Chris Christie supports transgender surgery for kids

No, Conservatives don’t feel sorry for Transexuals. They mock them as freaks and pass laws preventing transition, passing information about it, openly appearing in public.

No we don't...we want laws protecting children and you demonic ass hats fight it at every turn

Pretend you're a woman, we don't care but keep it away from children
Where have you been

JFK is still honored by Democrats
It is Republicans who deride their past leaders as RINOs

Today's Democrat Party dishonors JFK by being such obedient little communists. JFK detested communism, and he probably would have spit in your faces.

And of course we deride some of our own leaders. You should try holding some of your own leader's feet to the fire sometime. It's a liberating experience.
He didn't say that...

He said that the Parents should make those choices and the Government has no business in making choices for them...

Christe was very clear that Parents should make the choice for their children, not the Government...

BTW, I'm not a supporter of Christe..
So our government shouldn't protect children from their misguided parents?... we do it in all kinds of scenarios from keeping parents from giving drugs and alcohol to their minor children or prostituting them out.... or not sending them to school or home school to making them work at a young age... I can go on and on... so what is so different about sex change surgery on children?.... why is that ok?... because its the new woke thing to come along?....
No, Conservatives don’t feel sorry for Transexuals. They mock them as freaks and pass laws preventing transition, passing information about it, openly appearing in public.

Encourage them to permanently ruin their lives is a far worse thing you Democrat do.
No we don't...we want laws protecting children and you demonic ass hats fight it at every turn

Pretend you're a woman, we don't care but keep it away from children
You are not protecting children

You are passing laws that override the decisions made by transchildren, their parents and medical professionals who actually studied the individual case and made recommendations

Republicans are passing laws based on hatred of Transexuals without consulting actual professionals in the field or actual Transexuals
Health care is bad, right?
Healthcare? Suppressing physical development for eventual mutilation is healthcare?
Sexual function and gratification is NO guarantee either after transitioning. The maintenance that a trans-female has to go through post op is full of risks, infections, dilating a the newly formed vagina. A lifetime of HRT. "Healthcare" is a massive over simplification IMO. Look, I'm all for grown adults doing what they want to do. But this should stop with Children. Let them grow and develop as their bodies were meant to do. Plus, the side effects of HRT in a young boy is even worse if they choose to transition since you stopped puberty and the growth of the penis during puberty.

Today's Democrat Party dishonors JFK by being such obedient little communists. JFK detested communism, and he probably would have spit in your faces.
Republicans of the day called JFK a Communist
Well that's a stark contrast to all those other Democrats who gleefully say they want Trump to run against Biden, because he can easily be beaten.

If you Democrats are so sure of yourselves, why are you trying so hard to disqualify him from running?

Why am I detecting mixed signals here? Do you have that little faith that Biden could actually be reelected?
That is the view of an Independent and pretty well in contrast with the Dems and what's left of the Republicans. I am sure of myself and what is best for the country because I am not tied to those two political machine, but the parties appear to favor a re-run of 2020. Easy to understand in the Dems, yet impossible to understand by the Republicans that would push Trump in the primary, knowing he has no chance (even less than in 2020) of winning. Republicans favor their own downfall, for the cult of personality and culture war. I stay away from people that play games with their own destruction. You should to.
You are not protecting children

You are passing laws that override the decisions made by transchildren, their parents and medical professionals who actually studied the individual case and made recommendations

Republicans are passing laws based on hatred of Transexuals without consulting actual professionals in the field or actual Transexuals

Children don't and can't make life alternating decisions. The fact you believe they can is disturbing

You should probably stay away from children
Children don't and can't make life alternating decisions. The fact you believe they can is disturbing

You should probably stay away from children
Children don’t
But they have a say in the matter, as they should

The decision is ultimately made by their parents and medical professionals who are experts in the field, have extensively studied the case and make recommendations based on experience

Republicans are making laws based on hatred and misinformation
Children don’t
But they have a say in the matter, as they should

The decision is ultimately made by their parents and medical professionals who are experts in the field, have extensively studied the case and make recommendations based on experience

Republicans are making laws based on hatred and misinformation

Just stay away from kids
That is the view of an Independent and pretty well in contrast with the Dems and what's left of the Republicans. I am sure of myself and what is best for the country because I am not tied to those two political machine, but the parties appear to favor a re-run of 2020. Easy to understand in the Dems, yet impossible to understand by the Republicans that would push Trump in the primary, knowing he has no chance (even less than in 2020) of winning. Republicans favor their own downfall, for the cult of personality and culture war. I stay away from people that play games with their own destruction. You should to.

No guts no glory. You're a moderate Democrat, much like those Republicans we call "RINOs."

We divorced ourselves from them in 2016.
Fat Chris should run as a Democrat.
Seems a bit vague .. where is Christie saying he supports cutting off genitals and boobs?
No guts no glory. You're a moderate Democrat, much like those Republicans we call "RINOs."

We divorced ourselves from them in 2016.
Won't be long there won't be many of you left. Trumpsters have truned their back on many people since 2016

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