Chris Christie mocks 'disaster' Donald Trump at upstate biz conference

So NOW he is a traitor?

KKKult members say praise to the Donald.

You fucks are very obtuse.
yup, and so are ALL of the SCUM demonRATS
you must be really fucking stupid, not to understand that

Chris Wray was Chris Christie’s personal lawyer (that’s who pushed him on Trump) and had the support of the insufferable Dick Blumenthal. He has far and away been Trump’s biggest personnel disaster. And it didn’t need to happen. The writing was on the wall.

So Trump mocked Chris Christe weight...
Does that mean Trump can be mocked for being Morbidly Obese by others...
You couldn't make this up...

Can we be shown where Chris Wray has not followed his oath to up hold the law?
Can we see where he didn't take direction from the DOJ?

Are saying why didn't he put a Gesapto like leader in charge of the FBI who would only go after Trump's political enemies and not his friends. You want someone who will ignore their oath of office and act more like Putin's SSB...

Trump mistake was to put a guy who put America and law and order before party and loyalty to its leader...
So NOW he is a traitor?

KKKult members say praise to the Donald.

You fucks are very obtuse.
What do you take people for? Just staying awake for politics keeps you apprised. Christie ran in New Jersey for governor and won. But there was a conservative compared to him he beat in the primaries. Who can win and who cannot. He is a left leaning Repub. He has Prog verbal abilities. Atlantic City could have been totally Vegas East with the ways of the local within a hundred miles or so. But the Progs who started it, infected the potential with their corruption.

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