating Biden in the polls because Biden is making a deliberate and conscious decision to allow it after Trump secures the Republican nomination the Biden campaign will bomb Donald Trump and bomb him massively and Trump's support amongst the American voters will shrink and to the degree experts will not predict Trump to win in November! Republicans and Independents are thinking Joe Biden is a very weak candidate for reelection, not necessarily so, Biden has a lot of economic luck coming his way this year inflation is coming down, and because of this interest rates will be brought lower by the Federal Reserve Bank and oil prices will moderate this year as supply will readily meet demand this year. In addition, Trump's negatives have not been fully exploited as campaign wedges. Consider Trump's plans to use the DOJ to go after his political enemies Trump's close ally Sean Hannity all but strangled Trump to get him to disavow this plan to no success, Trump really believes there is this Deep State that cannot be controlled by the elected President and his political appointees; Trump will bring massive cuts in staff to the FBI and the National Security Agency amongst others to implement his agenda of extracting the Deep State from America's government and in the process dramatically weaken America! Trump will definitely revoke the Affordable Care Act in part because he hates Obama who is responsible for its enactment into law, Trump will sellout Ukraine to Putin, etc. etc. etc.. The bottom line is the Republican Party will likely lose the White House Race if they go with Donald Trump in 2024.

Chris Christie did America a great service in running to be the Republican nominee for president this election cycle. He showed great character in going after Donald Trump conveying the message he does not have the make-up or record to be President. Christie did a great service to America when he dropped out of the race before the Iowa primary cause he new he didn't have the votes and knew it was important that the Republican Party whittle down the primary to one candidate that could challenge Trump. Christie showed extraordinary virtue when he dropped out not endorsing Haley or Desantis because it wouldn't be fair to the one not endorsed in the Iowa race let the campaigns determine what the outcome of that race should be. But now when the Iowa race showed that Desantis only beat Haley by less than three percentage points after Desantis largely bet all his chips on that hand and this may be unfair but it is the reality the American electorate sees the media has really spoken they see the Republican primary now as a race between Trump and Haley, Desantis gets much less coverage. If Chris Christie endorses Haley now he says not so fast to all those people in and outside the Republican Party that want to call the primary that the primary race for all practical and intensive purposes is over Trump won, he is reminding the powers-that-be that many rank and file faithful conservative Republicans are not happy with the choice of Trump as the Party nominee, that Haley is a great conservative nominee and will be a strong advocate for Republican values in the White House and he will be helping the Republican Party do what the Republican Party desperately needs to do which is show Governor Ron Desantis the door in the race, Trump is a cult figure in the Republican Party which means he has a strong core base Haley is going to need every non-Trump loyalist vote if she is to win the primary this year!

Earlier Chris Christie said he cannot endorse Nikki Haley because he was concerned she would accept the offer to be Donald Trump's Vice-President and if she did she would be making Chris's endorsement of Haley, poor leadership by Chris to Chris's many loyal followers. Well I think the actions that took place this past week by the relevant actors all but drove a stake through the heart of any life that Haley might be Trump's Vice-President nominee. There is one inviolate rule a Presidential candidate has to follow in selecting a Vice-President the person selected has to be a suitable candidate for the job of President of the United States. Trump this past week killed Haley's eligibility for passing this test when he said things like "she is not Presidential timber" or she isn't strong enough can't handle the stress or isn't smart or wise enough. Nikki also shot that option when she called into question Trump's mental stability one cannot now select her if chosen the Democrats would play her sound bite over a thousand times to the Trump campaign's detriment. Moreover, Nikki knows how vindictive Trump is and with Nikki continually banging the drum Trump brings chaos that record would create too much temptation for Trump; plus, with Nikki having been in the Trump White House she knows how morally and character depraved the Trump show can be, Nikki is too smart to want to sign on to that nightmare experience! If Chris Christie wants to step up and be a great citizen again for America there is no good reason for him not to step into this role in so for as giving an endorsement for the Nikki Haley campaign for President!
Holy shit. She's going to gain two votes, Christie, and his wife.
Fuck that fat-assed doughnut-eating RINO motherfucker.

20 years from now, nobody will ever remember that he ran for President.

Trump on the other hand, will be the subject of conversation for the next 200 years.
Today, in the Wall Street Journal there was an article that essentially made the point that if Chris Christie endorsed Nikki Haley to be the Republican nominee for President of the United States it would help Nikki in the New Hampshire Republican primary to be held this Tuesday. I agree with this analysis and think the Republican Party desperately needs Chris Christie to do it and do it as soon as possible. The Iowa primary last week really had a devastating effect on the Republican primary with Trump winning the caucus primary by thirty percentage point it gave the impression that the primary for all practical and intensive purposes is over, Trump will be the Republican nominee. With big name Republicans endorsing Trump in the last week or so, Senator Marco Rubio, Senator Ted Cruz and Senator Tim Scott and an abundance of lesser names the Trump campaign has gained an air of inevitability and that is outstandingly bad for the Republican Party and the country. Something has to be done to arrest Nikki Haley's fall from being the candidate with the momentum in the race. The only chance for the Republican Party to not end up with Donald Trump as their Presidential nominee this year is if after the New Hampshire primary and before the South Carolina primary, the primary race becomes a two person race between Trump and Haley and Haley does well in the NH primary coming within fifteen percentage points of Trump thereby showing she is a legitimate contender; if the NH primary is a repeat of the Iowa primary it will show that rank and file members of the Republican Party want Trump and their will should be respected. The reason why if Haley does respectable in the NH primary the Republican Party still has primary race to determine is because of the mouth on Nikki Haley she has the ability to make the case that she is a strong and better candidate and Trump is the weaker candidate and make that case in a compelling manner!

Why is it you say that it is important that the Republicans not go with Trump, but rather, Haley because both candidates will put into place policies vastly better than Biden's. Excluding the fact that Trump is a human tempest and you really cannot be sure what the policies you will end up with a President Trump, the fact of the matter is that Trump is a weak candidate for the Presidency alarmingly weak, his weaknesses should be extremely worrisome because they turn off voters to such a degree that there is no hope of changing these voters to supporters. The response to this some might have is your over blowing the situation numerous current polls have Trump beating Biden in the General Election by several percentage points. This point is the Trojan Horse, this is story that Republicans and Independents across America will be tricked into believing that will get them bamboozled in this primary election. See this is the story that Joe Biden and his closest allies want you to believe. President Joe Biden's reelection campaign has gotten really bad grades because they have not reversed Biden's bad poll numbers and this is a key and telling fact one big odd and strange decision Joe Biden has made is to not move his top lieutenants from the White House to the campaign, these very capable people that know Biden's accomplishments and the importance of such.

I want everyone to put their thinking caps on right now why is it that Biden hasn't followed this fundamental strategy of Presidential Politics 101 move your key people to the re-election campaign. The media would have you believe that Joe Biden is so feeble and mentally challenged that he needs these lieutenants around him to prop him up so the President can function or that Joe needs these key people to help him navigate the critical bills he must negotiate with Congress. This is all slight of hand manipulation by the Biden Team; Joe Biden is calling the shots in the White House no one is treating him like a marionette and for help in negotiating important bills with Congress. Joe Biden has been a key player in so many Congressional negotiations over his fifty year career it is fair to say what Warren Buffet is to being capable in buying growth businesses Joe Biden is being capable in negotiating good bills. Let Republicans and Independents not be stupid here the truth of the matter is Joe Biden hasn't unleashed his "A" reelection team against Trump because Joe Biden doesn't want to smoke Trump at the current time, if he smokes Trump their leading candidate now the Republican Party will put up another leading candidate other than Trump that will be harder to smoke. To put it another way at this time Trump is beating Biden in the polls because Biden is making a deliberate and conscious decision to allow it after Trump secures the Republican nomination the Biden campaign will bomb Donald Trump and bomb him massively and Trump's support amongst the American voters will shrink and to the degree experts will not predict Trump to win in November! Republicans and Independents are thinking Joe Biden is a very weak candidate for reelection, not necessarily so, Biden has a lot of economic luck coming his way this year inflation is coming down, and because of this interest rates will be brought lower by the Federal Reserve Bank and oil prices will moderate this year as supply will readily meet demand this year. In addition, Trump's negatives have not been fully exploited as campaign wedges. Consider Trump's plans to use the DOJ to go after his political enemies Trump's close ally Sean Hannity all but strangled Trump to get him to disavow this plan to no success, Trump really believes there is this Deep State that cannot be controlled by the elected President and his political appointees; Trump will bring massive cuts in staff to the FBI and the National Security Agency amongst others to implement his agenda of extracting the Deep State from America's government and in the process dramatically weaken America! Trump will definitely revoke the Affordable Care Act in part because he hates Obama who is responsible for its enactment into law, Trump will sellout Ukraine to Putin, etc. etc. etc.. The bottom line is the Republican Party will likely lose the White House Race if they go with Donald Trump in 2024.

Chris Christie did America a great service in running to be the Republican nominee for president this election cycle. He showed great character in going after Donald Trump conveying the message he does not have the make-up or record to be President. Christie did a great service to America when he dropped out of the race before the Iowa primary cause he new he didn't have the votes and knew it was important that the Republican Party whittle down the primary to one candidate that could challenge Trump. Christie showed extraordinary virtue when he dropped out not endorsing Haley or Desantis because it wouldn't be fair to the one not endorsed in the Iowa race let the campaigns determine what the outcome of that race should be. But now when the Iowa race showed that Desantis only beat Haley by less than three percentage points after Desantis largely bet all his chips on that hand and this may be unfair but it is the reality the American electorate sees the media has really spoken they see the Republican primary now as a race between Trump and Haley, Desantis gets much less coverage. If Chris Christie endorses Haley now he says not so fast to all those people in and outside the Republican Party that want to call the primary that the primary race for all practical and intensive purposes is over Trump won, he is reminding the powers-that-be that many rank and file faithful conservative Republicans are not happy with the choice of Trump as the Party nominee, that Haley is a great conservative nominee and will be a strong advocate for Republican values in the White House and he will be helping the Republican Party do what the Republican Party desperately needs to do which is show Governor Ron Desantis the door in the race, Trump is a cult figure in the Republican Party which means he has a strong core base Haley is going to need every non-Trump loyalist vote if she is to win the primary this year!

Earlier Chris Christie said he cannot endorse Nikki Haley because he was concerned she would accept the offer to be Donald Trump's Vice-President and if she did she would be making Chris's endorsement of Haley, poor leadership by Chris to Chris's many loyal followers. Well I think the actions that took place this past week by the relevant actors all but drove a stake through the heart of any life that Haley might be Trump's Vice-President nominee. There is one inviolate rule a Presidential candidate has to follow in selecting a Vice-President the person selected has to be a suitable candidate for the job of President of the United States. Trump this past week killed Haley's eligibility for passing this test when he said things like "she is not Presidential timber" or she isn't strong enough can't handle the stress or isn't smart or wise enough. Nikki also shot that option when she called into question Trump's mental stability one cannot now select her if chosen the Democrats would play her sound bite over a thousand times to the Trump campaign's detriment. Moreover, Nikki knows how vindictive Trump is and with Nikki continually banging the drum Trump brings chaos that record would create too much temptation for Trump; plus, with Nikki having been in the Trump White House she knows how morally and character depraved the Trump show can be, Nikki is too smart to want to sign on to that nightmare experience! If Chris Christie wants to step up and be a great citizen again for America there is no good reason for him not to step into this role in so for as giving an endorsement for the Nikki Haley campaign for President!
So in the final chapter of war and peace Pierre and Natasha have three girls and a boy. Tolstoy leaves the future undefined as he also does with the good and the bad.
Never-Trumper phony American long-winded posters are popping up like cancer spots. Trump supporters realize the Deep State direction is 100% wrong. if the choice is more of the same? Just wait for the end and fight back then.
Today, in the Wall Street Journal there was an article that essentially made the point that if Chris Christie endorsed Nikki Haley to be the Republican nominee for President of the United States it would help Nikki in the New Hampshire Republican primary to be held this Tuesday. I agree with this analysis and think the Republican Party desperately needs Chris Christie to do it and do it as soon as possible. The Iowa primary last week really had a devastating effect on the Republican primary with Trump winning the caucus primary by thirty percentage point it gave the impression that the primary for all practical and intensive purposes is over, Trump will be the Republican nominee. With big name Republicans endorsing Trump in the last week or so, Senator Marco Rubio, Senator Ted Cruz and Senator Tim Scott and an abundance of lesser names the Trump campaign has gained an air of inevitability and that is outstandingly bad for the Republican Party and the country. Something has to be done to arrest Nikki Haley's fall from being the candidate with the momentum in the race. The only chance for the Republican Party to not end up with Donald Trump as their Presidential nominee this year is if after the New Hampshire primary and before the South Carolina primary, the primary race becomes a two person race between Trump and Haley and Haley does well in the NH primary coming within fifteen percentage points of Trump thereby showing she is a legitimate contender; if the NH primary is a repeat of the Iowa primary it will show that rank and file members of the Republican Party want Trump and their will should be respected. The reason why if Haley does respectable in the NH primary the Republican Party still has primary race to determine is because of the mouth on Nikki Haley she has the ability to make the case that she is a strong and better candidate and Trump is the weaker candidate and make that case in a compelling manner!

Why is it you say that it is important that the Republicans not go with Trump, but rather, Haley because both candidates will put into place policies vastly better than Biden's. Excluding the fact that Trump is a human tempest and you really cannot be sure what the policies you will end up with a President Trump, the fact of the matter is that Trump is a weak candidate for the Presidency alarmingly weak, his weaknesses should be extremely worrisome because they turn off voters to such a degree that there is no hope of changing these voters to supporters. The response to this some might have is your over blowing the situation numerous current polls have Trump beating Biden in the General Election by several percentage points. This point is the Trojan Horse, this is story that Republicans and Independents across America will be tricked into believing that will get them bamboozled in this primary election. See this is the story that Joe Biden and his closest allies want you to believe. President Joe Biden's reelection campaign has gotten really bad grades because they have not reversed Biden's bad poll numbers and this is a key and telling fact one big odd and strange decision Joe Biden has made is to not move his top lieutenants from the White House to the campaign, these very capable people that know Biden's accomplishments and the importance of such.

I want everyone to put their thinking caps on right now why is it that Biden hasn't followed this fundamental strategy of Presidential Politics 101 move your key people to the re-election campaign. The media would have you believe that Joe Biden is so feeble and mentally challenged that he needs these lieutenants around him to prop him up so the President can function or that Joe needs these key people to help him navigate the critical bills he must negotiate with Congress. This is all slight of hand manipulation by the Biden Team; Joe Biden is calling the shots in the White House no one is treating him like a marionette and for help in negotiating important bills with Congress. Joe Biden has been a key player in so many Congressional negotiations over his fifty year career it is fair to say what Warren Buffet is to being capable in buying growth businesses Joe Biden is being capable in negotiating good bills. Let Republicans and Independents not be stupid here the truth of the matter is Joe Biden hasn't unleashed his "A" reelection team against Trump because Joe Biden doesn't want to smoke Trump at the current time, if he smokes Trump their leading candidate now the Republican Party will put up another leading candidate other than Trump that will be harder to smoke. To put it another way at this time Trump is beating Biden in the polls because Biden is making a deliberate and conscious decision to allow it after Trump secures the Republican nomination the Biden campaign will bomb Donald Trump and bomb him massively and Trump's support amongst the American voters will shrink and to the degree experts will not predict Trump to win in November! Republicans and Independents are thinking Joe Biden is a very weak candidate for reelection, not necessarily so, Biden has a lot of economic luck coming his way this year inflation is coming down, and because of this interest rates will be brought lower by the Federal Reserve Bank and oil prices will moderate this year as supply will readily meet demand this year. In addition, Trump's negatives have not been fully exploited as campaign wedges. Consider Trump's plans to use the DOJ to go after his political enemies Trump's close ally Sean Hannity all but strangled Trump to get him to disavow this plan to no success, Trump really believes there is this Deep State that cannot be controlled by the elected President and his political appointees; Trump will bring massive cuts in staff to the FBI and the National Security Agency amongst others to implement his agenda of extracting the Deep State from America's government and in the process dramatically weaken America! Trump will definitely revoke the Affordable Care Act in part because he hates Obama who is responsible for its enactment into law, Trump will sellout Ukraine to Putin, etc. etc. etc.. The bottom line is the Republican Party will likely lose the White House Race if they go with Donald Trump in 2024.

Chris Christie did America a great service in running to be the Republican nominee for president this election cycle. He showed great character in going after Donald Trump conveying the message he does not have the make-up or record to be President. Christie did a great service to America when he dropped out of the race before the Iowa primary cause he new he didn't have the votes and knew it was important that the Republican Party whittle down the primary to one candidate that could challenge Trump. Christie showed extraordinary virtue when he dropped out not endorsing Haley or Desantis because it wouldn't be fair to the one not endorsed in the Iowa race let the campaigns determine what the outcome of that race should be. But now when the Iowa race showed that Desantis only beat Haley by less than three percentage points after Desantis largely bet all his chips on that hand and this may be unfair but it is the reality the American electorate sees the media has really spoken they see the Republican primary now as a race between Trump and Haley, Desantis gets much less coverage. If Chris Christie endorses Haley now he says not so fast to all those people in and outside the Republican Party that want to call the primary that the primary race for all practical and intensive purposes is over Trump won, he is reminding the powers-that-be that many rank and file faithful conservative Republicans are not happy with the choice of Trump as the Party nominee, that Haley is a great conservative nominee and will be a strong advocate for Republican values in the White House and he will be helping the Republican Party do what the Republican Party desperately needs to do which is show Governor Ron Desantis the door in the race, Trump is a cult figure in the Republican Party which means he has a strong core base Haley is going to need every non-Trump loyalist vote if she is to win the primary this year!

Earlier Chris Christie said he cannot endorse Nikki Haley because he was concerned she would accept the offer to be Donald Trump's Vice-President and if she did she would be making Chris's endorsement of Haley, poor leadership by Chris to Chris's many loyal followers. Well I think the actions that took place this past week by the relevant actors all but drove a stake through the heart of any life that Haley might be Trump's Vice-President nominee. There is one inviolate rule a Presidential candidate has to follow in selecting a Vice-President the person selected has to be a suitable candidate for the job of President of the United States. Trump this past week killed Haley's eligibility for passing this test when he said things like "she is not Presidential timber" or she isn't strong enough can't handle the stress or isn't smart or wise enough. Nikki also shot that option when she called into question Trump's mental stability one cannot now select her if chosen the Democrats would play her sound bite over a thousand times to the Trump campaign's detriment. Moreover, Nikki knows how vindictive Trump is and with Nikki continually banging the drum Trump brings chaos that record would create too much temptation for Trump; plus, with Nikki having been in the Trump White House she knows how morally and character depraved the Trump show can be, Nikki is too smart to want to sign on to that nightmare experience! If Chris Christie wants to step up and be a great citizen again for America there is no good reason for him not to step into this role in so for as giving an endorsement for the Nikki Haley campaign for President!
Anything Crispy Creme endorses i will oppose geometrically. Crispy is bitter that he never got the nod for AG of the US under President Trump, so Crispy is fat fucking mad....

Today, in the Wall Street Journal there was an article that essentially made the point that if Chris Christie endorsed Nikki Haley to be the Republican nominee for President of the United States it would help Nikki in the New Hampshire Republican primary to be held this Tuesday. I agree with this analysis and think the Republican Party desperately needs Chris Christie to do it and do it as soon as possible. The Iowa primary last week really had a devastating effect on the Republican primary with Trump winning the caucus primary by thirty percentage point it gave the impression that the primary for all practical and intensive purposes is over, Trump will be the Republican nominee. With big name Republicans endorsing Trump in the last week or so, Senator Marco Rubio, Senator Ted Cruz and Senator Tim Scott and an abundance of lesser names the Trump campaign has gained an air of inevitability and that is outstandingly bad for the Republican Party and the country. Something has to be done to arrest Nikki Haley's fall from being the candidate with the momentum in the race. The only chance for the Republican Party to not end up with Donald Trump as their Presidential nominee this year is if after the New Hampshire primary and before the South Carolina primary, the primary race becomes a two person race between Trump and Haley and Haley does well in the NH primary coming within fifteen percentage points of Trump thereby showing she is a legitimate contender; if the NH primary is a repeat of the Iowa primary it will show that rank and file members of the Republican Party want Trump and their will should be respected. The reason why if Haley does respectable in the NH primary the Republican Party still has primary race to determine is because of the mouth on Nikki Haley she has the ability to make the case that she is a strong and better candidate and Trump is the weaker candidate and make that case in a compelling manner!

Why is it you say that it is important that the Republicans not go with Trump, but rather, Haley because both candidates will put into place policies vastly better than Biden's. Excluding the fact that Trump is a human tempest and you really cannot be sure what the policies you will end up with a President Trump, the fact of the matter is that Trump is a weak candidate for the Presidency alarmingly weak, his weaknesses should be extremely worrisome because they turn off voters to such a degree that there is no hope of changing these voters to supporters. The response to this some might have is your over blowing the situation numerous current polls have Trump beating Biden in the General Election by several percentage points. This point is the Trojan Horse, this is story that Republicans and Independents across America will be tricked into believing that will get them bamboozled in this primary election. See this is the story that Joe Biden and his closest allies want you to believe. President Joe Biden's reelection campaign has gotten really bad grades because they have not reversed Biden's bad poll numbers and this is a key and telling fact one big odd and strange decision Joe Biden has made is to not move his top lieutenants from the White House to the campaign, these very capable people that know Biden's accomplishments and the importance of such.

I want everyone to put their thinking caps on right now why is it that Biden hasn't followed this fundamental strategy of Presidential Politics 101 move your key people to the re-election campaign. The media would have you believe that Joe Biden is so feeble and mentally challenged that he needs these lieutenants around him to prop him up so the President can function or that Joe needs these key people to help him navigate the critical bills he must negotiate with Congress. This is all slight of hand manipulation by the Biden Team; Joe Biden is calling the shots in the White House no one is treating him like a marionette and for help in negotiating important bills with Congress. Joe Biden has been a key player in so many Congressional negotiations over his fifty year career it is fair to say what Warren Buffet is to being capable in buying growth businesses Joe Biden is being capable in negotiating good bills. Let Republicans and Independents not be stupid here the truth of the matter is Joe Biden hasn't unleashed his "A" reelection team against Trump because Joe Biden doesn't want to smoke Trump at the current time, if he smokes Trump their leading candidate now the Republican Party will put up another leading candidate other than Trump that will be harder to smoke. To put it another way at this time Trump is beating Biden in the polls because Biden is making a deliberate and conscious decision to allow it after Trump secures the Republican nomination the Biden campaign will bomb Donald Trump and bomb him massively and Trump's support amongst the American voters will shrink and to the degree experts will not predict Trump to win in November! Republicans and Independents are thinking Joe Biden is a very weak candidate for reelection, not necessarily so, Biden has a lot of economic luck coming his way this year inflation is coming down, and because of this interest rates will be brought lower by the Federal Reserve Bank and oil prices will moderate this year as supply will readily meet demand this year. In addition, Trump's negatives have not been fully exploited as campaign wedges. Consider Trump's plans to use the DOJ to go after his political enemies Trump's close ally Sean Hannity all but strangled Trump to get him to disavow this plan to no success, Trump really believes there is this Deep State that cannot be controlled by the elected President and his political appointees; Trump will bring massive cuts in staff to the FBI and the National Security Agency amongst others to implement his agenda of extracting the Deep State from America's government and in the process dramatically weaken America! Trump will definitely revoke the Affordable Care Act in part because he hates Obama who is responsible for its enactment into law, Trump will sellout Ukraine to Putin, etc. etc. etc.. The bottom line is the Republican Party will likely lose the White House Race if they go with Donald Trump in 2024.

Chris Christie did America a great service in running to be the Republican nominee for president this election cycle. He showed great character in going after Donald Trump conveying the message he does not have the make-up or record to be President. Christie did a great service to America when he dropped out of the race before the Iowa primary cause he new he didn't have the votes and knew it was important that the Republican Party whittle down the primary to one candidate that could challenge Trump. Christie showed extraordinary virtue when he dropped out not endorsing Haley or Desantis because it wouldn't be fair to the one not endorsed in the Iowa race let the campaigns determine what the outcome of that race should be. But now when the Iowa race showed that Desantis only beat Haley by less than three percentage points after Desantis largely bet all his chips on that hand and this may be unfair but it is the reality the American electorate sees the media has really spoken they see the Republican primary now as a race between Trump and Haley, Desantis gets much less coverage. If Chris Christie endorses Haley now he says not so fast to all those people in and outside the Republican Party that want to call the primary that the primary race for all practical and intensive purposes is over Trump won, he is reminding the powers-that-be that many rank and file faithful conservative Republicans are not happy with the choice of Trump as the Party nominee, that Haley is a great conservative nominee and will be a strong advocate for Republican values in the White House and he will be helping the Republican Party do what the Republican Party desperately needs to do which is show Governor Ron Desantis the door in the race, Trump is a cult figure in the Republican Party which means he has a strong core base Haley is going to need every non-Trump loyalist vote if she is to win the primary this year!

Earlier Chris Christie said he cannot endorse Nikki Haley because he was concerned she would accept the offer to be Donald Trump's Vice-President and if she did she would be making Chris's endorsement of Haley, poor leadership by Chris to Chris's many loyal followers. Well I think the actions that took place this past week by the relevant actors all but drove a stake through the heart of any life that Haley might be Trump's Vice-President nominee. There is one inviolate rule a Presidential candidate has to follow in selecting a Vice-President the person selected has to be a suitable candidate for the job of President of the United States. Trump this past week killed Haley's eligibility for passing this test when he said things like "she is not Presidential timber" or she isn't strong enough can't handle the stress or isn't smart or wise enough. Nikki also shot that option when she called into question Trump's mental stability one cannot now select her if chosen the Democrats would play her sound bite over a thousand times to the Trump campaign's detriment. Moreover, Nikki knows how vindictive Trump is and with Nikki continually banging the drum Trump brings chaos that record would create too much temptation for Trump; plus, with Nikki having been in the Trump White House she knows how morally and character depraved the Trump show can be, Nikki is too smart to want to sign on to that nightmare experience! If Chris Christie wants to step up and be a great citizen again for America there is no good reason for him not to step into this role in so for as giving an endorsement for the Nikki Haley campaign for President!
I know that Donald Trump will ALWAYS put America first, and will immediately bring the hammer down on Obrador just like he did when he was President to stabilize the border. I also know that Haley is a political shape shifter and I do NOT know what policies she would or would not bring. She is toast anyway thank goodness.
Maybe you mucks should dump Trump. You just might win with someone else, but, you're all not that smart.
Nah....anyone of the others will lose in a landslide. They just haven't developed any brand.
Haley is a no chance at all
Desantis has good brand but not enough exposure yet. Prolly 28? Swamy? Love the guy but he's got an accent....certain death in a national election.

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