Trump sues CNN for $475 million for calling him insurrectionist, racist, Russian-lackey, & compared him to Hitler, to "defeat him politically"

Donald Trump is going after CNN in court -- alleging the network defamed him out of fear that he'll run for president again ... and he's asking for a boatload of cash over it.


I guess the donations to his PAC are drying up

Trump sues CNN for $475 million for calling him insurrectionist, racist, Russian-lackey, & compared him to Hitler, to "defeat him politically"​

Lets see..

Russian Lackey……Double Check
Comparable to Hitler……Hitler had better hair
Donald Trump is going after CNN in court -- alleging the network defamed him out of fear that he'll run for president again ... and he's asking for a boatload of cash over it.


Did Trump write that himself? It reads like it was written by a 4th grader. No way a lawyer did this
So, the person on the far left is one of the lawyers that are signed at the bottom....I wonder why Trump choose her...

Is Trump going to testify under oath that it is not true?
Once his lawyers sit the toddler down & tell him it's time for his deposition, he'll drop it like a hot potato. If it gets that far before some judge laughs him out of court.
His suit has no merit

”They are calling me names” :206:

Is not grounds for a suit
Actually a person could sue CNN for calling them names (simple defamation)
But Trump as a public figure, must meet a higher burden of proving actual malice in their reporting. And of course, TRUTH is an absolute defenses in such a lawsuit.
Donald Trump is going after CNN in court -- alleging the network defamed him out of fear that he'll run for president again ... and he's asking for a boatload of cash over it.

The Cry Baby Loser's flailing his victim card by claiming everyone is being mean to him is an essential component in his grievancepalooza shtick. Of course, bringing baseless legal claims (Remember his 60+ frivolous appeals of the 2020 election that were all laughed out of court - even by Trump-appointed judges?) nicely supplements his whiny, petty vendetta proclivities.

He'll be spending quite a bit of time in various courts anyway. Why not try a stunt like this?
Who the sam hell is advising this moron? I mean first off, for a public person the bar is pretty damn high for defamation. But second, and most importantly, the number one defense against defamation is you can't be sued for telling the truth. Dumbass Trump has how opened the door for public litigation into claims he is a racist, an insurrectionist, Russian lackey that loved Hitler. What a damn fool.

You seem a bit foolish yourself.

Trump doesn't care about any of that.

Because this lawsuit also opens up every nook and cranny of the CNN editorial process for public inspection

I'll bet anyone 10 bucks right now, that CNN settles rather than expose that in court.
Donald Trump is going after CNN in court -- alleging the network defamed him out of fear that he'll run for president again ... and he's asking for a boatload of cash over it.

What a loser! Why would he think he could win that one?
Who the sam hell is advising this moron? I mean first off, for a public person the bar is pretty damn high for defamation. But second, and most importantly, the number one defense against defamation is you can't be sued for telling the truth. Dumbass Trump has how opened the door for public litigation into claims he is a racist, an insurrectionist, Russian lackey that loved Hitler. What a damn fool.

Trump is a fool. Watch his lawyers.

Hasn't this been tossed out already, or am I confusing it with other Trump lawsuits?

You know. The one against the NY Times, the one against Hillary Clinton, the previous one against CNN ... am I leaving any out?

Like the others, it will be dismissed, with prejudice, and Trump will have to pay legal costs.

How'd that lawsuit against Hillary turn out for him?

He tried that with Hillary & the judge handed his ass back to him. Trump is a fucking courtroom troll & he'll have his ass handed back to him again in this case.

Lol, pretty hilarious 😂

I guess the donations to his PAC are drying up

Trump sues CNN for $475 million for calling him insurrectionist, racist, Russian-lackey, & compared him to Hitler, to "defeat him politically"​

Lets see..

Russian Lackey……Double Check
Comparable to Hitler……Hitler had better hair


Actually a person could sue CNN for calling them names (simple defamation)
But Trump as a public figure, must meet a higher burden of proving actual malice in their reporting. And of course, TRUTH is an absolute defenses in such a lawsuit.

The Cry Baby Loser's flailing his victim card by claiming everyone is being mean to him is an essential component in his grievancepalooza shtick. Of course, bringing baseless legal claims (Remember his 60+ frivolous appeals of the 2020 election that were all laughed out of court - even by Trump-appointed judges?) nicely supplements his whiny, petty vendetta proclivities.

He'll be spending quite a bit of time in various courts anyway. Why not try a stunt like this?

What a loser! Why would he think he could win that one?
Filthy fucked in the head TDS’ing Libs-
“Every case against Trump is a golden slam-dunk!”

Filthy fucked in the head TDS’ing Libs-
“No case brought by Trump has merit.”

hahaha….geee, I wonder why nobody sane and truly legitimate takes you bottom feeding degenerate abnormals seriously.
Donald Trump is going after CNN in court -- alleging the network defamed him out of fear that he'll run for president again ... and he's asking for a boatload of cash over it.

I love it, make CNN finance his re-election campaign

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