Trump sues CNN for $475 million for calling him insurrectionist, racist, Russian-lackey, & compared him to Hitler, to "defeat him politically"

I mean first off, for a public person the bar is pretty damn high for defamation.
I ain't a lawyer but I think poster Winston is right in that call.
Is Trump going to testify under oath that it is not true?
Now that could be of interest.
Though, as one poster mentioned ...he could repeatedly take the fifth.
Whereupon another poster perceptively noted......that's generally a problematic gambit. For a plaintiff.
So there is that.

Any cultists want to discuss the merits of the case,
Well, I can't speak for any of those 'cultists'; however, I would be interested in reading poster Colonel's view of the merits of the case. What has Trump got going for him in this suit? And what do you think CNN's defense would be?
And do you think Don Trump will take the stand under oath ---to answer what would likely be some, well, some rather pointed questions by defense counsel?

LOL HiLaRiOuS...ReTaRd

Ah, so poster Randy Rainbow is now using those afflicted with Downes as his punchline? Satirize and ridiculing those souls as tactic to advance his argument?

This may just be me, but that seems rather skeezy to me. Low end, so to speak.
That's just how I think. But then, Randy may not have any other tools in his toolbox, so to speak.
I ain't a lawyer but I think poster Winston is right in that call.

Now that could be of interest.
Though, as one poster mentioned ...he could repeatedly take the fifth.
Whereupon another poster perceptively noted......that's generally a problematic gambit. For a plaintiff.
So there is that.

Well, I can't speak for any of those 'cultists'; however, I would be interested in reading poster Colonel's view of the merits of the case. What has Trump got going for him in this suit? And what do you think CNN's defense would be?
And do you think Don Trump will take the stand under oath ---to answer what would likely be some, well, some rather pointed questions by defense counsel?

Ah, so poster Randy Rainbow is now using those afflicted with Downes as his punchline? Satirize and ridiculing those souls as tactic to advance his argument?

This may just be me, but that seems rather skeezy to me. Low end, so to speak.
That's just how I think. But then, Randy may not have any other tools in his toolbox, so to speak.
No I'm quoting the idiot I responded to. If you checked his post history it's literally all he says. You won't of course cause he's on "your team"
Donald Trump is going after CNN in court -- alleging the network defamed him out of fear that he'll run for president again ... and he's asking for a boatload of cash over it.

In other news, Gary Ridgeway is suing the networks for calling him a serial killer...
Now that could be of interest.
Though, as one poster mentioned ...he could repeatedly take the fifth.
Whereupon another poster perceptively noted......that's generally a problematic gambit. For a plaintiff.
So there is that.

You can’t take the fifth in a Civil case, it only applies to criminal prosecution
Trump's style is jungle politics, the war of all against all, divide and conquer, even within his own administration, which was divided, just like he divided America

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