Chris Christie supports transgender surgery for kids

The decision of treatment for a trans child needs to be made by the child, their parents and medical professionals both physical and psychological.

Allowing Republicans who are making the decision for that child based on lies, misinformation and hatred is not the answer
I'm not sure this is a Republican or Democrat issue, and reducing the issue to black/white, Republican vs Democrat narrative is doing disservice to the conversation. There is a huge middle ground to this conversation that should be discussed. I'm for adults making life changing decision for themselves. I'm not sure I'm for adults making life changing decision for their child who doesn't have the capability to make these decisions for themselves.

I've said it before, medical capacity doesn't equal medical necessity. The left is over simplifying a monumental decision and surgical procedure that is life long with no guarantee of overall sexual gratification, function, nor do we fully understand the long term mental effects that transitioning will have.
Won't be long there won't be many of you left. Trumpsters have truned their back on many people since 2016

You think you're going to get rid of the MAGA movement that easy? Trump isn't through with you guys and girls yet.

you are here.jpg
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But, not as bad for the country and the free world as that worthless, egomaniacal, piece of sh#t trump. He already tried to overthrow a free election in this country with his little band of moronic, swallow anything, tear it all down, anarchist minority. Joe is a better choice, than him any day, and I say that wishing what's left of the Republican Party would give us a viable choice to re-electing Joe. but figure they want their boy, more than wanting the White House.
That election was full of fraud and most folks realize it. What good is a Rino as President?
Who is mutilating children? Name names and give examples.

If you have cable, the program "I am Jazz" is about the ongoing saga of a child who received mutilating medical treatments as well as surgery for years for people's entertainment on the TLC network.

You just have to turn on the tube.

They aren't shy about it.
If you have cable, the program "I am Jazz" is about the ongoing saga of a child who received mutilating medical treatments as well as surgery for years for people's entertainment on the TLC network.

You just have to turn on the tube.

They aren't shy about it.

You're wasting time with that one
Its bad if goverment has to help childrenz with medical care, food, or education. Socialism! Bootstraps like we Boomers did it!

Mississippi, the ultimate expression of the MAGA Party.

Food and education isn't healthcare you fckn left loon and mutilation of children isn't "healthcare".

Good fckn grief.

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